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Packit 3a9065
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# Install all the deps needed to build this package.
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# Copyright (C) 2013-2015  Red Hat, Inc.
Packit 3a9065
# Copyright (C) 2015 Igor Gnatenko
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
Packit 3a9065
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
Packit 3a9065
# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
Packit 3a9065
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
Packit 3a9065
# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
# Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the
Packit 3a9065
# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
Packit 3a9065
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
Packit 3a9065
# 02110-1301, USA.  Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
Packit 3a9065
# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
Packit 3a9065
# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
Packit 3a9065
# Red Hat, Inc.
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from __future__ import absolute_import
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from __future__ import unicode_literals
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from dnfpluginscore import _, logger
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import argparse
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import dnf
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import dnf.cli
Packit 3a9065
import dnf.exceptions
Packit 3a9065
import dnf.rpm.transaction
Packit 3a9065
import dnf.yum.rpmtrans
Packit 3a9065
import libdnf.repo
Packit 3a9065
import os
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import rpm
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import shutil
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import tempfile
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class BuildDepCommand(dnf.cli.Command):
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Packit 3a9065
    aliases = ('builddep', 'build-dep')
Packit 3a9065
    msg = "Install build dependencies for package or spec file"
Packit 3a9065
    summary = _(msg)
Packit 3a9065
    usage = _("[PACKAGE|PACKAGE.spec]")
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
    def __init__(self, cli):
Packit 3a9065
        super(BuildDepCommand, self).__init__(cli)
Packit 3a9065
        self._rpm_ts = dnf.rpm.transaction.initReadOnlyTransaction()
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        self.tempdirs = []
Packit 3a9065
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    def __del__(self):
Packit 3a9065
        for temp_dir in self.tempdirs:
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    def _download_remote_file(self, pkgspec):
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        In case pkgspec is a remote URL, download it to a temporary location
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        and use the temporary file instead.
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        location = dnf.pycomp.urlparse.urlparse(pkgspec)
Packit 3a9065
        if location[0] in ('file', ''):
Packit 3a9065
            # just strip the file:// prefix
Packit 3a9065
            return location.path
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        downloader = libdnf.repo.Downloader()
Packit 3a9065
        temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="dnf_builddep_")
Packit 3a9065
        temp_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, os.path.basename(pkgspec))
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        temp_fo = open(temp_file, "wb+")
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
            downloader.downloadURL(self.base.conf._config, pkgspec, temp_fo.fileno())
Packit 3a9065
        except RuntimeError as ex:
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        return temp_file
Packit 3a9065
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    def set_argparser(parser):
Packit 3a9065
        def macro_def(arg):
Packit 3a9065
            arglist = arg.split(None, 1) if arg else []
Packit 3a9065
            if len(arglist) < 2:
Packit 3a9065
                msg = _("'%s' is not of the format 'MACRO EXPR'") % arg
Packit 3a9065
                raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg)
Packit 3a9065
            return arglist
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        parser.add_argument('packages', nargs='+', metavar='package',
Packit 3a9065
                            help=_('packages with builddeps to install'))
Packit 3a9065
        parser.add_argument('-D', '--define', action='append', default=[],
Packit 3a9065
                            metavar="'MACRO EXPR'", type=macro_def,
Packit 3a9065
                            help=_('define a macro for spec file parsing'))
Packit 3a9065
        parser.add_argument('--skip-unavailable', action='store_true', default=False,
Packit 3a9065
                            help=_('skip build dependencies not available in repositories'))
Packit 3a9065
        ptype = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
Packit 3a9065
        ptype.add_argument('--spec', action='store_true',
Packit 3a9065
                            help=_('treat commandline arguments as spec files'))
Packit 3a9065
        ptype.add_argument('--srpm', action='store_true',
Packit 3a9065
                            help=_('treat commandline arguments as source rpm'))
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    def pre_configure(self):
Packit 3a9065
        if not self.opts.rpmverbosity:
Packit 3a9065
            self.opts.rpmverbosity = 'error'
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
    def configure(self):
Packit 3a9065
        demands = self.cli.demands
Packit 3a9065
        demands.available_repos = True
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        demands.resolving = True
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        demands.root_user = True
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        demands.sack_activation = True
Packit 3a9065
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        # enable source repos only if needed
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        if not (self.opts.spec or self.opts.srpm):
Packit 3a9065
            for pkgspec in self.opts.packages:
Packit 3a9065
                if not (pkgspec.endswith('.src.rpm')
Packit 3a9065
                        or pkgspec.endswith('.nosrc.rpm')
Packit 3a9065
                        or pkgspec.endswith('.spec')):
Packit 3a9065
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    def run(self):
Packit 3a9065
        rpmlog = dnf.yum.rpmtrans.RPMTransaction(self.base)
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        # Push user-supplied macro definitions for spec parsing
Packit 3a9065
        for macro in self.opts.define:
Packit 3a9065
            rpm.addMacro(macro[0], macro[1])
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        pkg_errors = False
Packit 3a9065
        for pkgspec in self.opts.packages:
Packit 3a9065
            pkgspec = self._download_remote_file(pkgspec)
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
                if self.opts.srpm:
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
                elif self.opts.spec:
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
                elif pkgspec.endswith('.src.rpm') or pkgspec.endswith('nosrc.rpm'):
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
                elif pkgspec.endswith('.spec'):
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
            except dnf.exceptions.Error as e:
Packit 3a9065
                for line in rpmlog.messages():
Packit 3a9065
                    logger.error(_("RPM: {}").format(line))
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
                pkg_errors = True
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        # Pop user macros so they don't affect future rpm calls
Packit 3a9065
        for macro in self.opts.define:
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        if pkg_errors:
Packit 3a9065
            raise dnf.exceptions.Error(_("Some packages could not be found."))
Packit 3a9065
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    def _rpm_dep2reldep_str(rpm_dep):
Packit 3a9065
        return rpm_dep.DNEVR()[2:]
Packit 3a9065
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    def _install(self, reldep_str):
Packit 3a9065
        # Try to find something by provides
Packit 3a9065
        sltr = dnf.selector.Selector(self.base.sack)
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        found = sltr.matches()
Packit 3a9065
        if not found and reldep_str.startswith("/"):
Packit 3a9065
            # Nothing matches by provides and since it's file, try by files
Packit 3a9065
            sltr = dnf.selector.Selector(self.base.sack)
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
            found = sltr.matches()
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        if not found and not reldep_str.startswith("("):
Packit 3a9065
            # No provides, no files
Packit 3a9065
            # Richdeps can have no matches but it could be correct (solver must decide later)
Packit 3a9065
            msg = _("No matching package to install: '%s'")
Packit 3a9065
            logger.warning(msg, reldep_str)
Packit 3a9065
            return self.opts.skip_unavailable is True
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        if found:
Packit 3a9065
            already_inst = self.base._sltr_matches_installed(sltr)
Packit 3a9065
            if already_inst:
Packit 3a9065
                for package in already_inst:
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        self.base._goal.install(select=sltr, optional=False)
Packit 3a9065
        return True
Packit 3a9065
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    def _src_deps(self, src_fn):
Packit 3a9065
        fd =, os.O_RDONLY)
Packit 3a9065
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            h = self._rpm_ts.hdrFromFdno(fd)
Packit 3a9065
        except rpm.error as e:
Packit 3a9065
            if str(e) == 'error reading package header':
Packit 3a9065
                e = _("Failed to open: '%s', not a valid source rpm file.") % src_fn
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
            raise dnf.exceptions.Error(e)
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        ds = h.dsFromHeader('requirename')
Packit 3a9065
        done = True
Packit 3a9065
        for dep in ds:
Packit 3a9065
            reldep_str = self._rpm_dep2reldep_str(dep)
Packit 3a9065
            if reldep_str.startswith('rpmlib('):
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
            done &= self._install(reldep_str)
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        if not done:
Packit 3a9065
            err = _("Not all dependencies satisfied")
Packit 3a9065
            raise dnf.exceptions.Error(err)
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
    def _spec_deps(self, spec_fn):
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
            spec = rpm.spec(spec_fn)
Packit 3a9065
        except ValueError as ex:
Packit 3a9065
            msg = _("Failed to open: '%s', not a valid spec file: %s") % (
Packit 3a9065
                    spec_fn, ex)
Packit 3a9065
            raise dnf.exceptions.Error(msg)
Packit 3a9065
        done = True
Packit 3a9065
        for dep in rpm.ds(spec.sourceHeader, 'requires'):
Packit 3a9065
            reldep_str = self._rpm_dep2reldep_str(dep)
Packit 3a9065
            done &= self._install(reldep_str)
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        if not done:
Packit 3a9065
            err = _("Not all dependencies satisfied")
Packit 3a9065
            raise dnf.exceptions.Error(err)
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
    def _remote_deps(self, package):
Packit 3a9065
        available = dnf.subject.Subject(package).get_best_query(
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        sourcenames = list({pkg.source_name for pkg in available})
Packit 3a9065
        pkgs = self.base.sack.query().available().filter(
Packit 3a9065
                name=(sourcenames + [package]), arch="src").latest().run()
Packit 3a9065
        if not pkgs:
Packit 3a9065
            raise dnf.exceptions.Error(_('no package matched: %s') % package)
Packit 3a9065
        done = True
Packit 3a9065
        for pkg in pkgs:
Packit 3a9065
            for req in pkg.requires:
Packit 3a9065
                done &= self._install(str(req))
Packit 3a9065
Packit 3a9065
        if not done:
Packit 3a9065
            err = _("Not all dependencies satisfied")
Packit 3a9065
            raise dnf.exceptions.Error(err)