Blame templates/html/htmlinlineclasses.tpl

Packit Service 50c9f2
{# input: classList #}
Packit Service 50c9f2
{% if classList %}
Packit Service 50c9f2

{{ tr.classDocumentation }}

Packit Service 50c9f2
  {% for class in classList %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
    {# write anchor #}
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
      {{ class.compoundType }} {{ }}
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
      {# template specifier #}
Packit Service 50c9f2
      {% if class.language=='cpp' and class.templateDecls %}
Packit Service 50c9f2

{% spaceless %}

Packit Service 50c9f2
          {% for targList in class.templateDecls %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
            {% for targ in targList %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
              {{ targ.type }}{% if %} {{ }}{% endif %}{% if targ.defVal %} = {{ targ.defVal }}{% endif %}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
            {% endfor %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
          {% endfor %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
        {% endspaceless %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
        {{ class.classType }} {{ }}
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
      {% endif %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
      {# brief description #}
Packit Service 50c9f2
      {% if class.brief and config.REPEAT_BRIEF %}
Packit Service 50c9f2

{{ class.brief }}

Packit Service 50c9f2
      {% endif %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
      {# detailed docs #}
Packit Service 50c9f2
      {{ class.details }}
Packit Service 50c9f2
      {# source def #}
Packit Service 50c9f2
      {% if class.sourceDef %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
        {% markers obj in class.sourceDef with tr.definedAtLineInSourceFile %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
          {% with text=obj.text %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
            {% include 'htmlobjlink.tpl' %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
          {% endwith %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
        {% endmarkers %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
      {% endif %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
    {# table with fields #}
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
      {{ tr.compoundMembers }}
Packit Service 50c9f2
      {% for member in class.members %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
               {{ member.fieldType }}
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
               {{ }}
Packit Service 50c9f2
               {% if member.isVariable and member.declArgs %}{{ member.declArgs }}{% endif %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
               {{ member.bitfields }}
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
              {% if member.brief and not member.details %}{# only brief #}
Packit Service 50c9f2
                {{ member.brief }}
Packit Service 50c9f2
              {% else %} {# only details or both #}
Packit Service 50c9f2
                {% if member.brief %}

{{ member.brief }}

{% endif %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
                {{ member.details }}
Packit Service 50c9f2
              {% endif %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
      {% endfor %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
Packit Service 50c9f2
  {% endfor %}
Packit Service 50c9f2
{% endif %}