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 Progress Reporting with Callbacks

.. module:: dnf.callback

.. class:: Payload

  Represents one item (file) from the download batch.

  .. method:: __str__

    Provide concise, human-readable representation of this Payload.

  .. attribute:: download_size

    Total size of this Payload when transferred (e.g. over network).

.. class:: DownloadProgress

  Base class providing callbacks to receive information about an ongoing download.

  .. method:: start(total_files, total_size, total_drpms=0)

    Report start of a download batch. `total_files` is the total number of payloads in the batch.
    `total_size` is the total number of bytes to be downloaded. `total_drpms` is the total number
    of drpms payloads in the batch.

  .. method:: progress(payload, done)

    Report ongoing progress on the given `payload`. `done` is the number of bytes already downloaded from `payload`.

  .. method:: end(payload, status, msg)

    Report finished download of a `payload`, :class:`.Payload` instance. `status` is a constant with the following meaning:

    ====================== =======================================================
    `status` value         meaning
    ====================== =======================================================
    STATUS_OK              Download finished successfully.
    STATUS_DRPM            DRPM rebuilt successfully.
    STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS  Download skipped because the local file already exists.
    STATUS_MIRROR          Download failed on the current mirror, will try to use
                           next mirror in the list.
    STATUS_FAILED          Download failed because of another error.
    ====================== =======================================================

    `msg` is an optional string error message further explaining the `status`.

.. class:: TransactionProgress

  Base class providing callbacks to receive information about an ongoing transaction.

  .. method:: error(message)

    Report an error that occurred during the transaction. `message` is a string which describes the error.

  .. method:: progress(package, action, ti_done, ti_total, ts_done, ts_total)

    Report ongoing progress on the given transaction item. `package` is the :class:`dnf.package.Package` being processed and `action` is a constant with the following meaning:

    ================== ================================================================================= ===========
    `action` value     meaning                                                                           Appearance*
    ================== ================================================================================= ===========
    PKG_CLEANUP        `package` cleanup is being performed.                                             3
    PKG_DOWNGRADE      `package` is being installed as a downgrade.                                      2
    PKG_DOWNGRADED     installed `package` is being downgraded.                                          2
    PKG_INSTALL        `package` is being installed.                                                     2
    PKG_OBSOLETE       `package` is obsoleting another package.                                          2
    PKG_OBSOLETED      installed `package` is being obsoleted.                                           2
    PKG_REINSTALL      `package` is installed as a reinstall.                                            2
    PKG_REINSTALLED    installed `package` is being reinstalled.                                         2
    PKG_REMOVE         `package` is being removed.                                                       2
    PKG_UPGRADE        `package` is installed as an upgrade.                                             2
    PKG_UPGRADED       installed `package` is being upgraded.                                            2
    PKG_VERIFY         `package` is being verified.                                                      5
    PKG_SCRIPTLET      `package` scriptlet is being performed.                                           Anytime
    TRANS_PREPARATION  `transaction` is being prepared.                                                  1
    TRANS_POST         The post-trans phase started. In this case, all the other arguments are ``None``. 4
    ================== ================================================================================= ===========

  \*\ This is order in which state of transaction which callback action can appear. Only PKG_SCRIPTLET
  can appear anytime during transaction even before transaction starts.

  `ti_done` is the number of processed bytes of the transaction item, `ti_total` is the total number of bytes of the transaction item, `ts_done` is the number of actions processed in the whole transaction and `ts_total` is the total number of actions in the whole transaction.