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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Red Hat, Inc.
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# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
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# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
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# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
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# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
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# Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the
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# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
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# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
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# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
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# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
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# Red Hat, Inc.
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from __future__ import absolute_import
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from __future__ import unicode_literals
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import sys
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import unittest
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import dnf.i18n
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from dnf.pycomp import PY3
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from dnf.i18n import fill_exact_width, textwrap_fill
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from import mock
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UC_TEXT = 'Šířka'  # means 'Width' in Czech
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UC_TEXT_OSERROR = 'Soubor již existuje'  # 'File already exists'
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STR_TEXT_OSERROR = 'Soubor již existuje'
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class TestLocale(
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    def test_setup_locale(self, mock_setlocale):
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        self.assertTrue(1 <= mock_setlocale.call_count <= 2)
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class TestStdout(
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    def test_setup_stdout(self):
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        # No stdout output can be seen when sys.stdout is patched, debug msgs,
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        # etc. included.
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        with mock.patch('sys.stdout', spec=('write', 'isatty')):
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            retval = dnf.i18n.setup_stdout()
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        with mock.patch('sys.stdout') as mock_stdout:
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            mock_stdout.encoding = None
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            retval = dnf.i18n.setup_stdout()
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        with mock.patch('sys.stdout') as mock_stdout:
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            mock_stdout.encoding = 'UTF-8'
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            retval = dnf.i18n.setup_stdout()
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        with mock.patch('sys.stdout') as mock_stdout:
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            mock_stdout.encoding = 'ISO-8859-2'
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            retval = dnf.i18n.setup_stdout()
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    def test_stream(self):
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        fileobj = dnf.pycomp.StringIO()
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        stream = dnf.i18n.UnicodeStream(fileobj, "ISO-8859-2")
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        output = fileobj.getvalue()
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        self.assertEqual(output, u'\u0160\xed\u0159ka' if PY3 else b'\xa9\xed\xf8ka')
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        self.assertEqual(len(output), len(UC_TEXT))
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class TestInput(
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    @unittest.skipIf(PY3, "builtin input accepts unicode and bytes")
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    def test_assumption(self):
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        """ Test that raw_input() always fails on a unicode string with accented
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            characters. If this is not the case we might not need i18n.input()
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            as a raw_input() wrapper.
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        if sys.stdout.isatty():
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            # Only works when stdout is a terminal (and not captured in some
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            # way, for instance when nosetests is run without the -s switch).
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            self.assertRaises(UnicodeEncodeError, raw_input, UC_TEXT)
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class TestConversion(
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    @mock.patch('dnf.i18n._guess_encoding', return_value='utf-8')
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    def test_ucd(self, _unused):
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        s = UC_TEXT.encode('utf8')
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        # the assumption is this string can't be simply converted back to
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        # unicode:
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        u = dnf.i18n.ucd(s)
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        self.assertEqual(u, UC_TEXT)
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        # test a sample OSError, typically constructed with an error code and a
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        # utf-8 encoded string:
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        obj = OSError(17, 'Soubor již existuje')
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        expected = u"[Errno 17] %s" % UC_TEXT_OSERROR
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        self.assertEqual(dnf.i18n.ucd(obj), expected)
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        # ucd() should return unicode unmodified
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        self.assertEqual(dnf.i18n.ucd(expected), expected)
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    def test_download_error_unicode(self):
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        err_map = {"e1": ["x", "y"]}
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        err = dnf.exceptions.DownloadError(err_map)
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        self.assertEqual("e1: x\ne1: y", str(err))
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        self.assertEqual("e1: x\ne1: y", dnf.i18n.ucd(err))
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    @mock.patch('locale.getpreferredencoding', return_value='ANSI_X3.4-1968')
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    def test_ucd_acii(self, _unused):
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        s = UC_TEXT.encode('utf8')
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        # ascii coding overridden by utf8
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        u = dnf.i18n.ucd(s)
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        self.assertEqual(u, UC_TEXT)
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    @mock.patch('dnf.i18n._guess_encoding', return_value='utf-8')
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    def test_ucd_skip(self, _unused):
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        s = UC_TEXT.encode('iso-8859-2')
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        # not decoded chars are skipped
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        u = dnf.i18n.ucd(s)
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        self.assertEqual(u, "ka")
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class TestFormatedOutput(
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    def test_fill_exact_width(self):
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        msg = "message"
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        pre = "<"
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        suf = ">"
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        self.assertEqual("%-*.*s" % (5, 10, msg), fill_exact_width(msg, 5, 10))
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        self.assertEqual("重uř ", fill_exact_width("重uř", 5, 10))
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        self.assertEqual("%10.5s" % msg,
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                         fill_exact_width(msg, 10, 5, left=False))
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        self.assertEqual("%s%.5s%s" % (pre, msg, suf),
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                         fill_exact_width(msg, 0, 5, prefix=pre, suffix=suf))
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    def test_exact_width(self):
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        self.assertEqual(dnf.i18n.exact_width("重uř"), 4)
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    def test_textwrap_fill(self):
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        msg = "12345 67890"
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        one_line = textwrap_fill(msg, 12)
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        self.assertEqual(one_line, "12345 67890")
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        two_lines = textwrap_fill(msg, 7, subsequent_indent=">>")
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        asian_msg = "重重 uř"
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        self.assertEqual(textwrap_fill(asian_msg, 7), asian_msg)
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        asian_two_lines = textwrap_fill("重重\nuř", 5, subsequent_indent=">>")
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        self.assertEqual(asian_two_lines, "重重\n>>uř")