// ***************************************************************** -*- C++ -*- /* * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Exiv2 authors * This program is part of the Exiv2 distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ // ***************************************************************************** #include "config.h" #ifdef EXV_USE_CURL #include #endif #include "http.hpp" #include "version.hpp" #include "makernote_int.hpp" #include "futils.hpp" // Adobe XMP Toolkit #ifdef EXV_HAVE_XMP_TOOLKIT #include "xmp_exiv2.hpp" #endif // + standard includes #include #include #include #include #include #include // #1147 #ifndef WIN32 #include #include #endif #ifndef lengthof #define lengthof(x) sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]) #endif #ifndef _MAX_PATH #define _MAX_PATH 512 #endif // platform specific support for getLoadedLibraries #if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW__) || defined(WIN32) # include # include # if __LP64__ # ifdef _WIN64 # undef _WIN64 # endif # define _WIN64 1 # endif #elif defined(__APPLE__) # include #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) # include # include # include # include # include # include #elif defined(__sun__) # include # include #endif namespace Exiv2 { int versionNumber() { return EXIV2_MAKE_VERSION(EXIV2_MAJOR_VERSION, EXIV2_MINOR_VERSION, EXIV2_PATCH_VERSION); } std::string versionString() { std::ostringstream os; os << EXIV2_MAJOR_VERSION << '.' << EXIV2_MINOR_VERSION << '.' << EXIV2_PATCH_VERSION; return os.str(); } std::string versionNumberHexString() { std::ostringstream os; os << std::hex << std::setw(6) << std::setfill('0') << Exiv2::versionNumber(); return os.str(); } const char* version() { return EXV_PACKAGE_VERSION; } bool testVersion(int major, int minor, int patch) { return versionNumber() >= EXIV2_MAKE_VERSION(major,minor,patch); } } // namespace Exiv2 static bool shouldOutput(const exv_grep_keys_t& greps,const char* key,const std::string& value) { bool bPrint = greps.empty(); for( exv_grep_keys_t::const_iterator g = greps.begin(); !bPrint && g != greps.end() ; ++g ) { std::string Key(key); #if defined(EXV_HAVE_REGEX_H) bPrint = ( 0 == regexec( &(*g), key , 0, NULL, 0) || 0 == regexec( &(*g), value.c_str(), 0, NULL, 0) ); #else std::string Pattern(g->pattern_); std::string Value(value); if ( g->bIgnoreCase_ ) { // https://notfaq.wordpress.com/2007/08/04/cc-convert-string-to-upperlower-case/ std::transform(Pattern.begin(), Pattern.end(),Pattern.begin(), ::tolower); std::transform(Key.begin() , Key.end() ,Key.begin() , ::tolower); std::transform(Value.begin() , Value.end() ,Value.begin() , ::tolower); } bPrint = Key.find(Pattern) != std::string::npos || Value.find(Pattern) != std::string::npos; #endif } return bPrint; } static void output(std::ostream& os,const exv_grep_keys_t& greps,const char* name,const std::string& value) { if ( shouldOutput(greps,name,value) ) os << name << "=" << value << std::endl; } static void output(std::ostream& os,const exv_grep_keys_t& greps,const char* name,int value) { std::ostringstream stringStream; stringStream << value; output(os,greps,name,stringStream.str()); } static bool pushPath(std::string& path,Exiv2::StringVector& libs,Exiv2::StringSet& paths) { bool result = Exiv2::fileExists(path,true) && paths.find(path) == paths.end() && path != "/" ; if ( result ) { paths.insert(path); libs.push_back(path); } return result ; } static Exiv2::StringVector getLoadedLibraries() { Exiv2::StringVector libs ; Exiv2::StringSet paths; std::string path ; #if defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW__) // enumerate loaded libraries and determine path to executable HMODULE handles[200]; DWORD cbNeeded; if ( EnumProcessModules(GetCurrentProcess(),handles,lengthof(handles),&cbNeeded)) { char szFilename[_MAX_PATH]; for ( DWORD h = 0 ; h < cbNeeded/sizeof(handles[0]) ; h++ ) { GetModuleFileNameA(handles[h],szFilename,lengthof(szFilename)) ; std::string path(szFilename); pushPath(path,libs,paths); } } #elif defined(__APPLE__) // man 3 dyld uint32_t count = _dyld_image_count(); for (uint32_t image = 0 ; image < count ; image++ ) { std::string path(_dyld_get_image_name(image)); pushPath(path,libs,paths); } #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) // this code seg-faults when called from an SSH script! (security?) if ( isatty(STDIN_FILENO) ) { unsigned int n; struct procstat* procstat = procstat_open_sysctl(); struct kinfo_proc* procs = procstat ? procstat_getprocs(procstat, KERN_PROC_PID, getpid(), &n) : NULL; struct filestat_list* files = procs ? procstat_getfiles(procstat, procs, true) : NULL; if ( files ) { filestat* entry; STAILQ_FOREACH(entry, files, next) { std::string path(entry->fs_path); pushPath(path,libs,paths); } } // free resources if ( files ) procstat_freefiles(procstat, files); if ( procs ) procstat_freeprocs(procstat, procs); if ( procstat ) procstat_close (procstat); } #elif defined (__sun__) || defined(__unix__) // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/606041/how-do-i-get-the-path-of-a-process-in-unix-linux char procsz[100]; char pathsz[500]; sprintf(procsz,"/proc/%d/path/a.out", getpid()); int l = readlink (procsz, pathsz,sizeof(pathsz)); if (l>0) { pathsz[l]='\0'; path.assign(pathsz); libs.push_back(path); } // read file /proc/self/maps which has a list of files in memory // (this doesn't yield anything on __sun__) std::ifstream maps("/proc/self/maps",std::ifstream::in); std::string string ; while ( std::getline(maps,string) ) { std::size_t pos = string.find_last_of(' '); if ( pos != std::string::npos ) { std::string path = string.substr(pos+1); pushPath(path,libs,paths); } } #endif if ( !libs.size() ) libs.push_back("unknown"); return libs; } void Exiv2::dumpLibraryInfo(std::ostream& os,const exv_grep_keys_t& keys) { int bits = 8*sizeof(void*); #ifdef NDEBUG int debug=0; #else int debug=1; #endif #ifdef exiv2lib_EXPORTS int dll=1; #else int dll=0; #endif const char* compiler = #if defined(_MSC_VER) "MSVC" ; #ifndef __VERSION__ char version[40]; sprintf(version,"%d.%02d",(_MSC_VER-600)/100,_MSC_VER%100); // add edition in brackets // 7.10 = 2003 8.00 = 2005 etc 12.00 = 2013 13.00 = 2015 (yet the installer labels it as 14.0!) size_t edition = (_MSC_VER-600)/100; const char* editions[] = { "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","2003", "2005", "2008", "2010", "2012","2013","2015","2017","2019"}; if ( edition == 13 && _MSC_VER >= 1910 ) edition++ ; // 2017 _MSC_VAR == 1910 if ( edition == 14 && _MSC_VER >= 1920 ) edition++ ; // 2019 _MSC_VAR == 1920 if ( edition > lengthof(editions) ) edition = 0 ; if ( edition ) sprintf(version+::strlen(version)," (%s/%s)",editions[edition],bits==64?"x64":"x86"); #define __VERSION__ version #endif #elif defined(__clang__) "Clang" ; #elif defined(__GNUG__) "G++" ; #elif defined(__GNUC__) "GCC" ; #elif defined(__SUNPRO_CC) "CC (oracle)"; #elif defined (__SUNPRO_C) "cc (oracle)"; #elif defined (__sun__) "cc (solaris)"; #else "unknown" ; #endif #ifndef __VERSION__ #ifdef __clang__version__ #define __VERSION__ __clang__version__ #else #define __VERSION__ "unknown" #endif #endif const char* platform = #if defined(__MSYS__) "msys"; #elif defined(__CYGWIN__) "cygwin"; #elif defined(_MSC_VER) "windows"; #elif defined(__APPLE__) "apple"; #elif defined(__MINGW64__) "mingw64"; #elif defined(__MINGW32__) "mingw32"; #elif defined(__sun__) "solaris"; #elif defined(__NetBSD__) "netbsd"; #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) "freebsd"; #elif defined(__linux__) "linux"; #else "unknown"; #endif int have_inttypes =0; int have_libintl =0; int have_lensdata =0; int have_iconv =0; int have_memory =0; int have_lstat =0; int have_regex =0; int have_regex_h =0; int have_stdbool =0; int have_stdint =0; int have_stdlib =0; int have_strlib =0; int have_strerror_r =0; int have_strings_h =0; int have_mmap =0; int have_munmap =0; int have_sys_stat =0; int have_unistd_h =0; int have_sys_mman =0; int have_libz =0; int have_xmptoolkit =0; int adobe_xmpsdk =0; int have_bool =0; int have_strings =0; int have_sys_types =0; int have_unistd =0; int have_unicode_path=0; int enable_video =0; int enable_webready =0; int enable_nls =0; int use_curl =0; int use_ssh =0; #ifdef EXV_HAVE_INTTYPES_H have_inttypes=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_LIBINTL_H have_libintl=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_LENSDATA have_lensdata=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_ICONV have_iconv=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_LIBINTL_H have_libintl=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_MEMORY_H have_memory=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_LSTAT have_lstat=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_REGEX have_regex=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_REGEX_H have_regex_h=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_STDBOOL_H have_stdbool=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_STDINT_H have_stdint=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_STDLIB_H have_stdlib=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_STRERROR_R have_strerror_r=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_STRINGS_H have_strings=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_MMAP have_mmap=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_MUNMAP have_munmap=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_SYS_STAT_H have_sys_stat=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H have_sys_types=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_UNISTD_H have_unistd=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H have_sys_mman=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_LIBZ have_libz=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_XMP_TOOLKIT have_xmptoolkit=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_ADOBE_XMPSDK adobe_xmpsdk=EXV_ADOBE_XMPSDK; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_BOOL have_bool=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_STRINGS have_strings=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_SYS_TYPES have_sys_types=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_UNISTD have_unistd=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_UNICODE_PATH have_unicode_path=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_ENABLE_VIDEO enable_video=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_ENABLE_WEBREADY enable_webready=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_ENABLE_NLS enable_nls=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_USE_CURL use_curl=1; #endif #ifdef EXV_USE_SSH use_ssh=1; #endif Exiv2::StringVector libs =getLoadedLibraries(); output(os,keys,"exiv2",Exiv2::versionString()); output(os,keys,"platform" , platform ); output(os,keys,"compiler" , compiler ); output(os,keys,"bits" , bits ); output(os,keys,"dll" , dll ); output(os,keys,"debug" , debug ); output(os,keys,"cplusplus" , __cplusplus); output(os,keys,"version" , __VERSION__); output(os,keys,"date" , __DATE__ ); output(os,keys,"time" , __TIME__ ); output(os,keys,"processpath" , Exiv2::getProcessPath()); #ifdef EXV_ENABLE_NLS output(os,keys,"localedir" , EXV_LOCALEDIR); #endif output(os,keys,"package_name" , EXV_PACKAGE_NAME); #ifdef EXV_USE_CURL std::string curl_protocols; curl_version_info_data* vinfo = curl_version_info(CURLVERSION_NOW); for (int i = 0; vinfo->protocols[i]; i++) { curl_protocols += vinfo->protocols[i]; curl_protocols += " " ; } output(os,keys,"curlprotocols" ,curl_protocols); #endif output(os,keys,"curl" , use_curl); if ( libs.begin() != libs.end() ) { output(os,keys,"executable" ,*libs.begin()); for ( Exiv2::StringVector_i lib = libs.begin()+1 ; lib != libs.end() ; ++lib ) output(os,keys,"library",*lib); } output(os,keys,"have_strerror_r" ,have_strerror_r ); output(os,keys,"have_inttypes" ,have_inttypes ); output(os,keys,"have_libintl" ,have_libintl ); output(os,keys,"have_lensdata" ,have_lensdata ); output(os,keys,"have_iconv" ,have_iconv ); output(os,keys,"have_memory" ,have_memory ); output(os,keys,"have_lstat" ,have_lstat ); output(os,keys,"have_regex" ,have_regex ); output(os,keys,"have_regex_h" ,have_regex_h ); output(os,keys,"have_stdbool" ,have_stdbool ); output(os,keys,"have_stdint" ,have_stdint ); output(os,keys,"have_stdlib" ,have_stdlib ); output(os,keys,"have_strlib" ,have_strlib ); output(os,keys,"have_strerror_r" ,have_strerror_r ); output(os,keys,"have_strings_h" ,have_strings_h ); output(os,keys,"have_mmap" ,have_mmap ); output(os,keys,"have_munmap" ,have_munmap ); output(os,keys,"have_sys_stat" ,have_sys_stat ); output(os,keys,"have_unistd_h" ,have_unistd_h ); output(os,keys,"have_sys_mman" ,have_sys_mman ); output(os,keys,"have_libz" ,have_libz ); output(os,keys,"have_xmptoolkit" ,have_xmptoolkit ); output(os,keys,"adobe_xmpsdk" ,adobe_xmpsdk ); output(os,keys,"have_bool" ,have_bool ); output(os,keys,"have_strings" ,have_strings ); output(os,keys,"have_sys_types" ,have_sys_types ); output(os,keys,"have_unistd" ,have_unistd ); output(os,keys,"have_unicode_path" ,have_unicode_path); output(os,keys,"enable_video" ,enable_video ); output(os,keys,"enable_webready" ,enable_webready ); output(os,keys,"enable_nls" ,enable_nls ); output(os,keys,"use_curl" ,use_curl ); output(os,keys,"use_ssh" ,use_ssh ); output(os,keys,"config_path" ,Exiv2::Internal::getExiv2ConfigPath()); // #1147 #ifndef WIN32 uid_t uid = getuid() ; output(os,keys,"uid" , uid ); uid_t euid = geteuid() ; output(os,keys,"euid", euid ); uid_t gid = getgid() ; output(os,keys,"gid" , gid ); #endif #ifdef EXV_HAVE_XMP_TOOLKIT const char* name = "xmlns"; Exiv2::Dictionary ns; Exiv2::XmpProperties::registeredNamespaces(ns); for ( Exiv2::Dictionary_i it = ns.begin(); it != ns.end() ; ++it ) { std::string xmlns = (*it).first; std::string uri = (*it).second; output(os,keys,name,xmlns+":"+uri); } #endif }