Blame ide/README.IDE

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As for today, FLTK 1.3 officially supports
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the following integrated environments (1):
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distrib subdir 	|   supported products
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ide/VisualC6	|   Microsoft Visual C++ 6 and 2005 (2)
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ide/VisualC2008	|   Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
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ide/VisualC2010	|   Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 and later (3)
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ide/Xcode4 	|   Apple Xcode 3.x and up (see ../README.OSX.txt)
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Notes :
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(1) For *nix platforms based on the autoconf/configure/make toolchain,
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    simply run autoconf, then the configure script on the root dir.
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    Read the ./README file for more info.
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(2) When first using the project file (ide/VisualC6/fltk.dsw) with
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    VC++ 2005, you will be asked to convert the project to the newer
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(3) When first using the project file (ide/VisualC2010/fltk.sln) with
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    a later version of Visual C++ you may be asked to convert the project
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    to the newer format.
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Further notes about Microsoft IDE project files (Dec. 2010, Nov. 2016):
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The FLTK team limits support to the last two releases of any major IDE.
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For Visual Studio, this is currently VisualC 2008 and VisualC 2010.
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Earlier versions of Visual Studio can import the VisualC6 Project file
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to generate a working Solution.
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VisualC2008 and VisualC2010 Solutions were generated with the free
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Visual Studio Express edition of the corresponding version.
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Update (FLTK 1.3.4, Nov. 2016): The VisualC2010 project files are known
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to work well with the free version of Visual C++ 2015 Community.
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Further notes about Xcode IDE project files (March 2015):
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The FLTK Xcode project, FLTK.xcodeproj, is usable with versions 3 and
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upward of Xcode (even if it's in a directory called Xcode4 for
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historical reason). The Xcode developer environment is currently
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available at no cost from the App store.
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Other IDE's and Platforms
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Code::Blocks supports FLTK project natively. Please compile and install
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FLTK using the Makefile system. Once installed, new FLTK projects
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can be generated using the Code::Blocks IDE.
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Other IDE's are not supported by the FLTK team. See below for changes
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in the next release (FLTK 1.4.0) and later versions.
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Using CMake to generate IDE project files (FLTK 1.3.4)
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Other IDE files can likely be created using CMake and the provided
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CMake files. However, as of Nov 2016 (FLTK 1.3.4) this is not yet fully
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supported. The FLTK team can't guarantee the usability of any generated
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IDE files.
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Future FLTK versions (1.4.0 and later)
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All bundled IDE project files will be dropped in FLTK 1.4.0 in favor of
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better CMake support.
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The FLTK team will officially support generation of selected IDE projects,
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particularly Visual C++ and Xcode. Older version support of these IDE
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projects will be limited to the versions that are supported by and can be
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generated with CMake.