Blame doc/groups-manager.rst

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  Copyright (C) 2020  Red Hat, Inc.
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  This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
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  modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
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  the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
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  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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  ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
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  Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the
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  GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
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  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
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  License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
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DNF groups-manager Plugin
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Create and edit groups repository metadata files.
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``dnf groups-manager [options] [package-name-spec [package-name-spec ...]]``
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groups-manager plugin is used to create or edit a group metadata file for a repository. This is often much easier than writing/editing the XML by hand. The groups-manager can load an entire file of groups metadata and either create a new group or edit an existing group and then write all of the groups metadata back out.
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    Package to add to a group or remove from a group.
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All general DNF options are accepted, see `Options` in :manpage:`dnf(8)` for details.
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    Load the groups metadata information from the specified file before performing any operations. Metadata from all files are merged together if the option is specified multiple times.
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    Save the result to this file. You can specify the name of a file you are loading from as the data will only be saved when all the operations have been performed. This option can also be specified multiple times.
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    This is the same as loading and saving a file, however the "merge" file is loaded before any others and saved last.
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    Also print the result to stdout.
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    The id to lookup/use for the group. If you don't specify an ``<id>``, but do specify a name that doesn't refer to an existing group, then an id for the group is generated based on the name.
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``-n <name>, --name=<name>``
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    The name to lookup/use for the group. If you specify an existing group id, then the group with that id will have it's name changed to this value.
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    The description to use for the group.
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    Change the integer which controls the order groups are presented in, for example in ``dnf grouplist``.
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    A translation of the group name in the given language. The syntax is ``lang:text``. Eg. ``en:my-group-name-in-english``
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    A translation of the group description in the given language. The syntax is ``lang:text``. Eg. ``en:my-group-description-in-english``.
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    Make the group visible in ``dnf grouplist`` (this is the default).
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    Make the group not visible in ``dnf grouplist``.
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    Store the package names specified within the mandatory section of the specified group, the default is to use the default section.
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    Store the package names specified within the optional section of the specified group, the default is to use the default section.
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    Instead of adding packages remove them. Note that the packages are removed from all sections (default, mandatory and optional).
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    Also include the names of the direct dependencies for each package specified.