Blame include/FLAC/all.h

Packit 8f7830
/* libFLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec library
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 * Copyright (C) 2000-2009  Josh Coalson
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 * Copyright (C) 2011-2016  Xiph.Org Foundation
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 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
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 * are met:
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 * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
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 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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 * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
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 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
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 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
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 * - Neither the name of the Foundation nor the names of its
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 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
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 * this software without specific prior written permission.
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#ifndef FLAC__ALL_H
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#define FLAC__ALL_H
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#include "export.h"
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#include "assert.h"
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#include "callback.h"
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#include "format.h"
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#include "metadata.h"
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#include "ordinals.h"
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#include "stream_decoder.h"
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#include "stream_encoder.h"
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/** \mainpage
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 * \section intro Introduction
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 * This is the documentation for the FLAC C and C++ APIs.  It is
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 * highly interconnected; this introduction should give you a top
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 * level idea of the structure and how to find the information you
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 * need.  As a prerequisite you should have at least a basic
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 * knowledge of the FLAC format, documented
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 * here.
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 * \section c_api FLAC C API
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 * The FLAC C API is the interface to libFLAC, a set of structures
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 * describing the components of FLAC streams, and functions for
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 * encoding and decoding streams, as well as manipulating FLAC
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 * metadata in files.  The public include files will be installed
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 * in your include area (for example /usr/include/FLAC/...).
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 * By writing a little code and linking against libFLAC, it is
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 * relatively easy to add FLAC support to another program.  The
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 * library is licensed under Xiph's BSD license.
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 * Complete source code of libFLAC as well as the command-line
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 * encoder and plugins is available and is a useful source of
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 * examples.
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 * Aside from encoders and decoders, libFLAC provides a powerful
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 * metadata interface for manipulating metadata in FLAC files.  It
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 * allows the user to add, delete, and modify FLAC metadata blocks
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 * and it can automatically take advantage of PADDING blocks to avoid
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 * rewriting the entire FLAC file when changing the size of the
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 * metadata.
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 * libFLAC usually only requires the standard C library and C math
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 * library. In particular, threading is not used so there is no
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 * dependency on a thread library. However, libFLAC does not use
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 * global variables and should be thread-safe.
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 * libFLAC also supports encoding to and decoding from Ogg FLAC.
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 * However the metadata editing interfaces currently have limited
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 * read-only support for Ogg FLAC files.
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 * \section cpp_api FLAC C++ API
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 * The FLAC C++ API is a set of classes that encapsulate the
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 * structures and functions in libFLAC.  They provide slightly more
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 * functionality with respect to metadata but are otherwise
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 * equivalent.  For the most part, they share the same usage as
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 * their counterparts in libFLAC, and the FLAC C API documentation
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 * can be used as a supplement.  The public include files
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 * for the C++ API will be installed in your include area (for
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 * example /usr/include/FLAC++/...).
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 * libFLAC++ is also licensed under
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 * Xiph's BSD license.
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 * \section getting_started Getting Started
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 * A good starting point for learning the API is to browse through
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 * the modules.  Modules are logical
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 * groupings of related functions or classes, which correspond roughly
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 * to header files or sections of header files.  Each module includes a
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 * detailed description of the general usage of its functions or
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 * classes.
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 * From there you can go on to look at the documentation of
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 * individual functions.  You can see different views of the individual
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 * functions through the links in top bar across this page.
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 * If you prefer a more hands-on approach, you can jump right to some
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 * example code.
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 * \section porting_guide Porting Guide
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 * Starting with FLAC 1.1.3 a \link porting Porting Guide \endlink
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 * has been introduced which gives detailed instructions on how to
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 * port your code to newer versions of FLAC.
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 * \section embedded_developers Embedded Developers
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 * libFLAC has grown larger over time as more functionality has been
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 * included, but much of it may be unnecessary for a particular embedded
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 * implementation.  Unused parts may be pruned by some simple editing of
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 * src/libFLAC/  In general, the decoders, encoders, and
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 * metadata interface are all independent from each other.
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 * It is easiest to just describe the dependencies:
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 * - All modules depend on the \link flac_format Format \endlink module.
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 * - The decoders and encoders depend on the bitbuffer.
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 * - The decoder is independent of the encoder.  The encoder uses the
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 *   decoder because of the verify feature, but this can be removed if
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 *   not needed.
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 * - Parts of the metadata interface require the stream decoder (but not
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 *   the encoder).
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 * - Ogg support is selectable through the compile time macro
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 *   \c FLAC__HAS_OGG.
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 * For example, if your application only requires the stream decoder, no
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 * encoder, and no metadata interface, you can remove the stream encoder
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 * and the metadata interface, which will greatly reduce the size of the
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 * library.
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 * Also, there are several places in the libFLAC code with comments marked
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 * with "OPT:" where a #define can be changed to enable code that might be
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 * faster on a specific platform.  Experimenting with these can yield faster
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 * binaries.
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/** \defgroup porting Porting Guide for New Versions
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 * This module describes differences in the library interfaces from
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 * version to version.  It assists in the porting of code that uses
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 * the libraries to newer versions of FLAC.
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 * One simple facility for making porting easier that has been added
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 * in FLAC 1.1.3 is a set of \c #defines in \c export.h of each
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 * library's includes (e.g. \c include/FLAC/export.h).  The
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 * \c #defines mirror the libraries'
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 * libtool version numbers,
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 * e.g. in libFLAC there are \c FLAC_API_VERSION_CURRENT,
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 * These can be used to support multiple versions of an API during the
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 * transition phase, e.g.
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 * \code
Packit 8f7830
Packit 8f7830
 *   legacy code
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 * #else
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 *   new code
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 * #endif
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 * \endcode
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 * The source will work for multiple versions and the legacy code can
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 * easily be removed when the transition is complete.
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 * Another available symbol is FLAC_API_SUPPORTS_OGG_FLAC (defined in
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 * include/FLAC/export.h), which can be used to determine whether or not
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 * the library has been compiled with support for Ogg FLAC.  This is
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 * simpler than trying to call an Ogg init function and catching the
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 * error.
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/** \defgroup porting_1_1_2_to_1_1_3 Porting from FLAC 1.1.2 to 1.1.3
Packit 8f7830
 *  \ingroup porting
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Packit 8f7830
 *  \brief
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 *  This module describes porting from FLAC 1.1.2 to FLAC 1.1.3.
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 * The main change between the APIs in 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 is that they have
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 * been simplified.  First, libOggFLAC has been merged into libFLAC and
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 * libOggFLAC++ has been merged into libFLAC++.  Second, both the three
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 * decoding layers and three encoding layers have been merged into a
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 * single stream decoder and stream encoder.  That is, the functionality
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 * of FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoder and FLAC__FileDecoder has been merged
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 * into FLAC__StreamDecoder, and FLAC__SeekableStreamEncoder and
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 * FLAC__FileEncoder into FLAC__StreamEncoder.  Only the
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 * FLAC__StreamDecoder and FLAC__StreamEncoder remain.  What this means
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 * is there is now a single API that can be used to encode or decode
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 * streams to/from native FLAC or Ogg FLAC and the single API can work
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 * on both seekable and non-seekable streams.
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 * Instead of creating an encoder or decoder of a certain layer, now the
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 * client will always create a FLAC__StreamEncoder or
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 * FLAC__StreamDecoder.  The old layers are now differentiated by the
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 * initialization function.  For example, for the decoder,
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 * FLAC__stream_decoder_init() has been replaced by
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 * FLAC__stream_decoder_init_stream().  This init function takes
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 * callbacks for the I/O, and the seeking callbacks are optional.  This
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 * allows the client to use the same object for seekable and
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 * non-seekable streams.  For decoding a FLAC file directly, the client
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 * can use FLAC__stream_decoder_init_file() and pass just a filename
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 * and fewer callbacks; most of the other callbacks are supplied
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 * internally.  For situations where fopen()ing by filename is not
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 * possible (e.g. Unicode filenames on Windows) the client can instead
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 * open the file itself and supply the FILE* to
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 * FLAC__stream_decoder_init_FILE().  The init functions now returns a
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 * FLAC__StreamDecoderInitStatus instead of FLAC__StreamDecoderState.
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 * Since the callbacks and client data are now passed to the init
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 * function, the FLAC__stream_decoder_set_*_callback() functions and
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 * FLAC__stream_decoder_set_client_data() are no longer needed.  The
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 * rest of the calls to the decoder are the same as before.
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 * There are counterpart init functions for Ogg FLAC, e.g.
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 * FLAC__stream_decoder_init_ogg_stream().  All the rest of the calls
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 * and callbacks are the same as for native FLAC.
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 * As an example, in FLAC 1.1.2 a seekable stream decoder would have
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 * been set up like so:
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 * \code
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 * FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoder *decoder = FLAC__seekable_stream_decoder_new();
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 * if(decoder == NULL) do_something;
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 * FLAC__seekable_stream_decoder_set_md5_checking(decoder, true);
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 * [... other settings ...]
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 * FLAC__seekable_stream_decoder_set_read_callback(decoder, my_read_callback);
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 * FLAC__seekable_stream_decoder_set_seek_callback(decoder, my_seek_callback);
Packit 8f7830
 * FLAC__seekable_stream_decoder_set_tell_callback(decoder, my_tell_callback);
Packit 8f7830
 * FLAC__seekable_stream_decoder_set_length_callback(decoder, my_length_callback);
Packit 8f7830
 * FLAC__seekable_stream_decoder_set_eof_callback(decoder, my_eof_callback);
Packit 8f7830
 * FLAC__seekable_stream_decoder_set_write_callback(decoder, my_write_callback);
Packit 8f7830
 * FLAC__seekable_stream_decoder_set_metadata_callback(decoder, my_metadata_callback);
Packit 8f7830
 * FLAC__seekable_stream_decoder_set_error_callback(decoder, my_error_callback);
Packit 8f7830
 * FLAC__seekable_stream_decoder_set_client_data(decoder, my_client_data);
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 * if(FLAC__seekable_stream_decoder_init(decoder) != FLAC__SEEKABLE_STREAM_DECODER_OK) do_something;
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 * \endcode
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 * In FLAC 1.1.3 it is like this:
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 * \code
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 * FLAC__StreamDecoder *decoder = FLAC__stream_decoder_new();
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 * if(decoder == NULL) do_something;
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 * FLAC__stream_decoder_set_md5_checking(decoder, true);
Packit 8f7830
 * [... other settings ...]
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 * if(FLAC__stream_decoder_init_stream(
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 *   decoder,
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 *   my_read_callback,
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 *   my_seek_callback,      // or NULL
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 *   my_tell_callback,      // or NULL
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 *   my_length_callback,    // or NULL
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 *   my_eof_callback,       // or NULL
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 *   my_write_callback,
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 *   my_metadata_callback,  // or NULL
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 *   my_error_callback,
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 *   my_client_data
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 * ) != FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_INIT_STATUS_OK) do_something;
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 * \endcode
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 * or you could do;
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Packit 8f7830
 * \code
Packit 8f7830
 * [...]
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 * FILE *file = fopen("somefile.flac","rb");
Packit 8f7830
 * if(file == NULL) do_somthing;
Packit 8f7830
 * if(FLAC__stream_decoder_init_FILE(
Packit 8f7830
 *   decoder,
Packit 8f7830
 *   file,
Packit 8f7830
 *   my_write_callback,
Packit 8f7830
 *   my_metadata_callback,  // or NULL
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 *   my_error_callback,
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 *   my_client_data
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 * ) != FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_INIT_STATUS_OK) do_something;
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 * \endcode
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 * or just:
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 * \code
Packit 8f7830
 * [...]
Packit 8f7830
 * if(FLAC__stream_decoder_init_file(
Packit 8f7830
 *   decoder,
Packit 8f7830
 *   "somefile.flac",
Packit 8f7830
 *   my_write_callback,
Packit 8f7830
 *   my_metadata_callback,  // or NULL
Packit 8f7830
 *   my_error_callback,
Packit 8f7830
 *   my_client_data
Packit 8f7830
 * ) != FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_INIT_STATUS_OK) do_something;
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 * \endcode
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 * Another small change to the decoder is in how it handles unparseable
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 * streams.  Before, when the decoder found an unparseable stream
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 * (reserved for when the decoder encounters a stream from a future
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 * encoder that it can't parse), it changed the state to
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 * \c FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_UNPARSEABLE_STREAM.  Now the decoder instead
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 * drops sync and calls the error callback with a new error code
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 * more robust.  If your error callback does not discriminate on the the
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 * error state, your code does not need to be changed.
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 * The encoder now has a new setting:
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 * FLAC__stream_encoder_set_apodization().  This is for setting the
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 * method used to window the data before LPC analysis.  You only need to
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 * add a call to this function if the default is not suitable.   There
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 * are also two new convenience functions that may be useful:
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 * FLAC__metadata_object_cuesheet_calculate_cddb_id() and
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 * FLAC__metadata_get_cuesheet().
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 * The \a bytes parameter to FLAC__StreamDecoderReadCallback,
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 * FLAC__StreamEncoderReadCallback, and FLAC__StreamEncoderWriteCallback
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 * is now \c size_t instead of \c unsigned.
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/** \defgroup porting_1_1_3_to_1_1_4 Porting from FLAC 1.1.3 to 1.1.4
Packit 8f7830
 *  \ingroup porting
Packit 8f7830
Packit 8f7830
 *  \brief
Packit 8f7830
 *  This module describes porting from FLAC 1.1.3 to FLAC 1.1.4.
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Packit 8f7830
 * There were no changes to any of the interfaces from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4.
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 * There was a slight change in the implementation of
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 * FLAC__stream_encoder_set_metadata(); the function now makes a copy
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 * of the \a metadata array of pointers so the client no longer needs
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 * to maintain it after the call.  The objects themselves that are
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 * pointed to by the array are still not copied though and must be
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 * maintained until the call to FLAC__stream_encoder_finish().
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/** \defgroup porting_1_1_4_to_1_2_0 Porting from FLAC 1.1.4 to 1.2.0
Packit 8f7830
 *  \ingroup porting
Packit 8f7830
Packit 8f7830
 *  \brief
Packit 8f7830
 *  This module describes porting from FLAC 1.1.4 to FLAC 1.2.0.
Packit 8f7830
Packit 8f7830
 * There were only very minor changes to the interfaces from 1.1.4 to 1.2.0.
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 * In libFLAC, \c FLAC__format_sample_rate_is_subset() was added.
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 * In libFLAC++, \c FLAC::Decoder::Stream::get_decode_position() was added.
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 * Finally, value of the constant \c FLAC__FRAME_HEADER_RESERVED_LEN
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 * has changed to reflect the conversion of one of the reserved bits
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 * into active use.  It used to be \c 2 and now is \c 1.  However the
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 * FLAC frame header length has not changed, so to skip the proper
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 * number of bits, use \c FLAC__FRAME_HEADER_RESERVED_LEN +
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/** \defgroup flac FLAC C API
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Packit 8f7830
 * The FLAC C API is the interface to libFLAC, a set of structures
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 * describing the components of FLAC streams, and functions for
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 * encoding and decoding streams, as well as manipulating FLAC
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 * metadata in files.
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 * You should start with the format components as all other modules
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 * are dependent on it.
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