Blame src/translator_lv.h

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 * Copyright (C) 1997-2015 by Dimitri van Heesch.
Packit 1c1d7e
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 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
Packit 1c1d7e
 * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
Packit 1c1d7e
 * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
Packit 1c1d7e
 * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
Packit 1c1d7e
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
Packit 1c1d7e
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 * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
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 * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
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Packit 1c1d7e
 When defining a translator class for the new language, follow
Packit 1c1d7e
 the description in the documentation.  One of the steps says
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 that you should copy the translator_en.h (this) file to your
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 translator_xx.h new file.  Your new language should use the
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 Translator class as the base class.  This means that you need to
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 implement exactly the same (pure virtual) methods as the
Packit 1c1d7e
 TranslatorEnglish does.  Because of this, it is a good idea to
Packit 1c1d7e
 start with the copy of TranslatorEnglish and replace the strings
Packit 1c1d7e
 one by one.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
 It is not necessary to include "translator.h" or
Packit 1c1d7e
 "translator_adapter.h" here.  The files are included in the
Packit 1c1d7e
 language.cpp correctly.  Not including any of the mentioned
Packit 1c1d7e
 files frees the maintainer from thinking about whether the
Packit 1c1d7e
 first, the second, or both files should be included or not, and
Packit 1c1d7e
 why.  This holds namely for localized translators because their
Packit 1c1d7e
 base class is changed occasionaly to adapter classes when the
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 Translator class changes the interface, or back to the
Packit 1c1d7e
 Translator class (by the local maintainer) when the localized
Packit 1c1d7e
 translator is made up-to-date again.
Packit 1c1d7e
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/* Translation from English to Latvian by Lauris Bukšis-Haberkorns
Packit 1c1d7e
 *  (
Packit 1c1d7e
 *  -------------------------------------------
Packit 1c1d7e
 *  Project start                  : 24.Sept.2012
Packit 1c1d7e
 *  Last Doxygen version covered   : 1.8.2
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class TranslatorLatvian : public TranslatorAdapter_1_8_4
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    // --- Language control methods -------------------
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! Used for identification of the language. The identification
Packit 1c1d7e
     * should not be translated. It should be replaced by the name
Packit 1c1d7e
     * of the language in English using lower-case characters only
Packit 1c1d7e
     * (e.g. "czech", "japanese", "russian", etc.). It should be equal to
Packit 1c1d7e
     * the identification used in language.cpp.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString idLanguage()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "latvian"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! Used to get the LaTeX command(s) for the language support.
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  This method should return string with commands that switch
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  LaTeX to the desired language.  For example
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  or
Packit 1c1d7e
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     *  "\\usepackage[latin2]{inputenc}\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  "\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString latexLanguageSupportCommand()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "\\usepackage[LV]{fontenc}\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    // --- Language translation methods -------------------
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! used in the compound documentation before a list of related functions. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trRelatedFunctions()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Saistītās funkcijas"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! subscript for the related functions. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trRelatedSubscript()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "(Šīs nav elementu funkcijas.)"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! header that is put before the detailed description of files, classes and namespaces. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trDetailedDescription()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Detalizēts apraksts"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! header that is put before the list of typedefs. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trMemberTypedefDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Elementa Typedef dokumentācija"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! header that is put before the list of enumerations. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trMemberEnumerationDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Elementa uzskaitījumliterāļa dokumentācija"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! header that is put before the list of member functions. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trMemberFunctionDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Elementa funkcijas dokumentācija"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! header that is put before the list of member attributes. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trMemberDataDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Lauka dokumentācija";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Elementa datu dokumentācija";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! this is the text of a link put after brief descriptions. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trMore()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "vairāk..."; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! put in the class documentation */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trListOfAllMembers()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Visu elementu saraksts"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! used as the title of the "list of all members" page of a class */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trMemberList()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Elementu saraksts"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! this is the first part of a sentence that is followed by a class name */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Šis ir pilns elementu saraksts klasei "; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! this is the remainder of the sentence after the class name */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trIncludingInheritedMembers()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return ", ieskaitot mantotos elementus."; }
Packit 1c1d7e
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    /*! this is put at the author sections at the bottom of man pages.
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  parameter s is name of the project name.
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    virtual QCString trGeneratedAutomatically(const char *s)
Packit 1c1d7e
    { QCString result="Automātiski ģenerēts izmantojot Doxygen";
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (s) result+=(QCString)" priekš "+s;
Packit 1c1d7e
      result+=" no pirmkoda.";
Packit 1c1d7e
      return result;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
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    /*! put after an enum name in the list of all members */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trEnumName()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "uzskaitījuma nosaukums"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
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    /*! put after an enum value in the list of all members */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trEnumValue()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "uzskaitījuma vērtība"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
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    /*! put after an undocumented member in the list of all members */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trDefinedIn()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "definēts"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    // quick reference sections
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is put above each page as a link to the list of all groups of
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  compounds or files (see the \\group command).
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trModules()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Moduļi"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is put above each page as a link to the class hierarchy */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trClassHierarchy()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Klašu hierarhija"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is put above each page as a link to the list of annotated classes */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trCompoundList()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Datu struktūras";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Klašu saraksts";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is put above each page as a link to the list of documented files */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trFileList()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Failu saraksts"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is put above each page as a link to all members of compounds. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trCompoundMembers()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Datu lauki";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Klases elementi";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is put above each page as a link to all members of files. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trFileMembers()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Globālie";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Faila elementi";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is put above each page as a link to all related pages. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trRelatedPages()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Saistītās lapas"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is put above each page as a link to all examples. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trExamples()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Piemēri"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is put above each page as a link to the search engine. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trSearch()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Meklēt"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is an introduction to the class hierarchy. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trClassHierarchyDescription()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Šis mantojamības saraksts ir sakārtots aptuveni, "
Packit 1c1d7e
             "bet ne pilnībā, alfabēta secībā:";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is an introduction to the list with all files. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trFileListDescription(bool extractAll)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      QCString result="Šeit ir visu ";
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (!extractAll) result+="dokumentēto ";
Packit 1c1d7e
      result+="failu saraksts ar īsu aprakstu:";
Packit 1c1d7e
      return result;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is an introduction to the annotated compound list. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trCompoundListDescription()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Šeit ir visas datu struktūras ar īsu aprakstu:";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Šeit ir visas klases, struktūras, "
Packit 1c1d7e
               "apvienojumi un interfeisi ar īsu aprakstu:";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is an introduction to the page with all class members. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trCompoundMembersDescription(bool extractAll)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      QCString result="Šeit ir visu ";
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (!extractAll)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        result+="dokumentēto ";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        result+="struktūru un apvienojumu lauku";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        result+="klases elementu";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      result+=" saraksts ar saitēm uz ";
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (!extractAll)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
          result+="struktūru/apvienojumu dokumentāciju katram laukam:";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
          result+="klases dokumentāciju katram elementam:";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
          result+="struktūrām/apvienojumiem, kam tie pieder:";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
          result+="klasēm, kam tie pieder:";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return result;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is an introduction to the page with all file members. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trFileMembersDescription(bool extractAll)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      QCString result="Šeit ir visu ";
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (!extractAll) result+="dokumentēto ";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        result+="funkciju, mainīgo, definīciju, uzskaitījumliterāļu un typedefs";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        result+="faila elementu";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      result+=" saraksts ar saitēm uz ";
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (extractAll)
Packit 1c1d7e
        result+="failiem, kam tie pieder:";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return result;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is an introduction to the page with the list of all examples */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trExamplesDescription()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Šeit ir visu piemēru saraksts:"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is an introduction to the page with the list of related pages */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trRelatedPagesDescription()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Here is a list of all related documentation pages:"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is an introduction to the page with the list of class/file groups */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trModulesDescription()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Šeit ir visu moduļu saraksts:"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    // index titles (the project name is prepended for these)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in HTML as the title of index.html. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Dokumentācija"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the
Packit 1c1d7e
     * index of all groups.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trModuleIndex()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Moduļu indekss"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the
Packit 1c1d7e
     * class hierarchy.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trHierarchicalIndex()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Hierarhijas indekss"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the
Packit 1c1d7e
     * annotated compound index.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trCompoundIndex()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Datu struktūru indess";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Klašu indekss";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the
Packit 1c1d7e
     * list of all files.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trFileIndex()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Failu indekss"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  the documentation of all groups.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trModuleDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Moduļa dokumentācija"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  the documentation of all classes, structs and unions.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trClassDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Datu struktūras dokomentācija";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Klases dokumentācija";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  the documentation of all files.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trFileDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Faila dokumentācija"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  the documentation of all examples.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trExampleDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Piemēri"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  the documentation of all related pages.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trPageDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Lapas dokumentācija"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the document */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trReferenceManual()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Rokasgrāmata"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  list of defines
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trDefines()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Makro"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  list of typedefs
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trTypedefs()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Typedefs"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  list of enumerations
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trEnumerations()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Uzskaitījumi"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  list of (global) functions
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trFunctions()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Funkcijas"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  list of (global) variables
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trVariables()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Mainīgie"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  list of (global) variables
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trEnumerationValues()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Uzskaitījumliterāļi"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in the documentation of a file before the list of
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  documentation blocks for defines
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trDefineDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Makro definīcijas dokumentācija"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  of documentation blocks for typedefs
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trTypedefDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Typedef dokumentācija"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  of documentation blocks for enumeration types
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trEnumerationTypeDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Uzskaitījumliterāļa tipa dokumentācija"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  of documentation blocks for functions
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trFunctionDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Funkcijas dokumentācija"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  of documentation blocks for variables
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trVariableDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Mainīgo dokumentācija"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace/group before
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  the list of links to documented compounds
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trCompounds()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Datu struktūras";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Klases";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in the standard footer of each page and indicates when
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  the page was generated
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trGeneratedAt(const char *date,const char *projName)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      QCString result=(QCString)"Ģenerēts "+date;
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (projName) result+=(QCString)" projektam "+projName;
Packit 1c1d7e
      result+=(QCString)" ar";
Packit 1c1d7e
      return result;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! this text is put before a class diagram */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trClassDiagram(const char *clName)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return (QCString)"Mantojamības diagramma klasei "+clName+":";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! this text is generated when the \\internal command is used. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trForInternalUseOnly()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Tikai iekšējai lietošanai."; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! this text is generated when the \\warning command is used. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trWarning()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Brīdinājums"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! this text is generated when the \\version command is used. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trVersion()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Versija"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! this text is generated when the \\date command is used. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trDate()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Datums"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! this text is generated when the \\return command is used. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trReturns()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Atgriež"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! this text is generated when the \\sa command is used. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trSeeAlso()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Skatīties arī"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! this text is generated when the \\param command is used. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trParameters()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Parametri"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! this text is generated when the \\exception command is used. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trExceptions()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Izņēmumi"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! this text is used in the title page of a LaTeX document. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trGeneratedBy()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Ģenerēts ar"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
// new since 0.49-990307
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! used as the title of page containing all the index of all namespaces. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trNamespaceList()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Nosaukumvietu saraksts"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! used as an introduction to the namespace list */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trNamespaceListDescription(bool extractAll)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      QCString result="Šeit ir visas ";
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (!extractAll) result+="dokumentētās ";
Packit 1c1d7e
      result+="nosaukumvietas ar īsu aprakstu:";
Packit 1c1d7e
      return result;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! used in the class documentation as a header before the list of all
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  friends of a class
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trFriends()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Draugi"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
// new since 0.49-990405
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! used in the class documentation as a header before the list of all
Packit 1c1d7e
     * related classes
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trRelatedFunctionDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Draugu un saistīto funkciju dokumentācija"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
// new since 0.49-990425
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! used as the title of the HTML page of a class/struct/union */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trCompoundReference(const char *clName,
Packit 1c1d7e
                                    ClassDef::CompoundType compType,
Packit 1c1d7e
                                    bool isTemplate)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      QCString result=(QCString)clName;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        case ClassDef::Class:      result+=" klases"; break;
Packit 1c1d7e
        case ClassDef::Struct:     result+=" struktūras"; break;
Packit 1c1d7e
        case ClassDef::Union:      result+=" apvienojuma"; break;
Packit 1c1d7e
        case ClassDef::Interface:  result+=" interfeisa"; break;
Packit 1c1d7e
        case ClassDef::Protocol:   result+=" protokola"; break;
Packit 1c1d7e
        case ClassDef::Category:   result+=" kategorijas"; break;
Packit 1c1d7e
        case ClassDef::Exception:  result+=" izņēmuma"; break;
Packit 1c1d7e
        default: break;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (isTemplate) result+=" veidnes";
Packit 1c1d7e
      result+=" apraksts";
Packit 1c1d7e
      return result;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! used as the title of the HTML page of a file */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trFileReference(const char *fileName)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      QCString result=fileName;
Packit 1c1d7e
      result+=" faila apraksts";
Packit 1c1d7e
      return result;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! used as the title of the HTML page of a namespace */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trNamespaceReference(const char *namespaceName)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      QCString result=namespaceName;
Packit 1c1d7e
      result+=" nosaukumvietas apraksts";
Packit 1c1d7e
      return result;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trPublicMembers()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Publiskās elementa funkcijas"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trPublicSlots()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Publiskās spraugas"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trSignals()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Signāli"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trStaticPublicMembers()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Statiskās publiskās elementa funkcijas"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trProtectedMembers()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Aizsargātās elementa funkcijas"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trProtectedSlots()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Aizsargātās spraugas"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trStaticProtectedMembers()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Statiskās aizsargātās elementa funkcijas"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trPrivateMembers()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Privātās elementa funkcijas"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trPrivateSlots()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Privātās spraugas"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trStaticPrivateMembers()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Statiskās privātās elementa funkcijas"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! this function is used to produce a comma-separated list of items.
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  use generateMarker(i) to indicate where item i should be put.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trWriteList(int numEntries)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      QCString result;
Packit 1c1d7e
      int i;
Packit 1c1d7e
      // the inherits list contain `numEntries' classes
Packit 1c1d7e
      for (i=0;i
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        // use generateMarker to generate placeholders for the class links!
Packit 1c1d7e
        result+=generateMarker(i); // generate marker for entry i in the list
Packit 1c1d7e
                                   // (order is left to right)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        if (i!=numEntries-1)  // not the last entry, so we need a separator
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
          if (i
Packit 1c1d7e
            result+=", ";
Packit 1c1d7e
          else                // the fore last entry
Packit 1c1d7e
            result+=", un ";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return result;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! used in class documentation to produce a list of base classes,
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  if class diagrams are disabled.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trInheritsList(int numEntries)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Manto no "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! used in class documentation to produce a list of super classes,
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  if class diagrams are disabled.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trInheritedByList(int numEntries)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Tiek mantots "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  members that are hidden by this one.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trReimplementedFromList(int numEntries)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Pārimplementēts no "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  all member that overwrite the implementation of this member.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trReimplementedInList(int numEntries)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Pārimplementēts "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is put above each page as a link to all members of namespaces. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trNamespaceMembers()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Nosaukumvietas elementi"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is an introduction to the page with all namespace members */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trNamespaceMemberDescription(bool extractAll)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      QCString result="Šeit ir visi ";
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (!extractAll) result+="dokumentētie ";
Packit 1c1d7e
      result+="nosaukumvietas elementi ar saitēm uz ";
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (extractAll)
Packit 1c1d7e
        result+="nosaukumvieta dokumentāciju katram elementam:";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        result+="nosaukumvietu, kam tie pieder:";
Packit 1c1d7e
      return result;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  index of all namespaces.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trNamespaceIndex()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Nosaukumvietu indekss"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  the documentation of all namespaces.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trNamespaceDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Nosaukumvietas dokumentācija"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
// new since 0.49-990522
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in the documentation before the list of all
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  namespaces in a file.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trNamespaces()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Nosaukumvietas"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
// new since 0.49-990728
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is put at the bottom of a class documentation page and is
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  followed by a list of files that were used to generate the page.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trGeneratedFromFiles(ClassDef::CompoundType compType,
Packit 1c1d7e
        bool single)
Packit 1c1d7e
    { // single is true implies a single file
Packit 1c1d7e
      QCString result=(QCString)"Šī";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        case ClassDef::Class:      result+="s klases"; break;
Packit 1c1d7e
        case ClassDef::Struct:     result+="s struktūras"; break;
Packit 1c1d7e
        case ClassDef::Union:      result+=" apvienojuma"; break;
Packit 1c1d7e
        case ClassDef::Interface:  result+=" interfeisa"; break;
Packit 1c1d7e
        case ClassDef::Protocol:   result+=" protokola"; break;
Packit 1c1d7e
        case ClassDef::Category:   result+="s kategorijas"; break;
Packit 1c1d7e
        case ClassDef::Exception:  result+=" izņēmuma"; break;
Packit 1c1d7e
        default: break;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      result+=" dokumentācijas tika ģenerēta no šāda fail";
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (single) result+="a:"; else result+="iem:";
Packit 1c1d7e
      return result;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
// new since 0.49-990901
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used as the heading text for the retval command. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trReturnValues()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Atgriežamās vērtības"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is in the (quick) index as a link to the main page (index.html)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trMainPage()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "Sākumlapa"; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! This is used in references to page that are put in the LaTeX
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  documentation. It should be an abbreviation of the word page.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trPageAbbreviation()
Packit 1c1d7e
    { return "lpp."; }
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
// new since 0.49-991003
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trDefinedAtLineInSourceFile()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Definēts līnijā @0 failā @1.";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trDefinedInSourceFile()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Definēts failā @0.";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
// new since 0.49-991205
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trDeprecated()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Novecojusi";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
// new since 1.0.0
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! this text is put before a collaboration diagram */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trCollaborationDiagram(const char *clName)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return (QCString)"Sadarbības diagramma klasei "+clName+":";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! this text is put before an include dependency graph */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trInclDepGraph(const char *fName)
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return (QCString)"Include dependency graph for "+fName+":";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! header that is put before the list of constructor/destructors. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trConstructorDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Konstruktora un destruktora dokumentācija";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! Used in the file documentation to point to the corresponding sources. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trGotoSourceCode()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Iet uz šī faila pirmkodu.";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! Used in the file sources to point to the corresponding documentation. */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trGotoDocumentation()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Ietu uz šī faila dokumentāciju.";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! Text for the \\pre command */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trPrecondition()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Pirmsnosacījums";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! Text for the \\post command */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trPostcondition()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Pēcnosacījums";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! Text for the \\invariant command */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trInvariant()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Invariants";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! Text shown before a multi-line variable/enum initialization */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trInitialValue()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Sākotnējā vērtība:";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! Text used the source code in the file index */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trCode()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "pirmkods";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trGraphicalHierarchy()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Grafiska klases hierarhija";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trGotoGraphicalHierarchy()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Iet uz grafisku klases hierarhiju";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trGotoTextualHierarchy()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Iet uz tekstuālu klases hierarhiju";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trPageIndex()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Lapas indekss";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
// new since 1.1.0
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trNote()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Piezīme";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trPublicTypes()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Publiskie tipi";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trPublicAttribs()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Datu lauki";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        return "Publiskie atribūti";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trStaticPublicAttribs()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Statiskie publiskie atribūti";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trProtectedTypes()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Aizsargātie tipi";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trProtectedAttribs()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Aizsargātie atribūti";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trStaticProtectedAttribs()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Statiskie aizsargātie atribūti";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trPrivateTypes()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Privātie tipi";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trPrivateAttribs()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Privātie atribūti";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trStaticPrivateAttribs()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Statiskie privātie atribūti";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
// new since 1.1.3
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! Used as a marker that is put before a \\todo item */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trTodo()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Jāizdara";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! Used as the header of the todo list */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trTodoList()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Darāmo darbu saraksts";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
// new since 1.1.4
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trReferencedBy()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Atsauces no";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trRemarks()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Piebildes";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trAttention()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Uzmanību";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trInclByDepGraph()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Šis grafs rāda kuri faili tieši vai "
Packit 1c1d7e
             "netieši iekļauj šo failu:";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trSince()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Kopš";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
// new since 1.1.5
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! title of the graph legend page */
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trLegendTitle()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
      return "Grafika leģenda";
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    /*! page explaining how the dot graph's should be interpreted
Packit 1c1d7e
     *  The %A in the text below are to prevent link to classes called "A".
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
    virtual QCString trLegendDocs()
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        "This page explains how to interpret the graphs that are generated "
Packit 1c1d7e
        "by doxygen.


Packit 1c1d7e
        "Consider the following example:\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        "/*! Invisible class because of truncation */\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "class Invisible { };\n\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "/*! Truncated class, inheritance relation is hidden */\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "class Truncated : public Invisible { };\n\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "/* Class not documented with doxygen comments */\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "class Undocumented { };\n\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "/*! Class that is inherited using public inheritance */\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "class PublicBase : public Truncated { };\n\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "/*! A template class */\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "template<class T> class Templ { };\n\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "/*! Class that is inherited using protected inheritance */\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "class ProtectedBase { };\n\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "/*! Class that is inherited using private inheritance */\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "class PrivateBase { };\n\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "/*! Class that is used by the Inherited class */\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "class Used { };\n\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "/*! Super class that inherits a number of other classes */\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "class Inherited : public PublicBase,\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "                  protected ProtectedBase,\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "                  private PrivateBase,\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "                  public Undocumented,\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "                  public Templ<int>\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        "  private:\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
        "    Used *m_usedClass;\n"
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
        "This will result in the following graph:"
Packit 1c1d7e


Packit 1c1d7e


Packit 1c1d7e
        "The boxes in the above graph have the following meaning:\n"
Packit 1c1d7e

Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
  • %A filled gray box represents the struct or class for which the "
  • Packit 1c1d7e
            "graph is generated.\n"
    Packit 1c1d7e
  • %A box with a black border denotes a documented struct or class.
  • \n"
    Packit 1c1d7e
  • %A box with a gray border denotes an undocumented struct or class.
  • \n"
    Packit 1c1d7e
  • %A box with a red border denotes a documented struct or class for"
  • Packit 1c1d7e
            "which not all inheritance/containment relations are shown. %A graph is "
    Packit 1c1d7e
            "truncated if it does not fit within the specified boundaries.\n"
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e


    Packit 1c1d7e
            "The arrows have the following meaning:\n"
    Packit 1c1d7e

    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
  • %A dark blue arrow is used to visualize a public inheritance "
  • Packit 1c1d7e
            "relation between two classes.\n"
    Packit 1c1d7e
  • %A dark green arrow is used for protected inheritance.
  • \n"
    Packit 1c1d7e
  • %A dark red arrow is used for private inheritance.
  • \n"
    Packit 1c1d7e
  • %A purple dashed arrow is used if a class is contained or used "
  • Packit 1c1d7e
            "by another class. The arrow is labeled with the variable(s) "
    Packit 1c1d7e
            "through which the pointed class or struct is accessible.\n"
    Packit 1c1d7e
  • %A yellow dashed arrow denotes a relation between a template instance and "
  • Packit 1c1d7e
            "the template class it was instantiated from. The arrow is labeled with "
    Packit 1c1d7e
            "the template parameters of the instance.\n"
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! text for the link to the legend page */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trLegend()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "leģenda";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.2.0
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as a marker that is put before a test item */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trTest()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Testi";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as the header of the test list */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trTestList()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Testu saraksts";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.2.2
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as a section header for IDL properties */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trProperties()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Rekvizīti";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as a section header for IDL property documentation */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trPropertyDocumentation()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Rekvizītu dokumentācija";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.2.4
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used for Java classes in the summary section of Java packages */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trClasses()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
            return "Datu struktūras";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
            return "Klases";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as the title of a Java package */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trPackage(const char *name)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return (QCString)"Pakotne "+name;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Title of the package index page */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trPackageList()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Pakotņu saraksts";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! The description of the package index page */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trPackageListDescription()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Here are the packages with brief descriptions (if available):";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! The link name in the Quick links header for each page */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trPackages()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Pakotnes";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Text shown before a multi-line define */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trDefineValue()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Vērtība:";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.2.5
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as a marker that is put before a \\bug item */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trBug()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Kļūda";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as the header of the bug list */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trBugList()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Kļūdu saraksts";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.2.6
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as ansicpg for RTF file
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * The following table shows the correlation of Charset name, Charset Value and
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * Codepage number:
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * Charset Name       Charset Value(hex)  Codepage number
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * ------------------------------------------------------
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * DEFAULT_CHARSET           1 (x01)
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * SYMBOL_CHARSET            2 (x02)
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * OEM_CHARSET             255 (xFF)
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * ANSI_CHARSET              0 (x00)            1252
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * RUSSIAN_CHARSET         204 (xCC)            1251
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * EE_CHARSET              238 (xEE)            1250
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * GREEK_CHARSET           161 (xA1)            1253
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * TURKISH_CHARSET         162 (xA2)            1254
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * BALTIC_CHARSET          186 (xBA)            1257
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * HEBREW_CHARSET          177 (xB1)            1255
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * ARABIC _CHARSET         178 (xB2)            1256
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * SHIFTJIS_CHARSET        128 (x80)             932
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * HANGEUL_CHARSET         129 (x81)             949
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * GB2313_CHARSET          134 (x86)             936
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET     136 (x88)             950
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trRTFansicp()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "1257";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as ansicpg for RTF fcharset
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  \see trRTFansicp() for a table of possible values.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trRTFCharSet()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "186";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as header RTF general index */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trRTFGeneralIndex()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Indekss";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  be followed by a single name or by a list of names
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  of the category.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trClass(bool first_capital, bool singular)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result((first_capital ? "Klase" : "klase"));
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (!singular)  result+="s";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  be followed by a single name or by a list of names
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  of the category.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trFile(bool first_capital, bool singular)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result((first_capital ? "Fail" : "fail"));
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (singular) result+="s"; else result+="i";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  be followed by a single name or by a list of names
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  of the category.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trNamespace(bool first_capital, bool singular)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result((first_capital ? "Nosaukumvieta" : "nosaukumvieta"));
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (!singular)  result+="s";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  be followed by a single name or by a list of names
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  of the category.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trGroup(bool first_capital, bool singular)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result((first_capital ? "Grupa" : "grupa"));
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (!singular)  result+="s";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  be followed by a single name or by a list of names
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  of the category.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trPage(bool first_capital, bool singular)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result((first_capital ? "Lapa" : "lapa"));
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (!singular)  result+="s";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  be followed by a single name or by a list of names
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  of the category.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trMember(bool first_capital, bool singular)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result((first_capital ? "Element" : "element"));
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (singular) result+="s"; else result+="i";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  be followed by a single name or by a list of names
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  of the category.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trGlobal(bool first_capital, bool singular)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result((first_capital ? "Globāl" : "globāl"));
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (singular) result+="ais"; else result+="ie";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.2.7
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This text is generated when the \\author command is used and
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  for the author section in man pages. */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trAuthor(bool first_capital, bool singular)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result((first_capital ? "Autor" : "autor"));
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (singular) result+="s"; else result+="i";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.2.11
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This text is put before the list of members referenced by a member
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trReferences()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Atsauces";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.2.13
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  members that are implemented by this one.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trImplementedFromList(int numEntries)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Īsteno "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  all members that implement this abstract member.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trImplementedInList(int numEntries)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Īstenots "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.2.16
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! used in RTF documentation as a heading for the Table
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  of Contents.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trRTFTableOfContents()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Satura rādītājs";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.2.17
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as the header of the list of item that have been
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  flagged deprecated
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trDeprecatedList()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Novecojušo saraksts";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.2.18
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as a header for declaration section of the events found in
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * a C# program
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trEvents()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Notikumi";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Header used for the documentation section of a class' events. */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trEventDocumentation()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Notikumu dokumentācija";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.3
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as a heading for a list of Java class types with package scope.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trPackageTypes()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Pakas tipi";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as a heading for a list of Java class functions with package
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * scope.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trPackageMembers()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Pakas funkcijas";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as a heading for a list of static Java class functions with
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  package scope.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trStaticPackageMembers()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Statiskās pakas funkcijas";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as a heading for a list of Java class variables with package
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * scope.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trPackageAttribs()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Pakas atribūti";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as a heading for a list of static Java class variables with
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * package scope.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trStaticPackageAttribs()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Statiskie pakas atribūti";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.3.1
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used in the quick index of a class/file/namespace member list page
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  to link to the unfiltered list of all members.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trAll()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Visi";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Put in front of the call graph for a function. */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trCallGraph()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Šeit ir visu funkciju izsaugumu grafs:";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.3.3
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This string is used as the title for the page listing the search
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  results.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trSearchResultsTitle()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Meklēšanas rezultāti";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This string is put just before listing the search results. The
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  text can be different depending on the number of documents found.
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  Inside the text you can put the special marker $num to insert
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  the number representing the actual number of search results.
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  The @a numDocuments parameter can be either 0, 1 or 2, where the
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  value 2 represents 2 or more matches. HTML markup is allowed inside
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  the returned string.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trSearchResults(int numDocuments)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (numDocuments==0)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
            return "Netika atrasts neviens dokuments.";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          else if (numDocuments==1)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
            return "Atrasts 1 dokuments.";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
            return "Atrasti $num Dokumenti. "
    Packit 1c1d7e
                   "Sākumā attēlo tos, kas atbilst visprecīzāk.";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This string is put before the list of matched words, for each search
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  result. What follows is the list of words that matched the query.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trSearchMatches()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Atbilst meklētajam:";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.3.8
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used in HTML as the title of page with source code for file filename
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trSourceFile(QCString& filename)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return filename + " pirmkoda fails";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.3.9
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used as the name of the chapter containing the directory
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  hierarchy.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trDirIndex()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Direktoriju struktūra"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used as the name of the chapter containing the documentation
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  of the directories.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trDirDocumentation()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Direktorijas dokumentācija"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used as the title of the directory index and also in the
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  Quick links of an HTML page, to link to the directory hierarchy.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trDirectories()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Direktorijas"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This returns a sentences that introduces the directory hierarchy.
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  and the fact that it is sorted alphabetically per level
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trDirDescription()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Šī direktoriju hierarhija ir aptuveni, "
    Packit 1c1d7e
                 "bet ne pilnībā, alfabēta secībā:";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This returns the title of a directory page. The name of the
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  directory is passed via \a dirName.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trDirReference(const char *dirName)
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { QCString result="Direktorijas "; result+=dirName; result+=" atsauce"; return result; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This returns the word directory with or without starting capital
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  (\a first_capital) and in sigular or plural form (\a singular).
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trDir(bool first_capital, bool singular)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result((first_capital ? "Direktorija" : "direktorija"));
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (!singular) result+="s";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.4.1
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This text is added to the documentation when the \\overload command
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  is used for a overloaded function.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trOverloadText()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
           return "Šī ir elementa pārslogota funkcija, kas "
    Packit 1c1d7e
                  "parādīta tikai informātīvo nolūkos. Tā atšķiras no iepriekšapraksītās "
    Packit 1c1d7e
                  "funkcijas tikai ar parametriem, ko tā saņem.";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.4.6
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used to introduce a caller (or called-by) graph */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trCallerGraph()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Šeit ir šīs funkcijas izsaukuma grafs:";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  of documentation blocks for enumeration values
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trEnumerationValueDocumentation()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Uzskaitījumliterāļa dokumentācija"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.5.4 (mainly for Fortran)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! header that is put before the list of member subprograms (Fortran). */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trMemberFunctionDocumentationFortran()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Elementa funckijas/apakšrutīnas dokumentācija"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is put above each page as a link to the list of annotated data types (Fortran). */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trCompoundListFortran()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Datu tipu saraksts"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is put above each page as a link to all members of compounds (Fortran). */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trCompoundMembersFortran()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Datu lauki"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is an introduction to the annotated compound list (Fortran). */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trCompoundListDescriptionFortran()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Šeit ir visu datu tipu saraksts ar īsu aprakstu:"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is an introduction to the page with all data types (Fortran). */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trCompoundMembersDescriptionFortran(bool extractAll)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result="Šeit ir visu ";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (!extractAll)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
            result+="dokumentēto ";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          result+="datu tipu saraksts";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          result+=" ar saitēm uz ";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (!extractAll)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
             result+="datu struktūras dokumentāciju katram elementam:";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
             result+="datu tipiem, kam tie pieder:";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the
    Packit 1c1d7e
         * annotated compound index (Fortran).
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trCompoundIndexFortran()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Datu tipu indekss"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  the documentation of all data types (Fortran).
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trTypeDocumentation()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Datu tipa dokumentācija"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  list of (global) subprograms (Fortran).
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trSubprograms()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Funkcijas/Apakšrutīnas"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  of documentation blocks for subprograms (Fortran)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trSubprogramDocumentation()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Funkcijas/Apakšrutīnas dokumentācija"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace/group before
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  the list of links to documented compounds (Fortran)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
         virtual QCString trDataTypes()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Datu tipi"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! used as the title of page containing all the index of all modules (Fortran). */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trModulesList()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Moduļu saraksts"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! used as an introduction to the modules list (Fortran) */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trModulesListDescription(bool extractAll)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result="Šeit ir visu ";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (!extractAll) result+="dokumentēto ";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          result+="moduļu saraksts ar īsu aprakstu:";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! used as the title of the HTML page of a module/type (Fortran) */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trCompoundReferenceFortran(const char *clName,
    Packit 1c1d7e
                                        ClassDef::CompoundType compType,
    Packit 1c1d7e
                                        bool isTemplate)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result=(QCString)clName;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
            case ClassDef::Class:      result+=" moduļa"; break;
    Packit 1c1d7e
            case ClassDef::Struct:     result+=" tipa"; break;
    Packit 1c1d7e
            case ClassDef::Union:      result+=" apvienojuma"; break;
    Packit 1c1d7e
            case ClassDef::Interface:  result+=" interfeisa"; break;
    Packit 1c1d7e
            case ClassDef::Protocol:   result+=" protokola"; break;
    Packit 1c1d7e
            case ClassDef::Category:   result+=" kategorijas"; break;
    Packit 1c1d7e
            case ClassDef::Exception:  result+=" izņēmuma"; break;
    Packit 1c1d7e
            default: break;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (isTemplate) result+=" sagataves";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          result+=" atsauce";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! used as the title of the HTML page of a module (Fortran) */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trModuleReference(const char *namespaceName)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result=namespaceName;
    Packit 1c1d7e
          result+=" moduļu atsauce";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is put above each page as a link to all members of modules. (Fortran) */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trModulesMembers()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Moduļa elementi"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is an introduction to the page with all modules members (Fortran) */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trModulesMemberDescription(bool extractAll)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result="Šeit ir visu ";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (!extractAll) result+="dokumentēto ";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          result+="moduļa elementu saraksts ar saitēm uz ";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (extractAll)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
            result+="moduļa dokumentāciju katram elementam:";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
            result+="moduļiem, kuriem tie pieder:";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  index of all modules (Fortran).
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trModulesIndex()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Moduļu indekss"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  be followed by a single name or by a list of names
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  of the category.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trModule(bool first_capital, bool singular)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result((first_capital ? "Modu" : "modu"));
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (singular) result+="lis"; else result+="ļi";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is put at the bottom of a module documentation page and is
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  followed by a list of files that were used to generate the page.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trGeneratedFromFilesFortran(ClassDef::CompoundType compType,
    Packit 1c1d7e
            bool single)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          // single is true implies a single file
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result=(QCString)"Dokumentācija š";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
            case ClassDef::Class:      result+="im modulim"; break;
    Packit 1c1d7e
            case ClassDef::Struct:     result+="im tipam"; break;
    Packit 1c1d7e
            case ClassDef::Union:      result+="im apvienojumam"; break;
    Packit 1c1d7e
            case ClassDef::Interface:  result+="im interfeisam"; break;
    Packit 1c1d7e
            case ClassDef::Protocol:   result+="im protokolam"; break;
    Packit 1c1d7e
            case ClassDef::Category:   result+="ai kategorijai"; break;
    Packit 1c1d7e
            case ClassDef::Exception:  result+="im izņēmumam"; break;
    Packit 1c1d7e
            default: break;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          result+=" tika ģenerēta no fail";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (single) result+="a:"; else result+="iem:";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  be followed by a single name or by a list of names
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  of the category.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trType(bool first_capital, bool singular)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result((first_capital ? "Tip" : "tip"));
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (singular) result+="s"; else result+="i";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  be followed by a single name or by a list of names
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  of the category.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trSubprogram(bool first_capital, bool singular)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString result((first_capital ? "Apakšprogramma" : "apakšprogramma"));
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (!singular)  result+="s";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! C# Type Constraint list */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trTypeConstraints()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Tipa ierobežojumi";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.6.0 (mainly for the new search engine)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! directory relation for \a name */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trDirRelation(const char *name)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return QCString(name)+" relācija";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Loading message shown when loading search results */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trLoading()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Tiek veikta ielāde...";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Label used for search results in the global namespace */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trGlobalNamespace()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Global Namespace";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Message shown while searching */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trSearching()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Meklē...";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Text shown when no search results are found */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trNoMatches()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Nav atbilstību";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.6.3 (missing items for the directory pages)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! when clicking a directory dependency label, a page with a
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  table is shown. The heading for the first column mentions the
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  source file that has a relation to another file.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trFileIn(const char *name)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return (QCString)"File in "+name;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! when clicking a directory dependency label, a page with a
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  table is shown. The heading for the second column mentions the
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  destination file that is included.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trIncludesFileIn(const char *name)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return (QCString)"Includes file in "+name;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /** Compiles a date string.
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  @param year Year in 4 digits
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  @param month Month of the year: 1=January
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  @param day Day of the Month: 1..31
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  @param dayOfWeek Day of the week: 1=Monday..7=Sunday
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  @param hour Hour of the day: 0..23
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  @param minutes Minutes in the hour: 0..59
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  @param seconds Seconds within the minute: 0..59
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  @param includeTime Include time in the result string?
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trDateTime(int year,int month,int day,int dayOfWeek,
    Packit 1c1d7e
                                    int hour,int minutes,int seconds,
    Packit 1c1d7e
                                    bool includeTime)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          static const char *days[]   = { "Pirm","Otr","Tr","Cet","Piekt","Sest","Sv" };
    Packit 1c1d7e
          static const char *months[] = { "Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mai","Jūn","Jūl","Aug","Sept","Okt","Nov","Dec" };
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString sdate;
    Packit 1c1d7e
          sdate.sprintf("%s %s %d %d",days[dayOfWeek-1],months[month-1],day,year);
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (includeTime)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
            QCString stime;
    Packit 1c1d7e
            stime.sprintf(" %.2d:%.2d:%.2d",hour,minutes,seconds);
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return sdate;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.7.5
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Header for the page with bibliographic citations */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trCiteReferences()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Bibliogrāfiskās atsauces"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Text for copyright paragraph */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trCopyright()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Autortiesības"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Header for the graph showing the directory dependencies */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trDirDepGraph(const char *name)
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return QCString("Atkarību grafs direktorijai ")+name+":"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.8.0
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Detail level selector shown for hierarchical indices */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trDetailLevel()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "detalizācijas līmenis"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Section header for list of template parameters */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trTemplateParameters()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Sagataves parametri"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used in dot graph when UML_LOOK is enabled and there are many fields */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trAndMore(const QCString &number)
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "un vēl "+number+"..."; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used file list for a Java enum */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trEnumGeneratedFromFiles(bool single)
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { QCString result = "Dokumentācija šim uzskaitījumliterālim tika ģenerēta no sekojoš";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (single) result+="a"; else result += "iem";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          result+=" fail";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          if (single) result+="a"; else result += "iem";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return result;
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Header of a Java enum page (Java enums are represented as classes). */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trEnumReference(const char *name)
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return QCString(name)+" uzskaitījumliterāļa atsauce"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used for a section containing inherited members */
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trInheritedFrom(const char *members,const char *what)
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return QCString(members)+" manto no "+what; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Header of the sections with inherited members specific for the
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  base class(es)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trAdditionalInheritedMembers()
    Packit 1c1d7e
        { return "Papildus mantotie elementi"; }
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    // new since 1.8.2
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as a tooltip for the toggle button that appears in the
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  navigation tree in the HTML output when GENERATE_TREEVIEW is
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  enabled. This tooltip explains the meaning of the button.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trPanelSynchronisationTooltip(bool enable)
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          QCString opt = enable ? "iespējotu" : "atspējotu";
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "uzklikšķināt, lai "+opt+" paneļu sinhronizāciju";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used in a method of an Objective-C class that is declared in a
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  a category. Note that the @1 marker is required and is replaced
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  by a link.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trProvidedByCategory()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Nodrošina kategorija @0.";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used in a method of an Objective-C category that extends a class.
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  Note that the @1 marker is required and is replaced by a link to
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  the class method.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trExtendsClass()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Paplašina klasi @0.";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as the header of a list of class methods in Objective-C.
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  These are similar to static public member functions in C++.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trClassMethods()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Klases metodes";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as the header of a list of instance methods in Objective-C.
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  These are similar to public member functions in C++.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trInstanceMethods()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Instances metodes";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as the header of the member functions of an Objective-C class.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trMethodDocumentation()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Metožu dokumentācija";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        /*! Used as the title of the design overview picture created for the
    Packit 1c1d7e
         *  VHDL output.
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
        virtual QCString trDesignOverview()
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
          return "Dizaina pārskats";
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e
    Packit 1c1d7e