Blame qtools/qlist.h

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** Definition of QList template/macro class
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** Created : 920701
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** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
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** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
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** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
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** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
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** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
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** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
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** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
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** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
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** packaging of this file.
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** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
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** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
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** Agreement provided with the Software.
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** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
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** See or email for
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**   information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
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** See for QPL licensing information.
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** See for GPL licensing information.
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** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
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** not clear to you.
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/* This is a stripped version of the original QList, which has been renamed to
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   QInternalList. This implementation doesn't expose the current node and index,
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   nor direct access to the list nodes.
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   This makes it possible to have more constant methods. It also provides
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   a typesafe method to compare elements called compareValues() and a typesafe
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   methods to create and delete elements called newValue() and deleteValue().
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#ifndef QLIST_H
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#define QLIST_H
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#ifndef QT_H
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#include "qglist.h"
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#endif // QT_H
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template<class type> class Q_EXPORT QList : private QGList
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    QList()				{}
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    QList( const QList<type> &l ) : QGList(l) {}
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   ~QList()				{ clear(); }
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    QList<type> &operator=(const QList<type> &l)
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			{ return (QList<type>&)QGList::operator=(l); }
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    bool operator==( const QList<type> &list ) const
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    { return QGList::operator==( list ); }
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    // capacity
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    uint  count()   const		{ return QGList::count(); }
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    bool  isEmpty() const		{ return QGList::count() == 0; }
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    // modifiers add
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    bool  insert( uint i, const type *d){ return QGList::insertAt(i,(QCollection::Item)d); }
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    void  inSort( const type *d )	{ QGList::inSort((QCollection::Item)d); }
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    void  prepend( const type *d )	{ QGList::insertAt(0,(QCollection::Item)d); }
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    void  append( const type *d )	{ QGList::append((QCollection::Item)d); }
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    // modifiers remove
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    bool  remove( uint i )		{ return QGList::removeAt(i); }
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    bool  remove( const type *d )	{ return QGList::remove((QCollection::Item)d); }
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    bool  removeRef( const type *d )	{ return QGList::removeRef((QCollection::Item)d); }
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    bool  removeFirst()			{ return QGList::removeFirst(); }
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    bool  removeLast()			{ return QGList::removeLast(); }
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    type *take( uint i )		{ return (type *)QGList::takeAt(i); }
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    void  clear()			{ QGList::clear(); }
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    // operations
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    void  sort()			{ QGList::sort(); }
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    // search
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    int	  find( const type *d ) const	 { return const_cast<QList<type>*>(this)->QGList::find((QCollection::Item)d); }
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    int	  findRef( const type *d ) const { return const_cast<QList<type>*>(this)->QGList::findRef((QCollection::Item)d); }
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    uint  contains( const type *d ) const { return QGList::contains((QCollection::Item)d); }
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    uint  containsRef( const type *d ) const { return QGList::containsRef((QCollection::Item)d); }
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    // element access
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    type *at( uint i ) const		{ return (type *)const_cast<QList<type>*>(this)->QGList::at(i); }
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    type *getFirst() const		{ return (type *)QGList::cfirst(); }
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    type *getLast()  const		{ return (type *)QGList::clast(); }
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    // ownership
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    void setAutoDelete( bool enable )   { QGList::setAutoDelete(enable); }
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    // new to be reimplemented methods
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    virtual int compareValues(const type *t1,const type *t2) const
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    { return const_cast<QList<type>*>(this)->QGList::compareItems((QCollection::Item)t1,(QCollection::Item)t2); }
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    virtual type *newValue(type *item) const
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    { return item; }
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    virtual void deleteValue(type *item) const
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    { if (del_item) delete item; }
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    // reimplemented methods
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    virtual Item newItem( Item item)
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    { return (Item)newValue((type*)item); }
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    virtual void deleteItem( QCollection::Item item )
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    { deleteValue((type *)item); }
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    virtual int compareItems(QCollection::Item i1,QCollection::Item i2)
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    { return compareValues((const type*)i1,(const type*)i2); }
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template<> inline void QList<void>::deleteValue(void *) const
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template<class type> class Q_EXPORT QListIterator : public QGListIterator
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    QListIterator(const QList<type> &l) :QGListIterator((QGList &)l) {}
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   ~QListIterator()	      {}
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    uint  count()   const     { return list->count(); }
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    bool  isEmpty() const     { return list->count() == 0; }
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    bool  atFirst() const     { return QGListIterator::atFirst(); }
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    bool  atLast()  const     { return QGListIterator::atLast(); }
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    type *toFirst()	      { return (type *)QGListIterator::toFirst(); }
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    type *toLast()	      { return (type *)QGListIterator::toLast(); }
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    operator type *() const   { return (type *)QGListIterator::get(); }
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    type *operator*()         { return (type *)QGListIterator::get(); }
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    // No good, since QList<char> (ie. QStrList fails...
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    // MSVC++ gives warning
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    // Sunpro C++ 4.1 gives error
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    //    type *operator->()        { return (type *)QGListIterator::get(); }
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    type *current()   const   { return (type *)QGListIterator::get(); }
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    type *operator()()	      { return (type *)QGListIterator::operator()();}
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    type *operator++()	      { return (type *)QGListIterator::operator++(); }
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    type *operator+=(uint j)  { return (type *)QGListIterator::operator+=(j);}
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    type *operator--()	      { return (type *)QGListIterator::operator--(); }
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    type *operator-=(uint j)  { return (type *)QGListIterator::operator-=(j);}
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    QListIterator<type>& operator=(const QListIterator<type>&it)
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			      { QGListIterator::operator=(it); return *this; }
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#endif // QLIST_H