Blame jquery/jquery.powertip-1.2.0.js

Packit 1c1d7e
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 PowerTip - v1.2.0 - 2013-04-03
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 Copyright (c) 2013 Steven Benner (
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 Released under MIT license.
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(function(factory) {
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	if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
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		// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
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		define(['jquery'], factory);
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	} else {
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		// Browser globals
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}(function($) {
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	// useful private variables
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	var $document = $(document),
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		$window = $(window),
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		$body = $('body');
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	// constants
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	var DATA_DISPLAYCONTROLLER = 'displayController',
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		DATA_HASACTIVEHOVER = 'hasActiveHover',
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		DATA_FORCEDOPEN = 'forcedOpen',
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		DATA_HASMOUSEMOVE = 'hasMouseMove',
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		DATA_MOUSEONTOTIP = 'mouseOnToPopup',
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		DATA_ORIGINALTITLE = 'originalTitle',
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		DATA_POWERTIP = 'powertip',
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		DATA_POWERTIPJQ = 'powertipjq',
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		DATA_POWERTIPTARGET = 'powertiptarget',
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		RAD2DEG = 180 / Math.PI;
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	 * Session data
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	 * Private properties global to all powerTip instances
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	var session = {
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		isTipOpen: false,
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		isFixedTipOpen: false,
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		isClosing: false,
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		tipOpenImminent: false,
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		activeHover: null,
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		currentX: 0,
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		currentY: 0,
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		previousX: 0,
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		previousY: 0,
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		desyncTimeout: null,
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		mouseTrackingActive: false,
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		delayInProgress: false,
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		windowWidth: 0,
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		windowHeight: 0,
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		scrollTop: 0,
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		scrollLeft: 0
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	 * Collision enumeration
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	 * @enum {number}
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	var Collision = {
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		none: 0,
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		top: 1,
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		bottom: 2,
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		left: 4,
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		right: 8
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	 * Display hover tooltips on the matched elements.
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	 * @param {(Object|string)} opts The options object to use for the plugin, or
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	 *     the name of a method to invoke on the first matched element.
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	 * @param {*=} [arg] Argument for an invoked method (optional).
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	 * @return {jQuery} jQuery object for the matched selectors.
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	$.fn.powerTip = function(opts, arg) {
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		// don't do any work if there were no matched elements
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		if (!this.length) {
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			return this;
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		// handle api method calls on the plugin, e.g. powerTip('hide')
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		if ($.type(opts) === 'string' && $.powerTip[opts]) {
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			return $.powerTip[opts].call(this, this, arg);
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		// extend options and instantiate TooltipController
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		var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.powerTip.defaults, opts),
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			tipController = new TooltipController(options);
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		// hook mouse and viewport dimension tracking
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		// setup the elements
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		this.each(function elementSetup() {
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			var $this = $(this),
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				dataPowertip = $,
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				dataElem = $,
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				dataTarget = $,
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			// handle repeated powerTip calls on the same element by destroying the
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			// original instance hooked to it and replacing it with this call
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			if ($ {
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			// attempt to use title attribute text if there is no data-powertip,
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			// data-powertipjq or data-powertiptarget. If we do use the title
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			// attribute, delete the attribute so the browser will not show it
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			title = $this.attr('title');
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			if (!dataPowertip && !dataTarget && !dataElem && title) {
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				$, title);
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				$, title);
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			// create hover controllers for each element
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				new DisplayController($this, options, tipController)
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		// attach events to matched elements if the manual options is not enabled
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		if (!options.manual) {
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				// mouse events
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				'mouseenter.powertip': function elementMouseEnter(event) {
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					$, event);
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				'mouseleave.powertip': function elementMouseLeave() {
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				// keyboard events
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				'focus.powertip': function elementFocus() {
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				'blur.powertip': function elementBlur() {
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					$.powerTip.hide(this, true);
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				'keydown.powertip': function elementKeyDown(event) {
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					// close tooltip when the escape key is pressed
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					if (event.keyCode === 27) {
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						$.powerTip.hide(this, true);
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		return this;
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	 * Default options for the powerTip plugin.
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	$.fn.powerTip.defaults = {
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		fadeInTime: 200,
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		fadeOutTime: 100,
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		followMouse: false,
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		popupId: 'powerTip',
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		intentSensitivity: 7,
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		intentPollInterval: 100,
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		closeDelay: 100,
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		placement: 'n',
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		smartPlacement: false,
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		offset: 10,
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		mouseOnToPopup: false,
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		manual: false
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	 * Default smart placement priority lists.
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	 * The first item in the array is the highest priority, the last is the lowest.
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	 * The last item is also the default, which will be used if all previous options
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	 * do not fit.
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	$.fn.powerTip.smartPlacementLists = {
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		n: ['n', 'ne', 'nw', 's'],
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		e: ['e', 'ne', 'se', 'w', 'nw', 'sw', 'n', 's', 'e'],
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		s: ['s', 'se', 'sw', 'n'],
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		w: ['w', 'nw', 'sw', 'e', 'ne', 'se', 'n', 's', 'w'],
Packit 1c1d7e
		nw: ['nw', 'w', 'sw', 'n', 's', 'se', 'nw'],
Packit 1c1d7e
		ne: ['ne', 'e', 'se', 'n', 's', 'sw', 'ne'],
Packit 1c1d7e
		sw: ['sw', 'w', 'nw', 's', 'n', 'ne', 'sw'],
Packit 1c1d7e
		se: ['se', 'e', 'ne', 's', 'n', 'nw', 'se'],
Packit 1c1d7e
		'nw-alt': ['nw-alt', 'n', 'ne-alt', 'sw-alt', 's', 'se-alt', 'w', 'e'],
Packit 1c1d7e
		'ne-alt': ['ne-alt', 'n', 'nw-alt', 'se-alt', 's', 'sw-alt', 'e', 'w'],
Packit 1c1d7e
		'sw-alt': ['sw-alt', 's', 'se-alt', 'nw-alt', 'n', 'ne-alt', 'w', 'e'],
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		'se-alt': ['se-alt', 's', 'sw-alt', 'ne-alt', 'n', 'nw-alt', 'e', 'w']
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	 * Public API
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	$.powerTip = {
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		 * Attempts to show the tooltip for the specified element.
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		 * @param {jQuery|Element} element The element to open the tooltip for.
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		 * @param {jQuery.Event=} event jQuery event for hover intent and mouse
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		 *     tracking (optional).
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		show: function apiShowTip(element, event) {
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			if (event) {
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				session.previousX = event.pageX;
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				session.previousY = event.pageY;
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			} else {
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				$(element).first().data(DATA_DISPLAYCONTROLLER).show(true, true);
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			return element;
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		 * Repositions the tooltip on the element.
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		 * @param {jQuery|Element} element The element the tooltip is shown for.
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		reposition: function apiResetPosition(element) {
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			return element;
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		 * Attempts to close any open tooltips.
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		 * @param {(jQuery|Element)=} element The element with the tooltip that
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		 *     should be closed (optional).
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		 * @param {boolean=} immediate Disable close delay (optional).
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		hide: function apiCloseTip(element, immediate) {
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			if (element) {
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			} else {
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				if (session.activeHover) {
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			return element;
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		 * Destroy and roll back any powerTip() instance on the specified element.
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		 * @param {jQuery|Element} element The element with the powerTip instance.
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		destroy: function apiDestroy(element) {
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			$(element).off('.powertip').each(function destroy() {
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				var $this = $(this),
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					dataAttributes = [
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				if ($ {
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					$this.attr('title', $;
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			return element;
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	// API aliasing
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	$.powerTip.showTip = $;
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	$.powerTip.closeTip = $.powerTip.hide;
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	 * Creates a new CSSCoordinates object.
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	 * @private
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	 * @constructor
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	function CSSCoordinates() {
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		var me = this;
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		// initialize object properties
Packit 1c1d7e = 'auto';
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		me.left = 'auto';
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		me.right = 'auto';
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		me.bottom = 'auto';
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		 * Set a property to a value.
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		 * @private
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		 * @param {string} property The name of the property.
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		 * @param {number} value The value of the property.
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		me.set = function(property, value) {
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			if ($.isNumeric(value)) {
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				me[property] = Math.round(value);
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	 * Creates a new tooltip display controller.
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	 * @private
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	 * @constructor
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	 * @param {jQuery} element The element that this controller will handle.
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	 * @param {Object} options Options object containing settings.
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	 * @param {TooltipController} tipController The TooltipController object for
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	 *     this instance.
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	function DisplayController(element, options, tipController) {
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		var hoverTimer = null;
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		 * Begins the process of showing a tooltip.
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		 * @private
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		 * @param {boolean=} immediate Skip intent testing (optional).
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		 * @param {boolean=} forceOpen Ignore cursor position and force tooltip to
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		 *     open (optional).
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		function openTooltip(immediate, forceOpen) {
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			if (! {
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				if (!immediate) {
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					session.tipOpenImminent = true;
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					hoverTimer = setTimeout(
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						function intentDelay() {
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							hoverTimer = null;
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				} else {
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					if (forceOpen) {
Packit 1c1d7e, true);
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		 * Begins the process of closing a tooltip.
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		 * @private
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		 * @param {boolean=} disableDelay Disable close delay (optional).
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		function closeTooltip(disableDelay) {
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			session.tipOpenImminent = false;
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			if ( {
Packit 1c1d7e, false);
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				if (!disableDelay) {
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					session.delayInProgress = true;
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					hoverTimer = setTimeout(
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						function closeDelay() {
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							hoverTimer = null;
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							session.delayInProgress = false;
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				} else {
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		 * Checks mouse position to make sure that the user intended to hover on the
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		 * specified element before showing the tooltip.
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		 * @private
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		function checkForIntent() {
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			// calculate mouse position difference
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			var xDifference = Math.abs(session.previousX - session.currentX),
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				yDifference = Math.abs(session.previousY - session.currentY),
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				totalDifference = xDifference + yDifference;
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			// check if difference has passed the sensitivity threshold
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			if (totalDifference < options.intentSensitivity) {
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			} else {
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				// try again
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				session.previousX = session.currentX;
Packit 1c1d7e
				session.previousY = session.currentY;
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		 * Cancels active hover timer.
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		 * @private
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		function cancelTimer() {
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			hoverTimer = clearTimeout(hoverTimer);
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			session.delayInProgress = false;
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		 * Repositions the tooltip on this element.
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		 * @private
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		function repositionTooltip() {
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		// expose the methods
Packit 1c1d7e = openTooltip;
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		this.hide = closeTooltip;
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		this.cancel = cancelTimer;
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		this.resetPosition = repositionTooltip;
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	 * Creates a new Placement Calculator.
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	 * @private
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	 * @constructor
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	function PlacementCalculator() {
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		 * Compute the CSS position to display a tooltip at the specified placement
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		 * relative to the specified element.
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		 * @private
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		 * @param {jQuery} element The element that the tooltip should target.
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		 * @param {string} placement The placement for the tooltip.
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		 * @param {number} tipWidth Width of the tooltip element in pixels.
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		 * @param {number} tipHeight Height of the tooltip element in pixels.
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		 * @param {number} offset Distance to offset tooltips in pixels.
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		 * @return {CSSCoordinates} A CSSCoordinates object with the position.
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		function computePlacementCoords(element, placement, tipWidth, tipHeight, offset) {
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			var placementBase = placement.split('-')[0], // ignore 'alt' for corners
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				coords = new CSSCoordinates(),
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			if (isSvgElement(element)) {
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				position = getSvgPlacement(element, placementBase);
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			} else {
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				position = getHtmlPlacement(element, placementBase);
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			// calculate the appropriate x and y position in the document
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			switch (placement) {
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			case 'n':
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				coords.set('left', position.left - (tipWidth / 2));
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				coords.set('bottom', session.windowHeight - + offset);
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			case 'e':
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				coords.set('left', position.left + offset);
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				coords.set('top', - (tipHeight / 2));
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Packit 1c1d7e
			case 's':
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('left', position.left - (tipWidth / 2));
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('top', + offset);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			case 'w':
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('top', - (tipHeight / 2));
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('right', session.windowWidth - position.left + offset);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			case 'nw':
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('bottom', session.windowHeight - + offset);
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('right', session.windowWidth - position.left - 20);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			case 'nw-alt':
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('left', position.left);
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('bottom', session.windowHeight - + offset);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			case 'ne':
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('left', position.left - 20);
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('bottom', session.windowHeight - + offset);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			case 'ne-alt':
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('bottom', session.windowHeight - + offset);
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('right', session.windowWidth - position.left);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			case 'sw':
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('top', + offset);
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('right', session.windowWidth - position.left - 20);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			case 'sw-alt':
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('left', position.left);
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('top', + offset);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			case 'se':
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('left', position.left - 20);
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('top', + offset);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			case 'se-alt':
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('top', + offset);
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('right', session.windowWidth - position.left);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			return coords;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * Finds the tooltip attachment point in the document for a HTML DOM element
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * for the specified placement.
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @private
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @param {jQuery} element The element that the tooltip should target.
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @param {string} placement The placement for the tooltip.
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @return {Object} An object with the top,left position values.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		function getHtmlPlacement(element, placement) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			var objectOffset = element.offset(),
Packit 1c1d7e
				objectWidth = element.outerWidth(),
Packit 1c1d7e
				objectHeight = element.outerHeight(),
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// calculate the appropriate x and y position in the document
Packit 1c1d7e
			switch (placement) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			case 'n':
Packit 1c1d7e
				left = objectOffset.left + objectWidth / 2;
Packit 1c1d7e
				top =;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			case 'e':
Packit 1c1d7e
				left = objectOffset.left + objectWidth;
Packit 1c1d7e
				top = + objectHeight / 2;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			case 's':
Packit 1c1d7e
				left = objectOffset.left + objectWidth / 2;
Packit 1c1d7e
				top = + objectHeight;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			case 'w':
Packit 1c1d7e
				left = objectOffset.left;
Packit 1c1d7e
				top = + objectHeight / 2;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			case 'nw':
Packit 1c1d7e
				left = objectOffset.left;
Packit 1c1d7e
				top =;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			case 'ne':
Packit 1c1d7e
				left = objectOffset.left + objectWidth;
Packit 1c1d7e
				top =;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			case 'sw':
Packit 1c1d7e
				left = objectOffset.left;
Packit 1c1d7e
				top = + objectHeight;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			case 'se':
Packit 1c1d7e
				left = objectOffset.left + objectWidth;
Packit 1c1d7e
				top = + objectHeight;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			return {
Packit 1c1d7e
				top: top,
Packit 1c1d7e
				left: left
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * Finds the tooltip attachment point in the document for a SVG element for
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * the specified placement.
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @private
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @param {jQuery} element The element that the tooltip should target.
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @param {string} placement The placement for the tooltip.
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @return {Object} An object with the top,left position values.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		function getSvgPlacement(element, placement) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			var svgElement = element.closest('svg')[0],
Packit 1c1d7e
				domElement = element[0],
Packit 1c1d7e
				point = svgElement.createSVGPoint(),
Packit 1c1d7e
				boundingBox = domElement.getBBox(),
Packit 1c1d7e
				matrix = domElement.getScreenCTM(),
Packit 1c1d7e
				halfWidth = boundingBox.width / 2,
Packit 1c1d7e
				halfHeight = boundingBox.height / 2,
Packit 1c1d7e
				placements = [],
Packit 1c1d7e
				placementKeys = ['nw', 'n', 'ne', 'e', 'se', 's', 'sw', 'w'],
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			function pushPlacement() {
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// get bounding box corners and midpoints
Packit 1c1d7e
			point.x = boundingBox.x;
Packit 1c1d7e
			point.y = boundingBox.y;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			point.x += halfWidth;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			point.x += halfWidth;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			point.y += halfHeight;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			point.y += halfHeight;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			point.x -= halfWidth;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			point.x -= halfWidth;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			point.y -= halfHeight;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// determine rotation
Packit 1c1d7e
			if (placements[0].y !== placements[1].y || placements[0].x !== placements[7].x) {
Packit 1c1d7e
				rotation = Math.atan2(matrix.b, matrix.a) * RAD2DEG;
Packit 1c1d7e
				steps = Math.ceil(((rotation % 360) - 22.5) / 45);
Packit 1c1d7e
				if (steps < 1) {
Packit 1c1d7e
					steps += 8;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				while (steps--) {
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// find placement
Packit 1c1d7e
			for (x = 0; x < placements.length; x++) {
Packit 1c1d7e
				if (placementKeys[x] === placement) {
Packit 1c1d7e
					coords = placements[x];
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			return {
Packit 1c1d7e
				top: coords.y + session.scrollTop,
Packit 1c1d7e
				left: coords.x + session.scrollLeft
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		// expose methods
Packit 1c1d7e
		this.compute = computePlacementCoords;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * Creates a new tooltip controller.
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @private
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @constructor
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @param {Object} options Options object containing settings.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
	function TooltipController(options) {
Packit 1c1d7e
		var placementCalculator = new PlacementCalculator(),
Packit 1c1d7e
			tipElement = $('#' + options.popupId);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		// build and append tooltip div if it does not already exist
Packit 1c1d7e
		if (tipElement.length === 0) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			tipElement = $('
', { id: options.popupId });
Packit 1c1d7e
			// grab body element if it was not populated when the script loaded
Packit 1c1d7e
			// note: this hack exists solely for jsfiddle support
Packit 1c1d7e
			if ($body.length === 0) {
Packit 1c1d7e
				$body = $('body');
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		// hook mousemove for cursor follow tooltips
Packit 1c1d7e
		if (options.followMouse) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			// only one positionTipOnCursor hook per tooltip element, please
Packit 1c1d7e
			if (! {
Packit 1c1d7e
				$document.on('mousemove', positionTipOnCursor);
Packit 1c1d7e
				$window.on('scroll', positionTipOnCursor);
Packit 1c1d7e, true);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		// if we want to be able to mouse onto the tooltip then we need to attach
Packit 1c1d7e
		// hover events to the tooltip that will cancel a close request on hover and
Packit 1c1d7e
		// start a new close request on mouseleave
Packit 1c1d7e
		if (options.mouseOnToPopup) {
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				mouseenter: function tipMouseEnter() {
Packit 1c1d7e
					// we only let the mouse stay on the tooltip if it is set to let
Packit 1c1d7e
					// users interact with it
Packit 1c1d7e
					if ( {
Packit 1c1d7e
						// check activeHover in case the mouse cursor entered the
Packit 1c1d7e
						// tooltip during the fadeOut and close cycle
Packit 1c1d7e
						if (session.activeHover) {
Packit 1c1d7e;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				mouseleave: function tipMouseLeave() {
Packit 1c1d7e
					// check activeHover in case the mouse cursor entered the
Packit 1c1d7e
					// tooltip during the fadeOut and close cycle
Packit 1c1d7e
					if (session.activeHover) {
Packit 1c1d7e;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * Gives the specified element the active-hover state and queues up the
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * showTip function.
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @private
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @param {jQuery} element The element that the tooltip should target.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		function beginShowTip(element) {
Packit 1c1d7e, true);
Packit 1c1d7e
			// show tooltip, asap
Packit 1c1d7e
			tipElement.queue(function queueTipInit(next) {
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * Shows the tooltip, as soon as possible.
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @private
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @param {jQuery} element The element that the tooltip should target.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		function showTip(element) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			var tipContent;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// it is possible, especially with keyboard navigation, to move on to
Packit 1c1d7e
			// another element with a tooltip during the queue to get to this point
Packit 1c1d7e
			// in the code. if that happens then we need to not proceed or we may
Packit 1c1d7e
			// have the fadeout callback for the last tooltip execute immediately
Packit 1c1d7e
			// after this code runs, causing bugs.
Packit 1c1d7e
			if (! {
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// if the tooltip is open and we got asked to open another one then the
Packit 1c1d7e
			// old one is still in its fadeOut cycle, so wait and try again
Packit 1c1d7e
			if (session.isTipOpen) {
Packit 1c1d7e
				if (!session.isClosing) {
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				tipElement.delay(100).queue(function queueTipAgain(next) {
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// trigger powerTipPreRender event
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// set tooltip content
Packit 1c1d7e
			tipContent = getTooltipContent(element);
Packit 1c1d7e
			if (tipContent) {
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			} else {
Packit 1c1d7e
				// we have no content to display, give up
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// trigger powerTipRender event
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			session.activeHover = element;
Packit 1c1d7e
			session.isTipOpen = true;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e, options.mouseOnToPopup);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// set tooltip position
Packit 1c1d7e
			if (!options.followMouse) {
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				session.isFixedTipOpen = true;
Packit 1c1d7e
			} else {
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// fadein
Packit 1c1d7e
			tipElement.fadeIn(options.fadeInTime, function fadeInCallback() {
Packit 1c1d7e
				// start desync polling
Packit 1c1d7e
				if (!session.desyncTimeout) {
Packit 1c1d7e
					session.desyncTimeout = setInterval(closeDesyncedTip, 500);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				// trigger powerTipOpen event
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * Hides the tooltip.
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @private
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @param {jQuery} element The element that the tooltip should target.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		function hideTip(element) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			// reset session
Packit 1c1d7e
			session.isClosing = true;
Packit 1c1d7e
			session.activeHover = null;
Packit 1c1d7e
			session.isTipOpen = false;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// stop desync polling
Packit 1c1d7e
			session.desyncTimeout = clearInterval(session.desyncTimeout);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// reset element state
Packit 1c1d7e, false);
Packit 1c1d7e, false);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// fade out
Packit 1c1d7e
			tipElement.fadeOut(options.fadeOutTime, function fadeOutCallback() {
Packit 1c1d7e
				var coords = new CSSCoordinates();
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				// reset session and tooltip element
Packit 1c1d7e
				session.isClosing = false;
Packit 1c1d7e
				session.isFixedTipOpen = false;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				// support mouse-follow and fixed position tips at the same time by
Packit 1c1d7e
				// moving the tooltip to the last cursor location after it is hidden
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('top', session.currentY + options.offset);
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('left', session.currentX + options.offset);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				// trigger powerTipClose event
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * Moves the tooltip to the users mouse cursor.
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @private
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		function positionTipOnCursor() {
Packit 1c1d7e
			// to support having fixed tooltips on the same page as cursor tooltips,
Packit 1c1d7e
			// where both instances are referencing the same tooltip element, we
Packit 1c1d7e
			// need to keep track of the mouse position constantly, but we should
Packit 1c1d7e
			// only set the tip location if a fixed tip is not currently open, a tip
Packit 1c1d7e
			// open is imminent or active, and the tooltip element in question does
Packit 1c1d7e
			// have a mouse-follow using it.
Packit 1c1d7e
			if (!session.isFixedTipOpen && (session.isTipOpen || (session.tipOpenImminent && {
Packit 1c1d7e
				// grab measurements
Packit 1c1d7e
				var tipWidth = tipElement.outerWidth(),
Packit 1c1d7e
					tipHeight = tipElement.outerHeight(),
Packit 1c1d7e
					coords = new CSSCoordinates(),
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				// grab collisions
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('top', session.currentY + options.offset);
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords.set('left', session.currentX + options.offset);
Packit 1c1d7e
				collisions = getViewportCollisions(
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				// handle tooltip view port collisions
Packit 1c1d7e
				if (collisions !== Collision.none) {
Packit 1c1d7e
					collisionCount = countFlags(collisions);
Packit 1c1d7e
					if (collisionCount === 1) {
Packit 1c1d7e
						// if there is only one collision (bottom or right) then
Packit 1c1d7e
						// simply constrain the tooltip to the view port
Packit 1c1d7e
						if (collisions === Collision.right) {
Packit 1c1d7e
							coords.set('left', session.windowWidth - tipWidth);
Packit 1c1d7e
						} else if (collisions === Collision.bottom) {
Packit 1c1d7e
							coords.set('top', session.scrollTop + session.windowHeight - tipHeight);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
					} else {
Packit 1c1d7e
						// if the tooltip has more than one collision then it is
Packit 1c1d7e
						// trapped in the corner and should be flipped to get it out
Packit 1c1d7e
						// of the users way
Packit 1c1d7e
						coords.set('left', session.currentX - tipWidth - options.offset);
Packit 1c1d7e
						coords.set('top', session.currentY - tipHeight - options.offset);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				// position the tooltip
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * Sets the tooltip to the correct position relative to the specified target
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * element. Based on options settings.
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @private
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @param {jQuery} element The element that the tooltip should target.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		function positionTipOnElement(element) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			var priorityList,
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			if (options.smartPlacement) {
Packit 1c1d7e
				priorityList = $.fn.powerTip.smartPlacementLists[options.placement];
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				// iterate over the priority list and use the first placement option
Packit 1c1d7e
				// that does not collide with the view port. if they all collide
Packit 1c1d7e
				// then the last placement in the list will be used.
Packit 1c1d7e
				$.each(priorityList, function(idx, pos) {
Packit 1c1d7e
					// place tooltip and find collisions
Packit 1c1d7e
					var collisions = getViewportCollisions(
Packit 1c1d7e
						placeTooltip(element, pos),
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
					// update the final placement variable
Packit 1c1d7e
					finalPlacement = pos;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
					// break if there were no collisions
Packit 1c1d7e
					if (collisions === Collision.none) {
Packit 1c1d7e
						return false;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			} else {
Packit 1c1d7e
				// if we're not going to use the smart placement feature then just
Packit 1c1d7e
				// compute the coordinates and do it
Packit 1c1d7e
				placeTooltip(element, options.placement);
Packit 1c1d7e
				finalPlacement = options.placement;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// add placement as class for CSS arrows
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * Sets the tooltip position to the appropriate values to show the tip at
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * the specified placement. This function will iterate and test the tooltip
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * to support elastic tooltips.
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @private
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @param {jQuery} element The element that the tooltip should target.
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @param {string} placement The placement for the tooltip.
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @return {CSSCoordinates} A CSSCoordinates object with the top, left, and
Packit 1c1d7e
		 *     right position values.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		function placeTooltip(element, placement) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			var iterationCount = 0,
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords = new CSSCoordinates();
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// set the tip to 0,0 to get the full expanded width
Packit 1c1d7e
			coords.set('top', 0);
Packit 1c1d7e
			coords.set('left', 0);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// to support elastic tooltips we need to check for a change in the
Packit 1c1d7e
			// rendered dimensions after the tooltip has been positioned
Packit 1c1d7e
			do {
Packit 1c1d7e
				// grab the current tip dimensions
Packit 1c1d7e
				tipWidth = tipElement.outerWidth();
Packit 1c1d7e
				tipHeight = tipElement.outerHeight();
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				// get placement coordinates
Packit 1c1d7e
				coords = placementCalculator.compute(
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				// place the tooltip
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			} while (
Packit 1c1d7e
				// sanity check: limit to 5 iterations, and...
Packit 1c1d7e
				++iterationCount <= 5 &&
Packit 1c1d7e
				// try again if the dimensions changed after placement
Packit 1c1d7e
				(tipWidth !== tipElement.outerWidth() || tipHeight !== tipElement.outerHeight())
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			return coords;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * Checks for a tooltip desync and closes the tooltip if one occurs.
Packit 1c1d7e
		 * @private
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		function closeDesyncedTip() {
Packit 1c1d7e
			var isDesynced = false;
Packit 1c1d7e
			// It is possible for the mouse cursor to leave an element without
Packit 1c1d7e
			// firing the mouseleave or blur event. This most commonly happens when
Packit 1c1d7e
			// the element is disabled under mouse cursor. If this happens it will
Packit 1c1d7e
			// result in a desynced tooltip because the tooltip was never asked to
Packit 1c1d7e
			// close. So we should periodically check for a desync situation and
Packit 1c1d7e
			// close the tip if such a situation arises.
Packit 1c1d7e
			if (session.isTipOpen && !session.isClosing && !session.delayInProgress) {
Packit 1c1d7e
				// user moused onto another tip or active hover is disabled
Packit 1c1d7e
				if ( === false ||':disabled')) {
Packit 1c1d7e
					isDesynced = true;
Packit 1c1d7e
				} else {
Packit 1c1d7e
					// hanging tip - have to test if mouse position is not over the
Packit 1c1d7e
					// active hover and not over a tooltip set to let the user
Packit 1c1d7e
					// interact with it.
Packit 1c1d7e
					// for keyboard navigation: this only counts if the element does
Packit 1c1d7e
					// not have focus.
Packit 1c1d7e
					// for tooltips opened via the api: we need to check if it has
Packit 1c1d7e
					// the forcedOpen flag.
Packit 1c1d7e
					if (!isMouseOver(session.activeHover) && !':focus') && ! {
Packit 1c1d7e
						if ( {
Packit 1c1d7e
							if (!isMouseOver(tipElement)) {
Packit 1c1d7e
								isDesynced = true;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
						} else {
Packit 1c1d7e
							isDesynced = true;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				if (isDesynced) {
Packit 1c1d7e
					// close the desynced tip
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		// expose methods
Packit 1c1d7e
		this.showTip = beginShowTip;
Packit 1c1d7e
		this.hideTip = hideTip;
Packit 1c1d7e
		this.resetPosition = positionTipOnElement;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * Determine whether a jQuery object is an SVG element
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @private
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @param {jQuery} element The element to check
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @return {boolean} Whether this is an SVG element
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
	function isSvgElement(element) {
Packit 1c1d7e
		return window.SVGElement && element[0] instanceof SVGElement;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * Initializes the viewport dimension cache and hooks up the mouse position
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * tracking and viewport dimension tracking events.
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * Prevents attaching the events more than once.
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @private
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
	function initTracking() {
Packit 1c1d7e
		if (!session.mouseTrackingActive) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			session.mouseTrackingActive = true;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// grab the current viewport dimensions on load
Packit 1c1d7e
			$(function getViewportDimensions() {
Packit 1c1d7e
				session.scrollLeft = $window.scrollLeft();
Packit 1c1d7e
				session.scrollTop = $window.scrollTop();
Packit 1c1d7e
				session.windowWidth = $window.width();
Packit 1c1d7e
				session.windowHeight = $window.height();
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// hook mouse move tracking
Packit 1c1d7e
			$document.on('mousemove', trackMouse);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			// hook viewport dimensions tracking
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				resize: function trackResize() {
Packit 1c1d7e
					session.windowWidth = $window.width();
Packit 1c1d7e
					session.windowHeight = $window.height();
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
				scroll: function trackScroll() {
Packit 1c1d7e
					var x = $window.scrollLeft(),
Packit 1c1d7e
						y = $window.scrollTop();
Packit 1c1d7e
					if (x !== session.scrollLeft) {
Packit 1c1d7e
						session.currentX += x - session.scrollLeft;
Packit 1c1d7e
						session.scrollLeft = x;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
					if (y !== session.scrollTop) {
Packit 1c1d7e
						session.currentY += y - session.scrollTop;
Packit 1c1d7e
						session.scrollTop = y;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * Saves the current mouse coordinates to the session object.
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @private
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @param {jQuery.Event} event The mousemove event for the document.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
	function trackMouse(event) {
Packit 1c1d7e
		session.currentX = event.pageX;
Packit 1c1d7e
		session.currentY = event.pageY;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * Tests if the mouse is currently over the specified element.
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @private
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @param {jQuery} element The element to check for hover.
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @return {boolean}
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
	function isMouseOver(element) {
Packit 1c1d7e
		// use getBoundingClientRect() because jQuery's width() and height()
Packit 1c1d7e
		// methods do not work with SVG elements
Packit 1c1d7e
		// compute width/height because those properties do not exist on the object
Packit 1c1d7e
		// returned by getBoundingClientRect() in older versions of IE
Packit 1c1d7e
		var elementPosition = element.offset(),
Packit 1c1d7e
			elementBox = element[0].getBoundingClientRect(),
Packit 1c1d7e
			elementWidth = elementBox.right - elementBox.left,
Packit 1c1d7e
			elementHeight = elementBox.bottom -;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		return session.currentX >= elementPosition.left &&
Packit 1c1d7e
			session.currentX <= elementPosition.left + elementWidth &&
Packit 1c1d7e
			session.currentY >= &&
Packit 1c1d7e
			session.currentY <= + elementHeight;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * Fetches the tooltip content from the specified element's data attributes.
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @private
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @param {jQuery} element The element to get the tooltip content for.
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @return {(string|jQuery|undefined)} The text/HTML string, jQuery object, or
Packit 1c1d7e
	 *     undefined if there was no tooltip content for the element.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
	function getTooltipContent(element) {
Packit 1c1d7e
		var tipText =,
Packit 1c1d7e
			tipObject =,
Packit 1c1d7e
			tipTarget =,
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		if (tipText) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			if ($.isFunction(tipText)) {
Packit 1c1d7e
				tipText =[0]);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			content = tipText;
Packit 1c1d7e
		} else if (tipObject) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			if ($.isFunction(tipObject)) {
Packit 1c1d7e
				tipObject =[0]);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
			if (tipObject.length > 0) {
Packit 1c1d7e
				content = tipObject.clone(true, true);
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		} else if (tipTarget) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			targetElement = $('#' + tipTarget);
Packit 1c1d7e
			if (targetElement.length > 0) {
Packit 1c1d7e
				content = targetElement.html();
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		return content;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * Finds any viewport collisions that an element (the tooltip) would have if it
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * were absolutely positioned at the specified coordinates.
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @private
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @param {CSSCoordinates} coords Coordinates for the element.
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @param {number} elementWidth Width of the element in pixels.
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @param {number} elementHeight Height of the element in pixels.
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @return {number} Value with the collision flags.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
	function getViewportCollisions(coords, elementWidth, elementHeight) {
Packit 1c1d7e
		var viewportTop = session.scrollTop,
Packit 1c1d7e
			viewportLeft =  session.scrollLeft,
Packit 1c1d7e
			viewportBottom = viewportTop + session.windowHeight,
Packit 1c1d7e
			viewportRight = viewportLeft + session.windowWidth,
Packit 1c1d7e
			collisions = Collision.none;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		if ( < viewportTop || Math.abs(coords.bottom - session.windowHeight) - elementHeight < viewportTop) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			collisions |=;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		if ( + elementHeight > viewportBottom || Math.abs(coords.bottom - session.windowHeight) > viewportBottom) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			collisions |= Collision.bottom;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		if (coords.left < viewportLeft || coords.right + elementWidth > viewportRight) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			collisions |= Collision.left;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		if (coords.left + elementWidth > viewportRight || coords.right < viewportLeft) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			collisions |= Collision.right;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		return collisions;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * Counts the number of bits set on a flags value.
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @param {number} value The flags value.
Packit 1c1d7e
	 * @return {number} The number of bits that have been set.
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
	function countFlags(value) {
Packit 1c1d7e
		var count = 0;
Packit 1c1d7e
		while (value) {
Packit 1c1d7e
			value &= value - 1;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
		return count;
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e
Packit 1c1d7e