Blame doc/FcDirSave.3

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.TH "FcDirSave" "3" "30 8月 2018" "Fontconfig 2.13.1" ""
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FcDirSave \- DEPRECATED: formerly used to save a directory cache
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\fB#include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h>
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FcBool FcDirSave (FcFontSet *\fIset\fB, FcStrSet *\fIdirs\fB, const FcChar8 *\fIdir\fB);
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This function now does nothing aside from returning FcFalse. It used to creates the
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per-directory cache file for \fIdir\fR and populates it
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with the fonts in \fIset\fR and subdirectories in
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\fIdirs\fR\&. All of this functionality is now automatically
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managed by FcDirCacheLoad and FcDirCacheRead.