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T A B L E   o f   C O N T E N T S
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1   Building Adobe XMPsdk and Samples in Terminal with the ./ scripts
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1.1 Amazing Discovery 1    DumpFile is linked to libstdc++.6.dylib
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1.2 Amazing Discovery 2    Millions of "weak symbol/visibility" messages
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4   Build design for v0.26.1
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4.8 Support for MinGW
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5   Refactoring the Tiff Code
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5.1 Background
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5.2 How does Exiv2 decode the ExifData in a JPEG?
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5.3 How is metadata organized in Exiv2
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5.4 Where are the tags defined?
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5.5 How do the MakerNotes get decoded?
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5.6 How do the encoders work?
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6   Using external XMP SDK via Conan
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4   Build design for v0.26.1
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Added   : 2017-08-18
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Modified: 2017-08-23
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    The purpose of the v0.26.1 is to release bug fixes and
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    experimental new features which may become defaults with v0.27
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4.8 Support for MinGW
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    MinGW msys/1.0 was deprecated when v0.26 was released.
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    No support for MinGW msys/1.0 will be provided.
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    It's very likely that the MinGW msys/1.0 will build.
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    I will not provide any user support for MinGW msys/1.0 in future.
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    MinGW msys/2.0 might be supported as "experimental" in Exiv2 v0.26.2
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5   Refactoring the Tiff Code
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Added   : 2017-09-24
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Modified: 2017-09-24
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5.1 Background
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    Tiff parsing is the root code of a metadata engine.
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    The Tiff parsing code in Exiv2 is very difficult to understand and has major architectural shortcomings:
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    1) It requires the Tiff file to be totally in memory
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    2) It cannot handle BigTiff
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    3) The parser doesn't know the source of the in memory tiff image
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    4) It uses memory mapping on the tiff file
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       - if the network connection is lost, horrible things happen
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       - it requires a lot of VM to map the complete file
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       - BigTiff file can be 100GB+
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       - The memory mapping causes problems with Virus Detection software on Windows
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    5) The parser cannot deal with multi-page tiff files
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    6) It requires the total file to be in contiguous memory and defeats 'webready'.
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    The Tiff parsing code in Exiv2 is ingenious.  It's also very robust.  It works well.  It can:
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    1) Handle 32-bit Tiff and Many Raw formats (which are derived from Tiff)
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    2) It can read and write Manufacturer's MakerNotes which are (mostly) in Tiff format
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    3) It probably has other great features that I haven't discovered
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       - because the code is so hard to understand, I can't simply browse and read it.
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    4) It separates file navigation from data analysis.
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    The code in image::printStructure was originally written to understand "what is a tiff?"
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    It has problems:
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    1) It was intended to be a single threaded debugging function and has security issues.
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    2) It doesn't handle BigTiff
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    3) It's messy.  It's reading and processing metadata simultaneously.
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    The aim of this project is to
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    1) Reconsider the Tiff Code.
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    2) Keep everything good in the code and address known deficiencies
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    3) Establish a Team Exiv2 "Tiff Expert" who knows the code intimately.
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5.2 How does Exiv2 decode the ExifData in a JPEG?
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    You can get my test file from
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    808 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/build $ exiv2 -pS ~/Stonehenge.jpg
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        STRUCTURE OF JPEG FILE: /Users/rmills/Stonehenge.jpg
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         address | marker       |  length | data
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               0 | 0xffd8 SOI
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               2 | 0xffe1 APP1  |   15288 | Exif..II*......................
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           15292 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    2610 |
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           17904 | 0xffed APP13 |      96 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM.......'.....
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           18002 | 0xffe2 APP2  |    4094 | MPF.II*...............0100.....
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           22098 | 0xffdb DQT   |     132
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           22232 | 0xffc0 SOF0  |      17
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           22251 | 0xffc4 DHT   |     418
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           22671 | 0xffda SOS
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        809 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/build $
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    Exiv2 calls JpegBase::readMetadata which locates the APP1/Exif segment.
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    It invokes the ExifParser:
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       ExifParser::decode(exifData_, rawExif.pData_, rawExif.size_);
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    This is thin wrapper over:
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       TiffParserWorker::decode(....) in tiffimage.cpp
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    What happens then?  I don't know.  The metadata is decoded in:
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       tiffvisitor.cpp TiffDecoder::visitEntry()
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    The design of the TiffMumble classes is the "Visitor" pattern
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    described in "Design Patterns" by Addison & Wesley.  The aim of the pattern
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    is to separate parsing from dealing with the data.
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    The data is being stored in ExifData which is a vector.
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    Order is important and preserved.
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    As the data values are recovered they are stored as Exifdatum in the vector.
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    How does the tiff visitor work?  I think the reader and processor
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    are connected by this line in TiffParser::
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    The class tree for the decoder is:
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    class TiffDecoder : public TiffFinder {
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      class TiffReader ,
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      class TiffFinder : public TiffVisitor {
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        class TiffVisitor {
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          //! Events for the stop/go flag. See setGo().
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          enum GoEvent {
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              geTraverse       = 0,
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              geKnownMakernote = 1
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          void setGo(GoEvent event, bool go);
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          virtual void visitEntry(TiffEntry* object) =0;
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          virtual void visitDataEntry(TiffDataEntry* object) =0;
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          virtual void visitImageEntry(TiffImageEntry* object) =0;
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          virtual void visitSizeEntry(TiffSizeEntry* object) =0;
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          virtual void visitDirectory(TiffDirectory* object) =0;
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          virtual void visitSubIfd(TiffSubIfd* object) =0;
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          virtual void visitMnEntry(TiffMnEntry* object) =0;
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          virtual void visitIfdMakernote(TiffIfdMakernote* object) =0;
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          virtual void visitIfdMakernoteEnd(TiffIfdMakernote* object);
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          virtual void visitBinaryArray(TiffBinaryArray* object) =0;
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          virtual void visitBinaryArrayEnd(TiffBinaryArray* object);
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          //! Operation to perform for an element of a binary array
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          virtual void visitBinaryElement(TiffBinaryElement* object) =0;
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          //! Check if stop flag for \em event is clear, return true if it's clear.
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          bool go(GoEvent event) const;
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    The reader works by stepping along the Tiff directory and calls the visitor's
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    "callbacks" as it reads.
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    There are 2000 lines of code in tiffcomposite.cpp and, to be honest,
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    I don't know what most of it does!
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    Set a breakpoint in src/exif.cpp#571.
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    That’s where he adds the key/value to the exifData vector.
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    Exactly how did he get here?  That’s a puzzle.
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    void ExifData::add(const ExifKey& key, const Value* pValue)
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        add(Exifdatum(key, pValue));
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5.3 How is metadata organized in Exiv2
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    section: Exif | IPTC | Xmp
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    group:   Photo | Image | MakerNote | Nikon3 ....
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    tag: YResolution etc ...
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    820 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src $ exiv2 -pa ~/Stonehenge.jpg | cut -d' ' -f 1 | cut -d. -f 1 | sort | uniq
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    821 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src $ exiv2 -pa --grep Exif ~/Stonehenge.jpg  | cut -d'.' -f 2 | sort | uniq
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    822 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src $ 533 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/Downloads $ exiv2 -pa --grep Exif ~/Stonehenge.jpg  | cut -d'.' -f 3 | cut -d' ' -f 1 | sort | uniq
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534 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/Downloads $
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    823 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src $
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    The data in IFD0 of is Exiv2.Image:
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    826 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src $ exiv2 -pR ~/Stonehenge.jpg  | head -20
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    STRUCTURE OF JPEG FILE: /Users/rmills/Stonehenge.jpg
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     address | marker       |  length | data
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           0 | 0xffd8 SOI
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           2 | 0xffe1 APP1  |   15288 | Exif..II*......................
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       address |    tag                              |      type |    count |    offset | value
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            10 | 0x010f Make                         |     ASCII |       18 |       146 | NIKON CORPORATION
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            22 | 0x0110 Model                        |     ASCII |       12 |       164 | NIKON D5300
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            34 | 0x0112 Orientation                  |     SHORT |        1 |           | 1
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            46 | 0x011a XResolution                  |  RATIONAL |        1 |       176 | 300/1
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            58 | 0x011b YResolution                  |  RATIONAL |        1 |       184 | 300/1
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            70 | 0x0128 ResolutionUnit               |     SHORT |        1 |           | 2
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            82 | 0x0131 Software                     |     ASCII |       10 |       192 | Ver.1.00
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            94 | 0x0132 DateTime                     |     ASCII |       20 |       202 | 2015:07:16 20:25:28
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           106 | 0x0213 YCbCrPositioning             |     SHORT |        1 |           | 1
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           118 | 0x8769 ExifTag                      |      LONG |        1 |           | 222
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         address |    tag                              |      type |    count |    offset | value
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             224 | 0x829a ExposureTime                 |  RATIONAL |        1 |       732 | 10/4000
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             236 | 0x829d FNumber                      |  RATIONAL |        1 |       740 | 100/10
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    827 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src $ exiv2 -pa --grep Image ~/Stonehenge.jpg
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    Exif.Image.Make                              Ascii      18  NIKON CORPORATION
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    Exif.Image.Model                             Ascii      12  NIKON D5300
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    Exif.Image.Orientation                       Short       1  top, left
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    Exif.Image.XResolution                       Rational    1  300
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    Exif.Image.YResolution                       Rational    1  300
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    Exif.Image.ResolutionUnit                    Short       1  inch
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    Exif.Image.Software                          Ascii      10  Ver.1.00
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    Exif.Image.DateTime                          Ascii      20  2015:07:16 20:25:28
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    Exif.Image.YCbCrPositioning                  Short       1  Centered
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    Exif.Image.ExifTag                           Long        1  222
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    Exif.Nikon3.ImageBoundary                    Short       4  0 0 6000 4000
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    Exif.Nikon3.ImageDataSize                    Long        1  6173648
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    Exif.NikonAf2.AFImageWidth                   Short       1  0
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    Exif.NikonAf2.AFImageHeight                  Short       1  0
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    Exif.Photo.ImageUniqueID                     Ascii      33  090caaf2c085f3e102513b24750041aa
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    Exif.Image.GPSTag                            Long        1  4060
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    828 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src $
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    The data in IFD1 is Exiv2.Photo
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    The data in the MakerNote is another embedded TIFF (which more embedded tiffs)
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    829 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src $ exiv2 -pa --grep MakerNote ~/Stonehenge.jpg
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    Exif.Photo.MakerNote                         Undefined 3152  (Binary value suppressed)
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    Exif.MakerNote.Offset                        Long        1  914
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    Exif.MakerNote.ByteOrder                     Ascii       3  II
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    830 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src $
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    The MakerNote decodes them into:
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    Exif.Nikon1, Exiv2.NikonAf2 and so on.  I don't know exactly it achieves this.
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    However it means that tag-numbers can be reused in different IFDs.
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    Tag 0x0016 = Nikon GPSSpeed and can mean something different elsewhere.
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5.4 Where are the tags defined?
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    There's an array of "TagInfo" data structures in each of the makernote decoders.
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    These define the tag (a number) and the tag name, the groupID (eg canonId) and the default type.
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    There's also a callback to print the value of the tag.  This does the "interpretation"
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    that is performed by the -pt in the exiv2 command-line program.
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    TagInfo(0x4001, "ColorData", N_("Color Data"), N_("Color data"), canonId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
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5.5 How do the MakerNotes get decoded?
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    I don't know.  It has something to do with this code in tiffcomposite.cpp#936
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    TiffMnEntry::doAccept(TiffVisitor& visitor) { ... }
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    Most makernotes are TiffStructures.  So the TiffXXX classes are invoked recursively to decode the maker note.
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#0	0x000000010058b4b0 in Exiv2::Internal::TiffDirectory::doAccept(Exiv2::Internal::TiffVisitor&) at /Users/rmills/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src/tiffcomposite.cpp:916
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    This function iterated the array of entries
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#1	0x000000010058b3c6 in Exiv2::Internal::TiffComponent::accept(Exiv2::Internal::TiffVisitor&) at /Users/rmills/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src/tiffcomposite.cpp:891
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#2	0x00000001005b5357 in Exiv2::Internal::TiffParserWorker::parse(unsigned char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, Exiv2::Internal::TiffHeaderBase*) at /Users/rmills/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src/tiffimage.cpp:2006
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    This function creates an array of TiffEntries
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#3	0x00000001005a2a60 in Exiv2::Internal::TiffParserWorker::decode(Exiv2::ExifData&, Exiv2::IptcData&, Exiv2::XmpData&, unsigned char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, void (Exiv2::Internal::TiffDecoder::* (*)(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned int, Exiv2::Internal::IfdId))(Exiv2::Internal::TiffEntryBase const*), Exiv2::Internal::TiffHeaderBase*) at /Users/rmills/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src/tiffimage.cpp:1900
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#4	0x00000001005a1ae9 in Exiv2::TiffParser::decode(Exiv2::ExifData&, Exiv2::IptcData&, Exiv2::XmpData&, unsigned char const*, unsigned int) at /Users/rmills/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src/tiffimage.cpp:260
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#5	0x000000010044d956 in Exiv2::ExifParser::decode(Exiv2::ExifData&, unsigned char const*, unsigned int) at /Users/rmills/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src/exif.cpp:625
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#6	0x0000000100498fd7 in Exiv2::JpegBase::readMetadata() at /Users/rmills/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src/jpgimage.cpp:386
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#7	0x000000010000bc59 in Action::Print::printList() at /Users/rmills/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src/actions.cpp:530
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#8	0x0000000100005835 in Action::Print::run(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&) at /Users/rmills/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/src/actions.cpp:245
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5.6 How do the encoders work?
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    I understand writeMetadata() and will document that soon.
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    I still have to study how the TiffVisitor writes metadata.
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6   Using external XMP SDK via Conan
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Section 1 describes how to compile the newer versions of XMP SDK with a bash script. This
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approach had few limitations:
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    1) We had to include sources from other projects into the Exiv2 repository: Check the folder
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    2) Different scripts for compiling XMP SDK on Linux, Mac OSX and Windows.
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    3) Lot of configuration/compilation issues depending on the system configuration.
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Taking into account that during the last months we have done a big effort in migrating the
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manipulation of 3rd party dependencies to Conan, we have decided to do the same here. A conan recipe
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has been written for XmpSdk at:
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And the recipe and package binaries can be found in the piponazo's bintray repository:
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This conan recipe provides a custom CMake finder that will be used by our CMake code to properly
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find XMP SDK in the conan cache and then be able to use the CMake variables: ${XMPSDK_LIBRARY} and
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These are the steps you will need to follow to configure the project with the external XMP support:
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    # Add the conan-piponazo remote to your conan configuration (only once)
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    conan remote add conan-piponazo 
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    mkdir build && cd build
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    # Run conan to bring the dependencies. Note that the XMPSDK is not enabled by default and you will
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    # need to enable the xmp option to bring it.
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    conan install .. --options xmp=True
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    # Configure the project with support for the external XMP version. Disable the normal XMP version
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Note that the usage of the newer versions of XMP is experimental and it was included in Exiv2
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because few users has requested it.