FCoE Management Tools Installation Guide ======================================== The FCoE Management Tools included in this package are fcoeadm - program to create, reset, destroy, and display FCoE interfaces fcoemon - program to monitor the events from the DCB daemon Requirements: The HBAAPI library and the HBAAPI vendor library source must be built and installed before you can build the management tools. Both the HBAAPI library, libHBAAPI, and the HBAAPI vendor library, libhbalinux, may be downloaded from www.Open-FCoE.org. The instructions in the package describe how to download and build the libraries. Best Practices : Any newly discovered disk can be mounted using udev rules, autofs and possibly by other methods as needed. However, if a fcoe disk is needed by any other system service that follows the fcoe service then the disk will need to be mounted at some point after the fcoe service, but before the service that requires the disk. That mounting could possibly be added to the fcoe service script itself, or to a new service script that would run after fcoe, but before the script that requires the fcoe disk. The following is an example of how to mount a fcoe disk formatted with an ext3 file system using /etc/fstab. mount_fcoe_disks_from_fstab() { local timeout=20 local done=1 local fcoe_disks=($(egrep 'by-path\/fc-.*_netdev' /etc/fstab | cut -d ' ' -f1)) test -z $fcoe_disks && return 0 echo -n "Waiting for fcoe disks . " while [ $timeout -gt 0 ]; do for disk in ${fcoe_disks[*]}; do if ! test -b $disk; then done=0 break fi done test $done -eq 1 && break; sleep 1 echo -n ". " done=1 let timeout-- done if test $timeout -eq 0; then echo "timeout!" else echo "done!" fi # mount any newly discovered disk mount -a 2>/dev/null } The mount_fcoe_disks_from_fstab function should be invoked after the fcoemon daemon is started by the fcoe service script to mount any fcoe disk specified by path in /etc/fstab as:- /dev/disk/by-path/fc-0xXX:0xXX /mnt/fcoe-disk1 ext3 defaults,_netdev 0 0 /dev/disk/by-path/fc-0xYY:0xYY /mnt/fcoe-disk2 ext3 defaults,_netdev 0 0 The /dev/disk/by-path entries with "fc-" and "_netdev" in their names enables mount_fcoe_disks_from_fstab to identify the fcoe disks so that it can wait for the fcoe disks to be discovered. If they are not added to the system within the timeout period the function will exit, the timeout is set to 20 seconds but can be changed to suit the environment. See man fstab(5) for for more details on mounting filesystems.