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# DNS extension for automatic GPG key verification
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# Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Red Hat, Inc.
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# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
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# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
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# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
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# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
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# Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the
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# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
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# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
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# 02110-1301, USA.  Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
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# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
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# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
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# Red Hat, Inc.
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from __future__ import print_function
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from __future__ import absolute_import
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from __future__ import unicode_literals
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from enum import Enum
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import base64
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import hashlib
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import logging
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import re
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from dnf.i18n import _
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import dnf.rpm
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import dnf.exceptions
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logger = logging.getLogger("dnf")
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class DnssecError(dnf.exceptions.Error):
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    Exception used in the dnssec module
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    def __repr__(self):
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        return "<DnssecError, value='{}'>"\
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            .format(self.value if self.value is not None else "Not specified")
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def email2location(email_address, tag="_openpgpkey"):
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    # type: (str, str) -> str
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    Implements RFC 7929, section 3
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    :param email_address:
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    :param tag:
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    split = email_address.split("@")
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    if len(split) != 2:
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        msg = "Email address should contain exactly one '@' sign."
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        raise DnssecError(msg)
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    local = split[0]
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    domain = split[1]
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    hash = hashlib.sha256()
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    digest = base64.b16encode(hash.digest()[0:28])\
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    return digest + "." + tag + "." + domain
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class Validity(Enum):
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    Output of the verification algorithm.
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    TODO: this type might be simplified in order to less reflect the underlying DNS layer.
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    TODO: more specifically the variants from 3 to 5 should have more understandable names
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    VALID = 1
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    REVOKED = 2
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    ERROR = 9
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class NoKey:
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    This class represents an absence of a key in the cache. It is an expression of non-existence
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    using the Python's type system.
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class KeyInfo:
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    Wrapper class for email and associated verification key, where both are represented in
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    form of a string.
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    def __init__(self, email=None, key=None):
Packit 6f3914 = email
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        self.key = key
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    def from_rpm_key_object(userid, raw_key):
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        # type: (str, bytes) -> KeyInfo
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        Since dnf uses different format of the key than the one used in DNS RR, I need to convert
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        the former one into the new one.
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        input_email ='<(.*@.*)>', userid)
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        if input_email is None:
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            raise DnssecError
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        email =
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        key = raw_key.decode('ascii').split('\n')
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        start = 0
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        stop = 0
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        for i in range(0, len(key)):
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            if key[i] == '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----':
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                start = i
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            if key[i] == '-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----':
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                stop = i
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        cat_key = ''.join(key[start + 2:stop - 1]).encode('ascii')
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        return KeyInfo(email, cat_key)
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class DNSSECKeyVerification:
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    The main class when it comes to verification itself. It wraps Unbound context and a cache with
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    already obtained results.
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    # Mapping from email address to b64 encoded public key or NoKey in case of proven nonexistence
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    _cache = {}
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    # type: Dict[str, Union[str, NoKey]]
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    def _cache_hit(key_union, input_key_string):
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        # type: (Union[str, NoKey], str) -> Validity
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        Compare the key in case it was found in the cache.
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        if key_union == input_key_string:
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            logger.debug("Cache hit, valid key")
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            return Validity.VALID
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        elif key_union is NoKey:
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            logger.debug("Cache hit, proven non-existence")
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            return Validity.PROVEN_NONEXISTENCE
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            logger.debug("Key in cache: {}".format(key_union))
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            logger.debug("Input key   : {}".format(input_key_string))
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            return Validity.REVOKED
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    def _cache_miss(input_key):
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        # type: (KeyInfo) -> Validity
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        In case the key was not found in the cache, create an Unbound context and contact the DNS
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            import unbound
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        except ImportError as e:
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            msg = _("Configuration option 'gpgkey_dns_verification' requires "
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                    "libunbound ({})".format(e))
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            raise dnf.exceptions.Error(msg)
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        ctx = unbound.ub_ctx()
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        if ctx.set_option("verbosity:", "0") != 0:
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            logger.debug("Unbound context: Failed to set verbosity")
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        if ctx.set_option("qname-minimisation:", "yes") != 0:
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            logger.debug("Unbound context: Failed to set qname minimisation")
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        if ctx.resolvconf() != 0:
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            logger.debug("Unbound context: Failed to read resolv.conf")
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        if ctx.add_ta_file("/var/lib/unbound/root.key") != 0:
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            logger.debug("Unbound context: Failed to add trust anchor file")
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        status, result = ctx.resolve(email2location(,
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                                     RR_TYPE_OPENPGPKEY, unbound.RR_CLASS_IN)
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        if status != 0:
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            logger.debug("Communication with DNS servers failed")
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            return Validity.ERROR
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        if result.bogus:
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            logger.debug("DNSSEC signatures are wrong")
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            return Validity.BOGUS_RESULT
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        if not
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            logger.debug("Result is not secured with DNSSEC")
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            return Validity.RESULT_NOT_SECURE
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        if result.nxdomain:
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            logger.debug("Non-existence of this record was proven by DNSSEC")
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            return Validity.PROVEN_NONEXISTENCE
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        if not result.havedata:
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            # TODO: This is weird result, but there is no way to perform validation, so just return
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            # an error
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            logger.debug("Unknown error in DNS communication")
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            return Validity.ERROR
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            data =[0]
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            dns_data_b64 = base64.b64encode(data)
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            if dns_data_b64 == input_key.key:
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                return Validity.VALID
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                # In case it is different, print the keys for further examination in debug mode
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                logger.debug("Key from DNS: {}".format(dns_data_b64))
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                logger.debug("Input key   : {}".format(input_key.key))
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                return Validity.REVOKED
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    def verify(input_key):
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        # type: (KeyInfo) -> Validity
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        Public API. Use this method to verify a KeyInfo object.
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Packit 6f3914
        logger.debug("Running verification for key with id: {}".format(
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        key_union = DNSSECKeyVerification._cache.get(
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        if key_union is not None:
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            return DNSSECKeyVerification._cache_hit(key_union, input_key.key)
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            result = DNSSECKeyVerification._cache_miss(input_key)
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            if result == Validity.VALID:
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                DNSSECKeyVerification._cache[] = input_key.key
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            elif result == Validity.PROVEN_NONEXISTENCE:
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                DNSSECKeyVerification._cache[] = NoKey()
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            return result
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def nice_user_msg(ki, v):
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    # type: (KeyInfo, Validity) -> str
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    Inform the user about key validity in a human readable way.
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    prefix = _("DNSSEC extension: Key for user ") + + " "
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    if v == Validity.VALID:
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        return prefix + _("is valid.")
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        return prefix + _("has unknown status.")
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def any_msg(m):
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    # type: (str) -> str
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    Label any given message with DNSSEC extension tag
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    return _("DNSSEC extension: ") + m
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class RpmImportedKeys:
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    Wrapper around keys, that are imported in the RPM database.
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    The keys are stored in packages with name gpg-pubkey, where the version and
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    release is different for each of them. The key content itself is stored as
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    an ASCII armored string in the package description, so it needs to be parsed
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    before it can be used.
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    def _query_db_for_gpg_keys():
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        # type: () -> List[KeyInfo]
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        # TODO: base.conf.installroot ?? -----------------------\
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        transaction_set = dnf.rpm.transaction.TransactionWrapper()
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        packages = transaction_set.dbMatch("name", "gpg-pubkey")
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        return_list = []
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        for pkg in packages:
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            packager = dnf.rpm.getheader(pkg, 'packager')
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            email ='<(.*@.*)>', packager).group(1)
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            description = dnf.rpm.getheader(pkg, 'description')
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            key_lines = description.split('\n')[3:-3]
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            key_str = ''.join(key_lines)
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            return_list += [KeyInfo(email, key_str.encode('ascii'))]
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        return return_list
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    def check_imported_keys_validity():
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        keys = RpmImportedKeys._query_db_for_gpg_keys()
Packit 6f3914"Testing already imported keys for their validity.")))
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        for key in keys:
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                result = DNSSECKeyVerification.verify(key)
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            except DnssecError as e:
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                # Errors in this exception should not be fatal, print it and just continue
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                logger.exception("Exception raised in DNSSEC extension: email={}, exception={}"
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                                 .format(, repr(e)))
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            # TODO: remove revoked keys automatically and possibly ask user to confirm
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            if result == Validity.VALID:
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                logger.debug(any_msg("GPG Key {} is valid".format(
Packit 6f3914
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            elif result == Validity.PROVEN_NONEXISTENCE:
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                logger.debug(any_msg("GPG Key {} does not support DNS"
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                                    " verification".format(
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            elif result == Validity.BOGUS_RESULT:
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      "GPG Key {} could not be verified, because DNSSEC signatures"
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                                    " are bogus. Possible causes: wrong configuration of the DNS"
Packit 6f3914
                                    " server, MITM attack".format(
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            elif result == Validity.REVOKED:
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      "GPG Key {} has been revoked and should"
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                                    " be removed immediately".format(
Packit 6f3914
Packit 6f3914
                logger.debug(any_msg("GPG Key {} could not be tested".format(