Blame doc/post-transaction-actions.rst

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  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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DNF post-transaction-actions Plugin
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The plugin allows to define actions to be executed upon completing an RPM transaction. Each action
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may define a (glob-like) filtering rule on the package NEVRA or package files, as well as whether
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the package was installed or removed. Actions are defined in action files.
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The plugin configuration is in ``/etc/dnf/plugins/post-transaction-actions.conf``. All configuration
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options are in the ``[main]`` section.
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    Whether the plugin is enabled. Default value is ``True``.
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    Path to the directory with action files. Action files must have the ".action" extension.
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    Default value is "/etc/dnf/plugins/post-transaction-actions.d/".
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Action file format
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Empty lines and lines that start with a '#' character are ignored.
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Each non-comment line defines an action and consists of three items separated by colons:
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   A (glob-like) filtering rule aplied on the package NEVRA (also in the shortened forms) or
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   package files.
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   Filters packages according to their state in the transaction.
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   * ``in`` - packages that appeared on the system (downgrade, install, obsolete, reinstall, upgrade)
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   * ``out`` - packages that disappeared from the system (downgraded, obsoleted, remove, upgraded)
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   * ``any`` - all packages
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   Any shell command.
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   The following variables in the command will be substituted:
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      * ``${name}``, ``$name`` - package name
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      * ``${arch}``, ``$arch`` - package arch
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      * ``${ver}``, ``$ver`` - package version
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      * ``${rel}``, ``$rel`` - package release
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      * ``${epoch}``, ``$epoch`` - package epoch
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      * ``${repoid}``, ``$repoid`` - package repository id
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      * ``${state}``, ``$state`` - the change of package state in the transaction:
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         "downgrade", "downgraded", "install", "obsolete", "obsoleted", "reinstall",
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         "reinstalled", "remove", "upgrade", "upgraded"
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   The shell command will be evaluated for each package that matched the ``package_filter`` and
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   the ``transaction_state``. However, after variable substitution, any duplicate commands will be
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   removed and each command will only be executed once per transaction. The order of execution
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   of the commands may differ from the order of packages in the transaction.
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An example action file:
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.. code-block:: none
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   # log all packages (state, nevra, repo) in transaction into a file.
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   *:any:echo '${state} ${name}-${epoch}:${ver}-${rel}.${arch} repo ${repoid}' >>/tmp/post-trans-actions-trans.log
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   # The same shell command (after variables substitution) is executed only once per transaction.
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   *:any:echo '${repoid}' >>/tmp/post-trans-actions-repos
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   # will write each repo only once to /tmp/post-trans-actions-repos, even if multiple packages from
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   # the same repo were matched