// ***************************************************************** -*- C++ -*- /* * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Exiv2 authors * This program is part of the Exiv2 distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /*! @file properties.hpp @brief XMP property and type information.
XMP Specification from Adobe (Property descriptions copied from the XMP specification with the permission of Adobe) @author Andreas Huggel (ahu) ahuggel@gmx.net @author Gilles Caulier (cgilles) caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com @date 13-Jul-07, ahu: created */ #ifndef PROPERTIES_HPP_ #define PROPERTIES_HPP_ // ***************************************************************************** #include "exiv2lib_export.h" // included header files #include "datasets.hpp" #include "rwlock.hpp" // ***************************************************************************** // namespace extensions namespace Exiv2 { // ***************************************************************************** // class declarations class XmpKey; // ***************************************************************************** // class definitions //! Category of an XMP property enum XmpCategory { xmpInternal, xmpExternal }; //! Information about one XMP property. struct EXIV2API XmpPropertyInfo { //! Comparison operator for name bool operator==(const std::string& name) const; const char* name_; //!< Property name const char* title_; //!< Property title or label const char* xmpValueType_; //!< XMP value type (for info only) TypeId typeId_; //!< Exiv2 default type for the property XmpCategory xmpCategory_; //!< Category (internal or external) const char* desc_; //!< Property description }; //! Structure mapping XMP namespaces and (preferred) prefixes. struct EXIV2API XmpNsInfo { //! For comparison with prefix struct Prefix { //! Constructor. explicit Prefix(const std::string& prefix); //! The prefix string. std::string prefix_; }; //! For comparison with namespace struct Ns { //! Constructor. explicit Ns(const std::string& ns); //! The namespace string std::string ns_; }; //! Comparison operator for namespace bool operator==(const Ns& ns) const; //! Comparison operator for prefix bool operator==(const Prefix& prefix) const; const char* ns_; //!< Namespace const char* prefix_; //!< (Preferred) prefix const XmpPropertyInfo* xmpPropertyInfo_; //!< List of known properties const char* desc_; //!< Brief description of the namespace }; //! XMP property reference, implemented as a static class. class EXIV2API XmpProperties { //! Prevent construction: not implemented. XmpProperties(); //! Prevent copy-construction: not implemented. XmpProperties(const XmpProperties& rhs); //! Prevent assignment: not implemented. XmpProperties& operator=(const XmpProperties& rhs); private: static const XmpNsInfo* nsInfoUnsafe(const std::string& prefix); static void unregisterNsUnsafe(const std::string& ns); static const XmpNsInfo* lookupNsRegistryUnsafe(const XmpNsInfo::Prefix& prefix); public: /*! @brief Return the title (label) of the property. @param key The property key @return The title (label) of the property, 0 if the key is of an unknown property. */ static const char* propertyTitle(const XmpKey& key); /*! @brief Return the description of the property. @param key The property key @return The description of the property, 0 if the key is of an unknown property. */ static const char* propertyDesc(const XmpKey& key); /*! @brief Return the type for property \em key. The default for unknown keys is xmpText. @param key The property key @return The type of the property */ static TypeId propertyType(const XmpKey& key); /*! @brief Return information for the property for key. If the key is a path to a nested property (one which contains a slash, like \c Xmp.MP.RegionInfo/MPRI:Regions), determines the innermost element (\c Xmp.MPRI.Regions) and returns its property information. @param key The property key @return A pointer to the property information, 0 if the key is of an unknown property. */ static const XmpPropertyInfo* propertyInfo(const XmpKey& key); /*! @brief Return the namespace name for the schema associated with \em prefix. @param prefix Prefix @return The namespace name @throw Error if no namespace is registered with \em prefix. */ static std::string ns(const std::string& prefix); /*! @brief Return the namespace description for the schema associated with \em prefix. @param prefix Prefix @return The namespace description @throw Error if no namespace is registered with \em prefix. */ static const char* nsDesc(const std::string& prefix); /*! @brief Return read-only list of built-in properties for \em prefix. @param prefix Prefix @return Pointer to the built-in properties for prefix, may be 0 if none is configured in the namespace info. @throw Error if no namespace is registered with \em prefix. */ static const XmpPropertyInfo* propertyList(const std::string& prefix); /*! @brief Return information about a schema namespace for \em prefix. Always returns a valid pointer. @param prefix The prefix @return A pointer to the related information @throw Error if no namespace is registered with \em prefix. */ static const XmpNsInfo* nsInfo(const std::string& prefix); /*! @brief Return the (preferred) prefix for schema namespace \em ns. @param ns Schema namespace @return The prefix or an empty string if namespace \em ns is not registered. */ static std::string prefix(const std::string& ns); //! Print a list of properties of a schema namespace to output stream \em os. static void printProperties(std::ostream& os, const std::string& prefix); //! Interpret and print the value of an XMP property static std::ostream& printProperty(std::ostream& os, const std::string& key, const Value& value); /*! @brief Register namespace \em ns with preferred prefix \em prefix. If the prefix is a known or previously registered prefix, the corresponding namespace URI is overwritten. @note This invalidates XMP keys generated with the previous prefix. */ static void registerNs(const std::string& ns, const std::string& prefix); /*! @brief Unregister a custom namespace \em ns. The function only has an effect if there is a namespace \em ns registered earlier, it does not unregister built-in namespaces. @note This invalidates XMP keys generated in this namespace. */ static void unregisterNs(const std::string& ns); //! lock to be used while modifying properties static Exiv2::RWLock rwLock_; /*! @brief Unregister all custom namespaces. The function only unregisters namespaces registered earlier, it does not unregister built-in namespaces. @note This invalidates XMP keys generated in any custom namespace. */ static void unregisterNs(); //! Type for the namespace registry typedef std::map NsRegistry; /*! @brief Get the registered namespace for a specific \em prefix from the registry. */ static const XmpNsInfo* lookupNsRegistry(const XmpNsInfo::Prefix& prefix); // DATA static NsRegistry nsRegistry_; //!< Namespace registry /*! @brief Get all registered namespaces (for both Exiv2 and XMPsdk) */ static void registeredNamespaces(Exiv2::Dictionary& nsDict); }; // class XmpProperties /*! @brief Concrete keys for XMP metadata. */ class EXIV2API XmpKey : public Key { public: //! Shortcut for an %XmpKey auto pointer. typedef std::auto_ptr AutoPtr; //! @name Creators //@{ /*! @brief Constructor to create an XMP key from a key string. @param key The key string. @throw Error if the first part of the key is not 'Xmp' or the second part of the key cannot be parsed and converted to a known (i.e., built-in or registered) schema prefix. */ explicit XmpKey(const std::string& key); /*! @brief Constructor to create an XMP key from a schema prefix and a property name. @param prefix Schema prefix name @param property Property name @throw Error if the schema prefix is not known. */ XmpKey(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& property); //! Copy constructor. XmpKey(const XmpKey& rhs); //! Virtual destructor. virtual ~XmpKey(); //@} //! @name Manipulators //@{ //! Assignment operator. XmpKey& operator=(const XmpKey& rhs); //@} //! @name Accessors //@{ virtual std::string key() const; virtual const char* familyName() const; /*! @brief Return the name of the group (the second part of the key). For XMP keys, the group name is the schema prefix name. */ virtual std::string groupName() const; virtual std::string tagName() const; virtual std::string tagLabel() const; //! Properties don't have a tag number. Return 0. virtual uint16_t tag() const; AutoPtr clone() const; // Todo: Should this be removed? What about tagLabel then? //! Return the schema namespace for the prefix of the key std::string ns() const; //@} private: //! Internal virtual copy constructor. virtual XmpKey* clone_() const; private: // Pimpl idiom struct Impl; std::auto_ptr p_; }; // class XmpKey // ***************************************************************************** // free functions //! Output operator for property info EXIV2API std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const XmpPropertyInfo& propertyInfo); } // namespace Exiv2 #endif // #ifndef PROPERTIES_HPP_