Blob Blame History Raw
# File     :
# Author(s): Andreas Huggel (ahu) <>
# History  : 18-Feb-04, ahu: created
#            19-Mar-05, ahu: updated after inside-out change
# Description:
#  Dot file for a graph showing the component dependencies ("uses in the 
#  interface") of the Exiv2 library.
#  Run the following command to get the image: 
#  $ dot -Tgif -oexiv2.gif

digraph "Exiv2 component dependencies" {

	L1 [shape=plaintext] ;
	L2 [shape=plaintext] ;
	L3 [shape=plaintext] ;
	L4 [shape=plaintext] ;
	L5 [shape=plaintext] ;
	L6 [shape=plaintext] ;

	"L6" -> "L5" -> "L4" -> "L3" -> "L2" -> "L1" [style=invis] ;

	"exif"      [shape=box] ;
	"iptc"      [shape=box] ;
	"metadatum" [shape=box] ;
	"ifd"       [shape=box] ;
	"image"     [shape=box] ;
	"tags"      [shape=box] ;
	"datasets"  [shape=box] ;
	"value"     [shape=box] ;
	"types"     [shape=box] ;
	"error"     [shape=box] ;
	"makernote" [shape=box] ;
	"basicio"   [shape=box] ;
	"*mn"       [shape=box] ;
	"jpgimage"  [shape=box] ;

	"basicio" -> "error"
	"basicio" -> "types"
	"*mn" -> "makernote"
	"*mn" -> "tags"
	"datasets" -> "metadatum"
	"exif" -> "ifd"
	"exif" -> "tags"
        "exif" -> "error"
	"ifd" -> "types"
	"image" -> "basicio"
	"iptc" -> "datasets"
	"iptc" -> "error"
	"jpgimage" -> "exif"
	"jpgimage" -> "image"
	"jpgimage" -> "iptc"
	"makernote" -> "ifd"
	"metadatum" -> "value"
	"tags" -> "metadatum"
	"value" -> "types"

	{ rank=same; L1 "types" }
	{ rank=same; L2 "value" "ifd" }
	{ rank=same; L5 "image" "iptc" }
