!include version.mk CC = bcc DEFINES = -DVER_REVISION="$(DOS2UNIX_VERSION)" -DVER_DATE="$(DOS2UNIX_DATE)" CFLAGS = $(DEFINES) -Z -O -w -mc -1 WILDARGS = c:/bc4/lib/16bit/wildargs.obj all: dos2unix.exe unix2dos.exe mac2unix.exe unix2mac.exe dos2unix.exe: dos2unix.obj querycp.obj common.obj bcc -mc dos2unix.obj querycp.obj common.obj $(WILDARGS) noehc.lib unix2dos.exe: unix2dos.obj querycp.obj common.obj bcc -mc unix2dos.obj querycp.obj common.obj $(WILDARGS) noehc.lib # remove noehc.lib if you are using Borland C version prior # to 4.0. noeh?.lib, where ? stands for the memory model, # removes the C++ exception handling from the startup-code # which is included by default since Borland 4.0 and # higher. Including noeh?.lib reduces the executable size # significant, provided your source is C only. #.c.obj: # $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< dos2unix.obj : dos2unix.c dos2unix.h querycp.h common.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o$@ dos2unix.c unix2dos.obj : unix2dos.c unix2dos.h querycp.h common.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o$@ unix2dos.c querycp.obj : querycp.c querycp.h querycp.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o$@ querycp.c common.obj : querycp.c querycp.h common.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o$@ common.c mac2unix.exe: dos2unix.exe copy /v dos2unix.exe mac2unix.exe unix2mac.exe: unix2dos.exe copy /v unix2dos.exe unix2mac.exe strip : tdstrip dos2unix.exe tdstrip unix2dos.exe tdstrip mac2unix.exe tdstrip unix2mac.exe clean: del *.obj del *.exe