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    Copyright © 2003 Keith Packard
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    Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
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    documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
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    the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
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    copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
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    documentation, and that the name of the author(s) not be used in
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    advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without
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    specific, written prior permission.  The authors make no
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    representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It
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    is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
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	<title>Fontconfig Developers Reference, Version &version; </title>
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				HP Cambridge Research Lab
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Copyright © 2002 Keith Packard
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Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
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documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
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the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
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copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
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documentation, and that the name of the author(s) not be used in
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advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without
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specific, written prior permission.  The authors make no
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representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It
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is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
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Fontconfig is a library designed to provide system-wide font configuration,
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customization and application access.
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<sect1><title>FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW</title>
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Fontconfig contains two essential modules, the configuration module which
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builds an internal configuration from XML files and the matching module
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which accepts font patterns and returns the nearest matching font.
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  <sect2><title>FONT CONFIGURATION</title>
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The configuration module consists of the FcConfig datatype, libexpat and
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FcConfigParse which walks over an XML tree and amends a configuration with
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data found within.  From an external perspective, configuration of the
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library consists of generating a valid XML tree and feeding that to
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FcConfigParse.  The only other mechanism provided to applications for
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changing the running configuration is to add fonts and directories to the
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list of application-provided font files.  
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The intent is to make font configurations relatively static, and shared by
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as many applications as possible.  It is hoped that this will lead to more
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stable font selection when passing names from one application to another.
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XML was chosen as a configuration file format because it provides a format
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which is easy for external agents to edit while retaining the correct
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structure and syntax.
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Font configuration is separate from font matching; applications needing to
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do their own matching can access the available fonts from the library and
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perform private matching.  The intent is to permit applications to pick and
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choose appropriate functionality from the library instead of forcing them to
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choose between this library and a private configuration mechanism.  The hope
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is that this will ensure that configuration of fonts for all applications
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can be centralized in one place.  Centralizing font configuration will
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simplify and regularize font installation and customization.
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    <title>FONT PROPERTIES</title>
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While font patterns may contain essentially any properties, there are some
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well known properties with associated types.  Fontconfig uses some of these
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properties for font matching and font completion.  Others are provided as a
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convenience for the application's rendering mechanism.
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                 Property Definitions
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    Property       C Preprocessor Symbol  Type    Description
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    family         FC_FAMILY              String  Font family names
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    familylang     FC_FAMILYLANG          String  Language corresponding to
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                                                  each family name
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    style          FC_STYLE               String  Font style. Overrides weight
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                                                  and slant
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    stylelang      FC_STYLELANG           String  Language corresponding to
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                                                  each style name
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    fullname       FC_FULLNAME            String  Font face full name where
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                                                  different from family and
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                                                  family + style
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    fullnamelang   FC_FULLNAMELANG        String  Language corresponding to
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                                                  each fullname
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    slant          FC_SLANT               Int     Italic, oblique or roman
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    weight         FC_WEIGHT              Int     Light, medium, demibold,
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                                                  bold or black
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    size           FC_SIZE                Double  Point size
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    width          FC_WIDTH               Int     Condensed, normal or expanded
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    aspect         FC_ASPECT              Double  Stretches glyphs horizontally
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                                                  before hinting
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    pixelsize      FC_PIXEL_SIZE          Double  Pixel size
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    spacing        FC_SPACING             Int     Proportional, dual-width,
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                                                  monospace or charcell
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    foundry        FC_FOUNDRY             String  Font foundry name
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    antialias      FC_ANTIALIAS           Bool    Whether glyphs can be
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    hinting        FC_HINTING             Bool    Whether the rasterizer should
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                                                  use hinting
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    hintstyle      FC_HINT_STYLE          Int     Automatic hinting style
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    verticallayout FC_VERTICAL_LAYOUT     Bool    Use vertical layout
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    autohint       FC_AUTOHINT            Bool    Use autohinter instead of
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                                                  normal hinter
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    globaladvance  FC_GLOBAL_ADVANCE      Bool    Use font global advance data (deprecated)
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    file           FC_FILE                String  The filename holding the font
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    index          FC_INDEX               Int     The index of the font within
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                                                  the file
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    ftface         FC_FT_FACE             FT_Face Use the specified FreeType
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                                                  face object
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    rasterizer     FC_RASTERIZER          String  Which rasterizer is in use (deprecated)
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    outline        FC_OUTLINE             Bool    Whether the glyphs are outlines
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    scalable       FC_SCALABLE            Bool    Whether glyphs can be scaled
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    scale          FC_SCALE               Double  Scale factor for point->pixel
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                                                  conversions (deprecated)
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    symbol         FC_SYMBOL              Bool    Whether font uses MS symbol-font encoding
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    color          FC_COLOR               Bool    Whether any glyphs have color
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    dpi            FC_DPI                 Double  Target dots per inch
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    rgba           FC_RGBA                Int     unknown, rgb, bgr, vrgb,
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                                                  vbgr, none - subpixel geometry
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    lcdfilter      FC_LCD_FILTER          Int     Type of LCD filter
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    minspace       FC_MINSPACE            Bool    Eliminate leading from line
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    charset        FC_CHARSET             CharSet Unicode chars encoded by
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                                                  the font
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    lang           FC_LANG                LangSet Set of RFC-3066-style
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                                                  languages this font supports
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    fontversion    FC_FONTVERSION         Int     Version number of the font
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    capability     FC_CAPABILITY          String  List of layout capabilities in
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                                                  the font
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    fontformat     FC_FONTFORMAT          String  String name of the font format
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    embolden       FC_EMBOLDEN            Bool    Rasterizer should
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                                                  synthetically embolden the font
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    embeddedbitmap FC_EMBEDDED_BITMAP     Bool    Use the embedded bitmap instead
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                                                  of the outline
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    decorative     FC_DECORATIVE          Bool    Whether the style is a decorative
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    fontfeatures   FC_FONT_FEATURES       String  List of extra feature tags in
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                                                  OpenType to be enabled
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    namelang       FC_NAMELANG            String  Language name to be used for the
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                                                  default value of familylang,
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                                                  stylelang and fullnamelang
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    prgname        FC_PRGNAME             String  Name of the running program
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    hash           FC_HASH                String  SHA256 hash value of the font data
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                                                  with "sha256:" prefix (deprecated)
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    postscriptname FC_POSTSCRIPT_NAME     String  Font name in PostScript
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Fontconfig uses abstract data types to hide internal implementation details
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for most data structures.  A few structures are exposed where appropriate.
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  <sect2><title>FcChar8, FcChar16, FcChar32, FcBool</title>
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These are primitive data types; the FcChar* types hold precisely the number
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of bits stated (if supported by the C implementation).  FcBool holds
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one of two C preprocessor symbols: FcFalse or FcTrue.
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An FcMatrix holds an affine transformation, usually used to reshape glyphs.
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A small set of matrix operations are provided to manipulate these.
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        typedef struct _FcMatrix {
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                double xx, xy, yx, yy;
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        } FcMatrix;
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An FcCharSet is an abstract type that holds the set of encoded Unicode chars
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in a font.  Operations to build and compare these sets are provided.
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An FcLangSet is an abstract type that holds the set of languages supported
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by a font.  Operations to build and compare these sets are provided. These
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are computed for a font based on orthographic information built into the
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fontconfig library. Fontconfig has orthographies for all of the ISO 639-1
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languages except for MS, NA, PA, PS, QU, RN, RW, SD, SG, SN, SU and ZA. If
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you have orthographic information for any of these languages, please submit
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An FcLangResult is an enumeration used to return the results of comparing
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two language strings or FcLangSet objects. FcLangEqual means the
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objects match language and territory. FcLangDifferentTerritory means
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the objects match in language but differ in territory.
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FcLangDifferentLang means the objects differ in language.
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Tags the kind of data stored in an FcValue.
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An FcValue object holds a single value with one of a number of different
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types.  The 'type' tag indicates which member is valid.
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        typedef struct _FcValue {
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                FcType type;
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                union {
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                        const FcChar8 *s;
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                        int i;
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                        FcBool b;
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                        double d;
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                        const FcMatrix *m;
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                        const FcCharSet *c;
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			void *f;
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			const FcLangSet *l;
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                } u;
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        } FcValue;
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                  FcValue Members
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        Type            Union member    Datatype
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        FcTypeVoid      (none)          (none)
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        FcTypeInteger   i               int
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        FcTypeDouble    d               double
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        FcTypeString    s               FcChar8 *
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        FcTypeBool      b               b
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        FcTypeMatrix    m               FcMatrix *
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        FcTypeCharSet   c               FcCharSet *
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	FcTypeFTFace	f		void * (FT_Face)
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	FcTypeLangSet	l		FcLangSet *
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holds a set of names with associated value lists; each name refers to a
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property of a font.  FcPatterns are used as inputs to the matching code as
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well as holding information about specific fonts.  Each property can hold
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one or more values; conventionally all of the same type, although the
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interface doesn't demand that.
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        typedef struct _FcFontSet {
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                int nfont;
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                int sfont;
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                FcPattern **fonts;
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        } FcFontSet;
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An FcFontSet contains a list of FcPatterns.  Internally fontconfig uses this
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data structure to hold sets of fonts.  Externally, fontconfig returns the
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results of listing fonts in this format.  'nfont' holds the number of
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patterns in the 'fonts' array; 'sfont' is used to indicate the size of that
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  <sect2><title>FcStrSet, FcStrList</title>
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FcStrSet holds a list of strings that can be appended to and enumerated.
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Its unique characteristic is that the enumeration works even while strings
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are appended during enumeration.  FcStrList is used during enumeration to
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safely and correctly walk the list of strings even while that list is edited
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in the middle of enumeration.
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        typedef struct _FcObjectSet {
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                int nobject;
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                int sobject;
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                const char **objects;
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        } FcObjectSet;
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holds a set of names and is used to specify which fields from fonts are
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placed in the the list of returned patterns when listing fonts.
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        typedef struct _FcObjectType {
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                const char *object;
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                FcType type;
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        } FcObjectType;
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marks the type of a pattern element generated when parsing font names.
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Applications can add new object types so that font names may contain the new
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        typedef struct _FcConstant {
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            const FcChar8 *name;
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            const char *object;
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            int value;
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        } FcConstant;
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Provides for symbolic constants for new pattern elements.  When 'name' is
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seen in a font name, an 'object' element is created with value 'value'.
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holds a list of Unicode chars which are expected to be blank; unexpectedly
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blank chars are assumed to be invalid and are elided from the charset
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associated with the font.
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        FcBlanks is deprecated and should not be used in newly written code.
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        It is still accepted by some functions for compatibility with
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        older code but will be removed in the future.
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holds the per-user cache information for use while loading the font
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database. This is built automatically for the current configuration when
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that is loaded.  Applications must always pass '0' when one is requested.
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holds a complete configuration of the library; there is one default
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configuration, other can be constructed from XML data structures.  All
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public entry points that need global data can take an optional FcConfig*
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argument; passing 0 uses the default configuration.  FcConfig objects hold two
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sets of fonts, the first contains those specified by the configuration, the
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second set holds those added by the application at run-time.  Interfaces
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that need to reference a particular set use one of the FcSetName enumerated
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Specifies one of the two sets of fonts available in a configuration;
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FcSetSystem for those fonts specified in the configuration and
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FcSetApplication which holds fonts provided by the application.
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Used as a return type for functions manipulating FcPattern objects.
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      FcResult Values
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        Result Code             Meaning
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        FcResultMatch           Object exists with the specified ID
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        FcResultNoMatch         Object doesn't exist at all
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        FcResultTypeMismatch    Object exists, but the type doesn't match
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        FcResultNoId            Object exists, but has fewer values
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                                than specified
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        FcResultOutOfMemory     malloc failed
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Used for locking access to configuration files.  Provides a safe way to update
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configuration files.
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Holds information about the fonts contained in a single directory. Normal
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applications need not worry about this as caches for font access are
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automatically managed by the library. Applications dealing with cache
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management may want to use some of these objects in their work, however the
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included 'fc-cache' program generally suffices for all of that.
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These are grouped by functionality, often using the main data type being
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These functions provide some control over how the library is initialized.
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An FcPattern is an opaque type that holds both patterns to match against the
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available fonts, as well as the information about each font.
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An FcFontSet simply holds a list of patterns; these are used to return the
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results of listing available fonts.
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An FcObjectSet holds a list of pattern property names; it is used to
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indicate which properties are to be returned in the patterns from
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  <sect2><title>FreeType specific functions</title>
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While the fontconfig library doesn't insist that FreeType be used as the
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rasterization mechanism for fonts, it does provide some convenience
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FcValue is a structure containing a type tag and a union of all possible
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datatypes.  The tag is an enum of type 
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and is intended to provide a measure of run-time
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typechecking, although that depends on careful programming.
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An FcCharSet is a boolean array indicating a set of Unicode chars.  Those
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associated with a font are marked constant and cannot be edited.
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FcCharSets may be reference counted internally to reduce memory consumption;
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this may be visible to applications as the result of FcCharSetCopy may
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return it's argument, and that CharSet may remain unmodifiable.
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An FcLangSet is a set of language names (each of which include language and
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an optional territory). They are used when selecting fonts to indicate which
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languages the fonts need to support. Each font is marked, using language
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orthography information built into fontconfig, with the set of supported
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FcMatrix structures hold an affine transformation in matrix form.
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An FcRange holds two variables to indicate a range in between.
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An FcConfig object holds the internal representation of a configuration.
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There is a default configuration which applications may use by passing 0 to
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any function using the data within an FcConfig.
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Provides for application-specified font name object types so that new
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pattern elements can be generated from font names.
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Provides for application-specified symbolic constants for font names.
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Maps weights to and from OpenType weights.
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An FcBlanks object holds a list of Unicode chars which are expected to
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be blank when drawn.  When scanning new fonts, any glyphs which are
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empty and not in this list will be assumed to be broken and not placed in
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the FcCharSet associated with the font.  This provides a significantly more
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accurate CharSet for applications.
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        FcBlanks is deprecated and should not be used in newly written code.
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        It is still accepted by some functions for compatibility with
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        older code but will be removed in the future.
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These functions provide a safe way to update configuration files, allowing ongoing
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reading of the old configuration file while locked for writing and ensuring that a
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consistent and complete version of the configuration file is always available.
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  <sect2><title>File and Directory routines</title>
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These routines work with font files and directories, including font
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directory cache files.
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  <sect2><title>FcCache routines</title>
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These routines work with font directory caches, accessing their contents in
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limited ways. It is not expected that normal applications will need to use
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these functions.
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  <sect2><title>FcStrSet and FcStrList</title>
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A data structure for enumerating strings, used to list directories while
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scanning the configuration as directories are added while scanning.
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  <sect2><title>String utilities</title>
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Fontconfig manipulates many UTF-8 strings represented with the FcChar8 type.
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These functions are exposed to help applications deal with these UTF-8
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strings in a locale-insensitive manner.
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