Blame tests/pthread.l

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 * This file is part of flex.
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 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
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 * are met:
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 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
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 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
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 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
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 *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
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 * Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
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 * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
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 * without specific prior written permission.
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/* A scanner file to build "scanner.c".
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   Input language is any text made of spaces, newlines, and alphanumerics.
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   We create N_THREADS number of threads. Each thread has it's own scanner.
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   Each thread selects one of the files specified in ARGV, scans it, then
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   closes it. This is repeated N_SCANS numebr of times for each thread.
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   The idea is to press the scanner to break under threads.
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   If we see  "Scanner Jammed", then we know
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#include <stdio.h>
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#include <stdlib.h>
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#include <config.h>
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#include <pthread.h>
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/* A naive test for segfaults when accessing yytext. */
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static int process_text(char* s, yyscan_t  scanner);
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%option 8bit prefix="test"
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%option nounput nomain nodefault noinput
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%option yywrap
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%option reentrant
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%option warn
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    /* Arbitrary states.*/
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%x STATE_1
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%x STATE_2
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    #define NUMBER 200
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    #define WORD   201
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<INITIAL>[[:digit:]]+ { BEGIN(STATE_1); process_text(yytext,yyscanner); return NUMBER; }
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<INITIAL>[[:alpha:]]+ { BEGIN(STATE_2); process_text(yytext,yyscanner); return WORD; }
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<STATE_1>[[:alpha:]]+ { BEGIN(0); process_text(yytext,yyscanner); return WORD; }
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<STATE_1>[[:digit:]]+ { BEGIN(0); process_text(yytext,yyscanner); return NUMBER; }
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<STATE_2>[[:alpha:]]+ { BEGIN(0); process_text(yytext,yyscanner); return WORD; }
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<STATE_2>[[:digit:]]+ { BEGIN(0); process_text(yytext,yyscanner); return NUMBER; }
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<INITIAL,STATE_1,STATE_2>" "|\t|\r|\n { process_text(yytext,yyscanner); }
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<INITIAL,STATE_1,STATE_2>[^[:alnum:][:space:]\t\r\n] {
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        /*fprintf(stderr,"*** Error: bad input char '%c'.\n", yytext[0]); */
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<INITIAL,STATE_1,STATE_2>[[:space:]\r\n]+  { }
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int yywrap( yyscan_t  scanner) {
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    return 1;
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static int process_text(char* s, yyscan_t  scanner)
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    return (int)(*s) + (int) *(s + yyget_leng(scanner)-1);
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int main(int ARGC, char *ARGV[]);
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  int main (int ARGC, char *ARGV[]) {
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       "TEST ABORTED because pthread library not available \n"
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       "-- This is expected on some systems. It is not a flex error.\n" );
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    return 0;
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#define N_THREADS 4
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#define N_SCANS   20
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#define INPUT_FILE "test.input"
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/* Each thread selects the next file to scan in round-robin fashion.
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   If there are less files than threads, some threads may block. */
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static pthread_mutex_t next_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
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static pthread_mutex_t go_ahead  = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
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static int n_files, next_file;
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static pthread_mutex_t *file_locks;
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static char **filenames;
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void * thread_func ( void* arg )
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    int i;
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    /* Wait for go-ahead. */
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    pthread_mutex_lock( &go_ahead);
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    for( i =0 ; i < N_SCANS ; i++ )
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        int main(int ARGC, char *ARGV[]);
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        int next;
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        yyscan_t  scanner;
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        FILE * fp;
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        pthread_mutex_lock ( &next_lock );
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        next = (next_file++) % n_files;
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        pthread_mutex_unlock ( &next_lock );
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        pthread_mutex_lock ( &file_locks[ next ] );
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        yylex_init( &scanner );
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        /*printf("Scanning file %s  #%d\n",filenames[next],i); fflush(stdout); */
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        if((fp = fopen(filenames[next],"r"))==NULL) {
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            return NULL;
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        while( yylex( scanner) != 0)
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        pthread_mutex_unlock ( &file_locks[ next ] );
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    return NULL;
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int main (int ARGC, char *ARGV[])
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    int i;
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    pthread_t threads[N_THREADS];
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    if( ARGC < 2 ) {
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        fprintf(stderr,"*** Error: No filenames specified.\n");
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    /* Allocate and initialize the locks. One for each filename in ARGV. */
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    file_locks = malloc((ARGC-1) * sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
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    for( i = 0; i < ARGC-1; i++)
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        pthread_mutex_init( &file_locks[i], NULL );
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    n_files = ARGC -1;
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    filenames = ARGV + 1;
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    next_file = 0;
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    /* prevent threads from starting until all threads have been created. */
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    /* Create N threads then wait for them. */
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    for(i =0; i < N_THREADS ; i++ ) {
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        if( pthread_create( &threads[i], NULL, thread_func, NULL) != 0)
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            fprintf(stderr, "*** Error: pthread_create failed.\n");
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        printf("Created thread %d.\n",i); fflush(stdout);
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    /* Tell threads to begin. */
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    for(i =0; i < N_THREADS ; i++ ) {
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        pthread_join ( threads[i], NULL );
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        printf("Thread %d done.\n", i ); fflush(stdout);
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    for( i = 0; i < ARGC-1; i++)
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        pthread_mutex_destroy( &file_locks[i] );
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    pthread_mutex_destroy( &next_lock );
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    pthread_mutex_destroy( &go_ahead );
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    free( file_locks );
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    printf("TEST RETURNING OK.\n");
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    return 0;
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#endif /* HAVE_LIBPTHREAD */
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