Blame testing/054_parblock.cpp

Packit Service 50c9f2
// objective: test the \parblock command
Packit Service 50c9f2
// check: 054__parblock_8cpp.xml
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
/** @file */
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
 call by target-specific code to manage resources required by the client.
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
 @param[in]  client    ID of client requesting resource.
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 @param[out] resource  Requested resource
Packit Service 50c9f2
 @param[in]  parblock  @parblock This is a test for the \@parblock
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Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
                       A list if values for the parblock param:
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                       - Item 1. This is short one-line description.
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                       - Item 2. This is a long bullet item;
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                         sometimes they wrap on multiple lines like this
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Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
                       This is the second paragraph description for the
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                       \@parblock parameter. Always end the text inside
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                       the \@parblock command with an \@endparblock
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Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
 @param[out] test      This is a test parameter for this function to see if
Packit Service 50c9f2
                       it is included in the parameter table
Packit Service 50c9f2
 @param[in]  p         @parblock First paragraph of the param description.
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Packit Service 50c9f2
                       Second paragraph of the param description.
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Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
void function(int client,int *resource,int parblock,int *test,int p);