#include "cr2header_int.hpp" namespace Exiv2 { namespace Internal { const char* Cr2Header::cr2sig_ = "CR\2\0"; Cr2Header::Cr2Header(ByteOrder byteOrder) : TiffHeaderBase(42, 16, byteOrder, 0x00000010), offset2_(0x00000000) { } Cr2Header::~Cr2Header() { } bool Cr2Header::read(const byte* pData, uint32_t size) { if (!pData || size < 16) { return false; } if (pData[0] == 'I' && pData[0] == pData[1]) { setByteOrder(littleEndian); } else if (pData[0] == 'M' && pData[0] == pData[1]) { setByteOrder(bigEndian); } else { return false; } if (tag() != getUShort(pData + 2, byteOrder())) return false; setOffset(getULong(pData + 4, byteOrder())); if (0 != memcmp(pData + 8, cr2sig_, 4)) return false; offset2_ = getULong(pData + 12, byteOrder()); return true; } // Cr2Header::read DataBuf Cr2Header::write() const { DataBuf buf(16); switch (byteOrder()) { case littleEndian: buf.pData_[0] = 'I'; break; case bigEndian: buf.pData_[0] = 'M'; break; case invalidByteOrder: assert(false); break; } buf.pData_[1] = buf.pData_[0]; us2Data(buf.pData_ + 2, tag(), byteOrder()); ul2Data(buf.pData_ + 4, 0x00000010, byteOrder()); memcpy(buf.pData_ + 8, cr2sig_, 4); // Write a dummy value for the RAW IFD offset. The offset-writer is used to set this offset in a second pass. ul2Data(buf.pData_ + 12, 0x00000000, byteOrder()); return buf; } // Cr2Header::write bool Cr2Header::isImageTag(uint16_t tag, IfdId group, const PrimaryGroups* /*pPrimaryGroups*/) const { // CR2 image tags are all IFD2 and IFD3 tags if (group == ifd2Id || group == ifd3Id) return true; // ...and any (IFD0) tag that is in the TIFF image tags list return isTiffImageTag(tag, group); } }} // namespace Internal, Exiv2