Blame testing/063/namespaceoo_1_1_helpers.xml

Packit Service 50c9f2
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<doxygen xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="compound.xsd" version="">
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  <compounddef id="namespaceoo_1_1_helpers" kind="namespace" language="Tcl">
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    <sectiondef kind="func">
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      <memberdef kind="function" id="namespaceoo_1_1_helpers_1a96c5b755588beb2e930cff23ce811d6c" prot="public" static="no" const="no" explicit="no" inline="no" virt="non-virtual">
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          <para>Extension to TclOO to add static variables. Defines variables on the class instead of on the object. Can be used to enforce a limited number of instantiations. </para>
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        <location file="063_bug_729092.tcl" line="34" column="1" bodyfile="063_bug_729092.tcl" bodystart="34" bodyend="43"/>
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    <location file="063_bug_729092.tcl" line="1" column="1"/>
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Packit Service 50c9f2