Blame tests/

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If you just want to write a simple test case, check out the file
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# Introduction
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This test suite is intended for system tests, i.e. for running a binary with
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certain parameters and comparing the output against an expected value. This is
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especially useful for a regression test suite, but can be also used for testing
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of new features where unit testing is not feasible, e.g. to test new command
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line parameters.
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The test suite is configured via `INI` style files using Python's builtin
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module. Such a configuration file looks roughly like this:
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``` ini
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some_var: some_val
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[section 1]
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multiline_var: this is a multiline string
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    as long as the indentation
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    is present
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# comments can be inserted
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# some_var is implicitly present in this section by the DEFAULT section
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[section 2]
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# set some_var for this section to something else than the default
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some_var: some_other_val
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# values from other sections can be inserted
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vars can have whitespaces: ${some_var} ${section 1: multiline var}
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multiline var: multiline variables can have
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    empty lines too
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For further details concerning the syntax, please consult the official
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documentation. The `ConfigParser` module is used with the following defaults:
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- Comments are started by `#` only
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- The separator between a variable and the value is `:`
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- Multiline comments can have empty lines
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- Extended Interpolation is used (this allows to refer to other sections when
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  inserting values using the `${section:variable}` syntax)
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Please keep in mind that leading and trailing whitespaces are **stripped** from
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strings when extracting variable values. So this:
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``` ini
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some_var:     some value with whitespaces before and after    
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is equivalent to this:
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``` ini
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some_var:some value with whitespaces before and after
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The test suite itself uses the builtin `unittest` module of Python to discover
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and run the individual test cases. The test cases themselves are implemented in
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Python source files, but the required Python knowledge is minimal.
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## Test suite
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The test suite is configured via one configuration file whose location
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automatically sets the root directory of the test suite. The `unittest` module
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then recursively searches all sub-directories with a `` file for
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files of the form `test_*.py`, which it automatically interprets as test cases
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(more about these in the next section). Python will automatically interpret each
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directory as a module and use this to format the output, e.g. the test case
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`regression/crashes/` will be interpreted as the module
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`regression.crashes.test_bug_15`. Thus one can use the directory structure to
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group test cases.
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The test suite's configuration file should have the following form:
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``` ini
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timeout: 0.1
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binary: ../build/bin/binary
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important_file: ../conf/main.cfg
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abort_error: ERROR
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abort_exit value: 1
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The General section only contains the `timeout` parameter, which is actually
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optional (when left out 1.0 is assumed). The timeout sets the maximum time in
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seconds for each command that is run before it is aborted. This allows for test
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driven development with tests that cause infinite loops or similar hangs in the
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test suite.
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The paths and variables sections define global variables for the system test
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suite, which every test case can read. Following the DRY principle, one can put
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common outputs of the tested binary in a variable, so that changing an error
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message does not result in an hour long update of the test suite. Both sections
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are merged together before being passed on to the test cases, thus they must not
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contain variables with the same name (doing so results in an error).
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While the values in the variables section are simply passed on to the test cases
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the paths section is special as its contents are interpreted as relative paths
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(with respect to the test suite's root) and are expanded to absolute paths
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before being passed to the test cases. This can be used to inform each test case
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about the location of a built binary or a configuration file without having to
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rely on environment variables.
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However, sometimes environment variables are very handy to implement variable
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paths or platform differences (like different build directories or file
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extensions). For this, the test suite supports the `ENV` and `ENV fallback`
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sections. In conjunction with the extended interpolation of the `ConfigParser`
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module, these can be quite useful. Consider the following example:
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``` ini
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timeout: 0.1
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variable_prefix: PREFIX
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file_extension: FILE_EXT
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Packit 01d647
[ENV fallback]
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variable_prefix: ../build
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binary: ${ENV:variable_prefix}/bin/binary${ENV:file_extension}
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important_file: ../conf/main.cfg
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abort_error: ERROR
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abort_exit value: 1
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The `ENV` section is, similarly to the `paths` section, special insofar as the
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variables are extracted from the environment with the given name. E.g. the
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variable `file_extension` would be set to the value of the environment variable
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`FILE_EXT`. If the environment variable is not defined, then the test suite will
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look in the `ENV fallback` section for a fallback. E.g. in the above example
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`variable_prefix` has the fallback or default value of `../build` which will be
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used if the environment variable `PREFIX` is not set. If no fallback is provided
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then an empty string is used instead, which would happen to `file_extension` if
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`FILE_EXT` would be unset.
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This can be combined with the extended interpolation of Python's `ConfigParser`,
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which allows to include variables from arbitrary sections into other variables
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using the `${sect:var_name}` syntax. This would be expanded to the value of
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`var_name` from the section `sect`. The above example only utilizes this in the
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`paths` section, but it can also be used in the `variables` section, if that
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makes sense for the use case.
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Returning to the example config file, the path `binary` would be inferred in the
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following steps:
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1. extract `PREFIX` & `FILE_EXT` from the environment, if they don't exist use
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   the default values from `ENV fallback` or ""
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2. substitute the strings `${ENV:variable_prefix}` and `${ENV:file_extension}`
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3. expand the relative path to an absolute path
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Please note that while the `INI` file allows for variables with whitespaces or
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`-` in their names, such variables will cause errors as they are invalid
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variable names in Python.
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## Test cases
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The test cases are defined in Python source files utilizing the unittest module,
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thus every file must also be a valid Python file. Each file defining a test case
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must start with `test_` and have the file extension `py`. To be discovered by
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the unittest module it must reside in a directory with a (empty) ``
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A test case should test one logical unit, e.g. test for regressions of a certain
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bug or check if a command line option works. Each test case can run multiple
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commands which results are compared to an expected standard output, standard
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error and return value. Should differences arise or should one of the commands
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take too long, then an error message with the exact differences is shown to the
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An example test case file would look like this:
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``` python
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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import system_tests
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class AnInformativeName(metaclass=system_tests.CaseMeta):
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    filename = "invalid_input_file"
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    commands = [
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	    "$binary -c $import_file -i $filename"
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Packit 01d647
    retval = ["$abort_exit_value"]
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    stdout = ["Reading $filename"]
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    stderr = [
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Packit 01d647
error in $filename
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The first 6 lines are necessary boilerplate to pull in the necessary routines to
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run the actual tests (these are implemented in the module `system_tests` with
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the meta-class `system_tests.CaseMeta` which performs the necessary preparations
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for the tests to run). When adding new tests one should choose a new class name
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that briefly summarizes the test. Note that the file name (without the
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extension) with the directory structure is interpreted as the module by Python
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and pre-pended to the class name when reporting about the tests. E.g. the file
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`regression/crashes/` with the class `OutOfBoundsRead` gets
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reported as `regression.crashes.test_bug_15.OutOfBoundsRead` already including
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a brief summary of this test.
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In the following lines the lists `commands`, `retval`, `stdout` and `stderr`
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should be defined. These are lists of strings and must all have the same number
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of elements.
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The test suite at first takes all these strings and substitutes all values
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following a `$` with variables either defined in this class alongside (like
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`filename` in the above example) or with the values defined in the test suite's
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configuration file. Please note that defining a variable with the same name as a
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variable in the suite's configuration file will result in an error (otherwise
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one of the variables would take precedence leading to unexpected results). The
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variables defined in the test suites configuration file are also available in
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the `system_tests` namespace. In the above example it would be therefore
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possible to access `abort_exit_value` via `system_tests.abort_exit_value`
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(please be aware that all values will be strings though).
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The substitution of values is performed using the template module from Python's
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string library via `safe_substitute`. In the above example the command would
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thus expand to:
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``` shell
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/path/to/the/dir/build/bin/binary -c /path/to/the/dir/conf/main.cfg -i invalid_input_file
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and similarly for `stdout` and `stderr`.
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Once the substitution is performed, each command is run using Python's
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`subprocess` module, its output is compared to the values in `stdout` and
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`stderr` and its return value to `retval`. Please note that for portability
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reasons the subprocess module is run with `shell=False`, thus shell expansions,
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pipes and redirections into files will not work.
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As the test cases are implemented in Python, one can take full advantage of
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Python for the construction of the necessary lists. For example when 10 commands
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should be run and all return 0, one can write `retval = 10 * [0]` instead of
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writing 0 ten times. The same is of course possible for strings.
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### Multiline strings
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It is generally recommended to use Python's multiline strings (strings starting
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and ending with three `"` instead of one `"`) for the elements of the `commands`
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list, especially when the commands include `"` or escape sequences. Proper
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escaping is tricky to get right in a platform independent way, as it depends on
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the terminal that is used. Using multiline strings circumvents this issue.
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There are however some peculiarities with multiline strings in Python. Normal
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strings start and end with a single `"` but multiline strings start with three
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`"`. Also, while the variable names must be indented, new lines in multiline
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strings must not or additional whitespaces will be added. E.g.:
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``` python
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    stderr = [
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will actually result in the string:
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and not:
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as the indentation might have suggested.
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Also note that in this example the string will not be terminated with a newline
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character. To achieve that put the `"""` on the following line.
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### Paths
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Some test cases require the specification of paths (e.g. to the location of test
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cases). This can be problematic when working with the Windows operating system,
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as it sometimes exhibits problems with `/` as path separators instead of `\`,
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which cannot be used on every other platform.
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This can be circumvented by creating the paths via `os.path.join`, but that is
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quite verbose. A slightly simpler alternative is the function `path` from
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`system_tests` which converts all `/` inside your string into the platform's
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default path separator:
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``` python
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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from system_tests import CaseMeta, path
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class AnInformativeName(metaclass=CaseMeta):
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    filename = path("$path_to_test_files/invalid_input_file")
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Packit 01d647
    # the rest of your test case
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## Advanced test cases
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This section describes more advanced features that are probably not necessary
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the "standard" usage of the test suite.
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### Providing standard input to commands
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The test suite supports providing a standard input to commands in a similar
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fashion as the standard output and error are specified: it expects a list (with
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the length equal to the number of commands) of standard inputs (either strings
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or `bytes`). For commands that expect no standard input, simply set the
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respective entry to `None`:
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``` python
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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import system_tests
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class AnInformativeName(metaclass=system_tests.CaseMeta):
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Packit 01d647
    commands = [
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	    "$binary -c $import_file --",
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        "$binary -c $import_file --"
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Packit 01d647
    retval = [1, 1]
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    stdin = [
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        "read file a",
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Packit 01d647
    stdout = [
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Packit 01d647
    stderr = [
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Packit 01d647
        "No input provided"
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In this example, the command `$binary -c $import_file --` would be run twice,
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first with the standard input `read file a` and second without any input
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(resulting in the error `No input provided`).
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If all commands don't expect any standard input, omit the attribute `stdin`, the
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test suite will implicitly assume `None` for every command.
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### Using a different output encoding
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The test suite will try to interpret the program's output as utf-8 encoded
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strings and if that fails it will try the `iso-8859-1` encoding (also know as
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If the tested program outputs characters in another encoding then it can be
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supplied as the `encodings` parameter in each test case:
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``` python
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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import system_tests
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class AnInformativeName(metaclass=system_tests.CaseMeta):
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    encodings = ['ascii']
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    filename = "invalid_input_file"
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    commands = [
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	    "$binary -c $import_file -i $filename"
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Packit 01d647
    retval = ["$abort_exit_value"]
Packit 01d647
    stdout = ["Reading $filename"]
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    stderr = [
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Packit 01d647
error in $filename
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The test suite will try to decode the program's output with the provided
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encodings in the order that they appear in the list. It will select the first
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encoding that can decode the output successfully. If no encoding is able to
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decode the program's output, then an error is raised. The list of all supported
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encodings can be found
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### Working with binary output
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Some programs output binary data directly to stdout or stderr. Such programs can
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be also tested by specifying the type `bytes` as the only member in the
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`encodings` list and supplying `stdout` and/or `stderr` as `bytes` and not as a
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An example test case would look like this:
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``` python
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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Packit 01d647
import system_tests
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class AnInformativeName(metaclass=system_tests.CaseMeta):
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Packit 01d647
    encodings = [bytes]
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Packit 01d647
    commands = ["$prog --dump-binary"]
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    retval = [1]
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    stdout = [bytes([1, 2, 3, 4, 16, 42])]
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    stderr = [bytes()]
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Using the bytes encoding has the following limitations:
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- variables of the form `$some_var` cannot be expanded in `stdout` and `stderr`
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- if the `bytes` encoding is specified, then both `stderr` and `stdout` must be
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  valid `bytes`
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### Setting and modifying environment variables
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The test suite supports setting or modifying environment variables for
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individual test cases. This can be accomplished by adding a member dictionary
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named `env` with the appropriate variable names and keys:
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``` python
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
from system_tests import CaseMeta, path
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Packit 01d647
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class AnInformativeName(metaclass=CaseMeta):
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Packit 01d647
    env = {
Packit 01d647
        "MYVAR": 26,
Packit 01d647
        "USER": "foobar"
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Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
    # if you want a pristine environment, consisting only of MYVAR & USER,
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    # uncomment the following line:
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    # inherit_env = False
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    # the rest of the test case follows
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All commands belonging to this test case will be run with a modified environment
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where the variables `MYVAR` and `USER` will be set to the specified
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values. By default the environment is inherited from the user's environment and
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the specified variables in `env` take precedence over the variables in the
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user's environment (in the above example the variable `$USER` would be
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overridden). If no variables should be inherited set `inherit_env` to `False`
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and your test case will get only the specified environment variables.
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### Creating file copies
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For tests that modify their input file it is useful to run these with a
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disposable copy of the input file and not with the original. For this purpose
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the test suite features a decorator which creates a copy of the supplied files
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and deletes the copies after the test ran.
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Packit 01d647
``` python
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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Packit 01d647
import system_tests
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Packit 01d647
@system_tests.CopyFiles("$filename", "$some_path/another_file.txt")
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class AnInformativeName(metaclass=system_tests.CaseMeta):
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    filename = "invalid_input_file"
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    commands = [
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	    "$binary -c $import_file -i $filename"
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Packit 01d647
    retval = ["$abort_exit_value"]
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    stdout = ["Reading $filename"]
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    stderr = [
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Packit 01d647
error in $filename
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In this example, the test suite would automatically create a copy of the files
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`invalid_input_file` and `$some_path/another_file.txt` (`some_path` would be of
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course expanded too) named `invalid_input_file_copy` and
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`$some_path/another_file_copy.txt`. After the test ran, the copies are
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deleted. Please note that variable expansion in the filenames is possible.
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### Customizing the output check
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Some tests do not require a "brute-force" comparison of the whole output of a
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program but only a very simple check (e.g. that a string is present). For these
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cases, one can customize how stdout and stderr checked for errors.
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The `system_tests.Case` class has two public functions for the check of stdout &
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stderr: `compare_stdout` & `compare_stderr`. They have the following interface:
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``` python
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compare_stdout(self, i, command, got_stdout, expected_stdout)
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compare_stderr(self, i, command, got_stderr, expected_stderr)
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Packit 01d647
with the parameters:
Packit 01d647
- i: index of the command in the `commands` list
Packit 01d647
- command: a string of the actually invoked command
Packit 01d647
- got_stdout/stderr: the obtained stdout, post-processed depending on the
Packit 01d647
  platform so that lines always end with `\n`
Packit 01d647
- expected_stdout/stderr: the expected output extracted from
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
These functions can be overridden in child classes to perform custom checks (or
Packit 01d647
to omit them completely, too). Please however note, that it is not possible to
Packit 01d647
customize how the return value is checked. This is indented, as the return value
Packit 01d647
is often used by the OS to indicate segfaults and ignoring it (in combination
Packit 01d647
with flawed checks of the output) could lead to crashes not being noticed.
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
A drop-in replacement for `compare_stderr` is provided by the `system_tests`
Packit 01d647
module itself: `check_no_ASAN_UBSAN_errors`. This function only checks that
Packit 01d647
errors from AddressSanitizer and undefined behavior sanitizer are not present in
Packit 01d647
the obtained output to standard error **and nothing else**. This is useful for
Packit 01d647
test cases where stderr is filled with warnings that are not worth being tracked
Packit 01d647
by the test suite. It can be used in the following way:
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
``` python
Packit 01d647
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
import system_tests
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
class AnInformativeName(metaclass=system_tests.CaseMeta):
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
    filename = "invalid_input_file"
Packit 01d647
    commands = ["$binary -c $import_file -i $filename"]
Packit 01d647
    retval = ["$abort_exit_value"]
Packit 01d647
    stdout = ["Reading $filename"]
Packit 01d647
    stderr = ["""A huge amount of error messages would be here that we absolutely do not care about. Actually everything in this string gets ignored, so we can just leave it empty.
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
    compare_stderr = system_tests.check_no_ASAN_UBSAN_errors
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
### Running all commands under valgrind
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
The test suite can run all commands under a memory checker like
Packit 01d647
[valgrind]( or [dr. memory]( This
Packit 01d647
option can be enabled by adding the entry `memcheck` in the `General` section of
Packit 01d647
the configuration file, which specifies the command to invoke the memory
Packit 01d647
checking tool. The test suite will then prefix **all** commands with the
Packit 01d647
specified command.
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
For example this configuration file:
Packit 01d647
``` ini
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
timeout: 0.1
Packit 01d647
memcheck: valgrind --quiet
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
will result in every command specified in the test cases being run as `valgrind
Packit 01d647
--quiet $command`.
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
When running your test cases under a memory checker, please take the following
Packit 01d647
into account:
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
- valgrind and dr. memory slow the program execution down by a factor of
Packit 01d647
  10-20. Therefore the test suite will increase the timeout value by a factor of
Packit 01d647
  20 or by the value specified in the option `memcheck_timeout_penalty` in the
Packit 01d647
  `General` section.
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
- valgrind reports by default on success to stderr, be sure to run it with
Packit 01d647
  `--quiet`. Otherwise successful tests will fail under valgrind, as unexpected
Packit 01d647
  output is present on stderr
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
- valgrind and ASAN cannot be used together
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
- Although the option is called `memcheck`, it can be used to execute all
Packit 01d647
  commands via a wrapper that has a completely different purpose (e.g. to
Packit 01d647
  collect test coverage).
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
### Manually expanding variables in strings
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
In case completely custom checks have to be run but one still wants to access
Packit 01d647
the variables from the test suite, the class `system_test.Case` provides the
Packit 01d647
function `expand_variables(self, string)`. It performs the previously described
Packit 01d647
variable substitution using the test suite's configuration file.
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Unfortunately, it has to run in a class member function. The `setUp()` function
Packit 01d647
can be used for this, as it is run before each test. For example like this:
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
``` python
Packit 01d647
class SomeName(metaclass=system_tests.CaseMeta):
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
	def setUp(self):
Packit 01d647
		self.commands = [self.expand_variables("$some_var/foo.txt")]
Packit 01d647
		self.stderr = [""]
Packit 01d647
		self.stdout = [self.expand_variables("$success_message")]
Packit 01d647
		self.retval = [0]
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
This example will work, as the test runner reads the data for `commands`,
Packit 01d647
`stderr`, `stdout` and `retval` from the class instance. What however will not
Packit 01d647
work is creating a new member in `setUp()` and trying to use it as a variable
Packit 01d647
for expansion, like this:
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
``` python
Packit 01d647
class SomeName(metaclass=system_tests.CaseMeta):
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
	def setUp(self):
Packit 01d647
		self.new_var = "foo"
Packit 01d647
		self.another_string = self.expand_variables("$new_var")
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
This example fails in `self.expand_variables` because the expansion uses only
Packit 01d647
static class members (which `new_var` is not). Also, if you modify a static
Packit 01d647
class member in `setUp()` the changed version will **not** be used for variable
Packit 01d647
expansion, as the variables are saved in a new dictionary **before** `setUp()`
Packit 01d647
runs. Thus this:
Packit 01d647
``` python
Packit 01d647
class SomeName(metaclass=system_tests.CaseMeta):
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
	new_var = "foo"
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
	def setUp(self):
Packit 01d647
		self.new_var = "bar"
Packit 01d647
		self.another_string = self.expand_variables("$new_var")
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
will result in `another_string` being "foo" and not "bar".
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
### Hooks
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
The `Case` class provides two hooks that are run after each command and after
Packit 01d647
all commands, respectively. The hook which is run after each successful command
Packit 01d647
has the following signature:
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
``` Python
Packit 01d647
post_command_hook(self, i, command)
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
with the following parameters:
Packit 01d647
- `i`: index of the command in the `commands` list
Packit 01d647
- `command`: a string of the actually invoked command
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
The hook which is run after all test takes no parameters except `self`:
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
``` Python
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
By default, these hooks do nothing. They can be used to implement custom checks
Packit 01d647
after certain commands, e.g. to check if a file was created. Such a test can be
Packit 01d647
implemented as follows:
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
``` Python
Packit 01d647
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
import system_tests
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
class AnInformativeName(metaclass=system_tests.CaseMeta):
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
    filename = "input_file"
Packit 01d647
    output = "out"
Packit 01d647
    commands = ["$binary -o output -i $filename"]
Packit 01d647
    retval = [0]
Packit 01d647
    stdout = [""]
Packit 01d647
    stderr = [""]
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
    output_contents = """Hello World!
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
    def post_tests_hook(self):
Packit 01d647
        with open(self.output, "r") as out:
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
### Possible pitfalls
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
- Do not provide a custom `setUpClass()` function for the test
Packit 01d647
  cases. `setUpClass()` is used by `system_tests.Case` to store the variables
Packit 01d647
  for expansion.
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
## Running the test suite
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
The test suite is written for Python 3 and is not compatible with Python 2, thus
Packit 01d647
it must be run with `python3` and not with `python` (which is usually an alias
Packit 01d647
for Python 2).
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Then navigate to the `tests/` subdirectory and run:
Packit 01d647
``` shell
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
One can supply the script with a directory where the suite should look for the
Packit 01d647
tests (it will search the directory recursively). If omitted, the runner will
Packit 01d647
look in the directory where the configuration file is located. It is also
Packit 01d647
possible to instead pass a file as the parameter, the test suite will then only
Packit 01d647
run the tests from this file.
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
The runner script also supports the optional arguments `--config_file` which
Packit 01d647
allows to provide a different test suite configuration file than the default
Packit 01d647
`suite.conf`. It also forwards the verbosity setting via the `-v`/`--verbose`
Packit 01d647
flags to Python's unittest module.
Packit 01d647
Packit 01d647
Optionally one can provide the `--debug` flag which will instruct test suite to
Packit 01d647
print all command invocations and all expected and obtained outputs to the
Packit 01d647
standard output.