// ***************************************************************** -*- C++ -*- /* * This program is part of the Exiv2 distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* Abstract : Tester application for image file handling File : metacopy.cpp Author(s): Brad Schick (brad) History : 13-Jul-04, brad: created */ // ***************************************************************************** // included header files #include #include #include #include // include local header files which are not part of libexiv2 #include "getopt.hpp" #include "metacopy.hpp" // ***************************************************************************** // Main int main(int argc, char* const argv[]) { try { // Handle command line arguments Params params; if (params.getopt(argc, argv)) { params.usage(); return 1; } if (params.help_) { params.help(); return 2; } // Use MemIo to increase test coverage. Exiv2::BasicIo::AutoPtr fileIo(new Exiv2::FileIo(params.read_)); Exiv2::BasicIo::AutoPtr memIo(new Exiv2::MemIo); memIo->transfer(*fileIo); Exiv2::Image::AutoPtr readImg = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(memIo); assert(readImg.get() != 0); readImg->readMetadata(); Exiv2::Image::AutoPtr writeImg = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(params.write_); assert(writeImg.get() != 0); if (params.preserve_) writeImg->readMetadata(); if (params.iptc_) { writeImg->setIptcData(readImg->iptcData()); } if (params.exif_) { writeImg->setExifData(readImg->exifData()); } if (params.comment_) { writeImg->setComment(readImg->comment()); } if (params.xmp_) { writeImg->setXmpData(readImg->xmpData()); } try { writeImg->writeMetadata(); } catch (const Exiv2::AnyError&) { std::cerr << params.progname() << ": Could not write metadata to (" << params.write_ << ")\n"; return 8; } return 0; } catch (Exiv2::AnyError& e) { std::cerr << "Caught Exiv2 exception '" << e << "'\n"; return 10; } } int Params::option(int opt, const std::string& /*optarg*/, int optopt) { int rc = 0; switch (opt) { case 'h': help_ = true; break; case 'i': iptc_ = true; break; case 'e': exif_ = true; break; case 'c': comment_ = true; break; case 'x': xmp_ = true; break; case 'p': preserve_ = true; break; case 'a': iptc_ =true; exif_ =true; comment_ =true; xmp_ =true; break; case ':': std::cerr << progname() << ": Option -" << static_cast(optopt) << " requires an argument\n"; rc = 1; break; case '?': std::cerr << progname() << ": Unrecognized option -" << static_cast(optopt) << "\n"; rc = 1; break; default: std::cerr << progname() << ": getopt returned unexpected character code " << std::hex << opt << "\n"; rc = 1; break; } return rc; } int Params::nonoption(const std::string& argv) { if (!write_.empty()) { std::cerr << progname() << ": Unexpected extra argument (" << argv << ")\n"; return 1; } if (first_) read_ = argv; else write_ = argv; first_ = false; return 0; } int Params::getopt(int argc, char* const argv[]) { int rc = Util::Getopt::getopt(argc, argv, optstring_); // Further consistency checks if (help_==false) { if (rc==0 && read_.empty() ) { std::cerr << progname() << ": Read and write files must be specified\n"; rc = 1; } if (rc==0 && write_.empty() ) { std::cerr << progname() << ": Write file must be specified\n"; rc = 1; } if (preserve_ && iptc_ && exif_ && comment_ && xmp_ ) { std::cerr << progname() << ": Option -p has no effect when all metadata types are specified.\n"; rc = 1; } } return rc; } // Params::getopt void Params::usage(std::ostream& os) const { os << "\nReads and writes raw metadata. Use -h option for help.\n" << "Usage: " << progname() << " [-iecaph] readfile writefile\n"; } void Params::help(std::ostream& os) const { usage(os); os << "\nOptions:\n" << " -i Read Iptc data from readfile and write to writefile.\n" << " -e Read Exif data from readfile and write to writefile.\n" << " -c Read Jpeg comment from readfile and write to writefile.\n" << " -x Read XMP data from readfile and write to writefile.\n" << " -a Read all metadata from readfile and write to writefile.\n" << " -p Preserve existing metadata in writefile if not replaced.\n" << " -h Display this help and exit.\n\n"; } // Params::help