/* * Farstream - Farstream libnice Stream Transmitter * * Copyright 2007 Collabora Ltd. * @author: Olivier Crete * Copyright 2007 Nokia Corp. * * fs-nice-stream-transmitter.c - A Farstream libnice stream transmitter * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** * SECTION:fs-nice-stream-transmitter * @short_description: A stream transmitter object for ICE using libnice * @see_also: #FsRawUdpStreamTransmitter * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "fs-nice-stream-transmitter.h" #include "fs-nice-transmitter.h" #include "fs-nice-agent.h" #include #include #include #include #define GST_CAT_DEFAULT fs_nice_transmitter_debug /* Signals */ enum { LAST_SIGNAL }; /* props */ enum { PROP_0, PROP_SENDING, PROP_PREFERRED_LOCAL_CANDIDATES, PROP_STUN_IP, PROP_STUN_PORT, PROP_CONTROLLING_MODE, PROP_STREAM_ID, PROP_COMPATIBILITY_MODE, PROP_ASSOCIATE_ON_SOURCE, PROP_RELAY_INFO, PROP_MIN_PORT, PROP_MAX_PORT, PROP_ICE_TCP, PROP_ICE_UDP, PROP_RELIABLE, PROP_DEBUG, PROP_SEND_COMPONENT_MUX }; struct _FsNiceStreamTransmitterPrivate { FsNiceTransmitter *transmitter; FsNiceAgent *agent; guint stream_id; guint min_port; guint max_port; gchar *stun_ip; guint stun_port; gboolean controlling_mode; gboolean ice_udp; gboolean ice_tcp; gboolean reliable; gboolean send_component_mux; guint compatibility_mode; GMutex mutex; GList *preferred_local_candidates; gulong state_changed_handler_id; gulong gathering_done_handler_id; gulong new_selected_pair_handler_id; gulong new_candidate_handler_id; gulong tos_changed_handler_id; GPtrArray *relay_info; volatile gint associate_on_source; gboolean *component_has_been_ready; /* only from NiceAgent main thread */ /* Everything below is protected by the mutex */ gboolean sending; gboolean forced_candidates; GList *remote_candidates; GList *local_candidates; /* These are fixed and must be identical in the latest draft */ gchar *username; gchar *password; gboolean gathered; NiceGstStream *gststream; }; #define FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_GET_PRIVATE(o) \ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((o), FS_TYPE_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER, \ FsNiceStreamTransmitterPrivate)) #define FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_LOCK(o) g_mutex_lock (&(o)->priv->mutex) #define FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK(o) g_mutex_unlock (&(o)->priv->mutex) static void fs_nice_stream_transmitter_class_init (FsNiceStreamTransmitterClass *klass); static void fs_nice_stream_transmitter_init (FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self); static void fs_nice_stream_transmitter_dispose (GObject *object); static void fs_nice_stream_transmitter_finalize (GObject *object); static void fs_nice_stream_transmitter_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static void fs_nice_stream_transmitter_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static gboolean fs_nice_stream_transmitter_add_remote_candidates ( FsStreamTransmitter *streamtransmitter, GList *candidates, GError **error); static gboolean fs_nice_stream_transmitter_force_remote_candidates ( FsStreamTransmitter *streamtransmitter, GList *remote_candidates, GError **error); static gboolean fs_nice_stream_transmitter_gather_local_candidates ( FsStreamTransmitter *streamtransmitter, GError **error); static void fs_nice_stream_transmitter_stop ( FsStreamTransmitter *streamtransmitter); static void agent_state_changed (NiceAgent *agent, guint stream_id, guint component_id, guint state, gpointer user_data); static void agent_gathering_done (NiceAgent *agent, guint stream_id, gpointer user_data); static void agent_new_selected_pair (NiceAgent *agent, guint stream_id, guint component_id, const gchar *lfoundation, const gchar *rfoundation, gpointer user_data); static void agent_new_candidate (NiceAgent *agent, guint stream_id, guint component_id, const gchar *foundation, gpointer user_data); static GstPadProbeReturn known_buffer_have_buffer_handler (GstPad *pad, GstPadProbeInfo *info, gpointer user_data); static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL; // static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; static GType type = 0; GType fs_nice_stream_transmitter_get_type (void) { return type; } GType fs_nice_stream_transmitter_register_type (FsPlugin *module G_GNUC_UNUSED) { static const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof (FsNiceStreamTransmitterClass), NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc) fs_nice_stream_transmitter_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof (FsNiceStreamTransmitter), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) fs_nice_stream_transmitter_init }; type = g_type_register_static (FS_TYPE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER, "FsNiceStreamTransmitter", &info, 0); return type; } static void fs_nice_stream_transmitter_class_init (FsNiceStreamTransmitterClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass; FsStreamTransmitterClass *streamtransmitterclass = FS_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_CLASS (klass); parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); gobject_class->set_property = fs_nice_stream_transmitter_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = fs_nice_stream_transmitter_get_property; gobject_class->dispose = fs_nice_stream_transmitter_dispose; gobject_class->finalize = fs_nice_stream_transmitter_finalize; streamtransmitterclass->add_remote_candidates = fs_nice_stream_transmitter_add_remote_candidates; streamtransmitterclass->force_remote_candidates = fs_nice_stream_transmitter_force_remote_candidates; streamtransmitterclass->gather_local_candidates = fs_nice_stream_transmitter_gather_local_candidates; streamtransmitterclass->stop = fs_nice_stream_transmitter_stop; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (FsNiceStreamTransmitterPrivate)); g_object_class_override_property (gobject_class, PROP_SENDING, "sending"); g_object_class_override_property (gobject_class, PROP_PREFERRED_LOCAL_CANDIDATES, "preferred-local-candidates"); g_object_class_override_property (gobject_class, PROP_ASSOCIATE_ON_SOURCE, "associate-on-source"); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_STUN_IP, g_param_spec_string ( "stun-ip", "STUN server", "The STUN server used to obtain server-reflexive candidates", NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_STUN_PORT, g_param_spec_uint ( "stun-port", "STUN server port", "The STUN server used to obtain server-reflexive candidates", 0, 65536, 3478, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_CONTROLLING_MODE, g_param_spec_boolean ( "controlling-mode", "ICE controlling mode", "Whether the agent is in controlling mode", TRUE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_ICE_UDP, g_param_spec_boolean ( "ice-udp", "ICE UDP", "Whether the agent gathers UDP candidates", TRUE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_ICE_TCP, g_param_spec_boolean ( "ice-tcp", "ICE TCP", "Whether the agent gathers TCP candidates", TRUE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_RELIABLE, g_param_spec_boolean ( "reliable", "reliable mode", "Whether the agent is reliable", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_STREAM_ID, g_param_spec_uint ( "stream-id", "The id of the stream", "The id of the stream according to libnice", 0, G_MAXINT, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_COMPATIBILITY_MODE, g_param_spec_uint ( "compatibility-mode", "The compability-mode", "The id of the stream according to libnice", NICE_COMPATIBILITY_DRAFT19, NICE_COMPATIBILITY_LAST, NICE_COMPATIBILITY_DRAFT19, G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); /** * FsNiceStreamTransmitter:relay-info: * * This is a #GPtrArray containing one or more #GstStructure. * * The fields in the structure are: * * Required * * (gchar*) * ip * The IP address of the TURN server * * * (guint) * port * The port of the TURN server * * * (gchar*) * username * * * (gchar*) * password * * Optional * * (gchar *) * relay-type * The type of TURN server, can use "udp", "tcp" or "tls". * Defaults to "udp" if not specified. * * * (guint) * component * The component this TURN server and creditials will be used for. * If no component is specified, it will be used for all components where * no per-component details were specified. * This is useful if you want to specify different short term creditial * username/password combinations for Google and MSN compatibility modes. * * * * * Example: * |[ GPtrArray *relay_info = g_ptr_array_new_full (1, (GDestroyNotify) gst_structure_free); g_ptr_array_add (relay_info, gst_structure_new ("aa", "ip", G_TYPE_STRING, "", "port", G_TYPE_UINT, 7654, "username", G_TYPE_STRING, "blah", "password", G_TYPE_STRING, "blah2", "relay-type", G_TYPE_STRING, "udp", NULL)); |] * */ g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_RELAY_INFO, g_param_spec_boxed ( "relay-info", "Information for the TURN server", "ip/port/username/password/relay-type/component of the TURN servers" " in a GPtrArray of GstStructures", G_TYPE_PTR_ARRAY, G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_DEBUG, g_param_spec_boolean ( "debug", "Enable debug messages", "Whether the agent should enable libnice and stun debug messages", FALSE, G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_MIN_PORT, g_param_spec_uint ( "min-port", "Minimal listen port", "Minimal port number for allocating host candidates." " 0 means use any port", 0, 65535, 0, G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_MAX_PORT, g_param_spec_uint ( "max-port", "Maximal listen port", "Maximal port number for allocating host candidates." " It should apply that min-port < max-port; otherwise, any port is" " used, just as when the value is 0", 0, 65535, 0, G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_SEND_COMPONENT_MUX, g_param_spec_boolean ( "send-component-mux", "Send component mux", "Whether to mux all components on the same component as component 1", FALSE, G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); } static void fs_nice_stream_transmitter_init (FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self) { /* member init */ self->priv = FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_GET_PRIVATE (self); self->priv->sending = TRUE; g_mutex_init (&self->priv->mutex); self->priv->controlling_mode = TRUE; self->priv->ice_udp = TRUE; self->priv->ice_tcp = TRUE; self->priv->reliable = TRUE; } static void fs_nice_stream_transmitter_dispose (GObject *object) { FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self = FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER (object); fs_nice_stream_transmitter_stop (FS_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_CAST (object)); FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_LOCK (self); if (self->priv->state_changed_handler_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect (self->priv->agent->agent, self->priv->state_changed_handler_id); self->priv->state_changed_handler_id = 0; if (self->priv->gathering_done_handler_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect (self->priv->agent->agent, self->priv->gathering_done_handler_id); self->priv->gathering_done_handler_id = 0; if (self->priv->new_selected_pair_handler_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect (self->priv->agent->agent, self->priv->new_selected_pair_handler_id); self->priv->new_selected_pair_handler_id = 0; if (self->priv->new_candidate_handler_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect (self->priv->agent->agent, self->priv->new_candidate_handler_id); self->priv->new_candidate_handler_id = 0; if (self->priv->tos_changed_handler_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect (self->priv->transmitter, self->priv->tos_changed_handler_id); self->priv->tos_changed_handler_id = 0; if (self->priv->agent) { g_object_unref (self->priv->agent); self->priv->agent = NULL; } FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); if (self->priv->transmitter) { g_object_unref (self->priv->transmitter); self->priv->transmitter = NULL; } parent_class->dispose (object); } static void fs_nice_stream_transmitter_stop (FsStreamTransmitter *streamtransmitter) { FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self = FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER (streamtransmitter); NiceGstStream *gststream; guint stream_id; FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_LOCK (self); gststream = self->priv->gststream; self->priv->gststream = NULL; stream_id = self->priv->stream_id; /* We can't unset the stream id because it gets messy fast, just leave it as * is, all calls should fail anyway */ FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); if (gststream) fs_nice_transmitter_free_gst_stream (self->priv->transmitter, gststream); if (stream_id) nice_agent_remove_stream (self->priv->agent->agent, stream_id); } static void fs_nice_stream_transmitter_finalize (GObject *object) { FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self = FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER (object); fs_candidate_list_destroy (self->priv->preferred_local_candidates); fs_candidate_list_destroy (self->priv->remote_candidates); fs_candidate_list_destroy (self->priv->local_candidates); if (self->priv->relay_info) g_ptr_array_unref (self->priv->relay_info); g_free (self->priv->stun_ip); g_mutex_clear (&self->priv->mutex); g_free (self->priv->username); g_free (self->priv->password); g_free (self->priv->component_has_been_ready); parent_class->finalize (object); } static void fs_nice_stream_transmitter_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self = FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_SENDING: FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_LOCK (self); g_value_set_boolean (value, self->priv->sending); FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); break; case PROP_PREFERRED_LOCAL_CANDIDATES: g_value_set_boxed (value, self->priv->preferred_local_candidates); break; case PROP_STUN_IP: if (self->priv->agent) g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (self->priv->agent->agent), g_param_spec_get_name (pspec), value); else g_value_set_string (value, self->priv->stun_ip); break; case PROP_STUN_PORT: if (self->priv->agent) g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (self->priv->agent->agent), g_param_spec_get_name (pspec), value); else g_value_set_uint (value, self->priv->stun_port); break; case PROP_CONTROLLING_MODE: if (self->priv->agent) g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (self->priv->agent->agent), g_param_spec_get_name (pspec), value); else g_value_set_boolean (value, self->priv->controlling_mode); break; case PROP_ICE_UDP: if (self->priv->agent) g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (self->priv->agent->agent), g_param_spec_get_name (pspec), value); else g_value_set_boolean (value, self->priv->ice_udp); break; case PROP_ICE_TCP: if (self->priv->agent) g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (self->priv->agent->agent), g_param_spec_get_name (pspec), value); else g_value_set_boolean (value, self->priv->ice_tcp); break; case PROP_RELIABLE: if (self->priv->agent) g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (self->priv->agent->agent), g_param_spec_get_name (pspec), value); else g_value_set_boolean (value, self->priv->reliable); break; case PROP_STREAM_ID: FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_LOCK (self); g_value_set_uint (value, self->priv->stream_id); FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); break; case PROP_COMPATIBILITY_MODE: g_value_set_uint (value, self->priv->compatibility_mode); break; case PROP_ASSOCIATE_ON_SOURCE: g_value_set_boolean (value, g_atomic_int_get (&self->priv->associate_on_source)); break; case PROP_SEND_COMPONENT_MUX: g_value_set_boolean (value, self->priv->send_component_mux); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void fs_nice_stream_transmitter_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self = FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_SENDING: FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_LOCK (self); self->priv->sending = g_value_get_boolean (value); if (self->priv->gststream) fs_nice_transmitter_set_sending (self->priv->transmitter, self->priv->gststream, g_value_get_boolean (value)); FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); break; case PROP_PREFERRED_LOCAL_CANDIDATES: self->priv->preferred_local_candidates = g_value_dup_boxed (value); break; case PROP_STUN_IP: self->priv->stun_ip = g_value_dup_string (value); break; case PROP_STUN_PORT: self->priv->stun_port = g_value_get_uint (value); break; case PROP_CONTROLLING_MODE: self->priv->controlling_mode = g_value_get_boolean (value); if (self->priv->transmitter && self->priv->agent) g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (self->priv->agent->agent), g_param_spec_get_name (pspec), value); break; case PROP_ICE_UDP: self->priv->ice_udp = g_value_get_boolean (value); if (self->priv->transmitter && self->priv->agent) g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (self->priv->agent->agent), g_param_spec_get_name (pspec), value); break; case PROP_ICE_TCP: self->priv->ice_tcp = g_value_get_boolean (value); if (self->priv->transmitter && self->priv->agent) g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (self->priv->agent->agent), g_param_spec_get_name (pspec), value); break; case PROP_RELIABLE: self->priv->reliable = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; case PROP_COMPATIBILITY_MODE: self->priv->compatibility_mode = g_value_get_uint (value); break; case PROP_ASSOCIATE_ON_SOURCE: g_atomic_int_set (&self->priv->associate_on_source, g_value_get_boolean (value)); break; case PROP_RELAY_INFO: self->priv->relay_info = g_value_dup_boxed (value); break; case PROP_MIN_PORT: self->priv->min_port = g_value_get_uint (value); break; case PROP_MAX_PORT: self->priv->max_port = g_value_get_uint (value); break; case PROP_DEBUG: if (g_value_get_boolean (value)) { nice_debug_enable (TRUE); } else { nice_debug_disable (TRUE); } break; case PROP_SEND_COMPONENT_MUX: self->priv->send_component_mux = g_value_get_boolean (value); if (self->priv->gststream != NULL) fs_nice_transmitter_set_send_component_mux (self->priv->transmitter, self->priv->gststream, self->priv->send_component_mux); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static NiceCandidateType fs_candidate_type_to_nice_candidate_type (FsCandidateType type) { switch (type) { case FS_CANDIDATE_TYPE_HOST: return NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_HOST; case FS_CANDIDATE_TYPE_SRFLX: return NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_SERVER_REFLEXIVE; case FS_CANDIDATE_TYPE_PRFLX: return NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_PEER_REFLEXIVE; case FS_CANDIDATE_TYPE_RELAY: return NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_RELAYED; default: GST_WARNING ("Invalid candidate type %d, defaulting to type host", type); return NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_HOST; } } static NiceCandidateTransport fs_network_protocol_to_nice_candidate_protocol (FsNetworkProtocol proto) { switch (proto) { case FS_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_UDP: return NICE_CANDIDATE_TRANSPORT_UDP; case FS_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_TCP_ACTIVE: return NICE_CANDIDATE_TRANSPORT_TCP_ACTIVE; case FS_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_TCP_PASSIVE: return NICE_CANDIDATE_TRANSPORT_TCP_PASSIVE; case FS_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_TCP_SO: return NICE_CANDIDATE_TRANSPORT_TCP_SO; default: GST_WARNING ("Invalid Fs network protocol type %u", proto); return NICE_CANDIDATE_TRANSPORT_UDP; } } static NiceCandidate * fs_candidate_to_nice_candidate (FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self, FsCandidate *candidate) { NiceCandidate *nc = nice_candidate_new ( fs_candidate_type_to_nice_candidate_type (candidate->type)); nc->transport = fs_network_protocol_to_nice_candidate_protocol (candidate->proto); nc->priority = candidate->priority; nc->stream_id = self->priv->stream_id; nc->component_id = candidate->component_id; if (candidate->foundation != NULL) strncpy (nc->foundation, candidate->foundation, NICE_CANDIDATE_MAX_FOUNDATION - 1); nc->username = g_strdup(candidate->username); nc->password = g_strdup(candidate->password); if (candidate->ip == NULL) goto error; if (!nice_address_set_from_string (&nc->addr, candidate->ip)) goto error; nice_address_set_port (&nc->addr, candidate->port); if (candidate->base_ip && candidate->base_port) { if (!nice_address_set_from_string (&nc->base_addr, candidate->base_ip)) goto error; nice_address_set_port (&nc->base_addr, candidate->base_port); } return nc; error: nice_candidate_free (nc); return NULL; } static gboolean fs_nice_stream_transmitter_add_remote_candidates ( FsStreamTransmitter *streamtransmitter, GList *candidates, GError **error) { FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self = FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER (streamtransmitter); GList *item; GSList *nice_candidates = NULL; gint c; const gchar *username; const gchar *password; if (!candidates) { GST_DEBUG ("NULL candidates passed, lets do an ICE restart"); FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_LOCK (self); if (self->priv->remote_candidates) fs_candidate_list_destroy (self->priv->remote_candidates); self->priv->remote_candidates = NULL; self->priv->forced_candidates = FALSE; g_free (self->priv->username); g_free (self->priv->password); self->priv->username = NULL; self->priv->password = NULL; FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); nice_agent_restart (self->priv->agent->agent); return TRUE; } FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_LOCK (self); username = self->priv->username; password = self->priv->password; /* Validate candidates */ for (item = candidates; item; item = g_list_next (item)) { FsCandidate *candidate = item->data; if (!candidate->ip) { FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Candidate MUST have an IP address"); return FALSE; } if (candidate->component_id == 0 || candidate->component_id > self->priv->transmitter->components) { FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Candidate MUST have a component id between 1 and %d, %d is invalid", self->priv->transmitter->components, candidate->component_id); return FALSE; } if (candidate->type == FS_CANDIDATE_TYPE_MULTICAST) { FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "libnice transmitter does not accept multicast candidates"); return FALSE; } if (!candidate->username) { FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Invalid remote candidates passed, does not have a username"); return FALSE; } if (self->priv->compatibility_mode != NICE_COMPATIBILITY_GOOGLE && !candidate->password) { FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Invalid remote candidates passed, does not have a password"); return FALSE; } if (self->priv->compatibility_mode != NICE_COMPATIBILITY_GOOGLE && self->priv->compatibility_mode != NICE_COMPATIBILITY_MSN && self->priv->compatibility_mode != NICE_COMPATIBILITY_OC2007) { if (!username) { username = candidate->username; } else if (strcmp (username, candidate->username)) { FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Invalid remote candidates passed, does not have the right" " username"); return FALSE; } if (!password) { password = candidate->password; } else if (strcmp (password, candidate->password)) { FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Invalid remote candidates passed, does not have the right" " password"); return FALSE; } } } if (!self->priv->username) self->priv->username = g_strdup (username); if (!self->priv->password) self->priv->password = g_strdup (password); if (self->priv->forced_candidates) { FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Candidates have been forced, can't set remote candidates"); return FALSE; } if (!self->priv->gathered) { self->priv->remote_candidates = g_list_concat ( self->priv->remote_candidates, fs_candidate_list_copy (candidates)); FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); return TRUE; } if (self->priv->compatibility_mode != NICE_COMPATIBILITY_GOOGLE && self->priv->compatibility_mode != NICE_COMPATIBILITY_MSN && self->priv->compatibility_mode != NICE_COMPATIBILITY_OC2007) { username = g_strdup (username); password = g_strdup (password); FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); if (!nice_agent_set_remote_credentials (self->priv->agent->agent, self->priv->stream_id, username, password)) { g_free ((gchar*) username); g_free ((gchar*) password); g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INTERNAL, "Could not set the security credentials"); return FALSE; } g_free ((gchar*) username); g_free ((gchar*) password); } else { FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); } for (c = 1; c <= self->priv->transmitter->components; c++) { for (item = candidates; item; item = g_list_next (item)) { FsCandidate *candidate = item->data; if (candidate->component_id == c) { NiceCandidate *nc = fs_candidate_to_nice_candidate (self, candidate); if (!nc) goto error; nice_candidates = g_slist_append (nice_candidates, nc); } } nice_agent_set_remote_candidates (self->priv->agent->agent, self->priv->stream_id, c, nice_candidates); g_slist_foreach (nice_candidates, (GFunc)nice_candidate_free, NULL); g_slist_free (nice_candidates); nice_candidates = NULL; } return TRUE; error: g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Invalid remote candidates passed"); g_slist_foreach (nice_candidates, (GFunc) nice_candidate_free, NULL); g_slist_free (nice_candidates); return FALSE; } static gboolean fs_nice_stream_transmitter_force_remote_candidates_act ( FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self, GList *remote_candidates) { gboolean res = TRUE; GList *item = NULL; for (item = remote_candidates; item && res; item = g_list_next (item)) { FsCandidate *candidate = item->data; NiceCandidate *nc = fs_candidate_to_nice_candidate (self, candidate); res &= nice_agent_set_selected_remote_candidate (self->priv->agent->agent, self->priv->stream_id, candidate->component_id, nc); nice_candidate_free (nc); } return res; } static gboolean fs_nice_stream_transmitter_force_remote_candidates ( FsStreamTransmitter *streamtransmitter, GList *remote_candidates, GError **error) { FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self = FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER (streamtransmitter); GList *item = NULL; gboolean res = TRUE; gboolean *done; done = g_new0(gboolean, self->priv->transmitter->components); memset (done, 0, self->priv->transmitter->components * sizeof (gboolean)); if (self->priv->stream_id == 0) { g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Can not call this function before gathering local candidates"); res = FALSE; goto out; } /* First lets check that we have valid candidates */ for (item = remote_candidates; item; item = g_list_next (item)) { FsCandidate *candidate = item->data; if (candidate->component_id < 1 || candidate->component_id > self->priv->transmitter->components) { g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "The component on this candidate is wrong"); res = FALSE; goto out; } if (done[candidate->component_id-1]) { g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "You can set only one candidate per component"); res = FALSE; goto out; } done[candidate->component_id-1] = TRUE; } FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_LOCK (self); self->priv->forced_candidates = TRUE; if (self->priv->gathered) { FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); res = fs_nice_stream_transmitter_force_remote_candidates_act (self, remote_candidates); } else { if (self->priv->remote_candidates) fs_candidate_list_destroy (self->priv->remote_candidates); self->priv->remote_candidates = fs_candidate_list_copy (remote_candidates); FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); } if (!res) g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INTERNAL, "Unknown error while selecting remote candidates"); out: g_free(done); return res; } static FsCandidateType nice_candidate_type_to_fs_candidate_type (NiceCandidateType type) { switch (type) { case NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_HOST: return FS_CANDIDATE_TYPE_HOST; case NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_SERVER_REFLEXIVE: return FS_CANDIDATE_TYPE_SRFLX; case NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_PEER_REFLEXIVE: return FS_CANDIDATE_TYPE_PRFLX; case NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_RELAYED: return FS_CANDIDATE_TYPE_RELAY; default: GST_WARNING ("Invalid candidate type %d, defaulting to type host", type); return FS_CANDIDATE_TYPE_HOST; } } static FsNetworkProtocol nice_candidate_transport_to_fs_network_protocol (NiceCandidateTransport trans) { switch (trans) { case NICE_CANDIDATE_TRANSPORT_UDP: return FS_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_UDP; case NICE_CANDIDATE_TRANSPORT_TCP_PASSIVE: return FS_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_TCP_PASSIVE; case NICE_CANDIDATE_TRANSPORT_TCP_ACTIVE: return FS_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_TCP_ACTIVE; case NICE_CANDIDATE_TRANSPORT_TCP_SO: return FS_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_TCP_SO; default: GST_WARNING ("Invalid Nice network transport type %u", trans); return FS_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_UDP; } } static FsCandidate * nice_candidate_to_fs_candidate (NiceAgent *agent, NiceCandidate *nicecandidate, gboolean local) { FsCandidate *fscandidate; gchar *ipaddr = g_malloc (INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); nice_address_to_string (&nicecandidate->addr, ipaddr); fscandidate = fs_candidate_new ( nicecandidate->foundation, nicecandidate->component_id, nice_candidate_type_to_fs_candidate_type (nicecandidate->type), nice_candidate_transport_to_fs_network_protocol ( nicecandidate->transport), ipaddr, nice_address_get_port (&nicecandidate->addr)); if (nice_address_is_valid (&nicecandidate->base_addr) && nicecandidate->type != NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_HOST) { nice_address_to_string (&nicecandidate->base_addr, ipaddr); fscandidate->base_ip = ipaddr; fscandidate->base_port = nice_address_get_port (&nicecandidate->base_addr); } else { g_free (ipaddr); ipaddr = NULL; } fscandidate->username = g_strdup (nicecandidate->username); fscandidate->password = g_strdup (nicecandidate->password); fscandidate->priority = nicecandidate->priority; if (local && fscandidate->username == NULL && fscandidate->password == NULL) { gchar *username = NULL, *password = NULL; nice_agent_get_local_credentials (agent, nicecandidate->stream_id, &username, &password); fscandidate->username = username; fscandidate->password = password; if (username == NULL || password == NULL) { GST_WARNING ("The stream has no credentials??"); } } return fscandidate; } static gboolean candidate_list_are_equal (GList *list1, GList *list2) { for (; list1 && list2; list1 = list1->next, list2 = list2->next) { FsCandidate *cand1 = list1->data; FsCandidate *cand2 = list2->data; if (strcmp (cand1->ip, cand2->ip)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void weak_agent_removed (gpointer user_data, GObject *where_the_object_was) { GList *agents = NULL; FsParticipant *participant = user_data; FS_PARTICIPANT_DATA_LOCK (participant); agents = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (participant), "nice-agents"); agents = g_list_remove (agents, where_the_object_was); g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (participant), "nice-agents", agents); FS_PARTICIPANT_DATA_UNLOCK (participant); g_object_unref (participant); } static gboolean fs_nice_stream_transmitter_set_relay_info (FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self, const GstStructure *s, guint component_id, GError **error) { const gchar *username, *password, *ip; const gchar *relay_type_string; NiceRelayType relay_type = NICE_RELAY_TYPE_TURN_UDP; guint port; gboolean has_port; ip = gst_structure_get_string (s, "ip"); has_port = gst_structure_get_uint (s, "port", &port); username = gst_structure_get_string (s, "username"); password = gst_structure_get_string (s, "password"); relay_type_string = gst_structure_get_string (s, "relay-type"); if (!ip || !has_port || !username || !password || port > 65535) { g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Need to pass an ip, port, username and password for a relay"); return FALSE; } if (relay_type_string) { if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(relay_type_string, "tcp")) relay_type = NICE_RELAY_TYPE_TURN_TCP; else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(relay_type_string, "tls")) relay_type = NICE_RELAY_TYPE_TURN_TLS; } nice_agent_set_relay_info(self->priv->agent->agent, self->priv->stream_id, component_id, ip, port, username, password, relay_type); return TRUE; } static void tos_changed (GObject *transmitter, GParamSpec *param, FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self) { guint tos; g_object_get (transmitter, "tos", &tos, NULL); nice_agent_set_stream_tos (self->priv->agent->agent, self->priv->stream_id, tos); } static gboolean fs_nice_stream_transmitter_build (FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self, FsParticipant *participant, GError **error) { GList *item; GList *agents = NULL; FsNiceAgent *agent = NULL; gint i; /* Before going any further, check that the list of candidates are ok */ for (item = g_list_first (self->priv->preferred_local_candidates); item; item = g_list_next (item)) { FsCandidate *cand = item->data; if (cand->ip == NULL) { g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "You have to set an ip on your preferred candidate"); return FALSE; } if (cand->port || cand->component_id) { g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "You can not set a port or component id" " for the preferred nice candidate"); return FALSE; } if (cand->type != FS_CANDIDATE_TYPE_HOST) { g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "You can only set preferred candidates of type host"); return FALSE; } } /* Now if we have a relayinfo, lets verify that its ok */ if (self->priv->relay_info) { for (i = 0; i < self->priv->relay_info->len; i++) { const GstStructure *s = g_ptr_array_index (self->priv->relay_info, i); if (!s) { g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Element %d of the relay-info GPtrArray is NULL", i); return FALSE; } if (!gst_structure_has_field_typed (s, "ip", G_TYPE_STRING)) { g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Element %d of the relay-info does not have an ip as a string", i); return FALSE; } if (!gst_structure_has_field_typed (s, "port", G_TYPE_UINT)) { g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Element %d of the relay-info does not have a port as a guint", i); return FALSE; } if (gst_structure_has_field (s, "username") && !gst_structure_has_field_typed (s, "username", G_TYPE_STRING)) { g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Element %d of the relay-info has a username that is not a string", i); return FALSE; } if (gst_structure_has_field (s, "password") && !gst_structure_has_field_typed (s, "password", G_TYPE_STRING)) { g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Element %d of the relay-info has a password that is not a string", i); return FALSE; } if (gst_structure_has_field (s, "relay-type") && !gst_structure_has_field_typed (s, "relay-type", G_TYPE_STRING)) { g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Element %d of the relay-info a relay-type" " that is not a string", i); return FALSE; } if (gst_structure_has_field (s, "component") && !gst_structure_has_field_typed (s, "component", G_TYPE_UINT)) { g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Element %d of the relay-info has a component that is not a uint", i); return FALSE; } } } /* First find if there is already a matching agent */ FS_PARTICIPANT_DATA_LOCK (participant); agents = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (participant), "nice-agents"); for (item = g_list_first (agents); item; item = g_list_next (item)) { guint stun_port; gchar *stun_server; guint compatibility; agent = item->data; g_object_get (agent->agent, "stun-server", &stun_server, "stun-server-port", &stun_port, "compatibility", &compatibility, NULL); /* * Check if the agent matches our requested criteria */ if (compatibility == self->priv->compatibility_mode && stun_port == self->priv->stun_port && (stun_server == self->priv->stun_ip || (stun_server && self->priv->stun_ip && !strcmp (stun_server, self->priv->stun_ip)))) { GList *prefs = NULL; g_object_get (G_OBJECT (agent), "preferred-local-candidates", &prefs, NULL); if (candidate_list_are_equal (prefs, self->priv->preferred_local_candidates)) { fs_candidate_list_destroy (prefs); break; } fs_candidate_list_destroy (prefs); } } /* In this case we need to build a new agent */ if (item == NULL) { agent = fs_nice_agent_new (self->priv->compatibility_mode, self->priv->preferred_local_candidates, self->priv->reliable, error); if (!agent) return FALSE; if (self->priv->stun_ip && self->priv->stun_port) g_object_set (agent->agent, "stun-server", self->priv->stun_ip, "stun-server-port", self->priv->stun_port, NULL); g_object_set (agent->agent, "controlling-mode", self->priv->controlling_mode, "ice-udp", self->priv->ice_udp, "ice-tcp", self->priv->ice_tcp, NULL); agents = g_list_prepend (agents, agent); g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (participant), "nice-agents", agents); g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (agent), weak_agent_removed, participant); g_object_ref (participant); self->priv->agent = agent; } else { self->priv->agent = g_object_ref (agent); } FS_PARTICIPANT_DATA_UNLOCK (participant); self->priv->component_has_been_ready = g_new0 (gboolean, self->priv->transmitter->components); self->priv->stream_id = nice_agent_add_stream ( self->priv->agent->agent, self->priv->transmitter->components); if (self->priv->stream_id == 0) { g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_CONSTRUCTION, "Could not create libnice stream"); return FALSE; } /* if we have a relay- info, lets set it */ if (self->priv->relay_info) { gint c; for (c = 1; c <= self->priv->transmitter->components; c++) { gboolean relay_info_set = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < self->priv->relay_info->len; i++) { const GstStructure *s = g_ptr_array_index (self->priv->relay_info, i); guint component_id; if (gst_structure_get_uint (s, "component", &component_id) && component_id == c) { if (!fs_nice_stream_transmitter_set_relay_info (self, s, c, error)) return FALSE; relay_info_set = TRUE; } } if (!relay_info_set) { for (i = 0; i < self->priv->relay_info->len; i++) { const GstStructure *s = g_ptr_array_index (self->priv->relay_info, i); if (!gst_structure_has_field (s, "component")) if (!fs_nice_stream_transmitter_set_relay_info (self, s, c, error)) return FALSE; } } } } /* Set a port range if it has been specified. */ if (self->priv->min_port && (self->priv->min_port < self->priv->max_port)) { gint c; for (c = 1; c <= self->priv->transmitter->components; c++) { nice_agent_set_port_range (self->priv->agent->agent, self->priv->stream_id, c, self->priv->min_port, self->priv->max_port); } } self->priv->state_changed_handler_id = g_signal_connect_object (agent->agent, "component-state-changed", G_CALLBACK (agent_state_changed), self, 0); self->priv->gathering_done_handler_id = g_signal_connect_object (agent->agent, "candidate-gathering-done", G_CALLBACK (agent_gathering_done), self, 0); self->priv->new_selected_pair_handler_id = g_signal_connect_object ( agent->agent, "new-selected-pair", G_CALLBACK (agent_new_selected_pair), self, 0); self->priv->new_candidate_handler_id = g_signal_connect_object (agent->agent, "new-candidate", G_CALLBACK (agent_new_candidate), self, 0); self->priv->tos_changed_handler_id = g_signal_connect_object ( self->priv->transmitter, "notify::tos", G_CALLBACK (tos_changed), self, 0); tos_changed (G_OBJECT (self->priv->transmitter), NULL, self); self->priv->gststream = fs_nice_transmitter_add_gst_stream ( self->priv->transmitter, self->priv->agent->agent, self->priv->stream_id, known_buffer_have_buffer_handler, self, error); if (self->priv->gststream == NULL) return FALSE; fs_nice_transmitter_set_send_component_mux (self->priv->transmitter, self->priv->gststream, self->priv->send_component_mux); GST_DEBUG ("Created a stream with %u components", self->priv->transmitter->components); return TRUE; } static gboolean fs_nice_stream_transmitter_gather_local_candidates ( FsStreamTransmitter *streamtransmitter, GError **error) { FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self = FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER (streamtransmitter); GST_DEBUG ("Stream %u started", self->priv->stream_id); nice_agent_gather_candidates (self->priv->agent->agent, self->priv->stream_id); return TRUE; } static FsStreamState nice_component_state_to_fs_stream_state (NiceComponentState state) { switch (state) { case NICE_COMPONENT_STATE_DISCONNECTED: return FS_STREAM_STATE_DISCONNECTED; case NICE_COMPONENT_STATE_GATHERING: return FS_STREAM_STATE_GATHERING; case NICE_COMPONENT_STATE_CONNECTING: return FS_STREAM_STATE_CONNECTING; case NICE_COMPONENT_STATE_CONNECTED: return FS_STREAM_STATE_CONNECTED; case NICE_COMPONENT_STATE_READY: return FS_STREAM_STATE_READY; case NICE_COMPONENT_STATE_FAILED: return FS_STREAM_STATE_FAILED; default: GST_ERROR ("Invalid state %u", state); return FS_STREAM_STATE_FAILED; } } struct state_changed_signal_data { FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self; guint component_id; FsStreamState fs_state; }; static void free_state_changed_signal_data (gpointer user_data) { struct state_changed_signal_data *data = user_data; g_object_unref (data->self); g_slice_free (struct state_changed_signal_data, data); } static gboolean state_changed_signal_idle (gpointer userdata) { struct state_changed_signal_data *data = userdata; g_signal_emit_by_name (data->self, "state-changed", data->component_id, data->fs_state); return FALSE; } static void agent_state_changed (NiceAgent *agent, guint stream_id, guint component_id, guint state, gpointer user_data) { FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self = FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER (user_data); FsStreamState fs_state; struct state_changed_signal_data *data; if (stream_id != self->priv->stream_id) return; g_return_if_fail (component_id > 0 && component_id <= self->priv->transmitter->components); /* Ignore failed until we've connected, never time out because * of the dribbling case, more candidates could come later */ if (state == NICE_COMPONENT_STATE_FAILED && !self->priv->component_has_been_ready[component_id - 1]) return; else if (state == NICE_COMPONENT_STATE_READY) self->priv->component_has_been_ready[component_id - 1] = TRUE; fs_state = nice_component_state_to_fs_stream_state (state); data = g_slice_new (struct state_changed_signal_data); GST_DEBUG ("Stream: %u Component %u has state %u", self->priv->stream_id, component_id, state); data->self = g_object_ref (self); data->component_id = component_id; data->fs_state = fs_state; fs_nice_agent_add_idle (self->priv->agent, state_changed_signal_idle, data, free_state_changed_signal_data); if (fs_state >= FS_STREAM_STATE_CONNECTED) { FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_LOCK (self); if (self->priv->gststream) fs_nice_transmitter_request_keyunit (self->priv->transmitter, self->priv->gststream, component_id); FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); } } struct candidate_signal_data { FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self; const gchar *signal_name; FsCandidate *candidate1; FsCandidate *candidate2; }; static void free_candidate_signal_data (gpointer user_data) { struct candidate_signal_data *data = user_data; fs_candidate_destroy (data->candidate1); if (data->candidate2) fs_candidate_destroy (data->candidate2); g_object_unref (data->self); g_slice_free (struct candidate_signal_data, data); } static gboolean agent_candidate_signal_idle (gpointer userdata) { struct candidate_signal_data *data = userdata; g_signal_emit_by_name (data->self, data->signal_name, data->candidate1, data->candidate2); return FALSE; } static void agent_new_selected_pair (NiceAgent *agent, guint stream_id, guint component_id, const gchar *lfoundation, const gchar *rfoundation, gpointer user_data) { FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self = FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER (user_data); GSList *candidates, *item; FsCandidate *local = NULL; FsCandidate *remote = NULL; if (stream_id != self->priv->stream_id) return; candidates = nice_agent_get_local_candidates (agent, self->priv->stream_id, component_id); for (item = candidates; item; item = g_slist_next (item)) { NiceCandidate *candidate = item->data; if (!strcmp (candidate->foundation, lfoundation)) { local = nice_candidate_to_fs_candidate (agent, candidate, TRUE); break; } } g_slist_foreach (candidates, (GFunc)nice_candidate_free, NULL); g_slist_free (candidates); candidates = nice_agent_get_remote_candidates (agent, self->priv->stream_id, component_id); for (item = candidates; item; item = g_slist_next (item)) { NiceCandidate *candidate = item->data; if (!strcmp (candidate->foundation, rfoundation)) { remote = nice_candidate_to_fs_candidate (agent, candidate, FALSE); break; } } g_slist_foreach (candidates, (GFunc)nice_candidate_free, NULL); g_slist_free (candidates); if (local && remote) { struct candidate_signal_data *data = g_slice_new (struct candidate_signal_data); data->self = g_object_ref (self); data->signal_name = "new-active-candidate-pair"; data->candidate1 = local; data->candidate2 = remote; fs_nice_agent_add_idle (self->priv->agent, agent_candidate_signal_idle, data, free_candidate_signal_data); } else { if (local) fs_candidate_destroy (local); if (remote) fs_candidate_destroy (remote); } } static void agent_new_candidate (NiceAgent *agent, guint stream_id, guint component_id, const gchar *foundation, gpointer user_data) { FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self = FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER (user_data); FsCandidate *fscandidate = NULL; GSList *candidates, *item; if (stream_id != self->priv->stream_id) return; GST_DEBUG ("New candidate found for stream %u component %u", stream_id, component_id); candidates = nice_agent_get_local_candidates (agent, stream_id, component_id); for (item = candidates; item; item = g_slist_next (item)) { NiceCandidate *candidate = item->data; if (!strcmp (candidate->foundation, foundation)) { fscandidate = nice_candidate_to_fs_candidate (agent, candidate, TRUE); break; } } g_slist_foreach (candidates, (GFunc) nice_candidate_free, NULL); g_slist_free (candidates); if (fscandidate) { FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_LOCK (self); if (!self->priv->gathered) { /* Nice doesn't do connchecks while gathering, so don't tell the upper * layers about the candidates untill gathering is finished. * Also older versions of farstream would fail the connection right away * when the first candidate given failed immediately (e.g. ipv6 on a * non-ipv6 capable host, so we order ipv6 candidates after ipv4 ones */ if (strchr (fscandidate->ip, ':')) self->priv->local_candidates = g_list_append (self->priv->local_candidates, fscandidate); else self->priv->local_candidates = g_list_prepend (self->priv->local_candidates, fscandidate); FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); } else { struct candidate_signal_data *data = g_slice_new (struct candidate_signal_data); FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); data->self = g_object_ref (self); data->signal_name = "new-local-candidate"; data->candidate1 = fscandidate; data->candidate2 = NULL; fs_nice_agent_add_idle (self->priv->agent, agent_candidate_signal_idle, data, free_candidate_signal_data); } } else { GST_WARNING ("Could not find local candidate with foundation %s" " for component %d in stream %d", foundation, component_id, stream_id); } } static gboolean agent_gathering_done_idle (gpointer data) { FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self = data; GList *remote_candidates = NULL; GList *local_candidates = NULL; gboolean forced_candidates; FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_LOCK (self); if (self->priv->gathered) { FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); return FALSE; } self->priv->gathered = TRUE; remote_candidates = self->priv->remote_candidates; self->priv->remote_candidates = NULL; local_candidates = self->priv->local_candidates; self->priv->local_candidates = NULL; forced_candidates = self->priv->forced_candidates; FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_UNLOCK (self); GST_DEBUG ("Candidates gathered for stream %u", self->priv->stream_id); if (local_candidates) { GList *l; for (l = local_candidates ; l != NULL; l = g_list_next (l)) g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "new-local-candidate", l->data); fs_candidate_list_destroy (local_candidates); } g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "local-candidates-prepared"); if (remote_candidates) { if (forced_candidates) { if (!fs_nice_stream_transmitter_force_remote_candidates_act (self, remote_candidates)) { fs_stream_transmitter_emit_error (FS_STREAM_TRANSMITTER (self), FS_ERROR_INTERNAL, "Error setting delayed forced remote candidates"); } } else { GError *error = NULL; if (self->priv->compatibility_mode != NICE_COMPATIBILITY_GOOGLE && self->priv->compatibility_mode != NICE_COMPATIBILITY_MSN && self->priv->compatibility_mode != NICE_COMPATIBILITY_OC2007) { if (!nice_agent_set_remote_credentials (self->priv->agent->agent, self->priv->stream_id, self->priv->username, self->priv->password)) { fs_stream_transmitter_emit_error (FS_STREAM_TRANSMITTER (self), FS_ERROR_INTERNAL, "Could not set the security credentials"); fs_candidate_list_destroy (remote_candidates); return FALSE; } } if (!fs_nice_stream_transmitter_add_remote_candidates ( FS_STREAM_TRANSMITTER_CAST (self), remote_candidates, &error)) { fs_stream_transmitter_emit_error (FS_STREAM_TRANSMITTER (self), error->code, error->message); } g_clear_error (&error); } fs_candidate_list_destroy (remote_candidates); } return FALSE; } static void agent_gathering_done (NiceAgent *agent, guint stream_id, gpointer user_data) { FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self = FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER (user_data); if (stream_id != self->priv->stream_id) return; fs_nice_agent_add_idle (self->priv->agent, agent_gathering_done_idle, g_object_ref (self), g_object_unref); } FsNiceStreamTransmitter * fs_nice_stream_transmitter_newv (FsNiceTransmitter *transmitter, FsParticipant *participant, guint n_parameters, GParameter *parameters, GError **error) { FsNiceStreamTransmitter *streamtransmitter = NULL; if (!participant || !FS_IS_PARTICIPANT (participant)) { g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "You need a valid participant"); return NULL; } streamtransmitter = g_object_newv (FS_TYPE_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER, n_parameters, parameters); if (!streamtransmitter) { g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_CONSTRUCTION, "Could not build the stream transmitter"); return NULL; } streamtransmitter->priv->transmitter = g_object_ref (transmitter); if (!fs_nice_stream_transmitter_build (streamtransmitter, participant, error)) { g_object_unref (streamtransmitter); return NULL; } return streamtransmitter; } static GstPadProbeReturn known_buffer_have_buffer_handler (GstPad *pad, GstPadProbeInfo *info, gpointer user_data) { FsNiceStreamTransmitter *self = FS_NICE_STREAM_TRANSMITTER (user_data); guint component_id; GstBuffer *buffer = GST_PAD_PROBE_INFO_BUFFER (info); if (!g_atomic_int_get (&self->priv->associate_on_source)) return GST_PAD_PROBE_OK; component_id = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (pad), "component-id")); g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "known-source-packet-received", component_id, buffer); return GST_PAD_PROBE_OK; }