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Repository Configuration

.. class:: dnf.repodict.RepoDict

  Dictionary mapping repository IDs to the respective :class:`dnf.repo.Repo` objects. Derived from the standard :class:`dict`.

  .. method:: add(repo)

    Add a :class:`.Repo` to the repodict.

  .. method:: add_new_repo(repoid, conf, baseurl=(), \*\*kwargs)

    Initialize new :class:`.Repo` object and add it to the repodict. It requires ``repoid``
    (string), and :class:`dnf.conf.Conf` object. Optionally it can be specified baseurl (list), and
    additionally key/value pairs from `kwargs` to set additional attribute of the :class:`.Repo`
    object. Variables in provided values (``baseurl`` or ``kwargs``) will be automatically
    substituted using conf.substitutions (like ``$releasever``, ...). It returns the :class:`.Repo`

  .. method:: all()

    Return a list of all contained repositories.

    See the note at :meth:`get_matching` for special semantics of the returned object.

  .. method:: enable_debug_repos()

    Enable debug repos corresponding to already enabled binary repos.

  .. method:: enable_source_repos()

    Enable source repos corresponding to already enabled binary repos.

  .. method:: get_matching(key)

    Return a list of repositories which ID matches (possibly globbed) `key` or an empty list if no matching repository is found.

    The returned list acts as a `composite <>`_, transparently forwarding all method calls on itself to the contained repositories. The following thus disables all matching repos::

        import dnf

        base = dnf.Base()

        repos = base.repos.get_matching('*-debuginfo')

  .. method:: iter_enabled()

    Return an iterator over all enabled repos from the dict.

.. module:: dnf.repo

.. function:: repo_id_invalid(repo_id)

  Return index of the first invalid character in the `repo_id` or ``None`` if all characters are valid. This function is used to validate the section names in ``.repo`` files.

.. class:: Metadata

  Represents the metadata files.

  .. attribute:: fresh

    Boolean. ``True`` if the metadata was loaded from the origin, ``False`` if it was loaded from the cache.

.. class:: Repo

  Repository object used for metadata download. To configure it properly one has to give it either :attr:`metalink`, :attr:`mirrorlist` or :attr:`baseurl` parameter.
  This object has attributes corresponding to all configuration options from both :ref:`"Repo Options" <conf_repo_options-label>` and :ref:`"Options for both [main] and Repo" <conf_main_and_repo_options-label>` sections.

    Some :class:`.Repo` attributes have non-native Python types.
    Duck typing works (objects have identical behavior), but ``isinstance()``
    and ``type()`` doesn't work as expected because of different types.
    For example :ref:`excludepkgs <exclude-label>` and :ref:`includepkgs <include-label>` return a ``VectorString``, which
    is s SWIG wrapper on top of underlying libdnf C++ code.

  .. attribute:: id

    ID of this repo. This attribute is read-only.

  .. attribute:: metadata

    If :meth:`~load` has been called and succeeded, this contains the relevant :class:`Metadata` instance.

  .. attribute:: pkgdir

    Directory where packages of a remote repo will be downloaded to. By default it is derived from `cachedir` in :meth:`.__init__` but can be overridden by assigning to this attribute.

  .. attribute:: repofile

    The path to configuration file of the class.

  .. method:: __init__(name=None, parent_conf=None)

    Init repository with ID `name` and the `parent_conf` which an instance of :class:`dnf.conf.Conf`
    holding main dnf configuration. Repository ID must be a string that can contain ASCII letters, digits, and `-_.:` characters.

  .. method:: add_metadata_type_to_download(metadata_type)

    Ask for additional repository metadata type to download. Given `metadata_type` is appended to the default metadata set when repository is downloaded.

  .. method:: disable()

    Disable the repository. Repositories are enabled by default.

  .. method:: dump()

    Print repository configuration, including inherited values.

  .. method:: enable()

    Enable the repository (the default).

  .. method:: get_http_headers()

    Return user defined http headers. Return tuple of strings.

  .. method:: get_metadata_content(metadata_type)

    Return contents of the repository's metadata file of the given metadata type. Contents of compressed files are returned uncompressed.

  .. method:: get_metadata_path(metadata_type)

    Return path to the file with downloaded repository metadata of given type.

  .. method:: load()

    Load the metadata of this repository. Will try to use local cache if possible and initiate and finish download if not. Returns ``True`` if fresh metadata has been downloaded and ``False`` if cache was used. Raises :exc:`dnf.exceptions.RepoError` if the repo metadata could not be obtained.

  .. method:: set_http_headers(headers)

    Set new user headers and rewrite existing ones. `headers` must be an instance of tuple of strings or list of strings.

  .. method:: set_progress_bar(progress)

    Set the download progress reporting object for this repo during :meth:`load`. `progress` must be an instance of :class:`dnf.callback.DownloadProgress`.