255005 test/TEST-14-IMSM: detect failure to compose the test setup root

1 file Authored by Lubomir Rintel 3 years ago, Committed by Packit 3 years ago,
    test/TEST-14-IMSM: detect failure to compose the test setup root
    The dracut-root-block-created line should not be created if we fail to copy
    in the required files to sysroot. Let's turn on -e to trap failures and
    poweroff on them, like some other tests do.
    Also remove the &&. Not only it is unnecessary with -e, but defeats it.
    From bash(1):
      The shell does not exit if the command that fails is [...] part of any
      command executed in a && or || list except the command following the
      final && or || [...]
    (cherry picked from commit c27ed38bb2986d31b08257782ce2b24a80415c6c)
    patch_name: 0032.patch
    present_in_specfile: true
    location_in_specfile: 32
    squash_commits: true