Blame cmake/modules/EvolutionMacros.cmake

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# EvolutionMacros.cmake
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# Utility macros for evolution-related files
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# add_error_files(_part _file0)
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#    Adds build and install rules to create .error files from .error.xml
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#    files in the current source directory. The _file0 is expected to be
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#    without the .xml extension. The macro can receive one or more error
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#    files. There is created a custom "${_part}-error-files" target.
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# add_eplug_file(_part _eplug_filename)
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#    Adds build and install rules to create .eplug files from .eplug.xml
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#    files in the current source directory. The _eplug_filename is expected
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#    to be without the .xml extension. The macro can receive exactly one
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#    eplug file. There is created a custom "${_part}-eplug-file" target.
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macro(add_custom_xml_files _part _destination _targetsuffix _ext _mergeparam _file0)
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	foreach(file ${_file0} ${ARGN})
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		intltool_merge(${file}${_ext} ${file} --xml-style --utf8 ${_mergeparam})
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		get_filename_component(_path ${file} DIRECTORY)
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		if(_path STREQUAL "")
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			set(builtfile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${file})
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		else(_path STREQUAL "")
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			set(builtfile ${file})
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		endif(_path STREQUAL "")
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		install(FILES ${builtfile}
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			DESTINATION ${_destination}
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		list(APPEND filedeps ${builtfile})
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	add_custom_target(${_part}-${_targetsuffix}-files ALL
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		DEPENDS ${filedeps}
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macro(add_error_files _part _file0)
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	add_custom_xml_files(${_part} ${errordir} error .xml --no-translations ${_file0} ${ARGN})
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macro(add_eplug_file _part _eplug_filename)
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	set(PLUGINDIR "${plugindir}")
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	add_custom_xml_files(${_part} ${plugindir} plugin .in --no-translations ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_eplug_filename})
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