// ***************************************************************** -*- C++ -*- /* * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Exiv2 authors * This program is part of the Exiv2 distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /*! @file tiffcomposite_int.hpp @brief Internal classes used in a TIFF composite structure @author Andreas Huggel (ahu) ahuggel@gmx.net @date 11-Apr-06, ahu: created */ #ifndef TIFFCOMPOSITE_INT_HPP_ #define TIFFCOMPOSITE_INT_HPP_ // ***************************************************************************** // included header files #include "value.hpp" #include "tifffwd_int.hpp" #include "types.hpp" // + standard includes #include #include #include #include // ***************************************************************************** // namespace extensions namespace Exiv2 { class BasicIo; namespace Internal { // ***************************************************************************** // class definitions //! TIFF value type. typedef uint16_t TiffType; const TiffType ttUnsignedByte = 1; //!< Exif BYTE type const TiffType ttAsciiString = 2; //!< Exif ASCII type const TiffType ttUnsignedShort = 3; //!< Exif SHORT type const TiffType ttUnsignedLong = 4; //!< Exif LONG type const TiffType ttUnsignedRational = 5; //!< Exif RATIONAL type const TiffType ttSignedByte = 6; //!< Exif SBYTE type const TiffType ttUndefined = 7; //!< Exif UNDEFINED type const TiffType ttSignedShort = 8; //!< Exif SSHORT type const TiffType ttSignedLong = 9; //!< Exif SLONG type const TiffType ttSignedRational =10; //!< Exif SRATIONAL type const TiffType ttTiffFloat =11; //!< TIFF FLOAT type const TiffType ttTiffDouble =12; //!< TIFF DOUBLE type const TiffType ttTiffIfd =13; //!< TIFF IFD type //! Convert the \em tiffType of a \em tag and \em group to an Exiv2 \em typeId. TypeId toTypeId(TiffType tiffType, uint16_t tag, IfdId group); //! Convert the %Exiv2 \em typeId to a TIFF value type. TiffType toTiffType(TypeId typeId); /*! Special TIFF tags for the use in TIFF structures only */ namespace Tag { const uint32_t none = 0x10000; //!< Dummy tag const uint32_t root = 0x20000; //!< Special tag: root IFD const uint32_t next = 0x30000; //!< Special tag: next IFD const uint32_t all = 0x40000; //!< Special tag: all tags in a group const uint32_t pana = 0x80000; //!< Special tag: root IFD of Panasonic RAW images } /*! @brief A tupel consisting of extended Tag and group used as an item in TIFF paths. */ class TiffPathItem { public: //! @name Creators //@{ //! Constructor TiffPathItem(uint32_t extendedTag, IfdId group) : extendedTag_(extendedTag), group_(group) {} //@} //! @name Accessors //@{ //! Return the tag corresponding to the extended tag uint16_t tag() const { return static_cast(extendedTag_ & 0xffff); } //! Return the extended tag (32 bit so that it can contain special tags) uint32_t extendedTag() const { return extendedTag_; } //! Return the group IfdId group() const { return group_; } //@} private: // DATA uint32_t extendedTag_; IfdId group_; }; // class TiffPathItem /*! @brief Simple IO wrapper to ensure that the header is only written if there is any other data at all. The wrapper is initialized with an IO reference and a pointer to a TIFF header. Subsequently the wrapper is used by all TIFF write methods. It takes care that the TIFF header is written to the IO first before any other output and only if there is any other data. */ class IoWrapper { public: //! @name Creators //@{ /*! brief Constructor. The IO wrapper owns none of the objects passed in so the caller is responsible to keep them alive. */ IoWrapper(BasicIo& io, const byte* pHeader, long size, OffsetWriter* pow); //@} //! @name Manipulators //@{ /*! @brief Wraps the corresponding BasicIo::write() method. Writes the TIFF header to the IO, if it hasn't been written yet, followed by the data passed in the arguments. */ long write(const byte* pData, long wcount); /*! @brief Wraps the corresponding BasicIo::putb() method. Writes the TIFF header to the IO, if it hasn't been written yet, followed by the data passed in the argument. */ int putb(byte data); //! Wrapper for OffsetWriter::setTarget(), using an int instead of the enum to reduce include deps void setTarget(int id, uint32_t target); //@} private: // DATA BasicIo& io_; //! Reference for the IO instance. const byte* pHeader_; //! Pointer to the header data. long size_; //! Size of the header data. bool wroteHeader_; //! Indicates if the header has been written. OffsetWriter* pow_; //! Pointer to an offset-writer, if any, or 0 }; // class IoWrapper /*! @brief Interface class for components of a TIFF directory hierarchy (Composite pattern). Both TIFF directories as well as entries implement this interface. A component can be uniquely identified by a tag, group tupel. This class is implemented as a NVI (Non-Virtual Interface) and it has an interface for visitors (Visitor pattern) to perform operations on all components. */ class TiffComponent { public: //! TiffComponent auto_ptr type typedef std::auto_ptr AutoPtr; //! Container type to hold all metadata typedef std::vector Components; //! @name Creators //@{ //! Constructor TiffComponent(uint16_t tag, IfdId group); //! Virtual destructor. virtual ~TiffComponent(); //@} //! @name Manipulators //@{ /*! @brief Add a TIFF entry \em tag to the component. Components on the path to the entry are added if they don't exist yet. @param tag The tag of the new entry @param tiffPath A path from the TIFF root element to a TIFF entry. @param pRoot Pointer to the root component of the TIFF composite. @param object TIFF component to add. If 0, the correct entry will be created. @return A pointer to the newly added TIFF entry. */ TiffComponent* addPath(uint16_t tag, TiffPath& tiffPath, TiffComponent* const pRoot, AutoPtr object =AutoPtr(0)); /*! @brief Add a child to the component. Default is to do nothing. @param tiffComponent Auto pointer to the component to add. @return Return a pointer to the newly added child element or 0. */ TiffComponent* addChild(AutoPtr tiffComponent); /*! @brief Add a "next" component to the component. Default is to do nothing. @param tiffComponent Auto pointer to the component to add. @return Return a pointer to the newly added "next" element or 0. */ TiffComponent* addNext(AutoPtr tiffComponent); /*! @brief Interface to accept visitors (Visitor pattern). Visitors can perform operations on all components of the composite. @param visitor The visitor. */ void accept(TiffVisitor& visitor); /*! @brief Set a pointer to the start of the binary representation of the component in a memory buffer. The buffer must be allocated and freed outside of this class. */ void setStart(const byte* pStart) { pStart_ = const_cast(pStart); } /*! @brief Write a TiffComponent to a binary image. @param ioWrapper IO wrapper to which the TiffComponent is written. @param byteOrder Applicable byte order (little or big endian). @param offset Offset from the start of the image (TIFF header) to the component. @param valueIdx Index of the component to be written relative to offset. @param dataIdx Index of the data area of the component relative to offset. @param imageIdx Index of the image data area relative to offset. @return Number of bytes written to the IO wrapper including all nested components. @throw Error If the component cannot be written. */ uint32_t write(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t valueIdx, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx); //@} //! @name Accessors //@{ //! Return the tag of this entry. uint16_t tag() const { return tag_; } //! Return the group id of this component IfdId group() const { return group_; } //! Return a pointer to the start of the binary representation of the component byte* start() const { return pStart_; } /*! @brief Return an auto-pointer to a copy of itself (deep copy, but without any children). The caller owns this copy and the auto-pointer ensures that it will be deleted. */ AutoPtr clone() const; /*! @brief Write the IFD data of this component to a binary image. Return the number of bytes written. Components derived from TiffEntryBase implement this method if needed. */ uint32_t writeData(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx) const; /*! @brief Write the image data of this component to a binary image. Return the number of bytes written. TIFF components implement this method if needed. */ uint32_t writeImage(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const; /*! @brief Return the size in bytes of the IFD value of this component when written to a binary image. */ uint32_t size() const; /*! @brief Return the number of components in this component. */ uint32_t count() const; /*! @brief Return the size in bytes of the IFD data of this component when written to a binary image. This is a support function for write(). Components derived from TiffEntryBase implement this method corresponding to their implementation of writeData(). */ uint32_t sizeData() const; /*! @brief Return the size in bytes of the image data of this component when written to a binary image. This is a support function for write(). TIFF components implement this method corresponding to their implementation of writeImage(). */ uint32_t sizeImage() const; /*! @brief Return the unique id of the entry in the image. */ // Todo: This is only implemented in TiffEntryBase. It is needed here so that // we can sort components by tag and idx. Something is not quite right. virtual int idx() const; //@} protected: //! @name Protected Manipulators //@{ //! Implements addPath(). The default implementation does nothing. virtual TiffComponent* doAddPath(uint16_t tag, TiffPath& tiffPath, TiffComponent* const pRoot, TiffComponent::AutoPtr object); //! Implements addChild(). The default implementation does nothing. virtual TiffComponent* doAddChild(AutoPtr tiffComponent); //! Implements addNext(). The default implementation does nothing. virtual TiffComponent* doAddNext(AutoPtr tiffComponent); //! Implements accept(). virtual void doAccept(TiffVisitor& visitor) =0; //! Implements write(). virtual uint32_t doWrite(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t valueIdx, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx) =0; //@} //! @name Protected Accessors //@{ //! Internal virtual copy constructor, implements clone(). virtual TiffComponent* doClone() const =0; //! Implements writeData(). virtual uint32_t doWriteData(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx) const =0; //! Implements writeImage(). virtual uint32_t doWriteImage(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const =0; //! Implements size(). virtual uint32_t doSize() const =0; //! Implements count(). virtual uint32_t doCount() const =0; //! Implements sizeData(). virtual uint32_t doSizeData() const =0; //! Implements sizeImage(). virtual uint32_t doSizeImage() const =0; //@} private: // DATA uint16_t tag_; //!< Tag that identifies the component IfdId group_; //!< Group id for this component /*! Pointer to the start of the binary representation of the component in a memory buffer. The buffer is allocated and freed outside of this class. */ byte* pStart_; }; // class TiffComponent //! TIFF mapping table for functions to decode special cases struct TiffMappingInfo { struct Key; /*! @brief Compare a TiffMappingInfo with a TiffMappingInfo::Key. The two are equal if TiffMappingInfo::make_ equals a substring of the key of the same size. E.g., mapping info = "OLYMPUS", key = "OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO.,LTD" (found in the image) match, the extendedTag is Tag::all or equal to the extended tag of the key, and the group is equal to that of the key. */ bool operator==(const Key& key) const; //! Return the tag corresponding to the extended tag uint16_t tag() const { return static_cast(extendedTag_ & 0xffff); } // DATA const char* make_; //!< Camera make for which these mapping functions apply uint32_t extendedTag_; //!< Tag (32 bit so that it can contain special tags) IfdId group_; //!< Group that contains the tag DecoderFct decoderFct_; //!< Decoder function for matching tags EncoderFct encoderFct_; //!< Encoder function for matching tags }; // struct TiffMappingInfo //! Search key for TIFF mapping structures. struct TiffMappingInfo::Key { //! Constructor Key(const std::string& m, uint32_t e, IfdId g) : m_(m), e_(e), g_(g) {} std::string m_; //!< Camera make uint32_t e_; //!< Extended tag IfdId g_; //!< %Group }; /*! @brief This abstract base class provides the common functionality of an IFD directory entry and defines an extended interface for derived concrete entries, which allows access to the attributes of the entry. */ class TiffEntryBase : public TiffComponent { friend class TiffReader; friend class TiffEncoder; friend int selectNikonLd(TiffBinaryArray* const, TiffComponent* const); public: //! @name Creators //@{ //! Default constructor. TiffEntryBase(uint16_t tag, IfdId group, TiffType tiffType =ttUndefined); //! Virtual destructor. virtual ~TiffEntryBase(); //@} //! @name Manipulators //@{ /*! @brief Encode a TIFF component from the metadatum provided and information from the \em encoder as needed. Implemented as double-dispatch calls back to one of the specific encoding functions at the \em encoder. */ void encode(TiffEncoder& encoder, const Exifdatum* datum); //! Set the offset void setOffset(int32_t offset) { offset_ = offset; } //! Set pointer and size of the entry's data (not taking ownership of the data). void setData(byte* pData, int32_t size); //! Set the entry's data buffer, taking ownership of the data buffer passed in. void setData(DataBuf buf); /*! @brief Update the value. Takes ownership of the pointer passed in. Update binary value data and call setValue(). */ void updateValue(Value::AutoPtr value, ByteOrder byteOrder); /*! @brief Set tag value. Takes ownership of the pointer passed in. Update type, count and the pointer to the value. */ void setValue(Value::AutoPtr value); //@} //! @name Accessors //@{ //! Return the TIFF type TiffType tiffType() const { return tiffType_; } /*! @brief Return the offset to the data area relative to the base for the component (usually the start of the TIFF header) */ int32_t offset() const { return offset_; } /*! @brief Return the unique id of the entry in the image */ virtual int idx() const; /*! @brief Return a pointer to the binary representation of the value of this component. */ const byte* pData() const { return pData_; } //! Return a const pointer to the converted value of this component const Value* pValue() const { return pValue_; } //@} protected: //! @name Protected Creators //@{ //! Copy constructor (used to implement clone()). TiffEntryBase(const TiffEntryBase& rhs); //@} //! @name Protected Manipulators //@{ //! Implements encode(). virtual void doEncode(TiffEncoder& encoder, const Exifdatum* datum) =0; //! Set the number of components in this entry void setCount(uint32_t count) { count_ = count; } //! Set the unique id of the entry in the image void setIdx(int idx) { idx_ = idx; } /*! @brief Implements write(). Write the value of a standard TIFF entry to the \em ioWrapper, return the number of bytes written. Only the \em ioWrapper and \em byteOrder arguments are used. */ virtual uint32_t doWrite(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t valueIdx, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx); //@} //! @name Protected Accessors //@{ //! Implements count(). virtual uint32_t doCount() const; /*! @brief Implements writeData(). Standard TIFF entries have no data: write nothing and return 0. */ virtual uint32_t doWriteData(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx) const; /*! @brief Implements writeImage(). Standard TIFF entries have no image data: write nothing and return 0. */ virtual uint32_t doWriteImage(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const; //! Implements size(). Return the size of a standard TIFF entry virtual uint32_t doSize() const; //! Implements sizeData(). Return 0. virtual uint32_t doSizeData() const; //! Implements sizeImage(). Return 0. virtual uint32_t doSizeImage() const; //@} //! Helper function to write an \em offset to a preallocated binary buffer static uint32_t writeOffset(byte* buf, int32_t offset, TiffType tiffType, ByteOrder byteOrder); private: //! @name NOT implemented //@{ //! Assignment operator. TiffEntryBase& operator=(const TiffEntryBase& rhs); //@} // DATA TiffType tiffType_; //!< Field TIFF type uint32_t count_; //!< The number of values of the indicated type int32_t offset_; //!< Offset to the data area /*! Size of the data buffer holding the value in bytes, there is no minimum size. */ uint32_t size_; byte* pData_; //!< Pointer to the data area bool isMalloced_; //!< True if this entry owns the value data int idx_; //!< Unique id of the entry in the image Value* pValue_; //!< Converted data value }; // class TiffEntryBase /*! @brief A standard TIFF IFD entry. */ class TiffEntry : public TiffEntryBase { public: //! @name Creators //@{ //! Constructor TiffEntry(uint16_t tag, IfdId group) : TiffEntryBase(tag, group) {} //! Virtual destructor. virtual ~TiffEntry(); //@} protected: //! @name Manipulators //@{ virtual void doAccept(TiffVisitor& visitor); virtual void doEncode(TiffEncoder& encoder, const Exifdatum* datum); //@} //! @name Protected Accessors //@{ virtual TiffEntry* doClone() const; //@} }; // class TiffEntry /*! @brief Interface for a standard TIFF IFD entry consisting of a value which is a set of offsets to a data area. The sizes of these "strips" are provided in a related TiffSizeEntry, tag and group of which are set in the constructor. The implementations of this interface differ in whether the data areas are extracted to the higher level metadata (TiffDataEntry) or not (TiffImageEntry). */ class TiffDataEntryBase : public TiffEntryBase { public: //! @name Creators //@{ //! Constructor TiffDataEntryBase(uint16_t tag, IfdId group, uint16_t szTag, IfdId szGroup) : TiffEntryBase(tag, group), szTag_(szTag), szGroup_(szGroup) {} //! Virtual destructor. virtual ~TiffDataEntryBase(); //@} //! @name Manipulators //@{ /*! @brief Set the data areas ("strips"). @param pSize Pointer to the Value holding the sizes corresponding to this data entry. @param pData Pointer to the data area. @param sizeData Size of the data area. @param baseOffset Base offset into the data area. */ virtual void setStrips(const Value* pSize, const byte* pData, uint32_t sizeData, uint32_t baseOffset) =0; //@} //! @name Accessors //@{ //! Return the group of the entry which has the size uint16_t szTag() const { return szTag_; } //! Return the group of the entry which has the size IfdId szGroup() const { return szGroup_; } //@} private: // DATA const uint16_t szTag_; //!< Tag of the entry with the size const IfdId szGroup_; //!< Group of the entry with the size }; // class TiffDataEntryBase /*! @brief A standard TIFF IFD entry consisting of a value which is an offset to a data area and the data area. The size of the data area is provided in a related TiffSizeEntry, tag and group of which are set in the constructor. This component extracts the data areas ("strips") and makes them available in the higher level metadata. It is used, e.g., for \em Exif.Thumbnail.JPEGInterchangeFormat for which the size is provided in \em Exif.Thumbnail.JPEGInterchangeFormatLength. */ class TiffDataEntry : public TiffDataEntryBase { friend class TiffEncoder; public: //! @name Creators //@{ //! Constructor TiffDataEntry(uint16_t tag, IfdId group, uint16_t szTag, IfdId szGroup) : TiffDataEntryBase(tag, group, szTag, szGroup), pDataArea_(0), sizeDataArea_(0) {} //! Virtual destructor. virtual ~TiffDataEntry(); //@} //! @name Manipulators //@{ virtual void setStrips(const Value* pSize, const byte* pData, uint32_t sizeData, uint32_t baseOffset); //@} protected: //! @name Protected Manipulators //@{ virtual void doAccept(TiffVisitor& visitor); virtual void doEncode(TiffEncoder& encoder, const Exifdatum* datum); /*! @brief Implements write(). Write pointers into the data area to the \em ioWrapper, relative to the offsets in the value. Return the number of bytes written. The \em valueIdx argument is not used. The number of components in the value determines how many offsets are written. Set the first value to 0, the second to the size of the first data area, etc. when creating a new data entry. Offsets will be adjusted on write. The type of the value can only be signed or unsigned short or long. */ virtual uint32_t doWrite(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t valueIdx, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx); //@} //! @name Protected Accessors //@{ virtual TiffDataEntry* doClone() const; /*! @brief Implements writeData(). Write the data area to the \em ioWrapper. Return the number of bytes written. */ virtual uint32_t doWriteData(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx) const; // Using doWriteImage from base class // Using doSize() from base class //! Implements sizeData(). Return the size of the data area. virtual uint32_t doSizeData() const; // Using doSizeImage from base class //@} private: // DATA byte* pDataArea_; //!< Pointer to the data area (never alloc'd) uint32_t sizeDataArea_; //!< Size of the data area }; // class TiffDataEntry /*! @brief A standard TIFF IFD entry consisting of a value which is an array of offsets to image data areas. The sizes of the image data areas are provided in a related TiffSizeEntry, tag and group of which are set in the constructor. The data is not extracted into the higher level metadata tags, it is only copied to the target image when the image is written. This component is used, e.g., for \em Exif.Image.StripOffsets for which the sizes are provided in \em Exif.Image.StripByteCounts. */ class TiffImageEntry : public TiffDataEntryBase { friend class TiffEncoder; public: //! @name Creators //@{ //! Constructor TiffImageEntry(uint16_t tag, IfdId group, uint16_t szTag, IfdId szGroup) : TiffDataEntryBase(tag, group, szTag, szGroup) {} //! Virtual destructor. virtual ~TiffImageEntry(); //@} //! @name Manipulators //@{ virtual void setStrips(const Value* pSize, const byte* pData, uint32_t sizeData, uint32_t baseOffset); //@} protected: //! @name Protected Manipulators //@{ virtual void doAccept(TiffVisitor& visitor); virtual void doEncode(TiffEncoder& encoder, const Exifdatum* datum); /*! @brief Implements write(). Write pointers into the image data area to the \em ioWrapper. Return the number of bytes written. The \em valueIdx and \em dataIdx arguments are not used. */ virtual uint32_t doWrite(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t valueIdx, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx); //@} //! @name Protected Accessors //@{ virtual TiffImageEntry* doClone() const; /*! @brief Implements writeData(). Write the image data area to the \em ioWrapper. Return the number of bytes written. This function writes the image data to the data area of the current directory. It is used for TIFF image entries in the makernote (large preview images) so that the image data remains in the makernote IFD. */ virtual uint32_t doWriteData(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx) const; /*! @brief Implements writeImage(). Write the image data area to the \em ioWrapper. Return the number of bytes written. */ virtual uint32_t doWriteImage(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const; //! Implements size(). Return the size of the strip pointers. virtual uint32_t doSize() const; //! Implements sizeData(). Return the size of the image data area. virtual uint32_t doSizeData() const; //! Implements sizeImage(). Return the size of the image data area. virtual uint32_t doSizeImage() const; //@} private: //! Pointers to the image data (strips) and their sizes. typedef std::vector > Strips; // DATA Strips strips_; //!< Image strips data (never alloc'd) and sizes }; // class TiffImageEntry /*! @brief A TIFF IFD entry containing the size of a data area of a related TiffDataEntry. This component is used, e.g. for \em Exif.Thumbnail.JPEGInterchangeFormatLength, which contains the size of \em Exif.Thumbnail.JPEGInterchangeFormat. */ class TiffSizeEntry : public TiffEntryBase { public: //! @name Creators //@{ //! Constructor TiffSizeEntry(uint16_t tag, IfdId group, uint16_t dtTag, IfdId dtGroup) : TiffEntryBase(tag, group), dtTag_(dtTag), dtGroup_(dtGroup) {} //! Virtual destructor. virtual ~TiffSizeEntry(); //@} //! @name Accessors //@{ //! Return the group of the related entry which has the data area uint16_t dtTag() const { return dtTag_; } //! Return the group of the related entry which has the data area IfdId dtGroup() const { return dtGroup_; } //@} protected: //! @name Protected Manipulators //@{ virtual void doAccept(TiffVisitor& visitor); virtual void doEncode(TiffEncoder& encoder, const Exifdatum* datum); //@} //! @name Protected Accessors //@{ virtual TiffSizeEntry* doClone() const; //@} private: // DATA const uint16_t dtTag_; //!< Tag of the entry with the data area const IfdId dtGroup_; //!< Group of the entry with the data area }; // class TiffSizeEntry /*! @brief This class models a TIFF directory (%Ifd). It is a composite component of the TIFF tree. */ class TiffDirectory : public TiffComponent { friend class TiffEncoder; public: //! @name Creators //@{ //! Default constructor TiffDirectory(uint16_t tag, IfdId group, bool hasNext =true) : TiffComponent(tag, group), hasNext_(hasNext), pNext_(0) {} //! Virtual destructor virtual ~TiffDirectory(); //@} //! @name Accessors //@{ //! Return true if the directory has a next pointer bool hasNext() const { return hasNext_; } //@} protected: //! @name Protected Creators //@{ //! Copy constructor (used to implement clone()). TiffDirectory(const TiffDirectory& rhs); //@} //! @name Protected Manipulators //@{ virtual TiffComponent* doAddPath(uint16_t tag, TiffPath& tiffPath, TiffComponent* const pRoot, TiffComponent::AutoPtr object); virtual TiffComponent* doAddChild(TiffComponent::AutoPtr tiffComponent); virtual TiffComponent* doAddNext(TiffComponent::AutoPtr tiffComponent); virtual void doAccept(TiffVisitor& visitor); /*! @brief Implements write(). Write the TIFF directory, values and additional data, including the next-IFD, if any, to the \em ioWrapper, return the number of bytes written. */ virtual uint32_t doWrite(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t valueIdx, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx); //@} //! @name Protected Accessors //@{ virtual TiffDirectory* doClone() const; /*! @brief This class does not really implement writeData(), it only has write(). This method must not be called; it commits suicide. */ virtual uint32_t doWriteData(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx) const; /*! @brief Implements writeImage(). Write the image data of the TIFF directory to the \em ioWrapper by forwarding the call to each component as well as the next-IFD, if there is any. Return the number of bytes written. */ virtual uint32_t doWriteImage(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const; /*! @brief Implements size(). Return the size of the TIFF directory, values and additional data, including the next-IFD, if any. */ virtual uint32_t doSize() const; /*! @brief Implements count(). Return the number of entries in the TIFF directory. Does not count entries which are marked as deleted. */ virtual uint32_t doCount() const; /*! @brief This class does not really implement sizeData(), it only has size(). This method must not be called; it commits suicide. */ virtual uint32_t doSizeData() const; /*! @brief Implements sizeImage(). Return the sum of the image sizes of all components plus that of the next-IFD, if there is any. */ virtual uint32_t doSizeImage() const; //@} private: //! @name NOT implemented //@{ //! Assignment operator. TiffDirectory& operator=(const TiffDirectory& rhs); //@} //! @name Private Accessors //@{ //! Write a binary directory entry for a TIFF component. uint32_t writeDirEntry(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, TiffComponent* pTiffComponent, uint32_t valueIdx, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx) const; //@} private: // DATA Components components_; //!< List of components in this directory const bool hasNext_; //!< True if the directory has a next pointer TiffComponent* pNext_; //!< Pointer to the next IFD }; // class TiffDirectory /*! @brief This class models a TIFF sub-directory (sub-IFD). A sub-IFD is an entry with one or more values that are pointers to IFD structures containing an IFD. The TIFF standard defines some important tags to be sub-IFDs, including the %Exif and GPS tags. */ class TiffSubIfd : public TiffEntryBase { friend class TiffReader; public: //! @name Creators //@{ //! Default constructor TiffSubIfd(uint16_t tag, IfdId group, IfdId newGroup); //! Virtual destructor virtual ~TiffSubIfd(); //@} protected: //! @name Protected Creators //@{ //! Copy constructor (used to implement clone()). TiffSubIfd(const TiffSubIfd& rhs); //@} //! @name Protected Manipulators //@{ virtual TiffComponent* doAddPath(uint16_t tag, TiffPath& tiffPath, TiffComponent* const pRoot, TiffComponent::AutoPtr object); virtual TiffComponent* doAddChild(TiffComponent::AutoPtr tiffComponent); virtual void doAccept(TiffVisitor& visitor); virtual void doEncode(TiffEncoder& encoder, const Exifdatum* datum); /*! @brief Implements write(). Write the sub-IFD pointers to the \em ioWrapper, return the number of bytes written. The \em valueIdx and \em imageIdx arguments are not used. */ virtual uint32_t doWrite(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t valueIdx, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx); //@} //! @name Protected Accessors //@{ virtual TiffSubIfd* doClone() const; /*! @brief Implements writeData(). Write the sub-IFDs to the \em ioWrapper. Return the number of bytes written. */ virtual uint32_t doWriteData(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx) const; /*! @brief Implements writeImage(). Write the image data of each sub-IFD to the \em ioWrapper. Return the number of bytes written. */ virtual uint32_t doWriteImage(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const; //! Implements size(). Return the size of the sub-Ifd pointers. uint32_t doSize() const; //! Implements sizeData(). Return the sum of the sizes of all sub-IFDs. virtual uint32_t doSizeData() const; //! Implements sizeImage(). Return the sum of the image sizes of all sub-IFDs. virtual uint32_t doSizeImage() const; //@} private: //! @name NOT implemented //@{ //! Assignment operator. TiffSubIfd& operator=(const TiffSubIfd& rhs); //@} //! A collection of TIFF directories (IFDs) typedef std::vector Ifds; // DATA IfdId newGroup_; //!< Start of the range of group numbers for the sub-IFDs Ifds ifds_; //!< The subdirectories }; // class TiffSubIfd /*! @brief This class is the basis for Makernote support in TIFF. It contains a pointer to a concrete Makernote. The TiffReader visitor has the responsibility to create the correct Make/Model specific Makernote for a particular TIFF file. Calls to child management methods are forwarded to the concrete Makernote, if there is one. */ class TiffMnEntry : public TiffEntryBase { friend class TiffReader; friend class TiffDecoder; friend class TiffEncoder; public: //! @name Creators //@{ //! Default constructor TiffMnEntry(uint16_t tag, IfdId group, IfdId mnGroup); //! Virtual destructor virtual ~TiffMnEntry(); //@} protected: //! @name Protected Manipulators //@{ virtual TiffComponent* doAddPath(uint16_t tag, TiffPath& tiffPath, TiffComponent* const pRoot, TiffComponent::AutoPtr object); virtual TiffComponent* doAddChild(TiffComponent::AutoPtr tiffComponent); virtual TiffComponent* doAddNext(TiffComponent::AutoPtr tiffComponent); virtual void doAccept(TiffVisitor& visitor); virtual void doEncode(TiffEncoder& encoder, const Exifdatum* datum); /*! @brief Implements write() by forwarding the call to the actual concrete Makernote, if there is one. */ virtual uint32_t doWrite(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t valueIdx, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx); //@} //! @name Protected Accessors //@{ virtual TiffMnEntry* doClone() const; //! Implements count(). Return number of components in the entry. virtual uint32_t doCount() const; // Using doWriteData from base class // Using doWriteImage from base class /*! @brief Implements size() by forwarding the call to the actual concrete Makernote, if there is one. */ virtual uint32_t doSize() const; // Using doSizeData from base class // Using doSizeImage from base class //@} private: //! @name NOT implemented //@{ //! Copy constructor. TiffMnEntry(const TiffMnEntry& rhs); //! Assignment operator. TiffMnEntry& operator=(const TiffMnEntry& rhs); //@} // DATA IfdId mnGroup_; //!< New group for concrete mn TiffComponent* mn_; //!< The Makernote }; // class TiffMnEntry /*! @brief Tiff IFD Makernote. This is a concrete class suitable for all IFD makernotes. Contains a makernote header (which can be 0) and an IFD and implements child mgmt functions to deal with the IFD entries. The various makernote weirdnesses are taken care of in the makernote header (and possibly in special purpose IFD entries). */ class TiffIfdMakernote : public TiffComponent { friend class TiffReader; public: //! @name Creators //@{ //! Default constructor TiffIfdMakernote(uint16_t tag, IfdId group, IfdId mnGroup, MnHeader* pHeader, bool hasNext =true); //! Virtual destructor virtual ~TiffIfdMakernote(); //@} //! @name Manipulators //@{ /*! @brief Read the header from a data buffer, return true if successful. The default implementation simply returns true. */ bool readHeader(const byte* pData, uint32_t size, ByteOrder byteOrder); /*! @brief Set the byte order for the makernote. */ void setByteOrder(ByteOrder byteOrder); /*! @brief Set the byte order used for the image. */ void setImageByteOrder(ByteOrder byteOrder) { imageByteOrder_ = byteOrder; } //@} //! @name Accessors //@{ //! Return the size of the header in bytes. uint32_t sizeHeader() const; //! Write the header to a data buffer, return the number of bytes written. uint32_t writeHeader(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const; /*! @brief Return the offset to the makernote from the start of the TIFF header. */ uint32_t mnOffset() const; /*! @brief Return the offset to the start of the Makernote IFD from the start of the Makernote. Returns 0 if there is no header. */ uint32_t ifdOffset() const; /*! @brief Return the byte order for the makernote. Requires the image byte order to be set (setImageByteOrder()). Returns the byte order for the image if there is no header or the byte order for the header is \c invalidByteOrder. */ ByteOrder byteOrder() const; /*! @brief Return the byte order used for the image. */ ByteOrder imageByteOrder() const { return imageByteOrder_; } /*! @brief Return the base offset for use with the makernote IFD entries relative to the start of the TIFF header. Returns 0 if there is no header. */ uint32_t baseOffset() const; //@} protected: //! @name Protected Manipulators //@{ virtual TiffComponent* doAddPath(uint16_t tag, TiffPath& tiffPath, TiffComponent* const pRoot, TiffComponent::AutoPtr object); virtual TiffComponent* doAddChild(TiffComponent::AutoPtr tiffComponent); virtual TiffComponent* doAddNext(TiffComponent::AutoPtr tiffComponent); virtual void doAccept(TiffVisitor& visitor); /*! @brief Implements write(). Write the Makernote header, TIFF directory, values and additional data to the \em ioWrapper, return the number of bytes written. */ virtual uint32_t doWrite(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t valueIdx, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx); //@} //! @name Protected Accessors //@{ virtual TiffIfdMakernote* doClone() const; /*! @brief This class does not really implement writeData(), it only has write(). This method must not be called; it commits suicide. */ virtual uint32_t doWriteData(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx) const; /*! @brief Implements writeImage(). Write the image data of the IFD of the Makernote. Return the number of bytes written. */ virtual uint32_t doWriteImage(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const; /*! @brief Implements size(). Return the size of the Makernote header, TIFF directory, values and additional data. */ virtual uint32_t doSize() const; /*! @brief Implements count(). Return the number of entries in the IFD of the Makernote. Does not count entries which are marked as deleted. */ virtual uint32_t doCount() const; /*! @brief This class does not really implement sizeData(), it only has size(). This method must not be called; it commits suicide. */ virtual uint32_t doSizeData() const; /*! @brief Implements sizeImage(). Return the total image data size of the makernote IFD. */ virtual uint32_t doSizeImage() const; //@} private: /*! @name NOT implemented Implementing the copy constructor and assignment operator will require cloning the header, i.e., clone() functionality on the MnHeader hierarchy. */ //@{ //! Copy constructor. TiffIfdMakernote(const TiffIfdMakernote& rhs); //! Assignment operator. TiffIfdMakernote& operator=(const TiffIfdMakernote& rhs); //@} // DATA MnHeader* pHeader_; //!< Makernote header TiffDirectory ifd_; //!< Makernote IFD uint32_t mnOffset_; //!< Makernote offset ByteOrder imageByteOrder_; //!< Byte order for the image }; // class TiffIfdMakernote /*! @brief Function pointer type for a function to determine which cfg + def of a corresponding array set to use. */ typedef int (*CfgSelFct)(uint16_t, const byte*, uint32_t, TiffComponent* const); //! Function pointer type for a crypt function used for binary arrays. typedef DataBuf (*CryptFct)(uint16_t, const byte*, uint32_t, TiffComponent* const); //! Defines one tag in a binary array struct ArrayDef { //! Comparison with idx bool operator==(uint32_t idx) const { return idx_ == idx; } //! Get the size in bytes of a tag. uint32_t size(uint16_t tag, IfdId group) const; // DATA uint32_t idx_; //!< Index in bytes from the start TiffType tiffType_; //!< TIFF type of the element uint32_t count_; //!< Number of components }; //! Additional configuration for a binary array. struct ArrayCfg { /*! @brief Return the size of the default tag, which is used to calculate tag numbers as idx/tagStep */ uint32_t tagStep() const { return elDefaultDef_.size(0, group_); } //DATA IfdId group_; //!< Group for the elements ByteOrder byteOrder_; //!< Byte order, invalidByteOrder to inherit TiffType elTiffType_; //!< Type for the array entry and the size element, if any CryptFct cryptFct_; //!< Crypt function, 0 if not used bool hasSize_; //!< If true, first tag is the size element bool hasFillers_; //!< If true, write all defined tags bool concat_; //!< If true, concatenate gaps between defined tags to single tags ArrayDef elDefaultDef_; //!< Default element }; //! Combination of array configuration and definition for arrays struct ArraySet { const ArrayCfg cfg_; //!< Binary array configuration const ArrayDef* def_; //!< Binary array definition array const int defSize_; //!< Size of the array definition array }; /*! @brief Composite to model an array of different tags. The tag types as well as other aspects of the array are configurable. The elements of this component are of type TiffBinaryElement. */ class TiffBinaryArray : public TiffEntryBase { public: //! @name Creators //@{ //! Constructor TiffBinaryArray(uint16_t tag, IfdId group, const ArrayCfg* arrayCfg, const ArrayDef* arrayDef, int defSize); //! Constructor for a complex binary array TiffBinaryArray(uint16_t tag, IfdId group, const ArraySet* arraySet, int setSize, CfgSelFct cfgSelFct); //! Virtual destructor virtual ~TiffBinaryArray(); //@} //! @name Manipulators //@{ //! Add an element to the binary array, return the size of the element uint32_t addElement(uint32_t idx, const ArrayDef& def); /*! @brief Setup cfg and def for the component, in case of a complex binary array. Else do nothing. Return true if the initialization succeeded, else false. This version of initialize() is used during intrusive writing. It determines the correct settings based on the \em group passed in (which is the group of the first tag that is added to the array). It doesn't require cfgSelFct_. @param group Group to setup the binary array for. @return true if the initialization succeeded, else false. */ bool initialize(IfdId group); /*! @brief Setup cfg and def for the component, in case of a complex binary array. Else do nothing. Return true if the initialization succeeded, else false. This version of initialize() is used for reading and non-intrusive writing. It calls cfgSelFct_ to determine the correct settings. @param pRoot Pointer to the root component of the TIFF tree. @return true if the initialization succeeded, else false. */ bool initialize(TiffComponent* const pRoot); //! Initialize the original data buffer and its size from the base entry. void iniOrigDataBuf(); //! Update the original data buffer and its size, return true if successful. bool updOrigDataBuf(const byte* pData, uint32_t size); //! Set a flag to indicate if the array was decoded void setDecoded(bool decoded) { decoded_ = decoded; } //@} //! @name Accessors //@{ //! Return a pointer to the configuration const ArrayCfg* cfg() const { return arrayCfg_; } //! Return a pointer to the definition const ArrayDef* def() const { return arrayDef_; } //! Return the number of elements in the definition int defSize() const { return defSize_; } //! Return the flag which indicates if the array was decoded bool decoded() const { return decoded_; } //@} protected: //! @name Protected Creators //@{ //! Copy constructor (used to implement clone()). TiffBinaryArray(const TiffBinaryArray& rhs); //@} //! @name Protected Manipulators //@{ /*! @brief Implements addPath(). Todo: Document it! */ virtual TiffComponent* doAddPath(uint16_t tag, TiffPath& tiffPath, TiffComponent* const pRoot, TiffComponent::AutoPtr object); /*! @brief Implements addChild(). Todo: Document it! */ virtual TiffComponent* doAddChild(TiffComponent::AutoPtr tiffComponent); virtual void doAccept(TiffVisitor& visitor); virtual void doEncode(TiffEncoder& encoder, const Exifdatum* datum); /*! @brief Implements write(). Todo: Document it! */ virtual uint32_t doWrite(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t valueIdx, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx); //@} //! @name Protected Accessors //@{ virtual TiffBinaryArray* doClone() const; //! Implements count(). Todo: Document it! virtual uint32_t doCount() const; // Using doWriteData from base class // Using doWriteImage from base class /*! @brief Implements size(). Todo: Document it! */ virtual uint32_t doSize() const; // Using doSizeData from base class // Using doSizeImage from base class //@} private: //! @name NOT implemented //@{ //! Assignment operator. TiffBinaryArray& operator=(const TiffBinaryArray& rhs); //@} // DATA const CfgSelFct cfgSelFct_; //!< Pointer to a function to determine which cfg to use (may be 0) const ArraySet* arraySet_; //!< Pointer to the array set, if any (may be 0) const ArrayCfg* arrayCfg_; //!< Pointer to the array configuration (must not be 0, except for unrecognized complex binary arrays) const ArrayDef* arrayDef_; //!< Pointer to the array definition (may be 0) int defSize_; //!< Size of the array definition array (may be 0) int setSize_; //!< Size of the array set (may be 0) Components elements_; //!< List of elements in this composite byte* origData_; //!< Pointer to the original data buffer (unencrypted) uint32_t origSize_; //!< Size of the original data buffer TiffComponent* pRoot_; //!< Pointer to the root component of the TIFF tree. (Only used for intrusive writing.) bool decoded_; //!< Flag to indicate if the array was decoded }; // class TiffBinaryArray /*! @brief Element of a TiffBinaryArray. */ class TiffBinaryElement : public TiffEntryBase { public: //! @name Creators //@{ //! Constructor TiffBinaryElement(uint16_t tag, IfdId group); //! Virtual destructor. virtual ~TiffBinaryElement(); //@} //! @name Manipulators //@{ /*! @brief Set the array definition for this element. */ void setElDef(const ArrayDef& def) { elDef_ = def; } /*! @brief Set the byte order of this element. */ void setElByteOrder(ByteOrder byteOrder) { elByteOrder_ = byteOrder; } //@} //! @name Accessors //@{ /*! @brief Return the array definition of this element. */ const ArrayDef* elDef() const { return &elDef_; } /*! @brief Return the byte order of this element. */ ByteOrder elByteOrder() const { return elByteOrder_; } //@} protected: //! @name Protected Manipulators //@{ virtual void doAccept(TiffVisitor& visitor); virtual void doEncode(TiffEncoder& encoder, const Exifdatum* datum); /*! @brief Implements write(). Todo: Document it! */ virtual uint32_t doWrite(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder, int32_t offset, uint32_t valueIdx, uint32_t dataIdx, uint32_t& imageIdx); //@} //! @name Protected Accessors //@{ virtual TiffBinaryElement* doClone() const; /*! @brief Implements count(). Returns the count from the element definition. */ virtual uint32_t doCount() const; // Using doWriteData from base class // Using doWriteImage from base class /*! @brief Implements size(). Returns count * type-size, both taken from the element definition. */ virtual uint32_t doSize() const; // Using doSizeData from base class // Using doSizeImage from base class //@} private: // DATA ArrayDef elDef_; //!< The array element definition ByteOrder elByteOrder_; //!< Byte order to read/write the element }; // class TiffBinaryElement // ***************************************************************************** // template, inline and free functions /*! @brief Compare two TIFF component pointers by tag. Return true if the tag of component lhs is less than that of rhs. */ bool cmpTagLt(TiffComponent const* lhs, TiffComponent const* rhs); /*! @brief Compare two TIFF component pointers by group. Return true if the group of component lhs is less than that of rhs. */ bool cmpGroupLt(TiffComponent const* lhs, TiffComponent const* rhs); //! Function to create and initialize a new TIFF entry TiffComponent::AutoPtr newTiffEntry(uint16_t tag, IfdId group); //! Function to create and initialize a new TIFF makernote entry TiffComponent::AutoPtr newTiffMnEntry(uint16_t tag, IfdId group); //! Function to create and initialize a new binary array element TiffComponent::AutoPtr newTiffBinaryElement(uint16_t tag, IfdId group); //! Function to create and initialize a new TIFF directory template TiffComponent::AutoPtr newTiffDirectory(uint16_t tag, IfdId /*group*/) { return TiffComponent::AutoPtr(new TiffDirectory(tag, newGroup)); } //! Function to create and initialize a new TIFF sub-directory template TiffComponent::AutoPtr newTiffSubIfd(uint16_t tag, IfdId group) { return TiffComponent::AutoPtr(new TiffSubIfd(tag, group, newGroup)); } //! Function to create and initialize a new binary array entry template TiffComponent::AutoPtr newTiffBinaryArray0(uint16_t tag, IfdId group) { // *& acrobatics is a workaround for a MSVC 7.1 bug return TiffComponent::AutoPtr( new TiffBinaryArray(tag, group, arrayCfg, *(&arrayDef), N)); } //! Function to create and initialize a new simple binary array entry template TiffComponent::AutoPtr newTiffBinaryArray1(uint16_t tag, IfdId group) { return TiffComponent::AutoPtr( new TiffBinaryArray(tag, group, arrayCfg, 0, 0)); } //! Function to create and initialize a new complex binary array entry template TiffComponent::AutoPtr newTiffBinaryArray2(uint16_t tag, IfdId group) { return TiffComponent::AutoPtr( new TiffBinaryArray(tag, group, arraySet, N, cfgSelFct)); } //! Function to create and initialize a new TIFF entry for a thumbnail (data) template TiffComponent::AutoPtr newTiffThumbData(uint16_t tag, IfdId group) { return TiffComponent::AutoPtr( new TiffDataEntry(tag, group, szTag, szGroup)); } //! Function to create and initialize a new TIFF entry for a thumbnail (size) template TiffComponent::AutoPtr newTiffThumbSize(uint16_t tag, IfdId group) { return TiffComponent::AutoPtr( new TiffSizeEntry(tag, group, dtTag, dtGroup)); } //! Function to create and initialize a new TIFF entry for image data template TiffComponent::AutoPtr newTiffImageData(uint16_t tag, IfdId group) { return TiffComponent::AutoPtr( new TiffImageEntry(tag, group, szTag, szGroup)); } //! Function to create and initialize a new TIFF entry for image data (size) template TiffComponent::AutoPtr newTiffImageSize(uint16_t tag, IfdId group) { // Todo: Same as newTiffThumbSize - consolidate (rename)? return TiffComponent::AutoPtr( new TiffSizeEntry(tag, group, dtTag, dtGroup)); } }} // namespace Internal, Exiv2 #endif // #ifndef TIFFCOMPOSITE_INT_HPP_