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 Command Line Interface Hooks

.. module:: dnf.cli

:mod:`dnf.cli` is a part of DNF that contains code handling the command line tasks for DNF, like for instance ``dnf install emacs``, and outputs the results to the terminal. It is usually of no interest for DNF extension applications, but some parts of it described here can be used by the :doc:`api_plugins` to hook up custom commands.

When packaging your custom command, we recommend you to define a virtual provide in the form of ``Provides: dnf-command(<alias>)`` in the spec file. See :ref:`the virtual provides usage <command_provides-label>` for the details.

.. exception:: CliError

    Signals a CLI-specific problem (reading configuration, parsing user input, etc.). Derives from :exc:`dnf.exceptions.Error`.

.. class:: dnf.cli.demand.DemandSheet

  Instances are used to track requests of commands and plugins about how CLI should set up/handle other parts of CLI processing that are not under the command's/plugin's direct control. The boolean attributes of the sheet can not be reset once explicitly set, doing so raises an :exc:`AttributeError`.

    .. attribute:: allow_erasing

      If ``True``, the dependency solver is allowed to look for solutions that include removing other packages while looking to fulfill the current packaging requests. Defaults to ``False``. Also see :meth:`dnf.Base.resolve`.

    .. attribute:: available_repos

      If ``True``, during sack creation (:attr:`.sack_activation`), download and load into the sack the available repositories. Defaults to ``False``.

    .. attribute:: resolving

      If ``True``, at a place where the CLI would otherwise successfully exit, resolve the transaction for any outstanding packaging requests before exiting. Defaults to ``False``.

    .. attribute:: root_user

      ``True`` informs the CLI that the command can only succeed if the process's effective user id is ``0``, i.e. root. Defaults to ``False``.

    .. attribute:: sack_activation

      If ``True``, demand that the CLI sets up the :class:`~.Sack` before the command's :meth:`` method is executed. Defaults to ``False``.

      Depending on other demands and the user's configuration, this might or might not correctly trigger metadata download for the available repositories.

    .. attribute:: load_system_repo

      If ``True``, DNF will load information about installed packages from the local RPMDB into the sack during :meth:`dnf.Base.fill_sack`. Defaults to ``True``.

    .. attribute:: cacheonly

      When ``True``, DNF will run entirely from the system cache (equivalent of ``-C`` command line option). Defaults to ``False``.

    .. attribute:: fresh_metadata

      ``False`` means that (even expired) cached repository metadata will be used. When ``True``, the expired repository metadata caches are synchronized with server. Defaults to ``True``.

    .. attribute:: freshest_metadata

      If ``True``, metadata caches for all enabled repositories are forcibly expired before the sack is activated. Defaults to ``False``.

    .. attribute:: changelogs

      If ``True``, also the repository metadata containing changelogs for packages will be downloaded. Defaults to ``False``.

    .. attribute:: success_exit_status

      The return status of the DNF command on success. Defaults to ``0``.

    .. attribute:: transaction_display

      An additional instance of a subclass of :class:`dnf.callback.TransactionProgress` used to report information about an ongoing transaction. Defaults to ``None``.

.. class:: Command

  Base class of every DNF command.

  .. attribute:: aliases

    Sequence of strings naming the command from the command line. Must be a class variable. The list has to contain at least one string, the first string in the list is considered the canonical name. A command name can be contain only letters and dashes providing the name doesn't start with a dash.

  .. attribute:: base

    The :class:`dnf.Base` instance to use with this command.

  .. attribute:: cli

    The :class:`dnf.cli.Cli` instance to use with this command.

  .. attribute:: summary

    One line summary for the command as displayed by the CLI help.

  .. method:: __init__(cli)

    Command constructor which can be overridden. The constructor is called during
    CLI configure phase when one of the command's aliases is parsed from `dnf`
    commandline. `cli` is an instance of :class:`dnf.cli.Cli`.

  .. method:: pre_configure()

    Perform any pre-configuration on the command itself and on the CLI. Typically, the command
    implements this call to set up releasever or enable/disable repository. This method is called
    before configuration of repos.

  .. method:: configure()

    Perform any configuration on the command itself and on the CLI. Typically, the command implements this call to set up any :class:`demands <.DemandSheet>`, tweak the global configuration or the repository configuration. This method is called immediately after the CLI/extension is finished configuring DNF.

  .. method:: run()

    Run the command. This method is invoked by the CLI when this command is executed. Should raise :exc:`dnf.exceptions.Error` with a proper message if the command fails. Otherwise should return ``None``. Custom commands typically override this method and put their main work code here.

.. class:: Cli

  Manages the CLI, including reading configuration, parsing the command line and running commands.

  .. attribute:: demands

    An instance of :class:`~dnf.cli.demand.DemandSheet`, exposed to allow custom commands and plugins influence how the CLI will operate.

  .. method:: register_command(command_cls):

    Register new command. `command_cls` is a subclass of :class:`.Command`.

  .. method:: redirect_logger(self, stdout=None, stderr=None):

    Change minimal logger level for terminal output to stdout and stderr according to specific
    command requirements. For stdout and stderr use logging.INFO, logging.WARNING, etc.