// ***************************************************************** -*- C++ -*- // exifprint.cpp // Sample program to print the Exif metadata of an image #include #include #include #include // https://github.com/Exiv2/exiv2/issues/468 #if defined(EXV_UNICODE_PATH) && defined(__MINGW__) #undef EXV_UNICODE_PATH #endif #ifdef EXV_UNICODE_PATH #define _tchar wchar_t #define _tstrcmp wcscmp #define _t(s) L##s #define _tcout wcout #define _tmain wmain #else #define _tchar char #define _tstrcmp strcmp #define _t(s) s #define _tcout cout #define _tmain main #endif int _tmain(int argc, _tchar* const argv[]) try { const _tchar* prog = argv[0]; const _tchar* file = argv[1]; if (argc != 2) { std::_tcout << _t("Usage: ") << prog << _t(" [ file | --version || --version-test ]") << std::endl; return 1; } if ( _tstrcmp(file,_t("--version")) == 0 ) { exv_grep_keys_t keys; Exiv2::dumpLibraryInfo(std::cout,keys); return 0; } else if ( _tstrcmp(file,_t("--version-test")) == 0 ) { // verifies/test macro EXIV2_TEST_VERSION // described in include/exiv2/version.hpp std::cout << "EXV_PACKAGE_VERSION " << EXV_PACKAGE_VERSION << std::endl << "Exiv2::version() " << Exiv2::version() << std::endl << "strlen(Exiv2::version()) " << ::strlen(Exiv2::version()) << std::endl << "Exiv2::versionNumber() " << Exiv2::versionNumber() << std::endl << "Exiv2::versionString() " << Exiv2::versionString() << std::endl << "Exiv2::versionNumberHexString() " << Exiv2::versionNumberHexString() << std::endl ; // Test the Exiv2 version available at runtime but compile the if-clause only if // the compile-time version is at least 0.15. Earlier versions didn't have a // testVersion() function: #if EXIV2_TEST_VERSION(0,15,0) if (Exiv2::testVersion(0,13,0)) { std::cout << "Available Exiv2 version is equal to or greater than 0.13\n"; } else { std::cout << "Installed Exiv2 version is less than 0.13\n"; } #else std::cout << "Compile-time Exiv2 version doesn't have Exiv2::testVersion()\n"; #endif return 0; } Exiv2::Image::AutoPtr image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(file); assert(image.get() != 0); image->readMetadata(); Exiv2::ExifData &exifData = image->exifData(); if (exifData.empty()) { std::string error("No Exif data found in file"); throw Exiv2::Error(Exiv2::kerErrorMessage, error); } Exiv2::ExifData::const_iterator end = exifData.end(); for (Exiv2::ExifData::const_iterator i = exifData.begin(); i != end; ++i) { const char* tn = i->typeName(); std::cout << std::setw(44) << std::setfill(' ') << std::left << i->key() << " " << "0x" << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << std::right << std::hex << i->tag() << " " << std::setw(9) << std::setfill(' ') << std::left << (tn ? tn : "Unknown") << " " << std::dec << std::setw(3) << std::setfill(' ') << std::right << i->count() << " " << std::dec << i->value() << "\n"; } return 0; } //catch (std::exception& e) { //catch (Exiv2::AnyError& e) { catch (Exiv2::Error& e) { std::cout << "Caught Exiv2 exception '" << e.what() << "'\n"; return -1; }