Blame qtools/qmap.cpp

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** Implementation of QMap
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** Created : 990406
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** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
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** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
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** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
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** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
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** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
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** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
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** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
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** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
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** packaging of this file.
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** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
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** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
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** Agreement provided with the Software.
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** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
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** See or email for
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**   information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
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** See for QPL licensing information.
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** See for GPL licensing information.
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** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
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** not clear to you.
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#include "qmap.h"
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typedef QMapNodeBase* NodePtr;
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typedef QMapNodeBase Node;
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void QMapPrivateBase::rotateLeft( NodePtr x, NodePtr& root)
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    NodePtr y = x->right;
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    x->right = y->left;
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    if (y->left !=0)
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	y->left->parent = x;
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    y->parent = x->parent;
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    if (x == root)
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	root = y;
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    else if (x == x->parent->left)
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	x->parent->left = y;
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	x->parent->right = y;
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    y->left = x;
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    x->parent = y;
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void QMapPrivateBase::rotateRight( NodePtr x, NodePtr& root )
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    NodePtr y = x->left;
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    x->left = y->right;
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    if (y->right != 0)
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	y->right->parent = x;
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    y->parent = x->parent;
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    if (x == root)
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	root = y;
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    else if (x == x->parent->right)
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	x->parent->right = y;
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	x->parent->left = y;
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    y->right = x;
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    x->parent = y;
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void QMapPrivateBase::rebalance( NodePtr x, NodePtr& root)
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    x->color = Node::Red;
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    while ( x != root && x->parent->color == Node::Red ) {
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	if ( x->parent == x->parent->parent->left ) {
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	    NodePtr y = x->parent->parent->right;
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	    if (y && y->color == Node::Red) {
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		x->parent->color = Node::Black;
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		y->color = Node::Black;
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		x->parent->parent->color = Node::Red;
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		x = x->parent->parent;
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	    } else {
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		if (x == x->parent->right) {
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		    x = x->parent;
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		    rotateLeft( x, root );
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		x->parent->color = Node::Black;
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		x->parent->parent->color = Node::Red;
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		rotateRight (x->parent->parent, root );
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	} else {
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	    NodePtr y = x->parent->parent->left;
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	    if ( y && y->color == Node::Red ) {
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		x->parent->color = Node::Black;
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		y->color = Node::Black;
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		x->parent->parent->color = Node::Red;
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		x = x->parent->parent;
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	    } else {
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		if (x == x->parent->left) { 
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		    x = x->parent;
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		    rotateRight( x, root );
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		x->parent->color = Node::Black;
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		x->parent->parent->color = Node::Red;
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		rotateLeft( x->parent->parent, root );
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    root->color = Node::Black;
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NodePtr QMapPrivateBase::removeAndRebalance( NodePtr z, NodePtr& root,
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					     NodePtr& leftmost,
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					     NodePtr& rightmost )
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    NodePtr y = z;
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    NodePtr x;
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    NodePtr x_parent;
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    if (y->left == 0) {
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	x = y->right;
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    } else {
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	if (y->right == 0)
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	    x = y->left;
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		y = y->right;
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		while (y->left != 0)
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		    y = y->left;
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		x = y->right;
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    if (y != z) {
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	z->left->parent = y; 
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	y->left = z->left;
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	if (y != z->right) {
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	    x_parent = y->parent;
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	    if (x)
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		x->parent = y->parent;
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	    y->parent->left = x;
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	    y->right = z->right;
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	    z->right->parent = y;
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	} else {
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	    x_parent = y;  
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	if (root == z)
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	    root = y;
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	else if (z->parent->left == z)
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	    z->parent->left = y;
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	    z->parent->right = y;
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	y->parent = z->parent;
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	// Swap the colors
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	Node::Color c = y->color;
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	y->color = z->color;
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	z->color = c;
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	y = z;
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    } else {       
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	x_parent = y->parent;
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	if (x)
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	    x->parent = y->parent;   
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	if (root == z)
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	    root = x;
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	else if (z->parent->left == z)
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	    z->parent->left = x;
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	    z->parent->right = x;
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	if ( leftmost == z ) {
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	    if (z->right == 0)
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		leftmost = z->parent;
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		leftmost = x->minimum();
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	if (rightmost == z) {
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	    if (z->left == 0)
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		rightmost = z->parent;  
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		rightmost = x->maximum();
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    if (y->color != Node::Red) { 
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	while (x != root && (x == 0 || x->color == Node::Black)) {
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	    if (x == x_parent->left) {
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		NodePtr w = x_parent->right;
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		if (w->color == Node::Red) {
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		    w->color = Node::Black;
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		    x_parent->color = Node::Red;
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		    rotateLeft(x_parent, root);
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		    w = x_parent->right;
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		if ((w->left == 0 || w->left->color == Node::Black) &&
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		    (w->right == 0 || w->right->color == Node::Black)) {
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		    w->color = Node::Red;
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		    x = x_parent;
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		    x_parent = x_parent->parent;
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		} else {
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		    if (w->right == 0 || w->right->color == Node::Black) {
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			if (w->left)
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			    w->left->color = Node::Black;
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			w->color = Node::Red;
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			rotateRight(w, root);
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			w = x_parent->right;
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		    w->color = x_parent->color;
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		    x_parent->color = Node::Black;
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		    if (w->right)
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			w->right->color = Node::Black;
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		    rotateLeft(x_parent, root);
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	    } else {
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		NodePtr w = x_parent->left;
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		if (w->color == Node::Red) {
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		    w->color = Node::Black;
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		    x_parent->color = Node::Red;
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		    rotateRight(x_parent, root);
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		    w = x_parent->left;
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		if ((w->right == 0 || w->right->color == Node::Black) &&
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		    (w->left == 0 || w->left->color == Node::Black)) {
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		    w->color = Node::Red;
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		    x = x_parent;
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		    x_parent = x_parent->parent;
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		} else {
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		    if (w->left == 0 || w->left->color == Node::Black) {
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			if (w->right) 
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			    w->right->color = Node::Black;
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			w->color = Node::Red;
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			rotateLeft(w, root);
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			w = x_parent->left;
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		    w->color = x_parent->color;
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		    x_parent->color = Node::Black;
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		    if (w->left)
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			w->left->color = Node::Black;
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		    rotateRight(x_parent, root);
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	if (x)
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	    x->color = Node::Black;
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    return y;
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