Blob Blame History Raw
** Implementation of QFileInfo class
** Created : 950628
** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
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#include "qglobal.h"

#if defined(_OS_SUN_)
#define readlink _qt_hide_readlink

#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>

#include "qfileinfo.h"
#include "qfiledefs_p.h"
#include "qdatetime.h"
#include "qdir.h"

#if defined(_OS_SUN_)
#undef readlink
extern "C" int readlink( const char *, void *, uint );

void QFileInfo::slashify( QString& )

void QFileInfo::makeAbs( QString & )

extern bool qt_file_access( const QString& fn, int t );

  Returns TRUE if we are pointing to a real file.
  \sa isDir(), isSymLink()
bool QFileInfo::isFile() const
    if ( !fic || !cache )
    return fic ? (fic->st.st_mode & STAT_MASK) == STAT_REG : FALSE;

  Returns TRUE if we are pointing to a directory or a symbolic link to
  a directory.
  \sa isFile(), isSymLink()

bool QFileInfo::isDir() const
    if ( !fic || !cache )
    return fic ? (fic->st.st_mode & STAT_MASK) == STAT_DIR : FALSE;

  Returns TRUE if we are pointing to a symbolic link.
  \sa isFile(), isDir(), readLink()

bool QFileInfo::isSymLink() const
    if ( !fic || !cache )
    return fic ? fic->isSymLink : FALSE;

  Returns the name a symlink points to, or a null QString if the
  object does not refer to a symbolic link.

  This name may not represent an existing file; it is only a string.
  QFileInfo::exists() returns TRUE if the symlink points to an
  existing file.

  \sa exists(), isSymLink(), isDir(), isFile()

QString QFileInfo::readLink() const
    QString r;

#if defined(_OS_UNIX_) && !defined(_OS_OS2EMX_)
    char s[PATH_MAX+1];
    if ( !isSymLink() )
	return QString();
    int len = (int)readlink( QFile::encodeName(fn).data(), s, PATH_MAX );
    if ( len >= 0 ) {
	s[len] = '\0';
	r = QFile::decodeName(s);

    return r;

static const uint nobodyID = (uint) -2;

  Returns the owner of the file.

  On systems where files do not have owners this function returns 0.

  Note that this function can be time-consuming under UNIX. (in the order
  of milliseconds on a 486 DX2/66 running Linux).

  \sa ownerId(), group(), groupId()

QString QFileInfo::owner() const
    passwd *pw = getpwuid( ownerId() );
    if ( pw )
	return QFile::decodeName( pw->pw_name );
    return QString::null;

  Returns the id of the owner of the file.

  On systems where files do not have owners this function returns ((uint) -2).

  \sa owner(), group(), groupId()

uint QFileInfo::ownerId() const
    if ( !fic || !cache )
    if ( fic )
	return fic->st.st_uid;
    return nobodyID;

  Returns the group the file belongs to.

  On systems where files do not have groups this function always
  returns 0.

  Note that this function can be time-consuming under UNIX (in the order of
  milliseconds on a 486 DX2/66 running Linux).

  \sa groupId(), owner(), ownerId()

QString QFileInfo::group() const
    struct group *gr = getgrgid( groupId() );
    if ( gr )
	return QFile::decodeName( gr->gr_name );
    return QString::null;

  Returns the id of the group the file belongs to.

  On systems where files do not have groups this function always
  returns ((uind) -2).

  \sa group(), owner(), ownerId()

uint QFileInfo::groupId() const
    if ( !fic || !cache )
    if ( fic )
	return fic->st.st_gid;
    return nobodyID;

  \fn bool QFileInfo::permission( int permissionSpec ) const

  Tests for file permissions.  The \e permissionSpec argument can be several
  flags of type PermissionSpec or'ed together to check for permission

  On systems where files do not have permissions this function always
  returns TRUE.

    QFileInfo fi( "/tmp/tonsils" );
    if ( fi.permission( QFileInfo::WriteUser | QFileInfo::ReadGroup ) )
	qWarning( "Tonsils can be changed by me, and the group can read them.");
    if ( fi.permission( QFileInfo::WriteGroup | QFileInfo::WriteOther ) )
	qWarning( "Danger! Tonsils can be changed by the group or others!" );

  \sa isReadable(), isWritable(), isExecutable()

bool QFileInfo::permission( int permissionSpec ) const
    if ( !fic || !cache )
    if ( fic ) {
	uint mask = 0;
	if ( permissionSpec & ReadUser)
	    mask |= S_IRUSR;
	if ( permissionSpec & WriteUser)
	    mask |= S_IWUSR;
	if ( permissionSpec & ExeUser)
	    mask |= S_IXUSR;
	if ( permissionSpec & ReadGroup)
	    mask |= S_IRGRP;
	if ( permissionSpec & WriteGroup)
	    mask |= S_IWGRP;
	if ( permissionSpec & ExeGroup)
	    mask |= S_IXGRP;
	if ( permissionSpec & ReadOther)
	    mask |= S_IROTH;
	if ( permissionSpec & WriteOther)
	    mask |= S_IWOTH;
	if ( permissionSpec & ExeOther)
	    mask |= S_IXOTH;
	if ( mask ) {
	   return (fic->st.st_mode & mask) == mask;
	} else {
#if defined(CHECK_NULL)
	   qWarning( "QFileInfo::permission: permissionSpec is 0" );
	   return TRUE;
    } else {
	return FALSE;

  Returns the file size in bytes, or 0 if the file does not exist if the size
  cannot be fetched.

uint QFileInfo::size() const
    if ( !fic || !cache )
    if ( fic )
	return (uint)fic->st.st_size;
	return 0;

  Returns the date and time when the file was last modified.
  \sa lastRead()

QDateTime QFileInfo::lastModified() const
    QDateTime dt;
    if ( !fic || !cache )
    if ( fic )
	dt.setTime_t( (uint)fic->st.st_mtime );
    return dt;

  Returns the date and time when the file was last read (accessed).

  On systems that do not support last read times, the modification time is

  \sa lastModified()

QDateTime QFileInfo::lastRead() const
    QDateTime dt;
    if ( !fic || !cache )
    if ( fic )
	dt.setTime_t( (uint)fic->st.st_atime );
    return dt;

void QFileInfo::doStat() const
    QFileInfo *that = ((QFileInfo*)this);	// mutable function
    if ( !that->fic )
	that->fic = new QFileInfoCache;
    STATBUF *b = &that->fic->st;
    that->fic->isSymLink = FALSE;

#if defined(_OS_UNIX_) && defined(S_IFLNK)
    if ( ::lstat(QFile::encodeName(fn),b) == 0 ) {
	if ( S_ISLNK( b->st_mode ) )
	    that->fic->isSymLink = TRUE;
    int r;

    r = STAT( QFile::encodeName(fn), b );

    if ( r != 0 ) {
	delete that->fic;
	that->fic = 0;

  Returns the directory path of the file.

  If \e absPath is TRUE an absolute path is always returned.

  \sa dir(), filePath(), fileName(), isRelative()
#ifndef QT_NO_DIR
QString QFileInfo::dirPath( bool absPath ) const
    QString s;
    if ( absPath )
	s = absFilePath();
	s = fn;
    int pos = s.findRev( '/' );
    if ( pos == -1 ) {
	return QString::fromLatin1(".");
    } else {
	if ( pos == 0 )
	    return QString::fromLatin1( "/" );
	return s.left( pos );
  Returns the name of the file, the file path is not included.

     QFileInfo fi( "/tmp/abdomen.lower" );
     QString name = fi.fileName();		// name = "abdomen.lower"

  \sa isRelative(), filePath(), baseName(), extension()

QString QFileInfo::fileName() const
    int p = fn.findRev( '/' );
    if ( p == -1 ) {
	return fn;
    } else {
	return fn.mid(p+1);

  Returns the absolute path name.

  The absolute path name is the file name including the absolute path. If
  the QFileInfo is absolute (i.e. not relative) this function will return
  the same string as filePath().

  Note that this function can be time-consuming under UNIX. (in the order
  of milliseconds on a 486 DX2/66 running Linux).

  \sa isRelative(), filePath()
#ifndef QT_NO_DIR
QString QFileInfo::absFilePath() const
    if ( QDir::isRelativePath(fn) ) {
	QString tmp = QDir::currentDirPath();
	tmp += '/';
	tmp += fn;
	makeAbs( tmp );
	return QDir::cleanDirPath( tmp );
    } else {
	QString tmp = fn;
	makeAbs( tmp );
	return QDir::cleanDirPath( tmp );
