From e185292df08fb4c3ed5af785fc6874fc2cdfd452 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Packit Service Date: Dec 09 2020 12:22:49 +0000 Subject: dmidecode-3.2 base --- diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..748b985 --- /dev/null +++ b/AUTHORS @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +DEVELOPER AND MAINTAINER +Jean Delvare + +ORIGINAL AUTHORS +Alan Cox +Jean Delvare + +CODE CONTRIBUTORS (IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER) +Matt Domsch +Arjan van de Ven +Mark D. Studebaker +Larry Lile +Dave Johnson +Petter Reinholdtsen +Roberto Nibali +John Cagle +Jens Elkner +Jarod Wilson +Anton Arapov +Roy Franz +Tyler Bell +Xie XiuQi +Petr Oros + +MANY THANKS TO (IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER) +Werner Heuser +Alexandre Duret-Lutz +Xavier Roche +Pamela Huntley +Gael Stephan +Sebastian Henschel +Richard Sharpe +David Wilson +Glen Foster +Chad Smith +Joshua Goldenhar +Luc Van de Velde +Mario Lang +Hugues Lepesant +Sergey Leonovich +Mike Cooper +Marc Rieffel +Jeff Moyer +Josef Moellers +Zing Zing Shishak +Rafael Avila de Espindola +Roger Koot +Martin Pool +Doug Brenner +Alex Williamson +Durval Menezes +Raphael Raimbault +Raul Nunez de Arenas Coronado +Francois Revol +Dominik Klein +Erwan Velu +Don Howard +Frans Pop +Tomek Mateja +Myke Olson +Torsten Seemann +Garry Belka +Klaus Muth +Antoine Fuselier +Matthew Garrett +Landry Breuil +Luke Suchocki +Attila Nagy +Alex Iribarren +Sebastien Douche +William Lallemand +Olivier Guerrier +Pascal Terjan +Stuart Hayes +Sofian Brabez +Vincent Pelletier +Andreas Gruenbacher +Lin Li +Thomas Hiller +Paul Flo Williams +Olof Johansson +Alexandre Lissy +Michal Svec +Vojtech Pavlik +Murlin Wenzel +Harald Mueller-Ney +Lars Mueller +Thomas Mingarelli +Andrey Matveyev +Stefan Tauner +Naga Chumbalkar +Jens Rosenboom diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d159169 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77c9310 --- /dev/null +++ b/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +# +# DMI Decode +# BIOS Decode +# VPD Decode +# +# Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Alan Cox +# Copyright (C) 2002-2015 Jean Delvare +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# + +CC = gcc +CFLAGS = -W -Wall -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual \ + -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-prototypes -Winline -Wundef + +# Let lseek and mmap support 64-bit wide offsets +CFLAGS += -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 + +#CFLAGS += -DBIGENDIAN +#CFLAGS += -DALIGNMENT_WORKAROUND + +# When debugging, disable -O2 and enable -g. +CFLAGS += -O2 +#CFLAGS += -g + +# Pass linker flags here +LDFLAGS = + +DESTDIR = +prefix = /usr/local +sbindir = $(prefix)/sbin +mandir = $(prefix)/share/man +man8dir = $(mandir)/man8 +docdir = $(prefix)/share/doc/dmidecode + +INSTALL := install +INSTALL_DATA := $(INSTALL) -m 644 +INSTALL_DIR := $(INSTALL) -m 755 -d +INSTALL_PROGRAM := $(INSTALL) -m 755 +RM := rm -f + +# BSD make provides $MACHINE, but GNU make doesn't +MACHINE ?= $(shell uname -m 2>/dev/null) + +# These programs are only useful on x86 +PROGRAMS-i386 := biosdecode ownership vpddecode +PROGRAMS-i486 := $(PROGRAMS-i386) +PROGRAMS-i586 := $(PROGRAMS-i386) +PROGRAMS-i686 := $(PROGRAMS-i386) +PROGRAMS-x86_64 := biosdecode ownership vpddecode +PROGRAMS-amd64 := $(PROGRAMS-x86_64) + +PROGRAMS := dmidecode $(PROGRAMS-$(MACHINE)) + +all : $(PROGRAMS) + +# +# Programs +# + +dmidecode : dmidecode.o dmiopt.o dmioem.o util.o + $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) dmidecode.o dmiopt.o dmioem.o util.o -o $@ + +biosdecode : biosdecode.o util.o + $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) biosdecode.o util.o -o $@ + +ownership : ownership.o util.o + $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) ownership.o util.o -o $@ + +vpddecode : vpddecode.o vpdopt.o util.o + $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) vpddecode.o vpdopt.o util.o -o $@ + +# +# Objects +# + +dmidecode.o : dmidecode.c version.h types.h util.h config.h dmidecode.h \ + dmiopt.h dmioem.h + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +dmiopt.o : dmiopt.c config.h types.h util.h dmidecode.h dmiopt.h + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +dmioem.o : dmioem.c types.h dmidecode.h dmioem.h + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +biosdecode.o : biosdecode.c version.h types.h util.h config.h + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +ownership.o : ownership.c version.h types.h util.h config.h + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +vpddecode.o : vpddecode.c version.h types.h util.h config.h vpdopt.h + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +vpdopt.o : vpdopt.c config.h util.h vpdopt.h + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +util.o : util.c types.h util.h config.h + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +# +# Commands +# + +strip : $(PROGRAMS) + strip $(PROGRAMS) + +install : install-bin install-man install-doc + +uninstall : uninstall-bin uninstall-man uninstall-doc + +install-bin : $(PROGRAMS) + $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir) + for program in $(PROGRAMS) ; do \ + $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$program $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir) ; done + +uninstall-bin : + for program in $(PROGRAMS) ; do \ + $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)/$$program ; done + +install-man : + $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(man8dir) + for program in $(PROGRAMS) ; do \ + $(INSTALL_DATA) man/$$program.8 $(DESTDIR)$(man8dir) ; done + +uninstall-man : + for program in $(PROGRAMS) ; do \ + $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(man8dir)/$$program.8 ; done + +install-doc : + $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(docdir) + $(INSTALL_DATA) README $(DESTDIR)$(docdir) + $(INSTALL_DATA) NEWS $(DESTDIR)$(docdir) + $(INSTALL_DATA) AUTHORS $(DESTDIR)$(docdir) + +uninstall-doc : + $(RM) -r $(DESTDIR)$(docdir) + +clean : + $(RM) *.o $(PROGRAMS) core diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18b0325 --- /dev/null +++ b/NEWS @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +Version 3.2 (Wed Sep 14 2018) + - [COMPATIBILITY] The UUID is now displayed using lowercase letters, per + RFC 4122 (#53569). You must ensure that any code parsing it is + case-insensitive. + - Support for SMBIOS 3.2.0. This includes new processor names, new socket + and port connector types, new system slot state and property, and support + for non-volatile memory (NVDIMM). + - Support for Redfish management controllers. + - A new command line option to query a specific structure by its handle. + - A new command line option to query the system family string. + - Support for 3 ThinkPad-specific structures (patch #9642). + - Support for HPE's new company name. + - Support UEFI on FreeBSD. + - Important bug fixes: + Fix firmware version of TPM device + Fix the HPE UEFI feature flag check + - (biosdecode) A new command line option to fully decode PIR information + (support request #109339). + +Version 3.1 (Tue May 23 2017) + - Support for SMBIOS 3.1.0 and 3.1.1. This includes new chassis types, new + processor family names, new processor family upgrade names, and new slot + types, as well as support of larger BIOS ROM sizes and cache sizes, and a + new structure type (43, TPM Device.) + - A new command line option to query OEM strings. + - All error messages are now printed on stderr (#47274, #48158.) + - Several bug fixes related to 64-bit entry points (#50037 and more.) + - Important bug fixes: + #46176 (Unexpected end of file error) + #46066 (Crash with SIGBUS) + - Various minor fixes, improvements and cleanups. + +Version 3.0 (Thu Sep 03 2015) + - Support for SMBIOS 3.0. This includes new chassis types, new + processor family names, new processor family upgrade names, new slot + types, and new memory device types. + - Support for the new 64-bit entry point (_SM3_) defined in SMBIOS 3.0. + - Support for the new kernel interface (as of Linux v4.2) as an + alternative to relying /dev/mem to access the entry point and DMI + table. + - Decoding of Acer-specific DMI type 170. + - Decoding of HP-specific DMI types 212, 219 and 233. + - Various minor fixes and output format cleanups. + +Version 2.12 (Wed Apr 17 2013) + - Support of the SMBIOS 2.8.0 specification. + +Version 2.11 (Wed Jan 19 2011) + - Support of the SMBIOS 2.7.0 specification: + - UEFI support + - Virtual machine flags in BIOS characteristics + - Limited support for the Management Controller Host Interface + - Various fixes that address stability. + +Version 2.10 (Sun Nov 23 2008) + - Support for Solaris (x86 only, of course). + - Possibility to dump the SMBIOS/DMI table to a small binary file + (option --dump-bin). + - Possibility to read the SMBIOS/DMI table from such binary files + (option --from-dump). + - Support for SMBIOS 2.6. This includes new chassis types, new + processor family names, new processor family upgrade names, bus + address for system slots, and a new entry type for on-board devices, + amongst many other minor changes. + - Support for DMI entry type 31 (Boot integrity services). + - Many processor family names taken from the CIM Schema document. + - (vpddecode) No longer ask users to report broken records. + - (vpddecode) Fix --quiet option. + +Version 2.9 (Mon Feb 26 2007) + - Support of the SMBIOS 2.5 specification. It adds many enumerated + values for recent hardware, as well as CPU core and thread count + reporting. + - Decoding of 3 HP-specific entries. More vendor-specific entries can + be supported later if vendors contribute code or documentation. + - Run-time detection of EFI, so that a single binary can support + Intel-based Macintosh machines and regular x86 machines. + - Better IA-64 support. + - Fixes to the decoding of individual fields, including the CPU + signature of recent CPU models. + - (biosdecode) Support of the FJKEYINF entry point type (for Fujitsu laptops). + - (vpddecode) The product name look-up table was dropped. It was unreliable + and a burden to maintain. + - biosdecode, ownership and vpddecode are no longer built on IA-64. + +Version 2.8 (Sat Feb 04 2006) + - Option --string has four additional keywords available: + system-uuid, chassis-type, processor-family and processor-frequency. + These needed additional work because, technically speaking, they are + not DMI strings. + - IPMI interface type SSIF was added. This is a new interface type + defined by IPMI 2.0. + - (vpddecode) New --string option, much similar in spirit to + dmidecode's. Available keywords are bios-build-id, box-serial-number, + motherboard-serial-number, machine-type-model and bios-release-date. + - (vpddecode) 9 product names were added to the lookup table. + - A few bug fixes, cleanups and minor improvements all around the place. + +Version 2.7 (Thu Aug 04 2005) + - New command line interface. For example, it is now possible to limit + the output of dmidecode to a given DMI type, or to extract a single + string from the DMI table. The documentation has been updated + accordingly. + - The default output of dmidecode was slightly modified to be more + easily readable by humans. This might break tools parsing its output. + Such tools may benefit from the new command line interface, although + this interface shouldn't be considered stable until version 2.8. + - (vpddecode) New command line interface. + - (vpddecode) 6 product names were added. + +Version 2.6 (Mon Feb 28 2005) + - Fixes a 2 GB memory limit regression. + - Basic command-line handling. + - BeOS and Cygwin support. + +Version 2.5 (Thu Nov 11 2004) + - Code cleanups. + - Compatibility fixes. + - Documentation updates. + +Version 2.4 (Fri Mar 19 2004) + - Manual pages added. + - (vpddecode) Many improvements. + - A few fixes and minor improvements. + +Version 2.3 (Sun Oct 19 2003) + - Support of x86_64 systems. + - Support of systems with 2 GB and more memory. + - Loads of bug fixes and corrections. + - New tool "vpddecode" added. + +Version 2.2 (Fri Aug 08 2003) + - Support of IA-64 systems. + - Support of IBM and Fujitsu-Siemens laptops. + - Many minor bug fixes. + - New tool "ownership" added. + +Version 2.1 (Tue Jun 10 2003) + - Support of the SMBIOS 2.3.4 specification. + - Better support of IPMI. + - Minor bugs fixed. + - Documentation added. diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c87e52c --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +** INTRODUCTION ** + +Dmidecode reports information about your system's hardware as described in +your system BIOS according to the SMBIOS/DMI standard. This information +typically includes system manufacturer, model name, serial number, BIOS +version, asset tag as well as a lot of other details of varying level of +interest and reliability depending on the manufacturer. This will often +include usage status for the CPU sockets, expansion slots (e.g. AGP, PCI, +ISA) and memory module slots, and the list of I/O ports (e.g. serial, +parallel, USB). + +DMI data can be used to enable or disable specific portions of kernel code +depending on the specific hardware. Thus, one use of dmidecode is for kernel +developers to detect system "signatures" and add them to the kernel source +code when needed. + +Beware that DMI data have proven to be too unreliable to be blindly trusted. +Dmidecode does not scan your hardware, it only reports what the BIOS told it +to. + + +** INSTALLATION ** + +The home web page for dmidecode is hosted on Savannah: + +You will find the latest version (including CVS) there, as well as fresh news +and other interesting material, such as a list of related projects and +articles. + +This program was first written for Linux, and has since been reported to work +on FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, BeOS and Solaris as well. + +There's no configure script, so simply run "make" to build dmidecode, and +"make install" to install it. You also can use "make uninstall" to remove +all the files you installed. By default, files are installed in /usr/local +but you can change this behavior by editing the Makefile file and setting +prefix to wherever you want. You may change the C compiler and the +compilation flags as well. + +Optionally, you can run "make strip" prior to "make install" if you want +smaller binaries. However, be aware that this will prevent any further +attempt to debug the programs. + +Two parameters can be set in the Makefile file to make dmidecode work on +non-i386 systems. They should be used if your system uses the big endian +byte ordering (Motorola) or doesn't support unaligned memory accesses, +respectively. For example, compiling for a SPARC processor would require +both (but I am not aware of SPARC-based systems implementing SMBIOS). +Compiling for an IA64 processor requires the memory alignment workaround, +and it is enabled automatically. + + +** DOCUMENTATION ** + +Each tool has a manual page, found in the "man" subdirectory. Manual pages +are installed by "make install". See these manual pages for command line +interface details and tool specific information. + +For an history of the changes made to dmidecode, see the NEWS file. + +If you need help, your best chances are to visit the web page (see the +INSTALLATION section above) or to get in touch with the developers directly. +Have a look at the AUTHORS file and contact one of the maintainers. + +If you want to help with the development of dmidecode, please consider +joining the dmidecode-devel discussion list: + + + +** COMMON PROBLEMS ** + +IA-64 + +Non-Linux systems are not yet supported. + +MMAP + +Note that mmap() is now used by default wherever possible, since this seems +to solve a number of problems. This default behavior can be changed in +config.h. Just to make sure this is clear, mmap() is not used for performance +reasons but to increase the number of systems on which dmidecode can be +successfully run. + +CYGWIN + +Dmidecode used to work under Cygwin. However the /dev/mem interface was +removed at some point in time so it no longer works. + + +** MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS ** + +Three other tools come along with dmidecode: biosdecode, ownership and +vpddecode. These tools are only useful on systems with a BIOS, so they +are not built on IA-64 by default. + +BIOSDECODE + +This one prints all BIOS related information it can find in /dev/mem. +It used to be part of dmidecode itself, but as dmidecode was growing, +we felt that the non-DMI part had to be moved to a separate tool. + +OWNERSHIP + +This tool was written on a request by Luc Van de Velde for use with Novell +tools in his company. It retrieves the "ownership tag" that can be set on +most Compaq computers. Since it uses the same mechanisms dmidecode and +biosdecode use, and could be of some use for other people as well, we +decided to make it part of the project. + +VPDDECODE + +This tool prints the contents of the "vital product data" structure as +found in most IBM and Lenovo computers. It used to have a lookup table +for the machine name, but it was unreliable and hard to maintain so it +was ultimately dropped. It has a command line interface. diff --git a/biosdecode.c b/biosdecode.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99a27fe --- /dev/null +++ b/biosdecode.c @@ -0,0 +1,723 @@ +/* + * BIOS Decode + * + * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Alan Cox + * Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Jean Delvare + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + * + * For the avoidance of doubt the "preferred form" of this code is one which + * is in an open unpatent encumbered format. Where cryptographic key signing + * forms part of the process of creating an executable the information + * including keys needed to generate an equivalently functional executable + * are deemed to be part of the source code. + * + * References: + * - DMTF "System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) Reference Specification" + * Version 3.0.0 + * + * - Intel "Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) Specification" + * Version 2.1 + * + * - ACPI "Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Specification" + * Revision 2.0 + * + * - Phoenix "BIOS32 Service Directory" + * Revision 0.4 + * + * - Microsoft "Plug and Play BIOS Specification" + * Version 1.0A + * + * - Microsoft "PCI IRQ Routing Table Specification" + * Version 1.0 + * + * - Compaq "Technical Reference Guide for Compaq Deskpro 4000 and 6000" + * First Edition + * + * - IBM "Using the BIOS Build ID to identify Thinkpad systems" + * Revision 2005-09-19 + * + * - Fujitsu application panel technical details + * As of July 23rd, 2004 + * + * - Intel Multiprocessor Specification + * Version 1.4 + * + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "version.h" +#include "config.h" +#include "types.h" +#include "util.h" + +/* Options are global */ +struct opt +{ + const char *devmem; + unsigned int flags; + unsigned char pir; +}; +static struct opt opt; + +#define FLAG_VERSION (1 << 0) +#define FLAG_HELP (1 << 1) + +#define PIR_SHORT 0 +#define PIR_FULL 1 + +struct bios_entry { + const char *anchor; + size_t anchor_len; /* computed */ + off_t low_address; + off_t high_address; + size_t (*length)(const u8 *); + int (*decode)(const u8*, size_t); +}; + + +/* + * SMBIOS + */ + +static size_t smbios3_length(const u8 *p) +{ + return p[0x06]; +} + +static int smbios3_decode(const u8 *p, size_t len) +{ + if (len < 0x18 || !checksum(p, p[0x06])) + return 0; + + printf("SMBIOS %u.%u.%u present.\n", + p[0x07], p[0x08], p[0x09]); + printf("\tStructure Table Maximum Length: %u bytes\n", + DWORD(p + 0x0C)); + printf("\tStructure Table 64-bit Address: 0x%08X%08X\n", + QWORD(p + 0x10).h, QWORD(p + 0x10).l); + + return 1; +} + +static size_t smbios_length(const u8 *p) +{ + return p[0x05] == 0x1E ? 0x1F : p[0x05]; +} + +static int smbios_decode(const u8 *p, size_t len) +{ + if (len < 0x1F || !checksum(p, p[0x05]) + || memcmp("_DMI_", p + 0x10, 5) != 0 + || !checksum(p + 0x10, 0x0F)) + return 0; + + printf("SMBIOS %u.%u present.\n", + p[0x06], p[0x07]); + printf("\tStructure Table Length: %u bytes\n", + WORD(p + 0x16)); + printf("\tStructure Table Address: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(p + 0x18)); + printf("\tNumber Of Structures: %u\n", + WORD(p + 0x1C)); + printf("\tMaximum Structure Size: %u bytes\n", + WORD(p + 0x08)); + + return 1; +} + +static size_t dmi_length(const u8 *p) +{ + (void) p; + + return 0x0F; +} + +static int dmi_decode(const u8 *p, size_t len) +{ + if (len < 0x0F || !checksum(p, len)) + return 0; + + printf("Legacy DMI %u.%u present.\n", + p[0x0E]>>4, p[0x0E] & 0x0F); + printf("\tStructure Table Length: %u bytes\n", + WORD(p + 0x06)); + printf("\tStructure Table Address: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(p + 0x08)); + printf("\tNumber Of Structures: %u\n", + WORD(p + 0x0C)); + + return 1; +} + +/* + * SYSID + */ + +static size_t sysid_length(const u8 *p) +{ + return WORD(p + 0x08); +} + +static int sysid_decode(const u8 *p, size_t len) +{ + if (len < 0x11 || !checksum(p, WORD(p + 0x08))) + return 0; + + printf("SYSID present.\n"); + printf("\tRevision: %u\n", + p[0x10]); + printf("\tStructure Table Address: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(p + 0x0A)); + printf("\tNumber Of Structures: %u\n", + WORD(p + 0x0E)); + + return 1; +} + +/* + * PnP + */ + +static size_t pnp_length(const u8 *p) +{ + return p[0x05]; +} + +static const char *pnp_event_notification(u8 code) +{ + static const char *notification[] = { + "Not Supported", /* 0x0 */ + "Polling", + "Asynchronous", + "Unknown" /* 0x3 */ + }; + + return notification[code]; +} + +static int pnp_decode(const u8 *p, size_t len) +{ + if (len < 0x21 || !checksum(p, p[0x05])) + return 0; + + printf("PNP BIOS %u.%u present.\n", + p[0x04] >> 4, p[0x04] & 0x0F); + printf("\tEvent Notification: %s\n", + pnp_event_notification(WORD(p + 0x06) & 0x03)); + if ((WORD(p + 0x06) & 0x03) == 0x01) + printf("\tEvent Notification Flag Address: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(p + 0x09)); + printf("\tReal Mode 16-bit Code Address: %04X:%04X\n", + WORD(p + 0x0F), WORD(p + 0x0D)); + printf("\tReal Mode 16-bit Data Address: %04X:0000\n", + WORD(p + 0x1B)); + printf("\t16-bit Protected Mode Code Address: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(p + 0x13) + WORD(p + 0x11)); + printf("\t16-bit Protected Mode Data Address: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(p + 0x1D)); + if (DWORD(p + 0x17) != 0) + printf("\tOEM Device Identifier: %c%c%c%02X%02X\n", + 0x40 + ((p[0x17] >> 2) & 0x1F), + 0x40 + ((p[0x17] & 0x03) << 3) + ((p[0x18] >> 5) & 0x07), + 0x40 + (p[0x18] & 0x1F), p[0x19], p[0x20]); + + return 1; +} + +/* + * ACPI + */ + +static size_t acpi_length(const u8 *p) +{ + return p[15] == 2 ? 36 : 20; +} + +static const char *acpi_revision(u8 code) +{ + switch (code) + { + case 0: + return " 1.0"; + case 2: + return " 2.0"; + default: + return ""; + } +} + +static int acpi_decode(const u8 *p, size_t len) +{ + if (len < 20 || !checksum(p, 20)) + return 0; + + printf("ACPI%s present.\n", + acpi_revision(p[15])); + printf("\tOEM Identifier: %c%c%c%c%c%c\n", + p[9], p[10], p[11], p[12], p[13], p[14]); + printf("\tRSD Table 32-bit Address: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(p + 16)); + + if (len < 36) + return 1; + + if (DWORD(p + 20) > len || !checksum(p, DWORD(p + 20))) + return 0; + + if (DWORD(p + 20) < 32) return 1; + + printf("\tXSD Table 64-bit Address: 0x%08X%08X\n", + QWORD(p + 24).h, QWORD(p + 24).l); + + return 1; +} + +/* + * Sony + */ + +static size_t sony_length(const u8 *p) +{ + return p[0x05]; +} + +static int sony_decode(const u8 *p, size_t len) +{ + if (!checksum(p, len)) + return 0; + + printf("Sony system detected.\n"); + + return 1; +} + +/* + * BIOS32 + */ + +static size_t bios32_length(const u8 *p) +{ + return p[0x09] << 4; +} + +static int bios32_decode(const u8 *p, size_t len) +{ + if (len < 0x0A || !checksum(p, p[0x09] << 4)) + return 0; + + printf("BIOS32 Service Directory present.\n"); + printf("\tRevision: %u\n", + p[0x08]); + printf("\tCalling Interface Address: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(p + 0x04)); + + return 1; +} + +/* + * PIR + */ + +static void pir_irqs(u16 code) +{ + if (code == 0) + printf(" None"); + else + { + u8 i; + + for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) + if (code & (1 << i)) + printf(" %u", i); + } +} + +static void pir_slot_number(u8 code) +{ + if (code == 0) + printf(" on-board"); + else + printf(" slot %u", code); +} + +static size_t pir_length(const u8 *p) +{ + return WORD(p + 6); +} + +static void pir_link_bitmap(char letter, const u8 *p) +{ + if (p[0] == 0) /* Not connected */ + return; + + printf("\t\tINT%c#: Link 0x%02x, IRQ Bitmap", letter, p[0]); + pir_irqs(WORD(p + 1)); + printf("\n"); +} + +static int pir_decode(const u8 *p, size_t len) +{ + int i, n; + + if (len < 32 || !checksum(p, WORD(p + 6))) + return 0; + + printf("PCI Interrupt Routing %u.%u present.\n", + p[5], p[4]); + printf("\tRouter Device: %02x:%02x.%1x\n", + p[8], p[9]>>3, p[9] & 0x07); + printf("\tExclusive IRQs:"); + pir_irqs(WORD(p + 10)); + printf("\n"); + if (DWORD(p + 12) != 0) + printf("\tCompatible Router: %04x:%04x\n", + WORD(p + 12), WORD(p + 14)); + if (DWORD(p + 16) != 0) + printf("\tMiniport Data: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(p + 16)); + + n = (len - 32) / 16; + for (i = 1, p += 32; i <= n; i++, p += 16) + { + printf("\tDevice: %02x:%02x,", p[0], p[1] >> 3); + pir_slot_number(p[14]); + printf("\n"); + if (opt.pir == PIR_FULL) + { + pir_link_bitmap('A', p + 2); + pir_link_bitmap('B', p + 5); + pir_link_bitmap('C', p + 8); + pir_link_bitmap('D', p + 11); + } + } + + return 1; +} + +/* + * Compaq-specific entries + */ + +static size_t compaq_length(const u8 *p) +{ + return p[4] * 10 + 5; +} + +static int compaq_decode(const u8 *p, size_t len) +{ + unsigned int i; + (void) len; + + printf("Compaq-specific entries present.\n"); + + /* integrity checking (lack of checksum) */ + for (i = 0; i < p[4]; i++) + { + /* + * We do not check for truncated entries, because the length + * was computed from the number of records in compaq_length + * right above, so it can't be wrong. + */ + if (p[5 + i * 10] != '$' + || !(p[6 + i * 10] >= 'A' && p[6 + i * 10] <= 'Z') + || !(p[7 + i * 10] >= 'A' && p[7 + i * 10] <= 'Z') + || !(p[8 + i * 10] >= 'A' && p[8 + i * 10] <= 'Z')) + { + printf("\t Abnormal entry! Please report. [%02X %02X " + "%02X %02X]\n", p[5 + i * 10], p[6 + i * 10], + p[7 + i * 10], p[8 + i * 10]); + return 0; + } + } + + for (i = 0; i < p[4]; i++) + { + printf("\tEntry %u: %c%c%c%c at 0x%08X (%u bytes)\n", + i + 1, p[5 + i * 10], p[6 + i * 10], p[7 + i * 10], + p[8 + i * 10], DWORD(p + 9 + i * 10), + WORD(p + 13 + i * 10)); + } + + return 1; +} + +/* + * VPD (vital product data, IBM-specific) + */ + +static void vpd_print_entry(const char *name, const u8 *p, size_t len) +{ + size_t i; + + printf("\t%s: ", name); + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) + if (p[i] >= 32 && p[i] < 127) + printf("%c", p[i]); + printf("\n"); +} + +static size_t vpd_length(const u8 *p) +{ + return p[5]; +} + +static int vpd_decode(const u8 *p, size_t len) +{ + if (len < 0x30) + return 0; + + /* XSeries have longer records. */ + if (!(len >= 0x45 && checksum(p, len)) + /* Some Netvista seem to work with this. */ + && !checksum(p, 0x30) + /* The Thinkpad checksum does *not* include the first 13 bytes. */ + && !checksum(p + 0x0D, 0x30 - 0x0D)) + return 0; + + printf("VPD present.\n"); + + vpd_print_entry("BIOS Build ID", p + 0x0D, 9); + vpd_print_entry("Box Serial Number", p + 0x16, 7); + vpd_print_entry("Motherboard Serial Number", p + 0x1D, 11); + vpd_print_entry("Machine Type/Model", p + 0x28, 7); + + if (len < 0x45) + return 1; + + vpd_print_entry("BIOS Release Date", p + 0x30, 8); + + return 1; +} + +/* + * Fujitsu application panel + */ + +static size_t fjkeyinf_length(const u8 *p) +{ + (void) p; + /* + * We don't know at this point, it's somewhere between 12 and 32. + * So we return the max, it shouldn't hurt. + */ + return 32; +} + +static int fjkeyinf_decode(const u8 *p, size_t len) +{ + int i; + (void) len; + + printf("Fujitsu application panel present.\n"); + + for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) + { + if (*(p + 8 + i * 4) == 0) + return 1; + printf("\tDevice %d: type %u, chip %u", i + 1, + *(p + 8 + i * 4), *(p + 8 + i * 4 + 2)); + if (*(p + 8 + i * 4 + 1)) /* Access method */ + printf(", SMBus address 0x%x", + *(p + 8 + i * 4 + 3) >> 1); + printf("\n"); + } + + return 1; +} + +/* + * Intel Multiprocessor + */ + +static size_t mp_length(const u8 *p) +{ + return 16 * p[8]; +} + +static int mp_decode(const u8 *p, size_t len) +{ + if (!checksum(p, len)) + return 0; + + printf("Intel Multiprocessor present.\n"); + printf("\tSpecification Revision: %s\n", + p[9] == 0x01 ? "1.1" : p[9] == 0x04 ? "1.4" : "Invalid"); + if (p[11]) + printf("\tDefault Configuration: #%d\n", p[11]); + else + printf("\tConfiguration Table Address: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(p + 4)); + printf("\tMode: %s\n", p[12] & (1 << 7) ? + "IMCR and PIC" : "Virtual Wire"); + + return 1; +} + +/* + * Main + */ + +static struct bios_entry bios_entries[] = { + { "_SM3_", 0, 0xF0000, 0xFFFFF, smbios3_length, smbios3_decode }, + { "_SM_", 0, 0xF0000, 0xFFFFF, smbios_length, smbios_decode }, + { "_DMI_", 0, 0xF0000, 0xFFFFF, dmi_length, dmi_decode }, + { "_SYSID_", 0, 0xE0000, 0xFFFFF, sysid_length, sysid_decode }, + { "$PnP", 0, 0xF0000, 0xFFFFF, pnp_length, pnp_decode }, + { "RSD PTR ", 0, 0xE0000, 0xFFFFF, acpi_length, acpi_decode }, + { "$SNY", 0, 0xE0000, 0xFFFFF, sony_length, sony_decode }, + { "_32_", 0, 0xE0000, 0xFFFFF, bios32_length, bios32_decode }, + { "$PIR", 0, 0xF0000, 0xFFFFF, pir_length, pir_decode }, + { "32OS", 0, 0xE0000, 0xFFFFF, compaq_length, compaq_decode }, + { "\252\125VPD", 0, 0xF0000, 0xFFFFF, vpd_length, vpd_decode }, + { "FJKEYINF", 0, 0xF0000, 0xFFFFF, fjkeyinf_length, fjkeyinf_decode }, + { "_MP_", 0, 0xE0000, 0xFFFFF, mp_length, mp_decode }, + { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL } +}; + +/* Believe it or not, this is significantly faster than memcmp */ +static int anchor_match(const struct bios_entry *entry, const char *p) +{ + size_t i; + + for (i = 0; i < entry->anchor_len; i++) + if (entry->anchor[i] != p[i]) + return 0; + + return 1; +} + +/* Return -1 on error, 0 on success */ +static int parse_command_line(int argc, char * const argv[]) +{ + int option; + const char *optstring = "d:hV"; + struct option longopts[] = { + { "dev-mem", required_argument, NULL, 'd' }, + { "pir", required_argument, NULL, 'P' }, + { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, + { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'V' }, + { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } + }; + + while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, optstring, longopts, NULL)) != -1) + switch (option) + { + case 'd': + opt.devmem = optarg; + break; + case 'P': + if (strcmp(optarg, "full") == 0) + opt.pir = PIR_FULL; + break; + case 'h': + opt.flags |= FLAG_HELP; + break; + case 'V': + opt.flags |= FLAG_VERSION; + break; + case '?': + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +static void print_help(void) +{ + static const char *help = + "Usage: biosdecode [OPTIONS]\n" + "Options are:\n" + " -d, --dev-mem FILE Read memory from device FILE (default: " DEFAULT_MEM_DEV ")\n" + " --pir full Decode the details of the PCI IRQ routing table\n" + " -h, --help Display this help text and exit\n" + " -V, --version Display the version and exit\n"; + + printf("%s", help); +} + +int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) +{ + u8 *buf; + off_t fp; + int i; + + if (sizeof(u8) != 1 || sizeof(u16) != 2 || sizeof(u32) != 4) + { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: compiler incompatibility\n", argv[0]); + exit(255); + } + + /* Set default option values */ + opt.devmem = DEFAULT_MEM_DEV; + opt.flags = 0; + + if (parse_command_line(argc, argv) < 0) + exit(2); + + if (opt.flags & FLAG_HELP) + { + print_help(); + return 0; + } + + if (opt.flags & FLAG_VERSION) + { + printf("%s\n", VERSION); + return 0; + } + + printf("# biosdecode %s\n", VERSION); + + if ((buf = mem_chunk(0xE0000, 0x20000, opt.devmem)) == NULL) + exit(1); + + /* Compute anchor lengths once and for all */ + for (i = 0; bios_entries[i].anchor != NULL; i++) + bios_entries[i].anchor_len = strlen(bios_entries[i].anchor); + + for (fp = 0xE0000; fp <= 0xFFFF0; fp += 16) + { + u8 *p = buf + fp - 0xE0000; + + for (i = 0; bios_entries[i].anchor != NULL; i++) + { + if (anchor_match(&bios_entries[i], (char *)p) + && fp >= bios_entries[i].low_address + && fp < bios_entries[i].high_address) + { + off_t len = bios_entries[i].length(p); + + if (fp + len - 1 <= bios_entries[i].high_address) + { + if (bios_entries[i].decode(p, len)) + { + fp += (((len - 1) >> 4) << 4); + break; + } + } + } + } + } + + free(buf); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/config.h b/config.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e39091f --- /dev/null +++ b/config.h @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +/* + * Configuration + */ + +#ifndef CONFIG_H +#define CONFIG_H + +/* Default memory device file */ +#if defined(__BEOS__) || defined(__HAIKU__) +#define DEFAULT_MEM_DEV "/dev/misc/mem" +#else +#ifdef __sun +#define DEFAULT_MEM_DEV "/dev/xsvc" +#else +#define DEFAULT_MEM_DEV "/dev/mem" +#endif +#endif + +/* Use mmap or not */ +#ifndef __BEOS__ +#define USE_MMAP +#endif + +/* Use memory alignment workaround or not */ +#ifdef __ia64__ +#define ALIGNMENT_WORKAROUND +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/dmidecode.c b/dmidecode.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3e9d6c --- /dev/null +++ b/dmidecode.c @@ -0,0 +1,5726 @@ +/* + * DMI Decode + * + * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Alan Cox + * Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jean Delvare + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + * + * For the avoidance of doubt the "preferred form" of this code is one which + * is in an open unpatent encumbered format. Where cryptographic key signing + * forms part of the process of creating an executable the information + * including keys needed to generate an equivalently functional executable + * are deemed to be part of the source code. + * + * Unless specified otherwise, all references are aimed at the "System + * Management BIOS Reference Specification, Version 3.2.0" document, + * available from + * + * Note to contributors: + * Please reference every value you add or modify, especially if the + * information does not come from the above mentioned specification. + * + * Additional references: + * - Intel AP-485 revision 36 + * "Intel Processor Identification and the CPUID Instruction" + * + * - DMTF Common Information Model + * CIM Schema version 2.19.1 + * + * - IPMI 2.0 revision 1.0 + * "Intelligent Platform Management Interface Specification" + * + * - AMD publication #25481 revision 2.28 + * "CPUID Specification" + * + * - BIOS Integrity Services Application Programming Interface version 1.0 + * + * - DMTF DSP0239 version 1.1.0 + * "Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) IDs and Codes" + * + * - "TPM Main, Part 2 TPM Structures" + * Specification version 1.2, level 2, revision 116 + * + * - "PC Client Platform TPM Profile (PTP) Specification" + * Family "2.0", Level 00, Revision 00.43, January 26, 2015 + * + * - "RedFish Host Interface Specification" (DMTF DSP0270) + * + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#ifdef __FreeBSD__ +#include +#include +#endif + +#include "version.h" +#include "config.h" +#include "types.h" +#include "util.h" +#include "dmidecode.h" +#include "dmiopt.h" +#include "dmioem.h" + +#define out_of_spec "" +static const char *bad_index = ""; + +#define SUPPORTED_SMBIOS_VER 0x030200 + +#define FLAG_NO_FILE_OFFSET (1 << 0) +#define FLAG_STOP_AT_EOT (1 << 1) + +#define SYS_FIRMWARE_DIR "/sys/firmware/dmi/tables" +#define SYS_ENTRY_FILE SYS_FIRMWARE_DIR "/smbios_entry_point" +#define SYS_TABLE_FILE SYS_FIRMWARE_DIR "/DMI" + +/* + * Type-independant Stuff + */ + +/* Returns 1 if the buffer contains only printable ASCII characters */ +int is_printable(const u8 *data, int len) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) + if (data[i] < 32 || data[i] >= 127) + return 0; + + return 1; +} + +const char *dmi_string(const struct dmi_header *dm, u8 s) +{ + char *bp = (char *)dm->data; + size_t i, len; + + if (s == 0) + return "Not Specified"; + + bp += dm->length; + while (s > 1 && *bp) + { + bp += strlen(bp); + bp++; + s--; + } + + if (!*bp) + return bad_index; + + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_DUMP)) + { + /* ASCII filtering */ + len = strlen(bp); + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) + if (bp[i] < 32 || bp[i] == 127) + bp[i] = '.'; + } + + return bp; +} + +static const char *dmi_smbios_structure_type(u8 code) +{ + static const char *type[] = { + "BIOS", /* 0 */ + "System", + "Base Board", + "Chassis", + "Processor", + "Memory Controller", + "Memory Module", + "Cache", + "Port Connector", + "System Slots", + "On Board Devices", + "OEM Strings", + "System Configuration Options", + "BIOS Language", + "Group Associations", + "System Event Log", + "Physical Memory Array", + "Memory Device", + "32-bit Memory Error", + "Memory Array Mapped Address", + "Memory Device Mapped Address", + "Built-in Pointing Device", + "Portable Battery", + "System Reset", + "Hardware Security", + "System Power Controls", + "Voltage Probe", + "Cooling Device", + "Temperature Probe", + "Electrical Current Probe", + "Out-of-band Remote Access", + "Boot Integrity Services", + "System Boot", + "64-bit Memory Error", + "Management Device", + "Management Device Component", + "Management Device Threshold Data", + "Memory Channel", + "IPMI Device", + "Power Supply", + "Additional Information", + "Onboard Device", + "Management Controller Host Interface", + "TPM Device", /* 43 */ + }; + + if (code >= 128) + return "OEM-specific"; + if (code <= 43) + return type[code]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static int dmi_bcd_range(u8 value, u8 low, u8 high) +{ + if (value > 0x99 || (value & 0x0F) > 0x09) + return 0; + if (value < low || value > high) + return 0; + return 1; +} + +static void dmi_dump(const struct dmi_header *h, const char *prefix) +{ + int row, i; + const char *s; + + printf("%sHeader and Data:\n", prefix); + for (row = 0; row < ((h->length - 1) >> 4) + 1; row++) + { + printf("%s\t", prefix); + for (i = 0; i < 16 && i < h->length - (row << 4); i++) + printf("%s%02X", i ? " " : "", + (h->data)[(row << 4) + i]); + printf("\n"); + } + + if ((h->data)[h->length] || (h->data)[h->length + 1]) + { + printf("%sStrings:\n", prefix); + i = 1; + while ((s = dmi_string(h, i++)) != bad_index) + { + if (opt.flags & FLAG_DUMP) + { + int j, l = strlen(s) + 1; + for (row = 0; row < ((l - 1) >> 4) + 1; row++) + { + printf("%s\t", prefix); + for (j = 0; j < 16 && j < l - (row << 4); j++) + printf("%s%02X", j ? " " : "", + (unsigned char)s[(row << 4) + j]); + printf("\n"); + } + /* String isn't filtered yet so do it now */ + printf("%s\t\"", prefix); + while (*s) + { + if (*s < 32 || *s == 127) + fputc('.', stdout); + else + fputc(*s, stdout); + s++; + } + printf("\"\n"); + } + else + printf("%s\t%s\n", prefix, s); + } + } +} + +/* shift is 0 if the value is in bytes, 1 if it is in kilobytes */ +static void dmi_print_memory_size(u64 code, int shift) +{ + unsigned long capacity; + u16 split[7]; + static const char *unit[8] = { + "bytes", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB" + }; + int i; + + /* + * We split the overall size in powers of thousand: EB, PB, TB, GB, + * MB, kB and B. In practice, it is expected that only one or two + * (consecutive) of these will be non-zero. + */ + split[0] = code.l & 0x3FFUL; + split[1] = (code.l >> 10) & 0x3FFUL; + split[2] = (code.l >> 20) & 0x3FFUL; + split[3] = ((code.h << 2) & 0x3FCUL) | (code.l >> 30); + split[4] = (code.h >> 8) & 0x3FFUL; + split[5] = (code.h >> 18) & 0x3FFUL; + split[6] = code.h >> 28; + + /* + * Now we find the highest unit with a non-zero value. If the following + * is also non-zero, we use that as our base. If the following is zero, + * we simply display the highest unit. + */ + for (i = 6; i > 0; i--) + { + if (split[i]) + break; + } + if (i > 0 && split[i - 1]) + { + i--; + capacity = split[i] + (split[i + 1] << 10); + } + else + capacity = split[i]; + + printf(" %lu %s", capacity, unit[i + shift]); +} + +/* + * 7.1 BIOS Information (Type 0) + */ + +static void dmi_bios_runtime_size(u32 code) +{ + if (code & 0x000003FF) + printf(" %u bytes", code); + else + printf(" %u kB", code >> 10); +} + +static void dmi_bios_rom_size(u8 code1, u16 code2) +{ + static const char *unit[4] = { + "MB", "GB", out_of_spec, out_of_spec + }; + + if (code1 != 0xFF) + printf(" %u kB", (code1 + 1) << 6); + else + printf(" %u %s", code2 & 0x3FFF, unit[code2 >> 14]); +} + +static void dmi_bios_characteristics(u64 code, const char *prefix) +{ + /* 7.1.1 */ + static const char *characteristics[] = { + "BIOS characteristics not supported", /* 3 */ + "ISA is supported", + "MCA is supported", + "EISA is supported", + "PCI is supported", + "PC Card (PCMCIA) is supported", + "PNP is supported", + "APM is supported", + "BIOS is upgradeable", + "BIOS shadowing is allowed", + "VLB is supported", + "ESCD support is available", + "Boot from CD is supported", + "Selectable boot is supported", + "BIOS ROM is socketed", + "Boot from PC Card (PCMCIA) is supported", + "EDD is supported", + "Japanese floppy for NEC 9800 1.2 MB is supported (int 13h)", + "Japanese floppy for Toshiba 1.2 MB is supported (int 13h)", + "5.25\"/360 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h)", + "5.25\"/1.2 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)", + "3.5\"/720 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h)", + "3.5\"/2.88 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)", + "Print screen service is supported (int 5h)", + "8042 keyboard services are supported (int 9h)", + "Serial services are supported (int 14h)", + "Printer services are supported (int 17h)", + "CGA/mono video services are supported (int 10h)", + "NEC PC-98" /* 31 */ + }; + int i; + + /* + * This isn't very clear what this bit is supposed to mean + */ + if (code.l & (1 << 3)) + { + printf("%s%s\n", + prefix, characteristics[0]); + return; + } + + for (i = 4; i <= 31; i++) + if (code.l & (1 << i)) + printf("%s%s\n", + prefix, characteristics[i - 3]); +} + +static void dmi_bios_characteristics_x1(u8 code, const char *prefix) +{ + /* */ + static const char *characteristics[] = { + "ACPI is supported", /* 0 */ + "USB legacy is supported", + "AGP is supported", + "I2O boot is supported", + "LS-120 boot is supported", + "ATAPI Zip drive boot is supported", + "IEEE 1394 boot is supported", + "Smart battery is supported" /* 7 */ + }; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++) + if (code & (1 << i)) + printf("%s%s\n", + prefix, characteristics[i]); +} + +static void dmi_bios_characteristics_x2(u8 code, const char *prefix) +{ + /* */ + static const char *characteristics[] = { + "BIOS boot specification is supported", /* 0 */ + "Function key-initiated network boot is supported", + "Targeted content distribution is supported", + "UEFI is supported", + "System is a virtual machine" /* 4 */ + }; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++) + if (code & (1 << i)) + printf("%s%s\n", + prefix, characteristics[i]); +} + +/* + * 7.2 System Information (Type 1) + */ + +static void dmi_system_uuid(const u8 *p, u16 ver) +{ + int only0xFF = 1, only0x00 = 1; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < 16 && (only0x00 || only0xFF); i++) + { + if (p[i] != 0x00) only0x00 = 0; + if (p[i] != 0xFF) only0xFF = 0; + } + + if (only0xFF) + { + printf("Not Present"); + return; + } + if (only0x00) + { + printf("Not Settable"); + return; + } + + /* + * As of version 2.6 of the SMBIOS specification, the first 3 + * fields of the UUID are supposed to be encoded on little-endian. + * The specification says that this is the defacto standard, + * however I've seen systems following RFC 4122 instead and use + * network byte order, so I am reluctant to apply the byte-swapping + * for older versions. + */ + if (ver >= 0x0206) + printf("%02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", + p[3], p[2], p[1], p[0], p[5], p[4], p[7], p[6], + p[8], p[9], p[10], p[11], p[12], p[13], p[14], p[15]); + else + printf("%02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", + p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7], + p[8], p[9], p[10], p[11], p[12], p[13], p[14], p[15]); +} + +static const char *dmi_system_wake_up_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.2.2 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Reserved", /* 0x00 */ + "Other", + "Unknown", + "APM Timer", + "Modem Ring", + "LAN Remote", + "Power Switch", + "PCI PME#", + "AC Power Restored" /* 0x08 */ + }; + + if (code <= 0x08) + return type[code]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +/* + * 7.3 Base Board Information (Type 2) + */ + +static void dmi_base_board_features(u8 code, const char *prefix) +{ + /* 7.3.1 */ + static const char *features[] = { + "Board is a hosting board", /* 0 */ + "Board requires at least one daughter board", + "Board is removable", + "Board is replaceable", + "Board is hot swappable" /* 4 */ + }; + + if ((code & 0x1F) == 0) + printf(" None\n"); + else + { + int i; + + printf("\n"); + for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++) + if (code & (1 << i)) + printf("%s%s\n", + prefix, features[i]); + } +} + +static const char *dmi_base_board_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.3.2 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Unknown", /* 0x01 */ + "Other", + "Server Blade", + "Connectivity Switch", + "System Management Module", + "Processor Module", + "I/O Module", + "Memory Module", + "Daughter Board", + "Motherboard", + "Processor+Memory Module", + "Processor+I/O Module", + "Interconnect Board" /* 0x0D */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x0D) + return type[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_base_board_handles(u8 count, const u8 *p, const char *prefix) +{ + int i; + + printf("%sContained Object Handles: %u\n", + prefix, count); + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) + printf("%s\t0x%04X\n", + prefix, WORD(p + sizeof(u16) * i)); +} + +/* + * 7.4 Chassis Information (Type 3) + */ + +static const char *dmi_chassis_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.4.1 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Desktop", + "Low Profile Desktop", + "Pizza Box", + "Mini Tower", + "Tower", + "Portable", + "Laptop", + "Notebook", + "Hand Held", + "Docking Station", + "All In One", + "Sub Notebook", + "Space-saving", + "Lunch Box", + "Main Server Chassis", /* CIM_Chassis.ChassisPackageType says "Main System Chassis" */ + "Expansion Chassis", + "Sub Chassis", + "Bus Expansion Chassis", + "Peripheral Chassis", + "RAID Chassis", + "Rack Mount Chassis", + "Sealed-case PC", + "Multi-system", + "CompactPCI", + "AdvancedTCA", + "Blade", + "Blade Enclosing", + "Tablet", + "Convertible", + "Detachable", + "IoT Gateway", + "Embedded PC", + "Mini PC", + "Stick PC" /* 0x24 */ + }; + + code &= 0x7F; /* bits 6:0 are chassis type, 7th bit is the lock bit */ + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x24) + return type[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_chassis_lock(u8 code) +{ + static const char *lock[] = { + "Not Present", /* 0x00 */ + "Present" /* 0x01 */ + }; + + return lock[code]; +} + +static const char *dmi_chassis_state(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.4.2 */ + static const char *state[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Safe", + "Warning", + "Critical", + "Non-recoverable" /* 0x06 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x06) + return state[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_chassis_security_status(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.4.3 */ + static const char *status[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "None", + "External Interface Locked Out", + "External Interface Enabled" /* 0x05 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x05) + return status[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_chassis_height(u8 code) +{ + if (code == 0x00) + printf(" Unspecified"); + else + printf(" %u U", code); +} + +static void dmi_chassis_power_cords(u8 code) +{ + if (code == 0x00) + printf(" Unspecified"); + else + printf(" %u", code); +} + +static void dmi_chassis_elements(u8 count, u8 len, const u8 *p, const char *prefix) +{ + int i; + + printf("%sContained Elements: %u\n", + prefix, count); + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) + { + if (len >= 0x03) + { + printf("%s\t%s (", + prefix, p[i * len] & 0x80 ? + dmi_smbios_structure_type(p[i * len] & 0x7F) : + dmi_base_board_type(p[i * len] & 0x7F)); + if (p[1 + i * len] == p[2 + i * len]) + printf("%u", p[1 + i * len]); + else + printf("%u-%u", p[1 + i * len], p[2 + i * len]); + printf(")\n"); + } + } +} + +/* + * 7.5 Processor Information (Type 4) + */ + +static const char *dmi_processor_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.5.1 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Central Processor", + "Math Processor", + "DSP Processor", + "Video Processor" /* 0x06 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x06) + return type[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_processor_family(const struct dmi_header *h, u16 ver) +{ + const u8 *data = h->data; + unsigned int i, low, high; + u16 code; + + /* 7.5.2 */ + static struct { + int value; + const char *name; + } family2[] = { + { 0x01, "Other" }, + { 0x02, "Unknown" }, + { 0x03, "8086" }, + { 0x04, "80286" }, + { 0x05, "80386" }, + { 0x06, "80486" }, + { 0x07, "8087" }, + { 0x08, "80287" }, + { 0x09, "80387" }, + { 0x0A, "80487" }, + { 0x0B, "Pentium" }, + { 0x0C, "Pentium Pro" }, + { 0x0D, "Pentium II" }, + { 0x0E, "Pentium MMX" }, + { 0x0F, "Celeron" }, + { 0x10, "Pentium II Xeon" }, + { 0x11, "Pentium III" }, + { 0x12, "M1" }, + { 0x13, "M2" }, + { 0x14, "Celeron M" }, + { 0x15, "Pentium 4 HT" }, + + { 0x18, "Duron" }, + { 0x19, "K5" }, + { 0x1A, "K6" }, + { 0x1B, "K6-2" }, + { 0x1C, "K6-3" }, + { 0x1D, "Athlon" }, + { 0x1E, "AMD29000" }, + { 0x1F, "K6-2+" }, + { 0x20, "Power PC" }, + { 0x21, "Power PC 601" }, + { 0x22, "Power PC 603" }, + { 0x23, "Power PC 603+" }, + { 0x24, "Power PC 604" }, + { 0x25, "Power PC 620" }, + { 0x26, "Power PC x704" }, + { 0x27, "Power PC 750" }, + { 0x28, "Core Duo" }, + { 0x29, "Core Duo Mobile" }, + { 0x2A, "Core Solo Mobile" }, + { 0x2B, "Atom" }, + { 0x2C, "Core M" }, + { 0x2D, "Core m3" }, + { 0x2E, "Core m5" }, + { 0x2F, "Core m7" }, + { 0x30, "Alpha" }, + { 0x31, "Alpha 21064" }, + { 0x32, "Alpha 21066" }, + { 0x33, "Alpha 21164" }, + { 0x34, "Alpha 21164PC" }, + { 0x35, "Alpha 21164a" }, + { 0x36, "Alpha 21264" }, + { 0x37, "Alpha 21364" }, + { 0x38, "Turion II Ultra Dual-Core Mobile M" }, + { 0x39, "Turion II Dual-Core Mobile M" }, + { 0x3A, "Athlon II Dual-Core M" }, + { 0x3B, "Opteron 6100" }, + { 0x3C, "Opteron 4100" }, + { 0x3D, "Opteron 6200" }, + { 0x3E, "Opteron 4200" }, + { 0x3F, "FX" }, + { 0x40, "MIPS" }, + { 0x41, "MIPS R4000" }, + { 0x42, "MIPS R4200" }, + { 0x43, "MIPS R4400" }, + { 0x44, "MIPS R4600" }, + { 0x45, "MIPS R10000" }, + { 0x46, "C-Series" }, + { 0x47, "E-Series" }, + { 0x48, "A-Series" }, + { 0x49, "G-Series" }, + { 0x4A, "Z-Series" }, + { 0x4B, "R-Series" }, + { 0x4C, "Opteron 4300" }, + { 0x4D, "Opteron 6300" }, + { 0x4E, "Opteron 3300" }, + { 0x4F, "FirePro" }, + { 0x50, "SPARC" }, + { 0x51, "SuperSPARC" }, + { 0x52, "MicroSPARC II" }, + { 0x53, "MicroSPARC IIep" }, + { 0x54, "UltraSPARC" }, + { 0x55, "UltraSPARC II" }, + { 0x56, "UltraSPARC IIi" }, + { 0x57, "UltraSPARC III" }, + { 0x58, "UltraSPARC IIIi" }, + + { 0x60, "68040" }, + { 0x61, "68xxx" }, + { 0x62, "68000" }, + { 0x63, "68010" }, + { 0x64, "68020" }, + { 0x65, "68030" }, + { 0x66, "Athlon X4" }, + { 0x67, "Opteron X1000" }, + { 0x68, "Opteron X2000" }, + { 0x69, "Opteron A-Series" }, + { 0x6A, "Opteron X3000" }, + { 0x6B, "Zen" }, + + { 0x70, "Hobbit" }, + + { 0x78, "Crusoe TM5000" }, + { 0x79, "Crusoe TM3000" }, + { 0x7A, "Efficeon TM8000" }, + + { 0x80, "Weitek" }, + + { 0x82, "Itanium" }, + { 0x83, "Athlon 64" }, + { 0x84, "Opteron" }, + { 0x85, "Sempron" }, + { 0x86, "Turion 64" }, + { 0x87, "Dual-Core Opteron" }, + { 0x88, "Athlon 64 X2" }, + { 0x89, "Turion 64 X2" }, + { 0x8A, "Quad-Core Opteron" }, + { 0x8B, "Third-Generation Opteron" }, + { 0x8C, "Phenom FX" }, + { 0x8D, "Phenom X4" }, + { 0x8E, "Phenom X2" }, + { 0x8F, "Athlon X2" }, + { 0x90, "PA-RISC" }, + { 0x91, "PA-RISC 8500" }, + { 0x92, "PA-RISC 8000" }, + { 0x93, "PA-RISC 7300LC" }, + { 0x94, "PA-RISC 7200" }, + { 0x95, "PA-RISC 7100LC" }, + { 0x96, "PA-RISC 7100" }, + + { 0xA0, "V30" }, + { 0xA1, "Quad-Core Xeon 3200" }, + { 0xA2, "Dual-Core Xeon 3000" }, + { 0xA3, "Quad-Core Xeon 5300" }, + { 0xA4, "Dual-Core Xeon 5100" }, + { 0xA5, "Dual-Core Xeon 5000" }, + { 0xA6, "Dual-Core Xeon LV" }, + { 0xA7, "Dual-Core Xeon ULV" }, + { 0xA8, "Dual-Core Xeon 7100" }, + { 0xA9, "Quad-Core Xeon 5400" }, + { 0xAA, "Quad-Core Xeon" }, + { 0xAB, "Dual-Core Xeon 5200" }, + { 0xAC, "Dual-Core Xeon 7200" }, + { 0xAD, "Quad-Core Xeon 7300" }, + { 0xAE, "Quad-Core Xeon 7400" }, + { 0xAF, "Multi-Core Xeon 7400" }, + { 0xB0, "Pentium III Xeon" }, + { 0xB1, "Pentium III Speedstep" }, + { 0xB2, "Pentium 4" }, + { 0xB3, "Xeon" }, + { 0xB4, "AS400" }, + { 0xB5, "Xeon MP" }, + { 0xB6, "Athlon XP" }, + { 0xB7, "Athlon MP" }, + { 0xB8, "Itanium 2" }, + { 0xB9, "Pentium M" }, + { 0xBA, "Celeron D" }, + { 0xBB, "Pentium D" }, + { 0xBC, "Pentium EE" }, + { 0xBD, "Core Solo" }, + /* 0xBE handled as a special case */ + { 0xBF, "Core 2 Duo" }, + { 0xC0, "Core 2 Solo" }, + { 0xC1, "Core 2 Extreme" }, + { 0xC2, "Core 2 Quad" }, + { 0xC3, "Core 2 Extreme Mobile" }, + { 0xC4, "Core 2 Duo Mobile" }, + { 0xC5, "Core 2 Solo Mobile" }, + { 0xC6, "Core i7" }, + { 0xC7, "Dual-Core Celeron" }, + { 0xC8, "IBM390" }, + { 0xC9, "G4" }, + { 0xCA, "G5" }, + { 0xCB, "ESA/390 G6" }, + { 0xCC, "z/Architecture" }, + { 0xCD, "Core i5" }, + { 0xCE, "Core i3" }, + { 0xCF, "Core i9" }, + + { 0xD2, "C7-M" }, + { 0xD3, "C7-D" }, + { 0xD4, "C7" }, + { 0xD5, "Eden" }, + { 0xD6, "Multi-Core Xeon" }, + { 0xD7, "Dual-Core Xeon 3xxx" }, + { 0xD8, "Quad-Core Xeon 3xxx" }, + { 0xD9, "Nano" }, + { 0xDA, "Dual-Core Xeon 5xxx" }, + { 0xDB, "Quad-Core Xeon 5xxx" }, + + { 0xDD, "Dual-Core Xeon 7xxx" }, + { 0xDE, "Quad-Core Xeon 7xxx" }, + { 0xDF, "Multi-Core Xeon 7xxx" }, + { 0xE0, "Multi-Core Xeon 3400" }, + + { 0xE4, "Opteron 3000" }, + { 0xE5, "Sempron II" }, + { 0xE6, "Embedded Opteron Quad-Core" }, + { 0xE7, "Phenom Triple-Core" }, + { 0xE8, "Turion Ultra Dual-Core Mobile" }, + { 0xE9, "Turion Dual-Core Mobile" }, + { 0xEA, "Athlon Dual-Core" }, + { 0xEB, "Sempron SI" }, + { 0xEC, "Phenom II" }, + { 0xED, "Athlon II" }, + { 0xEE, "Six-Core Opteron" }, + { 0xEF, "Sempron M" }, + + { 0xFA, "i860" }, + { 0xFB, "i960" }, + + { 0x100, "ARMv7" }, + { 0x101, "ARMv8" }, + { 0x104, "SH-3" }, + { 0x105, "SH-4" }, + { 0x118, "ARM" }, + { 0x119, "StrongARM" }, + { 0x12C, "6x86" }, + { 0x12D, "MediaGX" }, + { 0x12E, "MII" }, + { 0x140, "WinChip" }, + { 0x15E, "DSP" }, + { 0x1F4, "Video Processor" }, + }; + /* + * Note to developers: when adding entries to this list, check if + * function dmi_processor_id below needs updating too. + */ + + /* Special case for ambiguous value 0x30 (SMBIOS 2.0 only) */ + if (ver == 0x0200 && data[0x06] == 0x30 && h->length >= 0x08) + { + const char *manufacturer = dmi_string(h, data[0x07]); + + if (strstr(manufacturer, "Intel") != NULL + || strncasecmp(manufacturer, "Intel", 5) == 0) + return "Pentium Pro"; + } + + code = (data[0x06] == 0xFE && h->length >= 0x2A) ? + WORD(data + 0x28) : data[0x06]; + + /* Special case for ambiguous value 0xBE */ + if (code == 0xBE) + { + if (h->length >= 0x08) + { + const char *manufacturer = dmi_string(h, data[0x07]); + + /* Best bet based on manufacturer string */ + if (strstr(manufacturer, "Intel") != NULL + || strncasecmp(manufacturer, "Intel", 5) == 0) + return "Core 2"; + if (strstr(manufacturer, "AMD") != NULL + || strncasecmp(manufacturer, "AMD", 3) == 0) + return "K7"; + } + + return "Core 2 or K7"; + } + + /* Perform a binary search */ + low = 0; + high = ARRAY_SIZE(family2) - 1; + + while (1) + { + i = (low + high) / 2; + if (family2[i].value == code) + return family2[i].name; + if (low == high) /* Not found */ + return out_of_spec; + + if (code < family2[i].value) + high = i; + else + low = i + 1; + } +} + +static void dmi_processor_id(const struct dmi_header *h, const char *prefix) +{ + /* Intel AP-485 revision 36, table 2-4 */ + static const char *flags[32] = { + "FPU (Floating-point unit on-chip)", /* 0 */ + "VME (Virtual mode extension)", + "DE (Debugging extension)", + "PSE (Page size extension)", + "TSC (Time stamp counter)", + "MSR (Model specific registers)", + "PAE (Physical address extension)", + "MCE (Machine check exception)", + "CX8 (CMPXCHG8 instruction supported)", + "APIC (On-chip APIC hardware supported)", + NULL, /* 10 */ + "SEP (Fast system call)", + "MTRR (Memory type range registers)", + "PGE (Page global enable)", + "MCA (Machine check architecture)", + "CMOV (Conditional move instruction supported)", + "PAT (Page attribute table)", + "PSE-36 (36-bit page size extension)", + "PSN (Processor serial number present and enabled)", + "CLFSH (CLFLUSH instruction supported)", + NULL, /* 20 */ + "DS (Debug store)", + "ACPI (ACPI supported)", + "MMX (MMX technology supported)", + "FXSR (FXSAVE and FXSTOR instructions supported)", + "SSE (Streaming SIMD extensions)", + "SSE2 (Streaming SIMD extensions 2)", + "SS (Self-snoop)", + "HTT (Multi-threading)", + "TM (Thermal monitor supported)", + NULL, /* 30 */ + "PBE (Pending break enabled)" /* 31 */ + }; + const u8 *data = h->data; + const u8 *p = data + 0x08; + u32 eax, edx; + int sig = 0; + u16 type; + + type = (data[0x06] == 0xFE && h->length >= 0x2A) ? + WORD(data + 0x28) : data[0x06]; + + /* + * This might help learn about new processors supporting the + * CPUID instruction or another form of identification. + */ + printf("%sID: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n", + prefix, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7]); + + if (type == 0x05) /* 80386 */ + { + u16 dx = WORD(p); + /* + * 80386 have a different signature. + */ + printf("%sSignature: Type %u, Family %u, Major Stepping %u, Minor Stepping %u\n", + prefix, dx >> 12, (dx >> 8) & 0xF, + (dx >> 4) & 0xF, dx & 0xF); + return; + } + if (type == 0x06) /* 80486 */ + { + u16 dx = WORD(p); + /* + * Not all 80486 CPU support the CPUID instruction, we have to find + * wether the one we have here does or not. Note that this trick + * works only because we know that 80486 must be little-endian. + */ + if ((dx & 0x0F00) == 0x0400 + && ((dx & 0x00F0) == 0x0040 || (dx & 0x00F0) >= 0x0070) + && ((dx & 0x000F) >= 0x0003)) + sig = 1; + else + { + printf("%sSignature: Type %u, Family %u, Model %u, Stepping %u\n", + prefix, (dx >> 12) & 0x3, (dx >> 8) & 0xF, + (dx >> 4) & 0xF, dx & 0xF); + return; + } + } + else if ((type >= 0x100 && type <= 0x101) /* ARM */ + || (type >= 0x118 && type <= 0x119)) /* ARM */ + { + u32 midr = DWORD(p); + /* + * The format of this field was not defined for ARM processors + * before version 3.1.0 of the SMBIOS specification, so we + * silently skip it if it reads all zeroes. + */ + if (midr == 0) + return; + printf("%sSignature: Implementor 0x%02x, Variant 0x%x, Architecture %u, Part 0x%03x, Revision %u\n", + prefix, midr >> 24, (midr >> 20) & 0xF, + (midr >> 16) & 0xF, (midr >> 4) & 0xFFF, midr & 0xF); + return; + } + else if ((type >= 0x0B && type <= 0x15) /* Intel, Cyrix */ + || (type >= 0x28 && type <= 0x2F) /* Intel */ + || (type >= 0xA1 && type <= 0xB3) /* Intel */ + || type == 0xB5 /* Intel */ + || (type >= 0xB9 && type <= 0xC7) /* Intel */ + || (type >= 0xCD && type <= 0xCF) /* Intel */ + || (type >= 0xD2 && type <= 0xDB) /* VIA, Intel */ + || (type >= 0xDD && type <= 0xE0)) /* Intel */ + sig = 1; + else if ((type >= 0x18 && type <= 0x1D) /* AMD */ + || type == 0x1F /* AMD */ + || (type >= 0x38 && type <= 0x3F) /* AMD */ + || (type >= 0x46 && type <= 0x4F) /* AMD */ + || (type >= 0x66 && type <= 0x6B) /* AMD */ + || (type >= 0x83 && type <= 0x8F) /* AMD */ + || (type >= 0xB6 && type <= 0xB7) /* AMD */ + || (type >= 0xE4 && type <= 0xEF)) /* AMD */ + sig = 2; + else if (type == 0x01 || type == 0x02) + { + const char *version = dmi_string(h, data[0x10]); + /* + * Some X86-class CPU have family "Other" or "Unknown". In this case, + * we use the version string to determine if they are known to + * support the CPUID instruction. + */ + if (strncmp(version, "Pentium III MMX", 15) == 0 + || strncmp(version, "Intel(R) Core(TM)2", 18) == 0 + || strncmp(version, "Intel(R) Pentium(R)", 19) == 0 + || strcmp(version, "Genuine Intel(R) CPU U1400") == 0) + sig = 1; + else if (strncmp(version, "AMD Athlon(TM)", 14) == 0 + || strncmp(version, "AMD Opteron(tm)", 15) == 0 + || strncmp(version, "Dual-Core AMD Opteron(tm)", 25) == 0) + sig = 2; + else + return; + } + else /* neither X86 nor ARM */ + return; + + /* + * Extra flags are now returned in the ECX register when one calls + * the CPUID instruction. Their meaning is explained in table 3-5, but + * DMI doesn't support this yet. + */ + eax = DWORD(p); + edx = DWORD(p + 4); + switch (sig) + { + case 1: /* Intel */ + printf("%sSignature: Type %u, Family %u, Model %u, Stepping %u\n", + prefix, (eax >> 12) & 0x3, + ((eax >> 20) & 0xFF) + ((eax >> 8) & 0x0F), + ((eax >> 12) & 0xF0) + ((eax >> 4) & 0x0F), + eax & 0xF); + break; + case 2: /* AMD, publication #25481 revision 2.28 */ + printf("%sSignature: Family %u, Model %u, Stepping %u\n", + prefix, + ((eax >> 8) & 0xF) + (((eax >> 8) & 0xF) == 0xF ? (eax >> 20) & 0xFF : 0), + ((eax >> 4) & 0xF) | (((eax >> 8) & 0xF) == 0xF ? (eax >> 12) & 0xF0 : 0), + eax & 0xF); + break; + } + + edx = DWORD(p + 4); + printf("%sFlags:", prefix); + if ((edx & 0xBFEFFBFF) == 0) + printf(" None\n"); + else + { + int i; + + printf("\n"); + for (i = 0; i <= 31; i++) + if (flags[i] != NULL && edx & (1 << i)) + printf("%s\t%s\n", prefix, flags[i]); + } +} + +static void dmi_processor_voltage(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.5.4 */ + static const char *voltage[] = { + "5.0 V", /* 0 */ + "3.3 V", + "2.9 V" /* 2 */ + }; + int i; + + if (code & 0x80) + printf(" %.1f V", (float)(code & 0x7f) / 10); + else + { + for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) + if (code & (1 << i)) + printf(" %s", voltage[i]); + if (code == 0x00) + printf(" Unknown"); + } +} + +static void dmi_processor_frequency(const u8 *p) +{ + u16 code = WORD(p); + + if (code) + printf("%u MHz", code); + else + printf("Unknown"); +} + +/* code is assumed to be a 3-bit value */ +static const char *dmi_processor_status(u8 code) +{ + static const char *status[] = { + "Unknown", /* 0x00 */ + "Enabled", + "Disabled By User", + "Disabled By BIOS", + "Idle", /* 0x04 */ + out_of_spec, + out_of_spec, + "Other" /* 0x07 */ + }; + + return status[code]; +} + +static const char *dmi_processor_upgrade(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.5.5 */ + static const char *upgrade[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Daughter Board", + "ZIF Socket", + "Replaceable Piggy Back", + "None", + "LIF Socket", + "Slot 1", + "Slot 2", + "370-pin Socket", + "Slot A", + "Slot M", + "Socket 423", + "Socket A (Socket 462)", + "Socket 478", + "Socket 754", + "Socket 940", + "Socket 939", + "Socket mPGA604", + "Socket LGA771", + "Socket LGA775", + "Socket S1", + "Socket AM2", + "Socket F (1207)", + "Socket LGA1366", + "Socket G34", + "Socket AM3", + "Socket C32", + "Socket LGA1156", + "Socket LGA1567", + "Socket PGA988A", + "Socket BGA1288", + "Socket rPGA988B", + "Socket BGA1023", + "Socket BGA1224", + "Socket BGA1155", + "Socket LGA1356", + "Socket LGA2011", + "Socket FS1", + "Socket FS2", + "Socket FM1", + "Socket FM2", + "Socket LGA2011-3", + "Socket LGA1356-3", + "Socket LGA1150", + "Socket BGA1168", + "Socket BGA1234", + "Socket BGA1364", + "Socket AM4", + "Socket LGA1151", + "Socket BGA1356", + "Socket BGA1440", + "Socket BGA1515", + "Socket LGA3647-1", + "Socket SP3", + "Socket SP3r2", + "Socket LGA2066", + "Socket BGA1392", + "Socket BGA1510", + "Socket BGA1528" /* 0x3C */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x3C) + return upgrade[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_processor_cache(u16 code, const char *level, u16 ver) +{ + if (code == 0xFFFF) + { + if (ver >= 0x0203) + printf(" Not Provided"); + else + printf(" No %s Cache", level); + } + else + printf(" 0x%04X", code); +} + +static void dmi_processor_characteristics(u16 code, const char *prefix) +{ + /* 7.5.9 */ + static const char *characteristics[] = { + "64-bit capable", /* 2 */ + "Multi-Core", + "Hardware Thread", + "Execute Protection", + "Enhanced Virtualization", + "Power/Performance Control" /* 7 */ + }; + + if ((code & 0x00FC) == 0) + printf(" None\n"); + else + { + int i; + + printf("\n"); + for (i = 2; i <= 7; i++) + if (code & (1 << i)) + printf("%s%s\n", prefix, characteristics[i - 2]); + } +} + +/* + * 7.6 Memory Controller Information (Type 5) + */ + +static const char *dmi_memory_controller_ed_method(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.6.1 */ + static const char *method[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "None", + "8-bit Parity", + "32-bit ECC", + "64-bit ECC", + "128-bit ECC", + "CRC" /* 0x08 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x08) + return method[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_memory_controller_ec_capabilities(u8 code, const char *prefix) +{ + /* 7.6.2 */ + static const char *capabilities[] = { + "Other", /* 0 */ + "Unknown", + "None", + "Single-bit Error Correcting", + "Double-bit Error Correcting", + "Error Scrubbing" /* 5 */ + }; + + if ((code & 0x3F) == 0) + printf(" None\n"); + else + { + int i; + + printf("\n"); + for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) + if (code & (1 << i)) + printf("%s%s\n", prefix, capabilities[i]); + } +} + +static const char *dmi_memory_controller_interleave(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.6.3 */ + static const char *interleave[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "One-way Interleave", + "Two-way Interleave", + "Four-way Interleave", + "Eight-way Interleave", + "Sixteen-way Interleave" /* 0x07 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x07) + return interleave[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_memory_controller_speeds(u16 code, const char *prefix) +{ + /* 7.6.4 */ + const char *speeds[] = { + "Other", /* 0 */ + "Unknown", + "70 ns", + "60 ns", + "50 ns" /* 4 */ + }; + + if ((code & 0x001F) == 0) + printf(" None\n"); + else + { + int i; + + printf("\n"); + for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++) + if (code & (1 << i)) + printf("%s%s\n", prefix, speeds[i]); + } +} + +static void dmi_memory_controller_slots(u8 count, const u8 *p, const char *prefix) +{ + int i; + + printf("%sAssociated Memory Slots: %u\n", + prefix, count); + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) + printf("%s\t0x%04X\n", + prefix, WORD(p + sizeof(u16) * i)); +} + +/* + * 7.7 Memory Module Information (Type 6) + */ + +static void dmi_memory_module_types(u16 code, const char *sep) +{ + /* 7.7.1 */ + static const char *types[] = { + "Other", /* 0 */ + "Unknown", + "Standard", + "FPM", + "EDO", + "Parity", + "ECC", + "SIMM", + "DIMM", + "Burst EDO", + "SDRAM" /* 10 */ + }; + + if ((code & 0x07FF) == 0) + printf(" None"); + else + { + int i; + + for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++) + if (code & (1 << i)) + printf("%s%s", sep, types[i]); + } +} + +static void dmi_memory_module_connections(u8 code) +{ + if (code == 0xFF) + printf(" None"); + else + { + if ((code & 0xF0) != 0xF0) + printf(" %u", code >> 4); + if ((code & 0x0F) != 0x0F) + printf(" %u", code & 0x0F); + } +} + +static void dmi_memory_module_speed(u8 code) +{ + if (code == 0) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %u ns", code); +} + +static void dmi_memory_module_size(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.7.2 */ + switch (code & 0x7F) + { + case 0x7D: + printf(" Not Determinable"); + break; + case 0x7E: + printf(" Disabled"); + break; + case 0x7F: + printf(" Not Installed"); + return; + default: + printf(" %u MB", 1 << (code & 0x7F)); + } + + if (code & 0x80) + printf(" (Double-bank Connection)"); + else + printf(" (Single-bank Connection)"); +} + +static void dmi_memory_module_error(u8 code, const char *prefix) +{ + if (code & (1 << 2)) + printf(" See Event Log\n"); + else + { if ((code & 0x03) == 0) + printf(" OK\n"); + if (code & (1 << 0)) + printf("%sUncorrectable Errors\n", prefix); + if (code & (1 << 1)) + printf("%sCorrectable Errors\n", prefix); + } +} + +/* + * 7.8 Cache Information (Type 7) + */ + +static const char *dmi_cache_mode(u8 code) +{ + static const char *mode[] = { + "Write Through", /* 0x00 */ + "Write Back", + "Varies With Memory Address", + "Unknown" /* 0x03 */ + }; + + return mode[code]; +} + +/* code is assumed to be a 2-bit value */ +static const char *dmi_cache_location(u8 code) +{ + static const char *location[4] = { + "Internal", /* 0x00 */ + "External", + out_of_spec, /* 0x02 */ + "Unknown" /* 0x03 */ + }; + + return location[code]; +} + +static void dmi_cache_size(u16 code) +{ + if (code & 0x8000) + printf(" %u kB", (code & 0x7FFF) << 6); + else + printf(" %u kB", code); +} + +static void dmi_cache_size_2(u32 code) +{ + if (code & 0x80000000) + { + code &= 0x7FFFFFFFLU; + /* Use a more convenient unit for large cache size */ + if (code >= 0x8000) + printf(" %u MB", code >> 4); + else + printf(" %u kB", code << 6); + } + else + printf(" %u kB", code); +} + +static void dmi_cache_types(u16 code, const char *sep) +{ + /* 7.8.2 */ + static const char *types[] = { + "Other", /* 0 */ + "Unknown", + "Non-burst", + "Burst", + "Pipeline Burst", + "Synchronous", + "Asynchronous" /* 6 */ + }; + + if ((code & 0x007F) == 0) + printf(" None"); + else + { + int i; + + for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++) + if (code & (1 << i)) + printf("%s%s", sep, types[i]); + } +} + +static const char *dmi_cache_ec_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.8.3 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "None", + "Parity", + "Single-bit ECC", + "Multi-bit ECC" /* 0x06 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x06) + return type[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_cache_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.8.4 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Instruction", + "Data", + "Unified" /* 0x05 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x05) + return type[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_cache_associativity(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.8.5 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Direct Mapped", + "2-way Set-associative", + "4-way Set-associative", + "Fully Associative", + "8-way Set-associative", + "16-way Set-associative", + "12-way Set-associative", + "24-way Set-associative", + "32-way Set-associative", + "48-way Set-associative", + "64-way Set-associative", + "20-way Set-associative" /* 0x0E */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x0E) + return type[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +/* + * 7.9 Port Connector Information (Type 8) + */ + +static const char *dmi_port_connector_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.9.2 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "None", /* 0x00 */ + "Centronics", + "Mini Centronics", + "Proprietary", + "DB-25 male", + "DB-25 female", + "DB-15 male", + "DB-15 female", + "DB-9 male", + "DB-9 female", + "RJ-11", + "RJ-45", + "50 Pin MiniSCSI", + "Mini DIN", + "Micro DIN", + "PS/2", + "Infrared", + "HP-HIL", + "Access Bus (USB)", + "SSA SCSI", + "Circular DIN-8 male", + "Circular DIN-8 female", + "On Board IDE", + "On Board Floppy", + "9 Pin Dual Inline (pin 10 cut)", + "25 Pin Dual Inline (pin 26 cut)", + "50 Pin Dual Inline", + "68 Pin Dual Inline", + "On Board Sound Input From CD-ROM", + "Mini Centronics Type-14", + "Mini Centronics Type-26", + "Mini Jack (headphones)", + "BNC", + "IEEE 1394", + "SAS/SATA Plug Receptacle", + "USB Type-C Receptacle" /* 0x23 */ + }; + static const char *type_0xA0[] = { + "PC-98", /* 0xA0 */ + "PC-98 Hireso", + "PC-H98", + "PC-98 Note", + "PC-98 Full" /* 0xA4 */ + }; + + if (code <= 0x23) + return type[code]; + if (code >= 0xA0 && code <= 0xA4) + return type_0xA0[code - 0xA0]; + if (code == 0xFF) + return "Other"; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_port_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.9.3 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "None", /* 0x00 */ + "Parallel Port XT/AT Compatible", + "Parallel Port PS/2", + "Parallel Port ECP", + "Parallel Port EPP", + "Parallel Port ECP/EPP", + "Serial Port XT/AT Compatible", + "Serial Port 16450 Compatible", + "Serial Port 16550 Compatible", + "Serial Port 16550A Compatible", + "SCSI Port", + "MIDI Port", + "Joystick Port", + "Keyboard Port", + "Mouse Port", + "SSA SCSI", + "USB", + "Firewire (IEEE P1394)", + "PCMCIA Type I", + "PCMCIA Type II", + "PCMCIA Type III", + "Cardbus", + "Access Bus Port", + "SCSI II", + "SCSI Wide", + "PC-98", + "PC-98 Hireso", + "PC-H98", + "Video Port", + "Audio Port", + "Modem Port", + "Network Port", + "SATA", + "SAS" /* 0x21 */ + }; + static const char *type_0xA0[] = { + "8251 Compatible", /* 0xA0 */ + "8251 FIFO Compatible" /* 0xA1 */ + }; + + if (code <= 0x21) + return type[code]; + if (code >= 0xA0 && code <= 0xA1) + return type_0xA0[code - 0xA0]; + if (code == 0xFF) + return "Other"; + return out_of_spec; +} + +/* + * 7.10 System Slots (Type 9) + */ + +static const char *dmi_slot_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.10.1 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "ISA", + "MCA", + "EISA", + "PCI", + "PC Card (PCMCIA)", + "VLB", + "Proprietary", + "Processor Card", + "Proprietary Memory Card", + "I/O Riser Card", + "NuBus", + "PCI-66", + "AGP", + "AGP 2x", + "AGP 4x", + "PCI-X", + "AGP 8x", + "M.2 Socket 1-DP", + "M.2 Socket 1-SD", + "M.2 Socket 2", + "M.2 Socket 3", + "MXM Type I", + "MXM Type II", + "MXM Type III", + "MXM Type III-HE", + "MXM Type IV", + "MXM 3.0 Type A", + "MXM 3.0 Type B", + "PCI Express 2 SFF-8639", + "PCI Express 3 SFF-8639", + "PCI Express Mini 52-pin with bottom-side keep-outs", + "PCI Express Mini 52-pin without bottom-side keep-outs", + "PCI Express Mini 76-pin" /* 0x23 */ + }; + static const char *type_0xA0[] = { + "PC-98/C20", /* 0xA0 */ + "PC-98/C24", + "PC-98/E", + "PC-98/Local Bus", + "PC-98/Card", + "PCI Express", + "PCI Express x1", + "PCI Express x2", + "PCI Express x4", + "PCI Express x8", + "PCI Express x16", + "PCI Express 2", + "PCI Express 2 x1", + "PCI Express 2 x2", + "PCI Express 2 x4", + "PCI Express 2 x8", + "PCI Express 2 x16", + "PCI Express 3", + "PCI Express 3 x1", + "PCI Express 3 x2", + "PCI Express 3 x4", + "PCI Express 3 x8", + "PCI Express 3 x16" /* 0xB6 */ + }; + /* + * Note to developers: when adding entries to these lists, check if + * function dmi_slot_id below needs updating too. + */ + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x23) + return type[code - 0x01]; + if (code >= 0xA0 && code <= 0xB6) + return type_0xA0[code - 0xA0]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_slot_bus_width(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.10.2 */ + static const char *width[] = { + "", /* 0x01, "Other" */ + "", /* "Unknown" */ + "8-bit ", + "16-bit ", + "32-bit ", + "64-bit ", + "128-bit ", + "x1 ", + "x2 ", + "x4 ", + "x8 ", + "x12 ", + "x16 ", + "x32 " /* 0x0E */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x0E) + return width[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_slot_current_usage(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.10.3 */ + static const char *usage[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Available", + "In Use", + "Unavailable" /* 0x05 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x05) + return usage[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_slot_length(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.1O.4 */ + static const char *length[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Short", + "Long" /* 0x04 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x04) + return length[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_slot_id(u8 code1, u8 code2, u8 type, const char *prefix) +{ + /* 7.10.5 */ + switch (type) + { + case 0x04: /* MCA */ + printf("%sID: %u\n", prefix, code1); + break; + case 0x05: /* EISA */ + printf("%sID: %u\n", prefix, code1); + break; + case 0x06: /* PCI */ + case 0x0E: /* PCI */ + case 0x0F: /* AGP */ + case 0x10: /* AGP */ + case 0x11: /* AGP */ + case 0x12: /* PCI-X */ + case 0x13: /* AGP */ + case 0x1F: /* PCI Express 2 */ + case 0x20: /* PCI Express 3 */ + case 0x21: /* PCI Express Mini */ + case 0x22: /* PCI Express Mini */ + case 0x23: /* PCI Express Mini */ + case 0xA5: /* PCI Express */ + case 0xA6: /* PCI Express */ + case 0xA7: /* PCI Express */ + case 0xA8: /* PCI Express */ + case 0xA9: /* PCI Express */ + case 0xAA: /* PCI Express */ + case 0xAB: /* PCI Express 2 */ + case 0xAC: /* PCI Express 2 */ + case 0xAD: /* PCI Express 2 */ + case 0xAE: /* PCI Express 2 */ + case 0xAF: /* PCI Express 2 */ + case 0xB0: /* PCI Express 2 */ + case 0xB1: /* PCI Express 3 */ + case 0xB2: /* PCI Express 3 */ + case 0xB3: /* PCI Express 3 */ + case 0xB4: /* PCI Express 3 */ + case 0xB5: /* PCI Express 3 */ + case 0xB6: /* PCI Express 3 */ + printf("%sID: %u\n", prefix, code1); + break; + case 0x07: /* PCMCIA */ + printf("%sID: Adapter %u, Socket %u\n", prefix, code1, code2); + break; + } +} + +static void dmi_slot_characteristics(u8 code1, u8 code2, const char *prefix) +{ + /* 7.10.6 */ + static const char *characteristics1[] = { + "5.0 V is provided", /* 1 */ + "3.3 V is provided", + "Opening is shared", + "PC Card-16 is supported", + "Cardbus is supported", + "Zoom Video is supported", + "Modem ring resume is supported" /* 7 */ + }; + /* 7.10.7 */ + static const char *characteristics2[] = { + "PME signal is supported", /* 0 */ + "Hot-plug devices are supported", + "SMBus signal is supported", + "PCIe slot bifurcation is supported" /* 3 */ + }; + + if (code1 & (1 << 0)) + printf(" Unknown\n"); + else if ((code1 & 0xFE) == 0 && (code2 & 0x07) == 0) + printf(" None\n"); + else + { + int i; + + printf("\n"); + for (i = 1; i <= 7; i++) + if (code1 & (1 << i)) + printf("%s%s\n", prefix, characteristics1[i - 1]); + for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) + if (code2 & (1 << i)) + printf("%s%s\n", prefix, characteristics2[i]); + } +} + +static void dmi_slot_segment_bus_func(u16 code1, u8 code2, u8 code3, const char *prefix) +{ + /* 7.10.8 */ + if (!(code1 == 0xFFFF && code2 == 0xFF && code3 == 0xFF)) + printf("%sBus Address: %04x:%02x:%02x.%x\n", + prefix, code1, code2, code3 >> 3, code3 & 0x7); +} + +/* + * 7.11 On Board Devices Information (Type 10) + */ + +static const char *dmi_on_board_devices_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.11.1 and 7.42.2 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Video", + "SCSI Controller", + "Ethernet", + "Token Ring", + "Sound", + "PATA Controller", + "SATA Controller", + "SAS Controller" /* 0x0A */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x0A) + return type[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_on_board_devices(const struct dmi_header *h, const char *prefix) +{ + u8 *p = h->data + 4; + u8 count = (h->length - 0x04) / 2; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) + { + if (count == 1) + printf("%sOn Board Device Information\n", + prefix); + else + printf("%sOn Board Device %d Information\n", + prefix, i + 1); + printf("%s\tType: %s\n", + prefix, dmi_on_board_devices_type(p[2 * i] & 0x7F)); + printf("%s\tStatus: %s\n", + prefix, p[2 * i] & 0x80 ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); + printf("%s\tDescription: %s\n", + prefix, dmi_string(h, p[2 * i + 1])); + } +} + +/* + * 7.12 OEM Strings (Type 11) + */ + +static void dmi_oem_strings(const struct dmi_header *h, const char *prefix) +{ + u8 *p = h->data + 4; + u8 count = p[0x00]; + int i; + + for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) + printf("%sString %d: %s\n", + prefix, i, dmi_string(h, i)); +} + +/* + * 7.13 System Configuration Options (Type 12) + */ + +static void dmi_system_configuration_options(const struct dmi_header *h, const char *prefix) +{ + u8 *p = h->data + 4; + u8 count = p[0x00]; + int i; + + for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) + printf("%sOption %d: %s\n", + prefix, i, dmi_string(h, i)); +} + +/* + * 7.14 BIOS Language Information (Type 13) + */ + +static void dmi_bios_languages(const struct dmi_header *h, const char *prefix) +{ + u8 *p = h->data + 4; + u8 count = p[0x00]; + int i; + + for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) + printf("%s%s\n", + prefix, dmi_string(h, i)); +} + +static const char *dmi_bios_language_format(u8 code) +{ + if (code & 0x01) + return "Abbreviated"; + else + return "Long"; +} + +/* + * 7.15 Group Associations (Type 14) + */ + +static void dmi_group_associations_items(u8 count, const u8 *p, const char *prefix) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) + { + printf("%s0x%04X (%s)\n", + prefix, WORD(p + 3 * i + 1), + dmi_smbios_structure_type(p[3 * i])); + } +} + +/* + * 7.16 System Event Log (Type 15) + */ + +static const char *dmi_event_log_method(u8 code) +{ + static const char *method[] = { + "Indexed I/O, one 8-bit index port, one 8-bit data port", /* 0x00 */ + "Indexed I/O, two 8-bit index ports, one 8-bit data port", + "Indexed I/O, one 16-bit index port, one 8-bit data port", + "Memory-mapped physical 32-bit address", + "General-purpose non-volatile data functions" /* 0x04 */ + }; + + if (code <= 0x04) + return method[code]; + if (code >= 0x80) + return "OEM-specific"; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_event_log_status(u8 code) +{ + static const char *valid[] = { + "Invalid", /* 0 */ + "Valid" /* 1 */ + }; + static const char *full[] = { + "Not Full", /* 0 */ + "Full" /* 1 */ + }; + + printf(" %s, %s", + valid[(code >> 0) & 1], full[(code >> 1) & 1]); +} + +static void dmi_event_log_address(u8 method, const u8 *p) +{ + /* 7.16.3 */ + switch (method) + { + case 0x00: + case 0x01: + case 0x02: + printf(" Index 0x%04X, Data 0x%04X", WORD(p), WORD(p + 2)); + break; + case 0x03: + printf(" 0x%08X", DWORD(p)); + break; + case 0x04: + printf(" 0x%04X", WORD(p)); + break; + default: + printf(" Unknown"); + } +} + +static const char *dmi_event_log_header_type(u8 code) +{ + static const char *type[] = { + "No Header", /* 0x00 */ + "Type 1" /* 0x01 */ + }; + + if (code <= 0x01) + return type[code]; + if (code >= 0x80) + return "OEM-specific"; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_event_log_descriptor_type(u8 code) +{ + /* */ + static const char *type[] = { + NULL, /* 0x00 */ + "Single-bit ECC memory error", + "Multi-bit ECC memory error", + "Parity memory error", + "Bus timeout", + "I/O channel block", + "Software NMI", + "POST memory resize", + "POST error", + "PCI parity error", + "PCI system error", + "CPU failure", + "EISA failsafe timer timeout", + "Correctable memory log disabled", + "Logging disabled", + NULL, /* 0x0F */ + "System limit exceeded", + "Asynchronous hardware timer expired", + "System configuration information", + "Hard disk information", + "System reconfigured", + "Uncorrectable CPU-complex error", + "Log area reset/cleared", + "System boot" /* 0x17 */ + }; + + if (code <= 0x17 && type[code] != NULL) + return type[code]; + if (code >= 0x80 && code <= 0xFE) + return "OEM-specific"; + if (code == 0xFF) + return "End of log"; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_event_log_descriptor_format(u8 code) +{ + /* */ + static const char *format[] = { + "None", /* 0x00 */ + "Handle", + "Multiple-event", + "Multiple-event handle", + "POST results bitmap", + "System management", + "Multiple-event system management" /* 0x06 */ + }; + + if (code <= 0x06) + return format[code]; + if (code >= 0x80) + return "OEM-specific"; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_event_log_descriptors(u8 count, u8 len, const u8 *p, const char *prefix) +{ + /* 7.16.1 */ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) + { + if (len >= 0x02) + { + printf("%sDescriptor %u: %s\n", + prefix, i + 1, dmi_event_log_descriptor_type(p[i * len])); + printf("%sData Format %u: %s\n", + prefix, i + 1, dmi_event_log_descriptor_format(p[i * len + 1])); + } + } +} + +/* + * 7.17 Physical Memory Array (Type 16) + */ + +static const char *dmi_memory_array_location(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.17.1 */ + static const char *location[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "System Board Or Motherboard", + "ISA Add-on Card", + "EISA Add-on Card", + "PCI Add-on Card", + "MCA Add-on Card", + "PCMCIA Add-on Card", + "Proprietary Add-on Card", + "NuBus" /* 0x0A */ + }; + static const char *location_0xA0[] = { + "PC-98/C20 Add-on Card", /* 0xA0 */ + "PC-98/C24 Add-on Card", + "PC-98/E Add-on Card", + "PC-98/Local Bus Add-on Card" /* 0xA3 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x0A) + return location[code - 0x01]; + if (code >= 0xA0 && code <= 0xA3) + return location_0xA0[code - 0xA0]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_memory_array_use(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.17.2 */ + static const char *use[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "System Memory", + "Video Memory", + "Flash Memory", + "Non-volatile RAM", + "Cache Memory" /* 0x07 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x07) + return use[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_memory_array_ec_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.17.3 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "None", + "Parity", + "Single-bit ECC", + "Multi-bit ECC", + "CRC" /* 0x07 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x07) + return type[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_memory_array_error_handle(u16 code) +{ + if (code == 0xFFFE) + printf(" Not Provided"); + else if (code == 0xFFFF) + printf(" No Error"); + else + printf(" 0x%04X", code); +} + +/* + * 7.18 Memory Device (Type 17) + */ + +static void dmi_memory_device_width(u16 code) +{ + /* + * If no memory module is present, width may be 0 + */ + if (code == 0xFFFF || code == 0) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %u bits", code); +} + +static void dmi_memory_device_size(u16 code) +{ + if (code == 0) + printf(" No Module Installed"); + else if (code == 0xFFFF) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + { + if (code & 0x8000) + printf(" %u kB", code & 0x7FFF); + else + printf(" %u MB", code); + } +} + +static void dmi_memory_device_extended_size(u32 code) +{ + code &= 0x7FFFFFFFUL; + + /* + * Use the greatest unit for which the exact value can be displayed + * as an integer without rounding + */ + if (code & 0x3FFUL) + printf(" %lu MB", (unsigned long)code); + else if (code & 0xFFC00UL) + printf(" %lu GB", (unsigned long)code >> 10); + else + printf(" %lu TB", (unsigned long)code >> 20); +} + +static void dmi_memory_voltage_value(u16 code) +{ + if (code == 0) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(code % 100 ? " %g V" : " %.1f V", (float)code / 1000); +} + +static const char *dmi_memory_device_form_factor(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.18.1 */ + static const char *form_factor[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "SIMM", + "SIP", + "Chip", + "DIP", + "ZIP", + "Proprietary Card", + "DIMM", + "TSOP", + "Row Of Chips", + "RIMM", + "SODIMM", + "SRIMM", + "FB-DIMM" /* 0x0F */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x0F) + return form_factor[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_memory_device_set(u8 code) +{ + if (code == 0) + printf(" None"); + else if (code == 0xFF) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %u", code); +} + +static const char *dmi_memory_device_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.18.2 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "DRAM", + "EDRAM", + "VRAM", + "SRAM", + "RAM", + "ROM", + "Flash", + "EEPROM", + "FEPROM", + "EPROM", + "CDRAM", + "3DRAM", + "SDRAM", + "SGRAM", + "RDRAM", + "DDR", + "DDR2", + "DDR2 FB-DIMM", + "Reserved", + "Reserved", + "Reserved", + "DDR3", + "FBD2", + "DDR4", + "LPDDR", + "LPDDR2", + "LPDDR3", + "LPDDR4" /* 0x1E */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x1E) + return type[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_memory_device_type_detail(u16 code) +{ + /* 7.18.3 */ + static const char *detail[] = { + "Other", /* 1 */ + "Unknown", + "Fast-paged", + "Static Column", + "Pseudo-static", + "RAMBus", + "Synchronous", + "CMOS", + "EDO", + "Window DRAM", + "Cache DRAM", + "Non-Volatile", + "Registered (Buffered)", + "Unbuffered (Unregistered)", + "LRDIMM" /* 15 */ + }; + + if ((code & 0xFFFE) == 0) + printf(" None"); + else + { + int i; + + for (i = 1; i <= 15; i++) + if (code & (1 << i)) + printf(" %s", detail[i - 1]); + } +} + +static void dmi_memory_device_speed(u16 code) +{ + if (code == 0) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %u MT/s", code); +} + +static void dmi_memory_technology(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.18.6 */ + static const char * const technology[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "DRAM", + "NVDIMM-N", + "NVDIMM-F", + "NVDIMM-P", + "Intel persistent memory" /* 0x07 */ + }; + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x07) + printf(" %s", technology[code - 0x01]); + else + printf(" %s", out_of_spec); +} + +static void dmi_memory_operating_mode_capability(u16 code) +{ + /* 7.18.7 */ + static const char * const mode[] = { + "Other", /* 1 */ + "Unknown", + "Volatile memory", + "Byte-accessible persistent memory", + "Block-accessible persistent memory" /* 5 */ + }; + + if ((code & 0xFFFE) == 0) + printf(" None"); + else { + int i; + + for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) + if (code & (1 << i)) + printf(" %s", mode[i - 1]); + } +} + +static void dmi_memory_manufacturer_id(u16 code) +{ + /* 7.18.8 */ + /* 7.18.10 */ + /* LSB is 7-bit Odd Parity number of continuation codes */ + if (code == 0) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" Bank %d, Hex 0x%02X", (code & 0x7F) + 1, code >> 8); +} + +static void dmi_memory_product_id(u16 code) +{ + /* 7.18.9 */ + /* 7.18.11 */ + if (code == 0) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" 0x%04X", code); +} + +static void dmi_memory_size(u64 code) +{ + /* 7.18.12 */ + /* 7.18.13 */ + if (code.h == 0xFFFFFFFF && code.l == 0xFFFFFFFF) + printf(" Unknown"); + else if (code.h == 0x0 && code.l == 0x0) + printf(" None"); + else + dmi_print_memory_size(code, 0); +} + +/* + * 7.19 32-bit Memory Error Information (Type 18) + */ + +static const char *dmi_memory_error_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.19.1 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "OK", + "Bad Read", + "Parity Error", + "Single-bit Error", + "Double-bit Error", + "Multi-bit Error", + "Nibble Error", + "Checksum Error", + "CRC Error", + "Corrected Single-bit Error", + "Corrected Error", + "Uncorrectable Error" /* 0x0E */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x0E) + return type[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_memory_error_granularity(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.19.2 */ + static const char *granularity[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Device Level", + "Memory Partition Level" /* 0x04 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x04) + return granularity[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_memory_error_operation(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.19.3 */ + static const char *operation[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Read", + "Write", + "Partial Write" /* 0x05 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x05) + return operation[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_memory_error_syndrome(u32 code) +{ + if (code == 0x00000000) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" 0x%08X", code); +} + +static void dmi_32bit_memory_error_address(u32 code) +{ + if (code == 0x80000000) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" 0x%08X", code); +} + +/* + * 7.20 Memory Array Mapped Address (Type 19) + */ + +static void dmi_mapped_address_size(u32 code) +{ + if (code == 0) + printf(" Invalid"); + else + { + u64 size; + + size.h = 0; + size.l = code; + dmi_print_memory_size(size, 1); + } +} + +static void dmi_mapped_address_extended_size(u64 start, u64 end) +{ + if (start.h == end.h && start.l == end.l) + printf(" Invalid"); + else + dmi_print_memory_size(u64_range(start, end), 0); +} + +/* + * 7.21 Memory Device Mapped Address (Type 20) + */ + +static void dmi_mapped_address_row_position(u8 code) +{ + if (code == 0) + printf(" %s", out_of_spec); + else if (code == 0xFF) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %u", code); +} + +static void dmi_mapped_address_interleave_position(u8 code, const char *prefix) +{ + if (code != 0) + { + printf("%sInterleave Position:", prefix); + if (code == 0xFF) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %u", code); + printf("\n"); + } +} + +static void dmi_mapped_address_interleaved_data_depth(u8 code, const char *prefix) +{ + if (code != 0) + { + printf("%sInterleaved Data Depth:", prefix); + if (code == 0xFF) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %u", code); + printf("\n"); + } +} + +/* + * 7.22 Built-in Pointing Device (Type 21) + */ + +static const char *dmi_pointing_device_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.22.1 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Mouse", + "Track Ball", + "Track Point", + "Glide Point", + "Touch Pad", + "Touch Screen", + "Optical Sensor" /* 0x09 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x09) + return type[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_pointing_device_interface(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.22.2 */ + static const char *interface[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Serial", + "PS/2", + "Infrared", + "HIP-HIL", + "Bus Mouse", + "ADB (Apple Desktop Bus)" /* 0x08 */ + }; + static const char *interface_0xA0[] = { + "Bus Mouse DB-9", /* 0xA0 */ + "Bus Mouse Micro DIN", + "USB" /* 0xA2 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x08) + return interface[code - 0x01]; + if (code >= 0xA0 && code <= 0xA2) + return interface_0xA0[code - 0xA0]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +/* + * 7.23 Portable Battery (Type 22) + */ + +static const char *dmi_battery_chemistry(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.23.1 */ + static const char *chemistry[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Lead Acid", + "Nickel Cadmium", + "Nickel Metal Hydride", + "Lithium Ion", + "Zinc Air", + "Lithium Polymer" /* 0x08 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x08) + return chemistry[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_battery_capacity(u16 code, u8 multiplier) +{ + if (code == 0) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %u mWh", code * multiplier); +} + +static void dmi_battery_voltage(u16 code) +{ + if (code == 0) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %u mV", code); +} + +static void dmi_battery_maximum_error(u8 code) +{ + if (code == 0xFF) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %u%%", code); +} + +/* + * 7.24 System Reset (Type 23) + */ + +/* code is assumed to be a 2-bit value */ +static const char *dmi_system_reset_boot_option(u8 code) +{ + static const char *option[] = { + out_of_spec, /* 0x0 */ + "Operating System", /* 0x1 */ + "System Utilities", + "Do Not Reboot" /* 0x3 */ + }; + + return option[code]; +} + +static void dmi_system_reset_count(u16 code) +{ + if (code == 0xFFFF) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %u", code); +} + +static void dmi_system_reset_timer(u16 code) +{ + if (code == 0xFFFF) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %u min", code); +} + +/* + * 7.25 Hardware Security (Type 24) + */ + +static const char *dmi_hardware_security_status(u8 code) +{ + static const char *status[] = { + "Disabled", /* 0x00 */ + "Enabled", + "Not Implemented", + "Unknown" /* 0x03 */ + }; + + return status[code]; +} + +/* + * 7.26 System Power Controls (Type 25) + */ + +static void dmi_power_controls_power_on(const u8 *p) +{ + /* 7.26.1 */ + if (dmi_bcd_range(p[0], 0x01, 0x12)) + printf(" %02X", p[0]); + else + printf(" *"); + if (dmi_bcd_range(p[1], 0x01, 0x31)) + printf("-%02X", p[1]); + else + printf("-*"); + if (dmi_bcd_range(p[2], 0x00, 0x23)) + printf(" %02X", p[2]); + else + printf(" *"); + if (dmi_bcd_range(p[3], 0x00, 0x59)) + printf(":%02X", p[3]); + else + printf(":*"); + if (dmi_bcd_range(p[4], 0x00, 0x59)) + printf(":%02X", p[4]); + else + printf(":*"); +} + +/* + * 7.27 Voltage Probe (Type 26) + */ + +static const char *dmi_voltage_probe_location(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.27.1 */ + static const char *location[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Processor", + "Disk", + "Peripheral Bay", + "System Management Module", + "Motherboard", + "Memory Module", + "Processor Module", + "Power Unit", + "Add-in Card" /* 0x0B */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x0B) + return location[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_probe_status(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.27.1 */ + static const char *status[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "OK", + "Non-critical", + "Critical", + "Non-recoverable" /* 0x06 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x06) + return status[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_voltage_probe_value(u16 code) +{ + if (code == 0x8000) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %.3f V", (float)(i16)code / 1000); +} + +static void dmi_voltage_probe_resolution(u16 code) +{ + if (code == 0x8000) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %.1f mV", (float)code / 10); +} + +static void dmi_probe_accuracy(u16 code) +{ + if (code == 0x8000) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %.2f%%", (float)code / 100); +} + +/* + * 7.28 Cooling Device (Type 27) + */ + +static const char *dmi_cooling_device_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.28.1 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Fan", + "Centrifugal Blower", + "Chip Fan", + "Cabinet Fan", + "Power Supply Fan", + "Heat Pipe", + "Integrated Refrigeration" /* 0x09 */ + }; + static const char *type_0x10[] = { + "Active Cooling", /* 0x10 */ + "Passive Cooling" /* 0x11 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x09) + return type[code - 0x01]; + if (code >= 0x10 && code <= 0x11) + return type_0x10[code - 0x10]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_cooling_device_speed(u16 code) +{ + if (code == 0x8000) + printf(" Unknown Or Non-rotating"); + else + printf(" %u rpm", code); +} + +/* + * 7.29 Temperature Probe (Type 28) + */ + +static const char *dmi_temperature_probe_location(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.29.1 */ + static const char *location[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Processor", + "Disk", + "Peripheral Bay", + "System Management Module", + "Motherboard", + "Memory Module", + "Processor Module", + "Power Unit", + "Add-in Card", + "Front Panel Board", + "Back Panel Board", + "Power System Board", + "Drive Back Plane" /* 0x0F */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x0F) + return location[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_temperature_probe_value(u16 code) +{ + if (code == 0x8000) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %.1f deg C", (float)(i16)code / 10); +} + +static void dmi_temperature_probe_resolution(u16 code) +{ + if (code == 0x8000) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %.3f deg C", (float)code / 1000); +} + +/* + * 7.30 Electrical Current Probe (Type 29) + */ + +static void dmi_current_probe_value(u16 code) +{ + if (code == 0x8000) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %.3f A", (float)(i16)code / 1000); +} + +static void dmi_current_probe_resolution(u16 code) +{ + if (code == 0x8000) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %.1f mA", (float)code / 10); +} + +/* + * 7.33 System Boot Information (Type 32) + */ + +static const char *dmi_system_boot_status(u8 code) +{ + static const char *status[] = { + "No errors detected", /* 0 */ + "No bootable media", + "Operating system failed to load", + "Firmware-detected hardware failure", + "Operating system-detected hardware failure", + "User-requested boot", + "System security violation", + "Previously-requested image", + "System watchdog timer expired" /* 8 */ + }; + + if (code <= 8) + return status[code]; + if (code >= 128 && code <= 191) + return "OEM-specific"; + if (code >= 192) + return "Product-specific"; + return out_of_spec; +} + +/* + * 7.34 64-bit Memory Error Information (Type 33) + */ + +static void dmi_64bit_memory_error_address(u64 code) +{ + if (code.h == 0x80000000 && code.l == 0x00000000) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" 0x%08X%08X", code.h, code.l); +} + +/* + * 7.35 Management Device (Type 34) + */ + +/* + * Several boards have a bug where some type 34 structures have their + * length incorrectly set to 0x10 instead of 0x0B. This causes the + * first 5 characters of the device name to be trimmed. It's easy to + * check and fix, so do it, but warn. + */ +static void dmi_fixup_type_34(struct dmi_header *h, int display) +{ + u8 *p = h->data; + + /* Make sure the hidden data is ASCII only */ + if (h->length == 0x10 + && is_printable(p + 0x0B, 0x10 - 0x0B)) + { + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET) && display) + fprintf(stderr, + "Invalid entry length (%u). Fixed up to %u.\n", + 0x10, 0x0B); + h->length = 0x0B; + } +} + +static const char *dmi_management_device_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.35.1 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "LM75", + "LM78", + "LM79", + "LM80", + "LM81", + "ADM9240", + "DS1780", + "MAX1617", + "GL518SM", + "W83781D", + "HT82H791" /* 0x0D */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x0D) + return type[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_management_device_address_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.35.2 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "I/O Port", + "Memory", + "SMBus" /* 0x05 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x05) + return type[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +/* + * 7.38 Memory Channel (Type 37) + */ + +static const char *dmi_memory_channel_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.38.1 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "RamBus", + "SyncLink" /* 0x04 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x04) + return type[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_memory_channel_devices(u8 count, const u8 *p, const char *prefix) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) + { + printf("%sDevice %u Load: %u\n", + prefix, i, p[3 * i]); + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("%sDevice %u Handle: 0x%04X\n", + prefix, i, WORD(p + 3 * i + 1)); + } +} + +/* + * 7.39 IPMI Device Information (Type 38) + */ + +static const char *dmi_ipmi_interface_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.39.1 and IPMI 2.0, appendix C1, table C1-2 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Unknown", /* 0x00 */ + "KCS (Keyboard Control Style)", + "SMIC (Server Management Interface Chip)", + "BT (Block Transfer)", + "SSIF (SMBus System Interface)" /* 0x04 */ + }; + + if (code <= 0x04) + return type[code]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_ipmi_base_address(u8 type, const u8 *p, u8 lsb) +{ + if (type == 0x04) /* SSIF */ + { + printf("0x%02X (SMBus)", (*p) >> 1); + } + else + { + u64 address = QWORD(p); + printf("0x%08X%08X (%s)", address.h, (address.l & ~1) | lsb, + address.l & 1 ? "I/O" : "Memory-mapped"); + } +} + +/* code is assumed to be a 2-bit value */ +static const char *dmi_ipmi_register_spacing(u8 code) +{ + /* IPMI 2.0, appendix C1, table C1-1 */ + static const char *spacing[] = { + "Successive Byte Boundaries", /* 0x00 */ + "32-bit Boundaries", + "16-byte Boundaries", /* 0x02 */ + out_of_spec /* 0x03 */ + }; + + return spacing[code]; +} + +/* + * 7.40 System Power Supply (Type 39) + */ + +static void dmi_power_supply_power(u16 code) +{ + if (code == 0x8000) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + printf(" %u W", (unsigned int)code); +} + +static const char *dmi_power_supply_type(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.40.1 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Linear", + "Switching", + "Battery", + "UPS", + "Converter", + "Regulator" /* 0x08 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x08) + return type[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_power_supply_status(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.40.1 */ + static const char *status[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "OK", + "Non-critical", + "Critical" /* 0x05 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x05) + return status[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static const char *dmi_power_supply_range_switching(u8 code) +{ + /* 7.40.1 */ + static const char *switching[] = { + "Other", /* 0x01 */ + "Unknown", + "Manual", + "Auto-switch", + "Wide Range", + "N/A" /* 0x06 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x01 && code <= 0x06) + return switching[code - 0x01]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +/* + * 7.41 Additional Information (Type 40) + * + * Proper support of this entry type would require redesigning a large part of + * the code, so I am waiting to see actual implementations of it to decide + * whether it's worth the effort. + */ + +static void dmi_additional_info(const struct dmi_header *h, const char *prefix) +{ + u8 *p = h->data + 4; + u8 count = *p++; + u8 length; + int i, offset = 5; + + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) + { + printf("%sAdditional Information %d\n", prefix, i + 1); + + /* Check for short entries */ + if (h->length < offset + 1) break; + length = p[0x00]; + if (length < 0x05 || h->length < offset + length) break; + + printf("%s\tReferenced Handle: 0x%04x\n", + prefix, WORD(p + 0x01)); + printf("%s\tReferenced Offset: 0x%02x\n", + prefix, p[0x03]); + printf("%s\tString: %s\n", + prefix, dmi_string(h, p[0x04])); + + printf("%s\tValue: ", prefix); + switch (length - 0x05) + { + case 1: + printf("0x%02x", p[0x05]); + break; + case 2: + printf("0x%04x", WORD(p + 0x05)); + break; + case 4: + printf("0x%08x", DWORD(p + 0x05)); + break; + default: + printf("Unexpected size"); + break; + } + printf("\n"); + + p += length; + offset += length; + } +} + +/* + * 7.43 Management Controller Host Interface (Type 42) + */ + +static const char *dmi_management_controller_host_type(u8 code) +{ + /* DMTF DSP0239 (MCTP) version 1.1.0 */ + static const char *type[] = { + "KCS: Keyboard Controller Style", /* 0x02 */ + "8250 UART Register Compatible", + "16450 UART Register Compatible", + "16550/16550A UART Register Compatible", + "16650/16650A UART Register Compatible", + "16750/16750A UART Register Compatible", + "16850/16850A UART Register Compatible" /* 0x08 */ + }; + + if (code >= 0x02 && code <= 0x08) + return type[code - 0x02]; + if (code <= 0x3F) + return "MCTP"; + if (code == 0x40) + return "Network"; + if (code == 0xF0) + return "OEM"; + return out_of_spec; +} + +/* + * 7.43.2: Protocol Record Types + */ +static const char *dmi_protocol_record_type(u8 type) +{ + const char *protocol[] = { + "Reserved", /* 0x0 */ + "Reserved", + "IPMI", + "MCTP", + "Redfish over IP", /* 0x4 */ + }; + + if (type <= 0x4) + return protocol[type]; + if (type == 0xF0) + return "OEM"; + return out_of_spec; +} + +/* + * DSP0270: 8.6: Protocol IP Assignment types + */ +static const char *dmi_protocol_assignment_type(u8 type) +{ + const char *assignment[] = { + "Unknown", /* 0x0 */ + "Static", + "DHCP", + "AutoConf", + "Host Selected", /* 0x4 */ + }; + + if (type <= 0x4) + return assignment[type]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +/* + * DSP0270: 8.6: Protocol IP Address type + */ +static const char *dmi_address_type(u8 type) +{ + const char *addressformat[] = { + "Unknown", /* 0x0 */ + "IPv4", + "IPv6", /* 0x2 */ + }; + + if (type <= 0x2) + return addressformat[type]; + return out_of_spec; +} + +/* + * DSP0270: 8.6 Protocol Address decode + */ +static const char *dmi_address_decode(u8 *data, char *storage, u8 addrtype) +{ + if (addrtype == 0x1) /* IPv4 */ + return inet_ntop(AF_INET, data, storage, 64); + if (addrtype == 0x2) /* IPv6 */ + return inet_ntop(AF_INET6, data, storage, 64); + return out_of_spec; +} + +/* + * DSP0270: 8.5: Parse the protocol record format + */ +static void dmi_parse_protocol_record(const char *prefix, u8 *rec) +{ + u8 rid; + u8 rlen; + u8 *rdata; + char buf[64]; + u8 assign_val; + u8 addrtype; + u8 hlen; + const char *addrstr; + const char *hname; + + /* DSP0270: 8.5: Protocol Identifier */ + rid = rec[0x0]; + /* DSP0270: 8.5: Protocol Record Length */ + rlen = rec[0x1]; + /* DSP0270: 8.5: Protocol Record Data */ + rdata = &rec[0x2]; + + printf("%s\tProtocol ID: %02x (%s)\n", prefix, rid, + dmi_protocol_record_type(rid)); + + /* + * Don't decode anything other than Redfish for now + * Note 0x4 is Redfish over IP in 7.43.2 + * and DSP0270: 8.5 + */ + if (rid != 0x4) + return; + + /* + * Ensure that the protocol record is of sufficient length + * For RedFish that means rlen must be at least 91 bytes + * other protcols will need different length checks + */ + if (rlen < 91) + return; + + /* + * DSP0270: 8.6: Redfish Over IP Service UUID + * Note: ver is hardcoded to 0x311 here just for + * convenience. It could get passed from the SMBIOS + * header, but that's a lot of passing of pointers just + * to get that info, and the only thing it is used for is + * to determine the endianess of the field. Since we only + * do this parsing on versions of SMBIOS after 3.1.1, and the + * endianess of the field is always little after version 2.6.0 + * we can just pick a sufficiently recent version here. + */ + printf("%s\t\tService UUID: ", prefix); + dmi_system_uuid(&rdata[0], 0x311); + printf("\n"); + + /* + * DSP0270: 8.6: Redfish Over IP Host IP Assignment Type + * Note, using decimal indicies here, as the DSP0270 + * uses decimal, so as to make it more comparable + */ + assign_val = rdata[16]; + printf("%s\t\tHost IP Assignment Type: %s\n", prefix, + dmi_protocol_assignment_type(assign_val)); + + /* DSP0270: 8.6: Redfish Over IP Host Address format */ + addrtype = rdata[17]; + addrstr = dmi_address_type(addrtype); + printf("%s\t\tHost IP Address Format: %s\n", prefix, + addrstr); + + /* DSP0270: 8.6 IP Assignment types */ + /* We only use the Host IP Address and Mask if the assignment type is static */ + if (assign_val == 0x1 || assign_val == 0x3) + { + /* DSP0270: 8.6: the Host IPv[4|6] Address */ + printf("%s\t\t%s Address: %s\n", prefix, addrstr, + dmi_address_decode(&rdata[18], buf, addrtype)); + + /* DSP0270: 8.6: Prints the Host IPv[4|6] Mask */ + printf("%s\t\t%s Mask: %s\n", prefix, addrstr, + dmi_address_decode(&rdata[34], buf, addrtype)); + } + + /* DSP0270: 8.6: Get the Redfish Service IP Discovery Type */ + assign_val = rdata[50]; + /* Redfish Service IP Discovery type mirrors Host IP Assignment type */ + printf("%s\t\tRedfish Service IP Discovery Type: %s\n", prefix, + dmi_protocol_assignment_type(assign_val)); + + /* DSP0270: 8.6: Get the Redfish Service IP Address Format */ + addrtype = rdata[51]; + addrstr = dmi_address_type(addrtype); + printf("%s\t\tRedfish Service IP Address Format: %s\n", prefix, + addrstr); + + if (assign_val == 0x1 || assign_val == 0x3) + { + u16 port; + u32 vlan; + + /* DSP0270: 8.6: Prints the Redfish IPv[4|6] Service Address */ + printf("%s\t\t%s Redfish Service Address: %s\n", prefix, + addrstr, dmi_address_decode(&rdata[52], buf, + addrtype)); + + /* DSP0270: 8.6: Prints the Redfish IPv[4|6] Service Mask */ + printf("%s\t\t%s Redfish Service Mask: %s\n", prefix, + addrstr, dmi_address_decode(&rdata[68], buf, + addrtype)); + + /* DSP0270: 8.6: Redfish vlan and port info */ + port = WORD(&rdata[84]); + vlan = DWORD(&rdata[86]); + printf("%s\t\tRedfish Service Port: %hu\n", prefix, port); + printf("%s\t\tRedfish Service Vlan: %u\n", prefix, vlan); + } + + /* DSP0270: 8.6: Redfish host length and name */ + hlen = rdata[90]; + + /* + * DSP0270: 8.6: The length of the host string + 91 (the minimum + * size of a protocol record) cannot exceed the record length + * (rec[0x1]) + */ + hname = (const char *)&rdata[91]; + if (hlen + 91 > rlen) + { + hname = out_of_spec; + hlen = strlen(out_of_spec); + } + printf("%s\t\tRedfish Service Hostname: %*s\n", prefix, hlen, hname); +} + +/* + * DSP0270: 8.3: Device type ennumeration + */ +static const char *dmi_parse_device_type(u8 type) +{ + const char *devname[] = { + "USB", /* 0x2 */ + "PCI/PCIe", /* 0x3 */ + }; + + if (type >= 0x2 && type <= 0x3) + return devname[type - 0x2]; + if (type >= 0x80) + return "OEM"; + return out_of_spec; +} + +static void dmi_parse_controller_structure(const struct dmi_header *h, + const char *prefix) +{ + int i; + u8 *data = h->data; + /* Host interface type */ + u8 type; + /* Host Interface specific data length */ + u8 len; + u8 count; + u32 total_read; + + /* + * Minimum length of this struct is 0xB bytes + */ + if (h->length < 0xB) + return; + + /* + * Also need to ensure that the interface specific data length + * plus the size of the structure to that point don't exceed + * the defined length of the structure, or we will overrun its + * bounds + */ + len = data[0x5]; + total_read = len + 0x6; + + if (total_read > h->length) + return; + + type = data[0x4]; + printf("%sHost Interface Type: %s\n", prefix, + dmi_management_controller_host_type(type)); + + /* + * The following decodes are code for Network interface host types only + * As defined in DSP0270 + */ + if (type != 0x40) + return; + + if (len != 0) + { + /* DSP0270: 8.3 Table 2: Device Type */ + type = data[0x6]; + + printf("%sDevice Type: %s\n", prefix, + dmi_parse_device_type(type)); + if (type == 0x2 && len >= 5) + { + /* USB Device Type - need at least 6 bytes */ + u8 *usbdata = &data[0x7]; + /* USB Device Descriptor: idVendor */ + printf("%s\tidVendor: 0x%04x\n", prefix, + WORD(&usbdata[0x0])); + /* USB Device Descriptor: idProduct */ + printf("%s\tidProduct: 0x%04x\n", prefix, + WORD(&usbdata[0x2])); + /* + * USB Serial number is here, but its useless, don't + * bother decoding it + */ + } + else if (type == 0x3 && len >= 9) + { + /* PCI Device Type - Need at least 8 bytes */ + u8 *pcidata = &data[0x7]; + /* PCI Device Descriptor: VendorID */ + printf("%s\tVendorID: 0x%04x\n", prefix, + WORD(&pcidata[0x0])); + /* PCI Device Descriptor: DeviceID */ + printf("%s\tDeviceID: 0x%04x\n", prefix, + WORD(&pcidata[0x2])); + /* PCI Device Descriptor: PCI SubvendorID */ + printf("%s\tSubVendorID: 0x%04x\n", prefix, + WORD(&pcidata[0x4])); + /* PCI Device Descriptor: PCI SubdeviceID */ + printf("%s\tSubDeviceID: 0x%04x\n", prefix, + WORD(&pcidata[0x6])); + } + else if (type == 0x4 && len >= 5) + { + /* OEM Device Type - Need at least 4 bytes */ + u8 *oemdata = &data[0x7]; + /* OEM Device Descriptor: IANA */ + printf("%s\tVendor ID: 0x%02x:0x%02x:0x%02x:0x%02x\n", + prefix, oemdata[0x0], oemdata[0x1], + oemdata[0x2], oemdata[0x3]); + } + /* Don't mess with unknown types for now */ + } + + /* + * DSP0270: 8.2 and 8.5: Protocol record count and protocol records + * Move to the Protocol Count. + */ + data = &data[total_read]; + + /* + * We've validated up to 0x6 + len bytes, but we need to validate + * the next byte below, the count value. + */ + total_read++; + if (total_read > h->length) + { + printf("%s\tWARN: Total read length %d exceeds total structure length %d\n", + prefix, total_read, h->length); + return; + } + + /* Get the protocol records count */ + count = data[0x0]; + if (count) + { + u8 *rec = &data[0x1]; + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) + { + /* + * Need to ensure that this record doesn't overrun + * the total length of the type 42 struct. Note the +2 + * is added for the two leading bytes of a protocol + * record representing the type and length bytes. + */ + total_read += rec[1] + 2; + if (total_read > h->length) + { + printf("%s\tWARN: Total read length %d exceeds total structure length %d\n", + prefix, total_read, h->length); + return; + } + + dmi_parse_protocol_record(prefix, rec); + + /* + * DSP0270: 8.6 + * Each record is rec[1] bytes long, starting at the + * data byte immediately following the length field. + * That means we need to add the byte for the rec id, + * the byte for the length field, and the value of the + * length field itself. + */ + rec += rec[1] + 2; + } + } +} + +/* + * 7.44 TPM Device (Type 43) + */ + +static void dmi_tpm_vendor_id(const u8 *p) +{ + char vendor_id[5]; + int i; + + /* ASCII filtering */ + for (i = 0; i < 4 && p[i] != 0; i++) + { + if (p[i] < 32 || p[i] >= 127) + vendor_id[i] = '.'; + else + vendor_id[i] = p[i]; + } + + /* Terminate the string */ + vendor_id[i] = '\0'; + + printf(" %s", vendor_id); +} + +static void dmi_tpm_characteristics(u64 code, const char *prefix) +{ + /* 7.1.1 */ + static const char *characteristics[] = { + "TPM Device characteristics not supported", /* 2 */ + "Family configurable via firmware update", + "Family configurable via platform software support", + "Family configurable via OEM proprietary mechanism" /* 5 */ + }; + int i; + + /* + * This isn't very clear what this bit is supposed to mean + */ + if (code.l & (1 << 2)) + { + printf("%s%s\n", + prefix, characteristics[0]); + return; + } + + for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++) + if (code.l & (1 << i)) + printf("%s%s\n", + prefix, characteristics[i - 2]); +} + +/* + * Main + */ + +static void dmi_decode(const struct dmi_header *h, u16 ver) +{ + const u8 *data = h->data; + + /* + * Note: DMI types 37 and 42 are untested + */ + switch (h->type) + { + case 0: /* 7.1 BIOS Information */ + printf("BIOS Information\n"); + if (h->length < 0x12) break; + printf("\tVendor: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tVersion: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x05])); + printf("\tRelease Date: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x08])); + /* + * On IA-64, the BIOS base address will read 0 because + * there is no BIOS. Skip the base address and the + * runtime size in this case. + */ + if (WORD(data + 0x06) != 0) + { + printf("\tAddress: 0x%04X0\n", + WORD(data + 0x06)); + printf("\tRuntime Size:"); + dmi_bios_runtime_size((0x10000 - WORD(data + 0x06)) << 4); + printf("\n"); + } + printf("\tROM Size:"); + dmi_bios_rom_size(data[0x09], h->length < 0x1A ? 16 : WORD(data + 0x18)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tCharacteristics:\n"); + dmi_bios_characteristics(QWORD(data + 0x0A), "\t\t"); + if (h->length < 0x13) break; + dmi_bios_characteristics_x1(data[0x12], "\t\t"); + if (h->length < 0x14) break; + dmi_bios_characteristics_x2(data[0x13], "\t\t"); + if (h->length < 0x18) break; + if (data[0x14] != 0xFF && data[0x15] != 0xFF) + printf("\tBIOS Revision: %u.%u\n", + data[0x14], data[0x15]); + if (data[0x16] != 0xFF && data[0x17] != 0xFF) + printf("\tFirmware Revision: %u.%u\n", + data[0x16], data[0x17]); + break; + + case 1: /* 7.2 System Information */ + printf("System Information\n"); + if (h->length < 0x08) break; + printf("\tManufacturer: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tProduct Name: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x05])); + printf("\tVersion: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x06])); + printf("\tSerial Number: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x07])); + if (h->length < 0x19) break; + printf("\tUUID: "); + dmi_system_uuid(data + 0x08, ver); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tWake-up Type: %s\n", + dmi_system_wake_up_type(data[0x18])); + if (h->length < 0x1B) break; + printf("\tSKU Number: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x19])); + printf("\tFamily: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x1A])); + break; + + case 2: /* 7.3 Base Board Information */ + printf("Base Board Information\n"); + if (h->length < 0x08) break; + printf("\tManufacturer: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tProduct Name: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x05])); + printf("\tVersion: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x06])); + printf("\tSerial Number: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x07])); + if (h->length < 0x09) break; + printf("\tAsset Tag: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x08])); + if (h->length < 0x0A) break; + printf("\tFeatures:"); + dmi_base_board_features(data[0x09], "\t\t"); + if (h->length < 0x0E) break; + printf("\tLocation In Chassis: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x0A])); + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("\tChassis Handle: 0x%04X\n", + WORD(data + 0x0B)); + printf("\tType: %s\n", + dmi_base_board_type(data[0x0D])); + if (h->length < 0x0F) break; + if (h->length < 0x0F + data[0x0E] * sizeof(u16)) break; + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + dmi_base_board_handles(data[0x0E], data + 0x0F, "\t"); + break; + + case 3: /* 7.4 Chassis Information */ + printf("Chassis Information\n"); + if (h->length < 0x09) break; + printf("\tManufacturer: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tType: %s\n", + dmi_chassis_type(data[0x05])); + printf("\tLock: %s\n", + dmi_chassis_lock(data[0x05] >> 7)); + printf("\tVersion: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x06])); + printf("\tSerial Number: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x07])); + printf("\tAsset Tag: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x08])); + if (h->length < 0x0D) break; + printf("\tBoot-up State: %s\n", + dmi_chassis_state(data[0x09])); + printf("\tPower Supply State: %s\n", + dmi_chassis_state(data[0x0A])); + printf("\tThermal State: %s\n", + dmi_chassis_state(data[0x0B])); + printf("\tSecurity Status: %s\n", + dmi_chassis_security_status(data[0x0C])); + if (h->length < 0x11) break; + printf("\tOEM Information: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(data + 0x0D)); + if (h->length < 0x13) break; + printf("\tHeight:"); + dmi_chassis_height(data[0x11]); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tNumber Of Power Cords:"); + dmi_chassis_power_cords(data[0x12]); + printf("\n"); + if (h->length < 0x15) break; + if (h->length < 0x15 + data[0x13] * data[0x14]) break; + dmi_chassis_elements(data[0x13], data[0x14], data + 0x15, "\t"); + if (h->length < 0x16 + data[0x13] * data[0x14]) break; + printf("\tSKU Number: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x15 + data[0x13] * data[0x14]])); + break; + + case 4: /* 7.5 Processor Information */ + printf("Processor Information\n"); + if (h->length < 0x1A) break; + printf("\tSocket Designation: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tType: %s\n", + dmi_processor_type(data[0x05])); + printf("\tFamily: %s\n", + dmi_processor_family(h, ver)); + printf("\tManufacturer: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x07])); + dmi_processor_id(h, "\t"); + printf("\tVersion: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x10])); + printf("\tVoltage:"); + dmi_processor_voltage(data[0x11]); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tExternal Clock: "); + dmi_processor_frequency(data + 0x12); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tMax Speed: "); + dmi_processor_frequency(data + 0x14); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tCurrent Speed: "); + dmi_processor_frequency(data + 0x16); + printf("\n"); + if (data[0x18] & (1 << 6)) + printf("\tStatus: Populated, %s\n", + dmi_processor_status(data[0x18] & 0x07)); + else + printf("\tStatus: Unpopulated\n"); + printf("\tUpgrade: %s\n", + dmi_processor_upgrade(data[0x19])); + if (h->length < 0x20) break; + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + { + printf("\tL1 Cache Handle:"); + dmi_processor_cache(WORD(data + 0x1A), "L1", ver); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tL2 Cache Handle:"); + dmi_processor_cache(WORD(data + 0x1C), "L2", ver); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tL3 Cache Handle:"); + dmi_processor_cache(WORD(data + 0x1E), "L3", ver); + printf("\n"); + } + if (h->length < 0x23) break; + printf("\tSerial Number: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x20])); + printf("\tAsset Tag: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x21])); + printf("\tPart Number: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x22])); + if (h->length < 0x28) break; + if (data[0x23] != 0) + printf("\tCore Count: %u\n", + h->length >= 0x2C && data[0x23] == 0xFF ? + WORD(data + 0x2A) : data[0x23]); + if (data[0x24] != 0) + printf("\tCore Enabled: %u\n", + h->length >= 0x2E && data[0x24] == 0xFF ? + WORD(data + 0x2C) : data[0x24]); + if (data[0x25] != 0) + printf("\tThread Count: %u\n", + h->length >= 0x30 && data[0x25] == 0xFF ? + WORD(data + 0x2E) : data[0x25]); + printf("\tCharacteristics:"); + dmi_processor_characteristics(WORD(data + 0x26), "\t\t"); + break; + + case 5: /* 7.6 Memory Controller Information */ + printf("Memory Controller Information\n"); + if (h->length < 0x0F) break; + printf("\tError Detecting Method: %s\n", + dmi_memory_controller_ed_method(data[0x04])); + printf("\tError Correcting Capabilities:"); + dmi_memory_controller_ec_capabilities(data[0x05], "\t\t"); + printf("\tSupported Interleave: %s\n", + dmi_memory_controller_interleave(data[0x06])); + printf("\tCurrent Interleave: %s\n", + dmi_memory_controller_interleave(data[0x07])); + printf("\tMaximum Memory Module Size: %u MB\n", + 1 << data[0x08]); + printf("\tMaximum Total Memory Size: %u MB\n", + data[0x0E] * (1 << data[0x08])); + printf("\tSupported Speeds:"); + dmi_memory_controller_speeds(WORD(data + 0x09), "\t\t"); + printf("\tSupported Memory Types:"); + dmi_memory_module_types(WORD(data + 0x0B), "\n\t\t"); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tMemory Module Voltage:"); + dmi_processor_voltage(data[0x0D]); + printf("\n"); + if (h->length < 0x0F + data[0x0E] * sizeof(u16)) break; + dmi_memory_controller_slots(data[0x0E], data + 0x0F, "\t"); + if (h->length < 0x10 + data[0x0E] * sizeof(u16)) break; + printf("\tEnabled Error Correcting Capabilities:"); + dmi_memory_controller_ec_capabilities(data[0x0F + data[0x0E] * sizeof(u16)], "\t\t"); + break; + + case 6: /* 7.7 Memory Module Information */ + printf("Memory Module Information\n"); + if (h->length < 0x0C) break; + printf("\tSocket Designation: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tBank Connections:"); + dmi_memory_module_connections(data[0x05]); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tCurrent Speed:"); + dmi_memory_module_speed(data[0x06]); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tType:"); + dmi_memory_module_types(WORD(data + 0x07), " "); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tInstalled Size:"); + dmi_memory_module_size(data[0x09]); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tEnabled Size:"); + dmi_memory_module_size(data[0x0A]); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tError Status:"); + dmi_memory_module_error(data[0x0B], "\t\t"); + break; + + case 7: /* 7.8 Cache Information */ + printf("Cache Information\n"); + if (h->length < 0x0F) break; + printf("\tSocket Designation: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tConfiguration: %s, %s, Level %u\n", + WORD(data + 0x05) & 0x0080 ? "Enabled" : "Disabled", + WORD(data + 0x05) & 0x0008 ? "Socketed" : "Not Socketed", + (WORD(data + 0x05) & 0x0007) + 1); + printf("\tOperational Mode: %s\n", + dmi_cache_mode((WORD(data + 0x05) >> 8) & 0x0003)); + printf("\tLocation: %s\n", + dmi_cache_location((WORD(data + 0x05) >> 5) & 0x0003)); + printf("\tInstalled Size:"); + if (h->length >= 0x1B) + dmi_cache_size_2(DWORD(data + 0x17)); + else + dmi_cache_size(WORD(data + 0x09)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tMaximum Size:"); + if (h->length >= 0x17) + dmi_cache_size_2(DWORD(data + 0x13)); + else + dmi_cache_size(WORD(data + 0x07)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tSupported SRAM Types:"); + dmi_cache_types(WORD(data + 0x0B), "\n\t\t"); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tInstalled SRAM Type:"); + dmi_cache_types(WORD(data + 0x0D), " "); + printf("\n"); + if (h->length < 0x13) break; + printf("\tSpeed:"); + dmi_memory_module_speed(data[0x0F]); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tError Correction Type: %s\n", + dmi_cache_ec_type(data[0x10])); + printf("\tSystem Type: %s\n", + dmi_cache_type(data[0x11])); + printf("\tAssociativity: %s\n", + dmi_cache_associativity(data[0x12])); + break; + + case 8: /* 7.9 Port Connector Information */ + printf("Port Connector Information\n"); + if (h->length < 0x09) break; + printf("\tInternal Reference Designator: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tInternal Connector Type: %s\n", + dmi_port_connector_type(data[0x05])); + printf("\tExternal Reference Designator: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x06])); + printf("\tExternal Connector Type: %s\n", + dmi_port_connector_type(data[0x07])); + printf("\tPort Type: %s\n", + dmi_port_type(data[0x08])); + break; + + case 9: /* 7.10 System Slots */ + printf("System Slot Information\n"); + if (h->length < 0x0C) break; + printf("\tDesignation: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tType: %s%s\n", + dmi_slot_bus_width(data[0x06]), + dmi_slot_type(data[0x05])); + printf("\tCurrent Usage: %s\n", + dmi_slot_current_usage(data[0x07])); + printf("\tLength: %s\n", + dmi_slot_length(data[0x08])); + dmi_slot_id(data[0x09], data[0x0A], data[0x05], "\t"); + printf("\tCharacteristics:"); + if (h->length < 0x0D) + dmi_slot_characteristics(data[0x0B], 0x00, "\t\t"); + else + dmi_slot_characteristics(data[0x0B], data[0x0C], "\t\t"); + if (h->length < 0x11) break; + dmi_slot_segment_bus_func(WORD(data + 0x0D), data[0x0F], data[0x10], "\t"); + break; + + case 10: /* 7.11 On Board Devices Information */ + dmi_on_board_devices(h, ""); + break; + + case 11: /* 7.12 OEM Strings */ + printf("OEM Strings\n"); + if (h->length < 0x05) break; + dmi_oem_strings(h, "\t"); + break; + + case 12: /* 7.13 System Configuration Options */ + printf("System Configuration Options\n"); + if (h->length < 0x05) break; + dmi_system_configuration_options(h, "\t"); + break; + + case 13: /* 7.14 BIOS Language Information */ + printf("BIOS Language Information\n"); + if (h->length < 0x16) break; + if (ver >= 0x0201) + { + printf("\tLanguage Description Format: %s\n", + dmi_bios_language_format(data[0x05])); + } + printf("\tInstallable Languages: %u\n", data[0x04]); + dmi_bios_languages(h, "\t\t"); + printf("\tCurrently Installed Language: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x15])); + break; + + case 14: /* 7.15 Group Associations */ + printf("Group Associations\n"); + if (h->length < 0x05) break; + printf("\tName: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tItems: %u\n", + (h->length - 0x05) / 3); + dmi_group_associations_items((h->length - 0x05) / 3, data + 0x05, "\t\t"); + break; + + case 15: /* 7.16 System Event Log */ + printf("System Event Log\n"); + if (h->length < 0x14) break; + printf("\tArea Length: %u bytes\n", + WORD(data + 0x04)); + printf("\tHeader Start Offset: 0x%04X\n", + WORD(data + 0x06)); + if (WORD(data + 0x08) - WORD(data + 0x06)) + printf("\tHeader Length: %u byte%s\n", + WORD(data + 0x08) - WORD(data + 0x06), + WORD(data + 0x08) - WORD(data + 0x06) > 1 ? "s" : ""); + printf("\tData Start Offset: 0x%04X\n", + WORD(data + 0x08)); + printf("\tAccess Method: %s\n", + dmi_event_log_method(data[0x0A])); + printf("\tAccess Address:"); + dmi_event_log_address(data[0x0A], data + 0x10); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tStatus:"); + dmi_event_log_status(data[0x0B]); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tChange Token: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(data + 0x0C)); + if (h->length < 0x17) break; + printf("\tHeader Format: %s\n", + dmi_event_log_header_type(data[0x14])); + printf("\tSupported Log Type Descriptors: %u\n", + data[0x15]); + if (h->length < 0x17 + data[0x15] * data[0x16]) break; + dmi_event_log_descriptors(data[0x15], data[0x16], data + 0x17, "\t"); + break; + + case 16: /* 7.17 Physical Memory Array */ + printf("Physical Memory Array\n"); + if (h->length < 0x0F) break; + printf("\tLocation: %s\n", + dmi_memory_array_location(data[0x04])); + printf("\tUse: %s\n", + dmi_memory_array_use(data[0x05])); + printf("\tError Correction Type: %s\n", + dmi_memory_array_ec_type(data[0x06])); + printf("\tMaximum Capacity:"); + if (DWORD(data + 0x07) == 0x80000000) + { + if (h->length < 0x17) + printf(" Unknown"); + else + dmi_print_memory_size(QWORD(data + 0x0F), 0); + } + else + { + u64 capacity; + + capacity.h = 0; + capacity.l = DWORD(data + 0x07); + dmi_print_memory_size(capacity, 1); + } + printf("\n"); + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + { + printf("\tError Information Handle:"); + dmi_memory_array_error_handle(WORD(data + 0x0B)); + printf("\n"); + } + printf("\tNumber Of Devices: %u\n", + WORD(data + 0x0D)); + break; + + case 17: /* 7.18 Memory Device */ + printf("Memory Device\n"); + if (h->length < 0x15) break; + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + { + printf("\tArray Handle: 0x%04X\n", + WORD(data + 0x04)); + printf("\tError Information Handle:"); + dmi_memory_array_error_handle(WORD(data + 0x06)); + printf("\n"); + } + printf("\tTotal Width:"); + dmi_memory_device_width(WORD(data + 0x08)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tData Width:"); + dmi_memory_device_width(WORD(data + 0x0A)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tSize:"); + if (h->length >= 0x20 && WORD(data + 0x0C) == 0x7FFF) + dmi_memory_device_extended_size(DWORD(data + 0x1C)); + else + dmi_memory_device_size(WORD(data + 0x0C)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tForm Factor: %s\n", + dmi_memory_device_form_factor(data[0x0E])); + printf("\tSet:"); + dmi_memory_device_set(data[0x0F]); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tLocator: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x10])); + printf("\tBank Locator: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x11])); + printf("\tType: %s\n", + dmi_memory_device_type(data[0x12])); + printf("\tType Detail:"); + dmi_memory_device_type_detail(WORD(data + 0x13)); + printf("\n"); + if (h->length < 0x17) break; + printf("\tSpeed:"); + dmi_memory_device_speed(WORD(data + 0x15)); + printf("\n"); + if (h->length < 0x1B) break; + printf("\tManufacturer: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x17])); + printf("\tSerial Number: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x18])); + printf("\tAsset Tag: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x19])); + printf("\tPart Number: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x1A])); + if (h->length < 0x1C) break; + printf("\tRank: "); + if ((data[0x1B] & 0x0F) == 0) + printf("Unknown"); + else + printf("%u", data[0x1B] & 0x0F); + printf("\n"); + if (h->length < 0x22) break; + printf("\tConfigured Memory Speed:"); + dmi_memory_device_speed(WORD(data + 0x20)); + printf("\n"); + if (h->length < 0x28) break; + printf("\tMinimum Voltage:"); + dmi_memory_voltage_value(WORD(data + 0x22)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tMaximum Voltage:"); + dmi_memory_voltage_value(WORD(data + 0x24)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tConfigured Voltage:"); + dmi_memory_voltage_value(WORD(data + 0x26)); + printf("\n"); + if (h->length < 0x34) break; + printf("\tMemory Technology:"); + dmi_memory_technology(data[0x28]); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tMemory Operating Mode Capability:"); + dmi_memory_operating_mode_capability(WORD(data + 0x29)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tFirmware Version: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x2B])); + printf("\tModule Manufacturer ID:"); + dmi_memory_manufacturer_id(WORD(data + 0x2C)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tModule Product ID:"); + dmi_memory_product_id(WORD(data + 0x2E)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tMemory Subsystem Controller Manufacturer ID:"); + dmi_memory_manufacturer_id(WORD(data + 0x30)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tMemory Subsystem Controller Product ID:"); + dmi_memory_product_id(WORD(data + 0x32)); + printf("\n"); + if (h->length < 0x3C) break; + printf("\tNon-Volatile Size:"); + dmi_memory_size(QWORD(data + 0x34)); + printf("\n"); + if (h->length < 0x44) break; + printf("\tVolatile Size:"); + dmi_memory_size(QWORD(data + 0x3C)); + printf("\n"); + if (h->length < 0x4C) break; + printf("\tCache Size:"); + dmi_memory_size(QWORD(data + 0x44)); + printf("\n"); + if (h->length < 0x54) break; + printf("\tLogical Size:"); + dmi_memory_size(QWORD(data + 0x4C)); + printf("\n"); + break; + + case 18: /* 7.19 32-bit Memory Error Information */ + printf("32-bit Memory Error Information\n"); + if (h->length < 0x17) break; + printf("\tType: %s\n", + dmi_memory_error_type(data[0x04])); + printf("\tGranularity: %s\n", + dmi_memory_error_granularity(data[0x05])); + printf("\tOperation: %s\n", + dmi_memory_error_operation(data[0x06])); + printf("\tVendor Syndrome:"); + dmi_memory_error_syndrome(DWORD(data + 0x07)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tMemory Array Address:"); + dmi_32bit_memory_error_address(DWORD(data + 0x0B)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tDevice Address:"); + dmi_32bit_memory_error_address(DWORD(data + 0x0F)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tResolution:"); + dmi_32bit_memory_error_address(DWORD(data + 0x13)); + printf("\n"); + break; + + case 19: /* 7.20 Memory Array Mapped Address */ + printf("Memory Array Mapped Address\n"); + if (h->length < 0x0F) break; + if (h->length >= 0x1F && DWORD(data + 0x04) == 0xFFFFFFFF) + { + u64 start, end; + + start = QWORD(data + 0x0F); + end = QWORD(data + 0x17); + + printf("\tStarting Address: 0x%08X%08Xk\n", + start.h, start.l); + printf("\tEnding Address: 0x%08X%08Xk\n", + end.h, end.l); + printf("\tRange Size:"); + dmi_mapped_address_extended_size(start, end); + } + else + { + printf("\tStarting Address: 0x%08X%03X\n", + DWORD(data + 0x04) >> 2, + (DWORD(data + 0x04) & 0x3) << 10); + printf("\tEnding Address: 0x%08X%03X\n", + DWORD(data + 0x08) >> 2, + ((DWORD(data + 0x08) & 0x3) << 10) + 0x3FF); + printf("\tRange Size:"); + dmi_mapped_address_size(DWORD(data + 0x08) - DWORD(data + 0x04) + 1); + } + printf("\n"); + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("\tPhysical Array Handle: 0x%04X\n", + WORD(data + 0x0C)); + printf("\tPartition Width: %u\n", + data[0x0E]); + break; + + case 20: /* 7.21 Memory Device Mapped Address */ + printf("Memory Device Mapped Address\n"); + if (h->length < 0x13) break; + if (h->length >= 0x23 && DWORD(data + 0x04) == 0xFFFFFFFF) + { + u64 start, end; + + start = QWORD(data + 0x13); + end = QWORD(data + 0x1B); + + printf("\tStarting Address: 0x%08X%08Xk\n", + start.h, start.l); + printf("\tEnding Address: 0x%08X%08Xk\n", + end.h, end.l); + printf("\tRange Size:"); + dmi_mapped_address_extended_size(start, end); + } + else + { + printf("\tStarting Address: 0x%08X%03X\n", + DWORD(data + 0x04) >> 2, + (DWORD(data + 0x04) & 0x3) << 10); + printf("\tEnding Address: 0x%08X%03X\n", + DWORD(data + 0x08) >> 2, + ((DWORD(data + 0x08) & 0x3) << 10) + 0x3FF); + printf("\tRange Size:"); + dmi_mapped_address_size(DWORD(data + 0x08) - DWORD(data + 0x04) + 1); + } + printf("\n"); + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + { + printf("\tPhysical Device Handle: 0x%04X\n", + WORD(data + 0x0C)); + printf("\tMemory Array Mapped Address Handle: 0x%04X\n", + WORD(data + 0x0E)); + } + printf("\tPartition Row Position:"); + dmi_mapped_address_row_position(data[0x10]); + printf("\n"); + dmi_mapped_address_interleave_position(data[0x11], "\t"); + dmi_mapped_address_interleaved_data_depth(data[0x12], "\t"); + break; + + case 21: /* 7.22 Built-in Pointing Device */ + printf("Built-in Pointing Device\n"); + if (h->length < 0x07) break; + printf("\tType: %s\n", + dmi_pointing_device_type(data[0x04])); + printf("\tInterface: %s\n", + dmi_pointing_device_interface(data[0x05])); + printf("\tButtons: %u\n", + data[0x06]); + break; + + case 22: /* 7.23 Portable Battery */ + printf("Portable Battery\n"); + if (h->length < 0x10) break; + printf("\tLocation: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tManufacturer: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x05])); + if (data[0x06] || h->length < 0x1A) + printf("\tManufacture Date: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x06])); + if (data[0x07] || h->length < 0x1A) + printf("\tSerial Number: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x07])); + printf("\tName: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x08])); + if (data[0x09] != 0x02 || h->length < 0x1A) + printf("\tChemistry: %s\n", + dmi_battery_chemistry(data[0x09])); + printf("\tDesign Capacity:"); + if (h->length < 0x16) + dmi_battery_capacity(WORD(data + 0x0A), 1); + else + dmi_battery_capacity(WORD(data + 0x0A), data[0x15]); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tDesign Voltage:"); + dmi_battery_voltage(WORD(data + 0x0C)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tSBDS Version: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x0E])); + printf("\tMaximum Error:"); + dmi_battery_maximum_error(data[0x0F]); + printf("\n"); + if (h->length < 0x1A) break; + if (data[0x07] == 0) + printf("\tSBDS Serial Number: %04X\n", + WORD(data + 0x10)); + if (data[0x06] == 0) + printf("\tSBDS Manufacture Date: %u-%02u-%02u\n", + 1980 + (WORD(data + 0x12) >> 9), + (WORD(data + 0x12) >> 5) & 0x0F, + WORD(data + 0x12) & 0x1F); + if (data[0x09] == 0x02) + printf("\tSBDS Chemistry: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x14])); + printf("\tOEM-specific Information: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(data + 0x16)); + break; + + case 23: /* 7.24 System Reset */ + printf("System Reset\n"); + if (h->length < 0x0D) break; + printf("\tStatus: %s\n", + data[0x04] & (1 << 0) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); + printf("\tWatchdog Timer: %s\n", + data[0x04] & (1 << 5) ? "Present" : "Not Present"); + if (!(data[0x04] & (1 << 5))) + break; + printf("\tBoot Option: %s\n", + dmi_system_reset_boot_option((data[0x04] >> 1) & 0x3)); + printf("\tBoot Option On Limit: %s\n", + dmi_system_reset_boot_option((data[0x04] >> 3) & 0x3)); + printf("\tReset Count:"); + dmi_system_reset_count(WORD(data + 0x05)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tReset Limit:"); + dmi_system_reset_count(WORD(data + 0x07)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tTimer Interval:"); + dmi_system_reset_timer(WORD(data + 0x09)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tTimeout:"); + dmi_system_reset_timer(WORD(data + 0x0B)); + printf("\n"); + break; + + case 24: /* 7.25 Hardware Security */ + printf("Hardware Security\n"); + if (h->length < 0x05) break; + printf("\tPower-On Password Status: %s\n", + dmi_hardware_security_status(data[0x04] >> 6)); + printf("\tKeyboard Password Status: %s\n", + dmi_hardware_security_status((data[0x04] >> 4) & 0x3)); + printf("\tAdministrator Password Status: %s\n", + dmi_hardware_security_status((data[0x04] >> 2) & 0x3)); + printf("\tFront Panel Reset Status: %s\n", + dmi_hardware_security_status(data[0x04] & 0x3)); + break; + + case 25: /* 7.26 System Power Controls */ + printf("\tSystem Power Controls\n"); + if (h->length < 0x09) break; + printf("\tNext Scheduled Power-on:"); + dmi_power_controls_power_on(data + 0x04); + printf("\n"); + break; + + case 26: /* 7.27 Voltage Probe */ + printf("Voltage Probe\n"); + if (h->length < 0x14) break; + printf("\tDescription: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tLocation: %s\n", + dmi_voltage_probe_location(data[0x05] & 0x1f)); + printf("\tStatus: %s\n", + dmi_probe_status(data[0x05] >> 5)); + printf("\tMaximum Value:"); + dmi_voltage_probe_value(WORD(data + 0x06)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tMinimum Value:"); + dmi_voltage_probe_value(WORD(data + 0x08)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tResolution:"); + dmi_voltage_probe_resolution(WORD(data + 0x0A)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tTolerance:"); + dmi_voltage_probe_value(WORD(data + 0x0C)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tAccuracy:"); + dmi_probe_accuracy(WORD(data + 0x0E)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tOEM-specific Information: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(data + 0x10)); + if (h->length < 0x16) break; + printf("\tNominal Value:"); + dmi_voltage_probe_value(WORD(data + 0x14)); + printf("\n"); + break; + + case 27: /* 7.28 Cooling Device */ + printf("Cooling Device\n"); + if (h->length < 0x0C) break; + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET) && WORD(data + 0x04) != 0xFFFF) + printf("\tTemperature Probe Handle: 0x%04X\n", + WORD(data + 0x04)); + printf("\tType: %s\n", + dmi_cooling_device_type(data[0x06] & 0x1f)); + printf("\tStatus: %s\n", + dmi_probe_status(data[0x06] >> 5)); + if (data[0x07] != 0x00) + printf("\tCooling Unit Group: %u\n", + data[0x07]); + printf("\tOEM-specific Information: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(data + 0x08)); + if (h->length < 0x0E) break; + printf("\tNominal Speed:"); + dmi_cooling_device_speed(WORD(data + 0x0C)); + printf("\n"); + if (h->length < 0x0F) break; + printf("\tDescription: %s\n", dmi_string(h, data[0x0E])); + break; + + case 28: /* 7.29 Temperature Probe */ + printf("Temperature Probe\n"); + if (h->length < 0x14) break; + printf("\tDescription: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tLocation: %s\n", + dmi_temperature_probe_location(data[0x05] & 0x1F)); + printf("\tStatus: %s\n", + dmi_probe_status(data[0x05] >> 5)); + printf("\tMaximum Value:"); + dmi_temperature_probe_value(WORD(data + 0x06)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tMinimum Value:"); + dmi_temperature_probe_value(WORD(data + 0x08)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tResolution:"); + dmi_temperature_probe_resolution(WORD(data + 0x0A)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tTolerance:"); + dmi_temperature_probe_value(WORD(data + 0x0C)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tAccuracy:"); + dmi_probe_accuracy(WORD(data + 0x0E)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tOEM-specific Information: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(data + 0x10)); + if (h->length < 0x16) break; + printf("\tNominal Value:"); + dmi_temperature_probe_value(WORD(data + 0x14)); + printf("\n"); + break; + + case 29: /* 7.30 Electrical Current Probe */ + printf("Electrical Current Probe\n"); + if (h->length < 0x14) break; + printf("\tDescription: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tLocation: %s\n", + dmi_voltage_probe_location(data[5] & 0x1F)); + printf("\tStatus: %s\n", + dmi_probe_status(data[0x05] >> 5)); + printf("\tMaximum Value:"); + dmi_current_probe_value(WORD(data + 0x06)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tMinimum Value:"); + dmi_current_probe_value(WORD(data + 0x08)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tResolution:"); + dmi_current_probe_resolution(WORD(data + 0x0A)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tTolerance:"); + dmi_current_probe_value(WORD(data + 0x0C)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tAccuracy:"); + dmi_probe_accuracy(WORD(data + 0x0E)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tOEM-specific Information: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(data + 0x10)); + if (h->length < 0x16) break; + printf("\tNominal Value:"); + dmi_current_probe_value(WORD(data + 0x14)); + printf("\n"); + break; + + case 30: /* 7.31 Out-of-band Remote Access */ + printf("Out-of-band Remote Access\n"); + if (h->length < 0x06) break; + printf("\tManufacturer Name: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tInbound Connection: %s\n", + data[0x05] & (1 << 0) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); + printf("\tOutbound Connection: %s\n", + data[0x05] & (1 << 1) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); + break; + + case 31: /* 7.32 Boot Integrity Services Entry Point */ + printf("Boot Integrity Services Entry Point\n"); + if (h->length < 0x1C) break; + printf("\tChecksum: %s\n", + checksum(data, h->length) ? "OK" : "Invalid"); + printf("\t16-bit Entry Point Address: %04X:%04X\n", + DWORD(data + 0x08) >> 16, + DWORD(data + 0x08) & 0xFFFF); + printf("\t32-bit Entry Point Address: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(data + 0x0C)); + break; + + case 32: /* 7.33 System Boot Information */ + printf("System Boot Information\n"); + if (h->length < 0x0B) break; + printf("\tStatus: %s\n", + dmi_system_boot_status(data[0x0A])); + break; + + case 33: /* 7.34 64-bit Memory Error Information */ + if (h->length < 0x1F) break; + printf("64-bit Memory Error Information\n"); + printf("\tType: %s\n", + dmi_memory_error_type(data[0x04])); + printf("\tGranularity: %s\n", + dmi_memory_error_granularity(data[0x05])); + printf("\tOperation: %s\n", + dmi_memory_error_operation(data[0x06])); + printf("\tVendor Syndrome:"); + dmi_memory_error_syndrome(DWORD(data + 0x07)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tMemory Array Address:"); + dmi_64bit_memory_error_address(QWORD(data + 0x0B)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tDevice Address:"); + dmi_64bit_memory_error_address(QWORD(data + 0x13)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tResolution:"); + dmi_32bit_memory_error_address(DWORD(data + 0x1B)); + printf("\n"); + break; + + case 34: /* 7.35 Management Device */ + printf("Management Device\n"); + if (h->length < 0x0B) break; + printf("\tDescription: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tType: %s\n", + dmi_management_device_type(data[0x05])); + printf("\tAddress: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(data + 0x06)); + printf("\tAddress Type: %s\n", + dmi_management_device_address_type(data[0x0A])); + break; + + case 35: /* 7.36 Management Device Component */ + printf("Management Device Component\n"); + if (h->length < 0x0B) break; + printf("\tDescription: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + { + printf("\tManagement Device Handle: 0x%04X\n", + WORD(data + 0x05)); + printf("\tComponent Handle: 0x%04X\n", + WORD(data + 0x07)); + if (WORD(data + 0x09) != 0xFFFF) + printf("\tThreshold Handle: 0x%04X\n", + WORD(data + 0x09)); + } + break; + + case 36: /* 7.37 Management Device Threshold Data */ + printf("Management Device Threshold Data\n"); + if (h->length < 0x10) break; + if (WORD(data + 0x04) != 0x8000) + printf("\tLower Non-critical Threshold: %d\n", + (i16)WORD(data + 0x04)); + if (WORD(data + 0x06) != 0x8000) + printf("\tUpper Non-critical Threshold: %d\n", + (i16)WORD(data + 0x06)); + if (WORD(data + 0x08) != 0x8000) + printf("\tLower Critical Threshold: %d\n", + (i16)WORD(data + 0x08)); + if (WORD(data + 0x0A) != 0x8000) + printf("\tUpper Critical Threshold: %d\n", + (i16)WORD(data + 0x0A)); + if (WORD(data + 0x0C) != 0x8000) + printf("\tLower Non-recoverable Threshold: %d\n", + (i16)WORD(data + 0x0C)); + if (WORD(data + 0x0E) != 0x8000) + printf("\tUpper Non-recoverable Threshold: %d\n", + (i16)WORD(data + 0x0E)); + break; + + case 37: /* 7.38 Memory Channel */ + printf("Memory Channel\n"); + if (h->length < 0x07) break; + printf("\tType: %s\n", + dmi_memory_channel_type(data[0x04])); + printf("\tMaximal Load: %u\n", + data[0x05]); + printf("\tDevices: %u\n", + data[0x06]); + if (h->length < 0x07 + 3 * data[0x06]) break; + dmi_memory_channel_devices(data[0x06], data + 0x07, "\t"); + break; + + case 38: /* 7.39 IPMI Device Information */ + /* + * We use the word "Version" instead of "Revision", conforming to + * the IPMI specification. + */ + printf("IPMI Device Information\n"); + if (h->length < 0x10) break; + printf("\tInterface Type: %s\n", + dmi_ipmi_interface_type(data[0x04])); + printf("\tSpecification Version: %u.%u\n", + data[0x05] >> 4, data[0x05] & 0x0F); + printf("\tI2C Slave Address: 0x%02x\n", + data[0x06] >> 1); + if (data[0x07] != 0xFF) + printf("\tNV Storage Device Address: %u\n", + data[0x07]); + else + printf("\tNV Storage Device: Not Present\n"); + printf("\tBase Address: "); + dmi_ipmi_base_address(data[0x04], data + 0x08, + h->length < 0x11 ? 0 : (data[0x10] >> 4) & 1); + printf("\n"); + if (h->length < 0x12) break; + if (data[0x04] != 0x04) + { + printf("\tRegister Spacing: %s\n", + dmi_ipmi_register_spacing(data[0x10] >> 6)); + if (data[0x10] & (1 << 3)) + { + printf("\tInterrupt Polarity: %s\n", + data[0x10] & (1 << 1) ? "Active High" : "Active Low"); + printf("\tInterrupt Trigger Mode: %s\n", + data[0x10] & (1 << 0) ? "Level" : "Edge"); + } + } + if (data[0x11] != 0x00) + { + printf("\tInterrupt Number: %u\n", + data[0x11]); + } + break; + + case 39: /* 7.40 System Power Supply */ + printf("System Power Supply\n"); + if (h->length < 0x10) break; + if (data[0x04] != 0x00) + printf("\tPower Unit Group: %u\n", + data[0x04]); + printf("\tLocation: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x05])); + printf("\tName: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x06])); + printf("\tManufacturer: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x07])); + printf("\tSerial Number: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x08])); + printf("\tAsset Tag: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x09])); + printf("\tModel Part Number: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x0A])); + printf("\tRevision: %s\n", + dmi_string(h, data[0x0B])); + printf("\tMax Power Capacity:"); + dmi_power_supply_power(WORD(data + 0x0C)); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tStatus:"); + if (WORD(data + 0x0E) & (1 << 1)) + printf(" Present, %s", + dmi_power_supply_status((WORD(data + 0x0E) >> 7) & 0x07)); + else + printf(" Not Present"); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tType: %s\n", + dmi_power_supply_type((WORD(data + 0x0E) >> 10) & 0x0F)); + printf("\tInput Voltage Range Switching: %s\n", + dmi_power_supply_range_switching((WORD(data + 0x0E) >> 3) & 0x0F)); + printf("\tPlugged: %s\n", + WORD(data + 0x0E) & (1 << 2) ? "No" : "Yes"); + printf("\tHot Replaceable: %s\n", + WORD(data + 0x0E) & (1 << 0) ? "Yes" : "No"); + if (h->length < 0x16) break; + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + { + if (WORD(data + 0x10) != 0xFFFF) + printf("\tInput Voltage Probe Handle: 0x%04X\n", + WORD(data + 0x10)); + if (WORD(data + 0x12) != 0xFFFF) + printf("\tCooling Device Handle: 0x%04X\n", + WORD(data + 0x12)); + if (WORD(data + 0x14) != 0xFFFF) + printf("\tInput Current Probe Handle: 0x%04X\n", + WORD(data + 0x14)); + } + break; + + case 40: /* 7.41 Additional Information */ + if (h->length < 0x0B) break; + if (opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET) + return; + dmi_additional_info(h, ""); + break; + + case 41: /* 7.42 Onboard Device Extended Information */ + printf("Onboard Device\n"); + if (h->length < 0x0B) break; + printf("\tReference Designation: %s\n", dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tType: %s\n", + dmi_on_board_devices_type(data[0x05] & 0x7F)); + printf("\tStatus: %s\n", + data[0x05] & 0x80 ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); + printf("\tType Instance: %u\n", data[0x06]); + dmi_slot_segment_bus_func(WORD(data + 0x07), data[0x09], data[0x0A], "\t"); + break; + + case 42: /* 7.43 Management Controller Host Interface */ + printf("Management Controller Host Interface\n"); + if (ver < 0x0302) + { + if (h->length < 0x05) break; + printf("\tInterface Type: %s\n", + dmi_management_controller_host_type(data[0x04])); + /* + * There you have a type-dependent, variable-length + * part in the middle of the structure, with no + * length specifier, so no easy way to decode the + * common, final part of the structure. What a pity. + */ + if (h->length < 0x09) break; + if (data[0x04] == 0xF0) /* OEM */ + { + printf("\tVendor ID: 0x%02X%02X%02X%02X\n", + data[0x05], data[0x06], data[0x07], + data[0x08]); + } + } + else + dmi_parse_controller_structure(h, "\t"); + break; + + case 43: /* 7.44 TPM Device */ + printf("TPM Device\n"); + if (h->length < 0x1B) break; + printf("\tVendor ID:"); + dmi_tpm_vendor_id(data + 0x04); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tSpecification Version: %d.%d", data[0x08], data[0x09]); + switch (data[0x08]) + { + case 0x01: + /* + * We skip the first 2 bytes, which are + * redundant with the above, and uncoded + * in a silly way. + */ + printf("\tFirmware Revision: %u.%u\n", + data[0x0C], data[0x0D]); + break; + case 0x02: + printf("\tFirmware Revision: %u.%u\n", + DWORD(data + 0x0A) >> 16, + DWORD(data + 0x0A) & 0xFFFF); + /* + * We skip the next 4 bytes, as their + * format is not standardized and their + * usefulness seems limited anyway. + */ + break; + } + printf("\tDescription: %s", dmi_string(h, data[0x12])); + printf("\tCharacteristics:\n"); + dmi_tpm_characteristics(QWORD(data + 0x13), "\t\t"); + if (h->length < 0x1F) break; + printf("\tOEM-specific Information: 0x%08X\n", + DWORD(data + 0x1B)); + break; + + case 126: /* 7.44 Inactive */ + printf("Inactive\n"); + break; + + case 127: /* 7.45 End Of Table */ + printf("End Of Table\n"); + break; + + default: + if (dmi_decode_oem(h)) + break; + if (opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET) + return; + printf("%s Type\n", + h->type >= 128 ? "OEM-specific" : "Unknown"); + dmi_dump(h, "\t"); + } + printf("\n"); +} + +static void to_dmi_header(struct dmi_header *h, u8 *data) +{ + h->type = data[0]; + h->length = data[1]; + h->handle = WORD(data + 2); + h->data = data; +} + +static void dmi_table_string(const struct dmi_header *h, const u8 *data, u16 ver) +{ + int key; + u8 offset = opt.string->offset; + + if (opt.string->type == 11) /* OEM strings */ + { + if (h->length < 5 || offset > data[4]) + { + fprintf(stderr, "No OEM string number %u\n", offset); + return; + } + + if (offset) + printf("%s\n", dmi_string(h, offset)); + else + printf("%u\n", data[4]); /* count */ + return; + } + + if (offset >= h->length) + return; + + key = (opt.string->type << 8) | offset; + switch (key) + { + case 0x108: + dmi_system_uuid(data + offset, ver); + printf("\n"); + break; + case 0x305: + printf("%s\n", dmi_chassis_type(data[offset])); + break; + case 0x406: + printf("%s\n", dmi_processor_family(h, ver)); + break; + case 0x416: + dmi_processor_frequency(data + offset); + printf("\n"); + break; + default: + printf("%s\n", dmi_string(h, data[offset])); + } +} + +static void dmi_table_dump(const u8 *buf, u32 len) +{ + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("# Writing %d bytes to %s.\n", len, opt.dumpfile); + write_dump(32, len, buf, opt.dumpfile, 0); +} + +static void dmi_table_decode(u8 *buf, u32 len, u16 num, u16 ver, u32 flags) +{ + u8 *data; + int i = 0; + + data = buf; + while ((i < num || !num) + && data + 4 <= buf + len) /* 4 is the length of an SMBIOS structure header */ + { + u8 *next; + struct dmi_header h; + int display; + + to_dmi_header(&h, data); + display = ((opt.type == NULL || opt.type[h.type]) + && (opt.handle == ~0U || opt.handle == h.handle) + && !((opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET) && (h.type == 126 || h.type == 127)) + && !opt.string); + + /* + * If a short entry is found (less than 4 bytes), not only it + * is invalid, but we cannot reliably locate the next entry. + * Better stop at this point, and let the user know his/her + * table is broken. + */ + if (h.length < 4) + { + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + { + fprintf(stderr, + "Invalid entry length (%u). DMI table " + "is broken! Stop.\n\n", + (unsigned int)h.length); + opt.flags |= FLAG_QUIET; + } + break; + } + i++; + + /* In quiet mode, stop decoding at end of table marker */ + if ((opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET) && h.type == 127) + break; + + if (display + && (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET) || (opt.flags & FLAG_DUMP))) + printf("Handle 0x%04X, DMI type %d, %d bytes\n", + h.handle, h.type, h.length); + + /* Look for the next handle */ + next = data + h.length; + while ((unsigned long)(next - buf + 1) < len + && (next[0] != 0 || next[1] != 0)) + next++; + next += 2; + + /* Make sure the whole structure fits in the table */ + if ((unsigned long)(next - buf) > len) + { + if (display && !(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("\t\n\n"); + data = next; + break; + } + + /* assign vendor for vendor-specific decodes later */ + if (h.type == 1 && h.length >= 5) + dmi_set_vendor(dmi_string(&h, data[0x04])); + + /* Fixup a common mistake */ + if (h.type == 34) + dmi_fixup_type_34(&h, display); + + if (display) + { + if (opt.flags & FLAG_DUMP) + { + dmi_dump(&h, "\t"); + printf("\n"); + } + else + dmi_decode(&h, ver); + } + else if (opt.string != NULL + && opt.string->type == h.type) + dmi_table_string(&h, data, ver); + + data = next; + + /* SMBIOS v3 requires stopping at this marker */ + if (h.type == 127 && (flags & FLAG_STOP_AT_EOT)) + break; + } + + /* + * SMBIOS v3 64-bit entry points do not announce a structures count, + * and only indicate a maximum size for the table. + */ + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + { + if (num && i != num) + fprintf(stderr, "Wrong DMI structures count: %d announced, " + "only %d decoded.\n", num, i); + if ((unsigned long)(data - buf) > len + || (num && (unsigned long)(data - buf) < len)) + fprintf(stderr, "Wrong DMI structures length: %u bytes " + "announced, structures occupy %lu bytes.\n", + len, (unsigned long)(data - buf)); + } +} + +static void dmi_table(off_t base, u32 len, u16 num, u32 ver, const char *devmem, + u32 flags) +{ + u8 *buf; + + if (ver > SUPPORTED_SMBIOS_VER && !(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + { + printf("# SMBIOS implementations newer than version %u.%u.%u are not\n" + "# fully supported by this version of dmidecode.\n", + SUPPORTED_SMBIOS_VER >> 16, + (SUPPORTED_SMBIOS_VER >> 8) & 0xFF, + SUPPORTED_SMBIOS_VER & 0xFF); + } + + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + { + if (opt.type == NULL) + { + if (num) + printf("%u structures occupying %u bytes.\n", + num, len); + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_FROM_DUMP)) + printf("Table at 0x%08llX.\n", + (unsigned long long)base); + } + printf("\n"); + } + + if ((flags & FLAG_NO_FILE_OFFSET) || (opt.flags & FLAG_FROM_DUMP)) + { + /* + * When reading from sysfs or from a dump file, the file may be + * shorter than announced. For SMBIOS v3 this is expcted, as we + * only know the maximum table size, not the actual table size. + * For older implementations (and for SMBIOS v3 too), this + * would be the result of the kernel truncating the table on + * parse error. + */ + size_t size = len; + buf = read_file(flags & FLAG_NO_FILE_OFFSET ? 0 : base, + &size, devmem); + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET) && num && size != (size_t)len) + { + fprintf(stderr, "Wrong DMI structures length: %u bytes " + "announced, only %lu bytes available.\n", + len, (unsigned long)size); + } + len = size; + } + else + buf = mem_chunk(base, len, devmem); + + if (buf == NULL) + { + fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read table, sorry.\n"); +#ifndef USE_MMAP + if (!(flags & FLAG_NO_FILE_OFFSET)) + fprintf(stderr, + "Try compiling dmidecode with -DUSE_MMAP.\n"); +#endif + return; + } + + if (opt.flags & FLAG_DUMP_BIN) + dmi_table_dump(buf, len); + else + dmi_table_decode(buf, len, num, ver >> 8, flags); + + free(buf); +} + + +/* + * Build a crafted entry point with table address hard-coded to 32, + * as this is where we will put it in the output file. We adjust the + * DMI checksum appropriately. The SMBIOS checksum needs no adjustment. + */ +static void overwrite_dmi_address(u8 *buf) +{ + buf[0x05] += buf[0x08] + buf[0x09] + buf[0x0A] + buf[0x0B] - 32; + buf[0x08] = 32; + buf[0x09] = 0; + buf[0x0A] = 0; + buf[0x0B] = 0; +} + +/* Same thing for SMBIOS3 entry points */ +static void overwrite_smbios3_address(u8 *buf) +{ + buf[0x05] += buf[0x10] + buf[0x11] + buf[0x12] + buf[0x13] + + buf[0x14] + buf[0x15] + buf[0x16] + buf[0x17] - 32; + buf[0x10] = 32; + buf[0x11] = 0; + buf[0x12] = 0; + buf[0x13] = 0; + buf[0x14] = 0; + buf[0x15] = 0; + buf[0x16] = 0; + buf[0x17] = 0; +} + +static int smbios3_decode(u8 *buf, const char *devmem, u32 flags) +{ + u32 ver; + u64 offset; + + /* Don't let checksum run beyond the buffer */ + if (buf[0x06] > 0x20) + { + fprintf(stderr, + "Entry point length too large (%u bytes, expected %u).\n", + (unsigned int)buf[0x06], 0x18U); + return 0; + } + + if (!checksum(buf, buf[0x06])) + return 0; + + ver = (buf[0x07] << 16) + (buf[0x08] << 8) + buf[0x09]; + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("SMBIOS %u.%u.%u present.\n", + buf[0x07], buf[0x08], buf[0x09]); + + offset = QWORD(buf + 0x10); + if (!(flags & FLAG_NO_FILE_OFFSET) && offset.h && sizeof(off_t) < 8) + { + fprintf(stderr, "64-bit addresses not supported, sorry.\n"); + return 0; + } + + dmi_table(((off_t)offset.h << 32) | offset.l, + DWORD(buf + 0x0C), 0, ver, devmem, flags | FLAG_STOP_AT_EOT); + + if (opt.flags & FLAG_DUMP_BIN) + { + u8 crafted[32]; + + memcpy(crafted, buf, 32); + overwrite_smbios3_address(crafted); + + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("# Writing %d bytes to %s.\n", crafted[0x06], + opt.dumpfile); + write_dump(0, crafted[0x06], crafted, opt.dumpfile, 1); + } + + return 1; +} + +static int smbios_decode(u8 *buf, const char *devmem, u32 flags) +{ + u16 ver; + + /* Don't let checksum run beyond the buffer */ + if (buf[0x05] > 0x20) + { + fprintf(stderr, + "Entry point length too large (%u bytes, expected %u).\n", + (unsigned int)buf[0x05], 0x1FU); + return 0; + } + + if (!checksum(buf, buf[0x05]) + || memcmp(buf + 0x10, "_DMI_", 5) != 0 + || !checksum(buf + 0x10, 0x0F)) + return 0; + + ver = (buf[0x06] << 8) + buf[0x07]; + /* Some BIOS report weird SMBIOS version, fix that up */ + switch (ver) + { + case 0x021F: + case 0x0221: + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + fprintf(stderr, + "SMBIOS version fixup (2.%d -> 2.%d).\n", + ver & 0xFF, 3); + ver = 0x0203; + break; + case 0x0233: + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + fprintf(stderr, + "SMBIOS version fixup (2.%d -> 2.%d).\n", + 51, 6); + ver = 0x0206; + break; + } + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("SMBIOS %u.%u present.\n", + ver >> 8, ver & 0xFF); + + dmi_table(DWORD(buf + 0x18), WORD(buf + 0x16), WORD(buf + 0x1C), + ver << 8, devmem, flags); + + if (opt.flags & FLAG_DUMP_BIN) + { + u8 crafted[32]; + + memcpy(crafted, buf, 32); + overwrite_dmi_address(crafted + 0x10); + + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("# Writing %d bytes to %s.\n", crafted[0x05], + opt.dumpfile); + write_dump(0, crafted[0x05], crafted, opt.dumpfile, 1); + } + + return 1; +} + +static int legacy_decode(u8 *buf, const char *devmem, u32 flags) +{ + if (!checksum(buf, 0x0F)) + return 0; + + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("Legacy DMI %u.%u present.\n", + buf[0x0E] >> 4, buf[0x0E] & 0x0F); + + dmi_table(DWORD(buf + 0x08), WORD(buf + 0x06), WORD(buf + 0x0C), + ((buf[0x0E] & 0xF0) << 12) + ((buf[0x0E] & 0x0F) << 8), + devmem, flags); + + if (opt.flags & FLAG_DUMP_BIN) + { + u8 crafted[16]; + + memcpy(crafted, buf, 16); + overwrite_dmi_address(crafted); + + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("# Writing %d bytes to %s.\n", 0x0F, + opt.dumpfile); + write_dump(0, 0x0F, crafted, opt.dumpfile, 1); + } + + return 1; +} + +/* + * Probe for EFI interface + */ +#define EFI_NOT_FOUND (-1) +#define EFI_NO_SMBIOS (-2) +static int address_from_efi(off_t *address) +{ +#if defined(__linux__) + FILE *efi_systab; + const char *filename; + char linebuf[64]; +#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) + char addrstr[KENV_MVALLEN + 1]; +#endif + const char *eptype; + int ret; + + *address = 0; /* Prevent compiler warning */ + +#if defined(__linux__) + /* + * Linux up to 2.6.6: /proc/efi/systab + * Linux 2.6.7 and up: /sys/firmware/efi/systab + */ + if ((efi_systab = fopen(filename = "/sys/firmware/efi/systab", "r")) == NULL + && (efi_systab = fopen(filename = "/proc/efi/systab", "r")) == NULL) + { + /* No EFI interface, fallback to memory scan */ + return EFI_NOT_FOUND; + } + ret = EFI_NO_SMBIOS; + while ((fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf) - 1, efi_systab)) != NULL) + { + char *addrp = strchr(linebuf, '='); + *(addrp++) = '\0'; + if (strcmp(linebuf, "SMBIOS3") == 0 + || strcmp(linebuf, "SMBIOS") == 0) + { + *address = strtoull(addrp, NULL, 0); + eptype = linebuf; + ret = 0; + break; + } + } + if (fclose(efi_systab) != 0) + perror(filename); + + if (ret == EFI_NO_SMBIOS) + fprintf(stderr, "%s: SMBIOS entry point missing\n", filename); +#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) + /* + * On FreeBSD, SMBIOS anchor base address in UEFI mode is exposed + * via kernel environment: + * + */ + ret = kenv(KENV_GET, "hint.smbios.0.mem", addrstr, sizeof(addrstr)); + if (ret == -1) + { + if (errno != ENOENT) + perror("kenv"); + return EFI_NOT_FOUND; + } + + *address = strtoull(addrstr, NULL, 0); + eptype = "SMBIOS"; + ret = 0; +#else + ret = EFI_NOT_FOUND; +#endif + + if (ret == 0 && !(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("# %s entry point at 0x%08llx\n", + eptype, (unsigned long long)*address); + + return ret; +} + +int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) +{ + int ret = 0; /* Returned value */ + int found = 0; + off_t fp; + size_t size; + int efi; + u8 *buf; + + /* + * We don't want stdout and stderr to be mixed up if both are + * redirected to the same file. + */ + setlinebuf(stdout); + setlinebuf(stderr); + + if (sizeof(u8) != 1 || sizeof(u16) != 2 || sizeof(u32) != 4 || '\0' != 0) + { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: compiler incompatibility\n", argv[0]); + exit(255); + } + + /* Set default option values */ + opt.devmem = DEFAULT_MEM_DEV; + opt.flags = 0; + opt.handle = ~0U; + + if (parse_command_line(argc, argv)<0) + { + ret = 2; + goto exit_free; + } + + if (opt.flags & FLAG_HELP) + { + print_help(); + goto exit_free; + } + + if (opt.flags & FLAG_VERSION) + { + printf("%s\n", VERSION); + goto exit_free; + } + + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("# dmidecode %s\n", VERSION); + + /* Read from dump if so instructed */ + if (opt.flags & FLAG_FROM_DUMP) + { + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("Reading SMBIOS/DMI data from file %s.\n", + opt.dumpfile); + if ((buf = mem_chunk(0, 0x20, opt.dumpfile)) == NULL) + { + ret = 1; + goto exit_free; + } + + if (memcmp(buf, "_SM3_", 5) == 0) + { + if (smbios3_decode(buf, opt.dumpfile, 0)) + found++; + } + else if (memcmp(buf, "_SM_", 4) == 0) + { + if (smbios_decode(buf, opt.dumpfile, 0)) + found++; + } + else if (memcmp(buf, "_DMI_", 5) == 0) + { + if (legacy_decode(buf, opt.dumpfile, 0)) + found++; + } + goto done; + } + + /* + * First try reading from sysfs tables. The entry point file could + * contain one of several types of entry points, so read enough for + * the largest one, then determine what type it contains. + */ + size = 0x20; + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_NO_SYSFS) + && (buf = read_file(0, &size, SYS_ENTRY_FILE)) != NULL) + { + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.\n"); + if (size >= 24 && memcmp(buf, "_SM3_", 5) == 0) + { + if (smbios3_decode(buf, SYS_TABLE_FILE, FLAG_NO_FILE_OFFSET)) + found++; + } + else if (size >= 31 && memcmp(buf, "_SM_", 4) == 0) + { + if (smbios_decode(buf, SYS_TABLE_FILE, FLAG_NO_FILE_OFFSET)) + found++; + } + else if (size >= 15 && memcmp(buf, "_DMI_", 5) == 0) + { + if (legacy_decode(buf, SYS_TABLE_FILE, FLAG_NO_FILE_OFFSET)) + found++; + } + + if (found) + goto done; + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("Failed to get SMBIOS data from sysfs.\n"); + } + + /* Next try EFI (ia64, Intel-based Mac) */ + efi = address_from_efi(&fp); + switch (efi) + { + case EFI_NOT_FOUND: + goto memory_scan; + case EFI_NO_SMBIOS: + ret = 1; + goto exit_free; + } + + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("Found SMBIOS entry point in EFI, reading table from %s.\n", + opt.devmem); + if ((buf = mem_chunk(fp, 0x20, opt.devmem)) == NULL) + { + ret = 1; + goto exit_free; + } + + if (memcmp(buf, "_SM3_", 5) == 0) + { + if (smbios3_decode(buf, opt.devmem, 0)) + found++; + } + else if (memcmp(buf, "_SM_", 4) == 0) + { + if (smbios_decode(buf, opt.devmem, 0)) + found++; + } + goto done; + +memory_scan: + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("Scanning %s for entry point.\n", opt.devmem); + /* Fallback to memory scan (x86, x86_64) */ + if ((buf = mem_chunk(0xF0000, 0x10000, opt.devmem)) == NULL) + { + ret = 1; + goto exit_free; + } + + /* Look for a 64-bit entry point first */ + for (fp = 0; fp <= 0xFFE0; fp += 16) + { + if (memcmp(buf + fp, "_SM3_", 5) == 0) + { + if (smbios3_decode(buf + fp, opt.devmem, 0)) + { + found++; + goto done; + } + } + } + + /* If none found, look for a 32-bit entry point */ + for (fp = 0; fp <= 0xFFF0; fp += 16) + { + if (memcmp(buf + fp, "_SM_", 4) == 0 && fp <= 0xFFE0) + { + if (smbios_decode(buf + fp, opt.devmem, 0)) + { + found++; + goto done; + } + } + else if (memcmp(buf + fp, "_DMI_", 5) == 0) + { + if (legacy_decode(buf + fp, opt.devmem, 0)) + { + found++; + goto done; + } + } + } + +done: + if (!found && !(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("# No SMBIOS nor DMI entry point found, sorry.\n"); + + free(buf); +exit_free: + free(opt.type); + + return ret; +} diff --git a/dmidecode.h b/dmidecode.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20e7e96 --- /dev/null +++ b/dmidecode.h @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +/* + * This file is part of the dmidecode project. + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Jean Delvare + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + */ + +#include "types.h" + +struct dmi_header +{ + u8 type; + u8 length; + u16 handle; + u8 *data; +}; + +int is_printable(const u8 *data, int len); +const char *dmi_string(const struct dmi_header *dm, u8 s); diff --git a/dmioem.c b/dmioem.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a9bd82 --- /dev/null +++ b/dmioem.c @@ -0,0 +1,423 @@ +/* + * Decoding of OEM-specific entries + * This file is part of the dmidecode project. + * + * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Jean Delvare + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + */ + +#include +#include + +#include "types.h" +#include "dmidecode.h" +#include "dmioem.h" + +/* + * Globals for vendor-specific decodes + */ + +enum DMI_VENDORS +{ + VENDOR_UNKNOWN, + VENDOR_ACER, + VENDOR_HP, + VENDOR_HPE, + VENDOR_IBM, + VENDOR_LENOVO, +}; + +static enum DMI_VENDORS dmi_vendor = VENDOR_UNKNOWN; + +/* + * Remember the system vendor for later use. We only actually store the + * value if we know how to decode at least one specific entry type for + * that vendor. + */ +void dmi_set_vendor(const char *s) +{ + int len; + + /* + * Often DMI strings have trailing spaces. Ignore these + * when checking for known vendor names. + */ + len = strlen(s); + while (len && s[len - 1] == ' ') + len--; + + if (strncmp(s, "Acer", len) == 0) + dmi_vendor = VENDOR_ACER; + else if (strncmp(s, "HP", len) == 0 || strncmp(s, "Hewlett-Packard", len) == 0) + dmi_vendor = VENDOR_HP; + else if (strncmp(s, "HPE", len) == 0 || strncmp(s, "Hewlett Packard Enterprise", len) == 0) + dmi_vendor = VENDOR_HPE; + else if (strncmp(s, "IBM", len) == 0) + dmi_vendor = VENDOR_IBM; + else if (strncmp(s, "LENOVO", len) == 0) + dmi_vendor = VENDOR_LENOVO; +} + +/* + * Acer-specific data structures are decoded here. + */ + +static int dmi_decode_acer(const struct dmi_header *h) +{ + u8 *data = h->data; + u16 cap; + + switch (h->type) + { + case 170: + /* + * Vendor Specific: Acer Hotkey Function + * + * Source: acer-wmi kernel driver + * + * Probably applies to some laptop models of other + * brands, including Fujitsu-Siemens, Medion, Lenovo, + * and eMachines. + */ + printf("Acer Hotkey Function\n"); + if (h->length < 0x0F) break; + cap = WORD(data + 0x04); + printf("\tFunction bitmap for Communication Button: 0x%04hx\n", cap); + printf("\t\tWiFi: %s\n", cap & 0x0001 ? "Yes" : "No"); + printf("\t\t3G: %s\n", cap & 0x0040 ? "Yes" : "No"); + printf("\t\tWiMAX: %s\n", cap & 0x0080 ? "Yes" : "No"); + printf("\t\tBluetooth: %s\n", cap & 0x0800 ? "Yes" : "No"); + printf("\tFunction bitmap for Application Button: 0x%04hx\n", WORD(data + 0x06)); + printf("\tFunction bitmap for Media Button: 0x%04hx\n", WORD(data + 0x08)); + printf("\tFunction bitmap for Display Button: 0x%04hx\n", WORD(data + 0x0A)); + printf("\tFunction bitmap for Others Button: 0x%04hx\n", WORD(data + 0x0C)); + printf("\tCommunication Function Key Number: %d\n", data[0x0E]); + break; + + default: + return 0; + } + return 1; +} + +/* + * HPE-specific data structures are decoded here. + * + * Code contributed by John Cagle and Tyler Bell. + */ + +static void dmi_print_hp_net_iface_rec(u8 id, u8 bus, u8 dev, const u8 *mac) +{ + /* Some systems do not provide an id. nic_ctr provides an artificial + * id, and assumes the records will be provided "in order". Also, + * using 0xFF marker is not future proof. 256 NICs is a lot, but + * 640K ought to be enough for anybody(said no one, ever). + * */ + static u8 nic_ctr; + + if (id == 0xFF) + id = ++nic_ctr; + + if (dev == 0x00 && bus == 0x00) + printf("\tNIC %d: Disabled\n", id); + else if (dev == 0xFF && bus == 0xFF) + printf("\tNIC %d: Not Installed\n", id); + else + { + printf("\tNIC %d: PCI device %02x:%02x.%x, " + "MAC address %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n", + id, bus, dev >> 3, dev & 7, + mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]); + } +} + +static int dmi_decode_hp(const struct dmi_header *h) +{ + u8 *data = h->data; + int nic, ptr; + u32 feat; + const char *company = (dmi_vendor == VENDOR_HP) ? "HP" : "HPE"; + + switch (h->type) + { + case 204: + /* + * Vendor Specific: HPE ProLiant System/Rack Locator + */ + printf("%s ProLiant System/Rack Locator\n", company); + if (h->length < 0x0B) break; + printf("\tRack Name: %s\n", dmi_string(h, data[0x04])); + printf("\tEnclosure Name: %s\n", dmi_string(h, data[0x05])); + printf("\tEnclosure Model: %s\n", dmi_string(h, data[0x06])); + printf("\tEnclosure Serial: %s\n", dmi_string(h, data[0x0A])); + printf("\tEnclosure Bays: %d\n", data[0x08]); + printf("\tServer Bay: %s\n", dmi_string(h, data[0x07])); + printf("\tBays Filled: %d\n", data[0x09]); + break; + + case 209: + case 221: + /* + * Vendor Specific: HPE ProLiant NIC MAC Information + * + * This prints the BIOS NIC number, + * PCI bus/device/function, and MAC address + * + * Type 209: + * Offset | Name | Width | Description + * ------------------------------------- + * 0x00 | Type | BYTE | 0xD1, MAC Info + * 0x01 | Length | BYTE | Length of structure + * 0x02 | Handle | WORD | Unique handle + * 0x04 | Dev No | BYTE | PCI Device/Function No + * 0x05 | Bus No | BYTE | PCI Bus + * 0x06 | MAC | 6B | MAC addr + * 0x0C | NIC #2 | 8B | Repeat 0x04-0x0B + * + * Type 221: is deprecated in the latest docs + */ + printf("%s %s\n", company, + h->type == 221 ? + "BIOS iSCSI NIC PCI and MAC Information" : + "BIOS PXE NIC PCI and MAC Information"); + nic = 1; + ptr = 4; + while (h->length >= ptr + 8) + { + dmi_print_hp_net_iface_rec(nic, + data[ptr + 0x01], + data[ptr], + &data[ptr + 0x02]); + nic++; + ptr += 8; + } + break; + + case 233: + /* + * Vendor Specific: HPE ProLiant NIC MAC Information + * + * This prints the BIOS NIC number, + * PCI bus/device/function, and MAC address + * + * Offset | Name | Width | Description + * ------------------------------------- + * 0x00 | Type | BYTE | 0xE9, NIC structure + * 0x01 | Length | BYTE | Length of structure + * 0x02 | Handle | WORD | Unique handle + * 0x04 | Grp No | WORD | 0 for single segment + * 0x06 | Bus No | BYTE | PCI Bus + * 0x07 | Dev No | BYTE | PCI Device/Function No + * 0x08 | MAC | 32B | MAC addr padded w/ 0s + * 0x28 | Port No| BYTE | Each NIC maps to a Port + */ + printf("%s BIOS PXE NIC PCI and MAC Information\n", company); + if (h->length < 0x0E) break; + /* If the record isn't long enough, we don't have an ID + * use 0xFF to use the internal counter. + * */ + nic = h->length > 0x28 ? data[0x28] : 0xFF; + dmi_print_hp_net_iface_rec(nic, data[0x06], data[0x07], + &data[0x08]); + break; + + case 212: + /* + * Vendor Specific: HPE 64-bit CRU Information + * + * Source: hpwdt kernel driver + */ + printf("%s 64-bit CRU Information\n", company); + if (h->length < 0x18) break; + printf("\tSignature: 0x%08x", DWORD(data + 0x04)); + if (is_printable(data + 0x04, 4)) + printf(" (%c%c%c%c)", data[0x04], data[0x05], + data[0x06], data[0x07]); + printf("\n"); + if (DWORD(data + 0x04) == 0x55524324) + { + u64 paddr = QWORD(data + 0x08); + paddr.l += DWORD(data + 0x14); + if (paddr.l < DWORD(data + 0x14)) + paddr.h++; + printf("\tPhysical Address: 0x%08x%08x\n", + paddr.h, paddr.l); + printf("\tLength: 0x%08x\n", DWORD(data + 0x10)); + } + break; + + case 219: + /* + * Vendor Specific: HPE ProLiant Information + * + * Source: hpwdt kernel driver + */ + printf("%s ProLiant Information\n", company); + if (h->length < 0x08) break; + printf("\tPower Features: 0x%08x\n", DWORD(data + 0x04)); + if (h->length < 0x0C) break; + printf("\tOmega Features: 0x%08x\n", DWORD(data + 0x08)); + if (h->length < 0x14) break; + feat = DWORD(data + 0x10); + printf("\tMisc. Features: 0x%08x\n", feat); + printf("\t\tiCRU: %s\n", feat & 0x0001 ? "Yes" : "No"); + printf("\t\tUEFI: %s\n", feat & 0x1400 ? "Yes" : "No"); + break; + + default: + return 0; + } + return 1; +} + +static int dmi_decode_ibm_lenovo(const struct dmi_header *h) +{ + u8 *data = h->data; + + switch (h->type) + { + case 131: + /* + * Vendor Specific: ThinkVantage Technologies feature bits + * + * Source: Compal hel81 Service Manual Software Specification, + * documented under "System Management BIOS(SM BIOS) + * version 2.4 or greater" + * + * Offset | Name | Width | Description + * ---------------------------------------------- + * 0x00 | Type | BYTE | 0x83 + * 0x01 | Length | BYTE | 0x16 + * 0x02 | Handle | WORD | Varies + * 0x04 | Version | BYTE | 0x01 + * 0x05 | TVT Structure | BYTEx16 | Each of the 128 bits represents a TVT feature: + * | | | - bit 127 means diagnostics (PC Doctor) is available + * | | | ( + * | | | - the rest (126-0) are reserved/unknown + * + * It must also be followed by a string containing + * "TVT-Enablement". There exist other type 131 records + * with different length and a different string, for + * other purposes. + */ + + if (h->length != 0x16 + || strcmp(dmi_string(h, 1), "TVT-Enablement") != 0) + return 0; + + printf("ThinkVantage Technologies\n"); + printf("\tVersion: %u\n", data[0x04]); + printf("\tDiagnostics: %s\n", + data[0x14] & 0x80 ? "Available" : "No"); + break; + + case 135: + /* + * Vendor Specific: Device Presence Detection bits + * + * Source: Compal hel81 Service Manual Software Specification, + * documented as "SMBIOS Type 135: Bulk for Lenovo + * Mobile PC Unique OEM Data" under appendix D. + * + * Offset | Name | Width | Description + * --------------------------------------------------- + * 0x00 | Type | BYTE | 0x87 + * 0x01 | Length | BYTE | 0x0A + * 0x02 | Handle | WORD | Varies + * 0x04 | Signature | WORD | 0x5054 (ASCII for "TP") + * 0x06 | OEM struct offset | BYTE | 0x07 + * 0x07 | OEM struct number | BYTE | 0x03, for this structure + * 0x08 | OEM struct revision | BYTE | 0x01, for this format + * 0x09 | Device presence bits | BYTE | Each of the 8 bits indicates device presence: + * | | | - bit 0 indicates the presence of a fingerprint reader + * | | | - the rest (7-1) are reserved/unknown + * + * Other OEM struct number+rev combinations have been + * seen in the wild but we don't know how to decode + * them. + */ + + if (h->length < 0x0A || data[0x04] != 'T' || data[0x05] != 'P') + return 0; + + /* Bail out if not the expected format */ + if (data[0x06] != 0x07 || data[0x07] != 0x03 || data[0x08] != 0x01) + return 0; + + printf("ThinkPad Device Presence Detection\n"); + printf("\tFingerprint Reader: %s\n", + data[0x09] & 0x01 ? "Present" : "No"); + break; + + case 140: + /* + * Vendor Specific: ThinkPad Embedded Controller Program + * + * Source: some guesswork, and publicly available information; + * Lenovo's BIOS update READMEs often contain the ECP IDs + * which match the first string in this type. + * + * Offset | Name | Width | Description + * ---------------------------------------------------- + * 0x00 | Type | BYTE | 0x8C + * 0x01 | Length | BYTE | + * 0x02 | Handle | WORD | Varies + * 0x04 | Signature | BYTEx6 | ASCII for "LENOVO" + * 0x0A | OEM struct offset | BYTE | 0x0B + * 0x0B | OEM struct number | BYTE | 0x07, for this structure + * 0x0C | OEM struct revision | BYTE | 0x01, for this format + * 0x0D | ECP version ID | STRING | + * 0x0E | ECP release date | STRING | + */ + + if (h->length < 0x0F || memcmp(data + 4, "LENOVO", 6) != 0) + return 0; + + /* Bail out if not the expected format */ + if (data[0x0A] != 0x0B || data[0x0B] != 0x07 || data[0x0C] != 0x01) + return 0; + + printf("ThinkPad Embedded Controller Program\n"); + printf("\tVersion ID: %s\n", dmi_string(h, 1)); + printf("\tRelease Date: %s\n", dmi_string(h, 2)); + break; + + default: + return 0; + } + return 1; +} + +/* + * Dispatch vendor-specific entries decoding + * Return 1 if decoding was successful, 0 otherwise + */ +int dmi_decode_oem(const struct dmi_header *h) +{ + switch (dmi_vendor) + { + case VENDOR_HP: + case VENDOR_HPE: + return dmi_decode_hp(h); + case VENDOR_ACER: + return dmi_decode_acer(h); + case VENDOR_IBM: + case VENDOR_LENOVO: + return dmi_decode_ibm_lenovo(h); + default: + return 0; + } +} diff --git a/dmioem.h b/dmioem.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3916766 --- /dev/null +++ b/dmioem.h @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +/* + * Decoding of OEM-specific entries + * This file is part of the dmidecode project. + * + * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Jean Delvare + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + */ + +struct dmi_header; + +void dmi_set_vendor(const char *s); +int dmi_decode_oem(const struct dmi_header *h); diff --git a/dmiopt.c b/dmiopt.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f285f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dmiopt.c @@ -0,0 +1,382 @@ +/* + * Command line handling of dmidecode + * This file is part of the dmidecode project. + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Jean Delvare + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "config.h" +#include "types.h" +#include "util.h" +#include "dmidecode.h" +#include "dmiopt.h" + + +/* Options are global */ +struct opt opt; + + +/* + * Handling of option --type + */ + +struct type_keyword +{ + const char *keyword; + const u8 *type; +}; + +static const u8 opt_type_bios[] = { 0, 13, 255 }; +static const u8 opt_type_system[] = { 1, 12, 15, 23, 32, 255 }; +static const u8 opt_type_baseboard[] = { 2, 10, 41, 255 }; +static const u8 opt_type_chassis[] = { 3, 255 }; +static const u8 opt_type_processor[] = { 4, 255 }; +static const u8 opt_type_memory[] = { 5, 6, 16, 17, 255 }; +static const u8 opt_type_cache[] = { 7, 255 }; +static const u8 opt_type_connector[] = { 8, 255 }; +static const u8 opt_type_slot[] = { 9, 255 }; + +static const struct type_keyword opt_type_keyword[] = { + { "bios", opt_type_bios }, + { "system", opt_type_system }, + { "baseboard", opt_type_baseboard }, + { "chassis", opt_type_chassis }, + { "processor", opt_type_processor }, + { "memory", opt_type_memory }, + { "cache", opt_type_cache }, + { "connector", opt_type_connector }, + { "slot", opt_type_slot }, +}; + +static void print_opt_type_list(void) +{ + unsigned int i; + + fprintf(stderr, "Valid type keywords are:\n"); + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(opt_type_keyword); i++) + { + fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", opt_type_keyword[i].keyword); + } +} + +static u8 *parse_opt_type(u8 *p, const char *arg) +{ + unsigned int i; + + /* Allocate memory on first call only */ + if (p == NULL) + { + p = (u8 *)calloc(256, sizeof(u8)); + if (p == NULL) + { + perror("calloc"); + return NULL; + } + } + + /* First try as a keyword */ + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(opt_type_keyword); i++) + { + if (!strcasecmp(arg, opt_type_keyword[i].keyword)) + { + int j = 0; + while (opt_type_keyword[i].type[j] != 255) + p[opt_type_keyword[i].type[j++]] = 1; + goto found; + } + } + + /* Else try as a number */ + while (*arg != '\0') + { + unsigned long val; + char *next; + + val = strtoul(arg, &next, 0); + if (next == arg || (*next != '\0' && *next != ',' && *next != ' ')) + { + fprintf(stderr, "Invalid type keyword: %s\n", arg); + print_opt_type_list(); + goto exit_free; + } + if (val > 0xff) + { + fprintf(stderr, "Invalid type number: %lu\n", val); + goto exit_free; + } + + p[val] = 1; + arg = next; + while (*arg == ',' || *arg == ' ') + arg++; + } + +found: + return p; + +exit_free: + free(p); + return NULL; +} + + +/* + * Handling of option --string + */ + +/* This lookup table could admittedly be reworked for improved performance. + Due to the low count of items in there at the moment, it did not seem + worth the additional code complexity though. */ +static const struct string_keyword opt_string_keyword[] = { + { "bios-vendor", 0, 0x04 }, + { "bios-version", 0, 0x05 }, + { "bios-release-date", 0, 0x08 }, + { "system-manufacturer", 1, 0x04 }, + { "system-product-name", 1, 0x05 }, + { "system-version", 1, 0x06 }, + { "system-serial-number", 1, 0x07 }, + { "system-uuid", 1, 0x08 }, /* dmi_system_uuid() */ + { "system-family", 1, 0x1a }, + { "baseboard-manufacturer", 2, 0x04 }, + { "baseboard-product-name", 2, 0x05 }, + { "baseboard-version", 2, 0x06 }, + { "baseboard-serial-number", 2, 0x07 }, + { "baseboard-asset-tag", 2, 0x08 }, + { "chassis-manufacturer", 3, 0x04 }, + { "chassis-type", 3, 0x05 }, /* dmi_chassis_type() */ + { "chassis-version", 3, 0x06 }, + { "chassis-serial-number", 3, 0x07 }, + { "chassis-asset-tag", 3, 0x08 }, + { "processor-family", 4, 0x06 }, /* dmi_processor_family() */ + { "processor-manufacturer", 4, 0x07 }, + { "processor-version", 4, 0x10 }, + { "processor-frequency", 4, 0x16 }, /* dmi_processor_frequency() */ +}; + +/* This is a template, 3rd field is set at runtime. */ +static struct string_keyword opt_oem_string_keyword = + { NULL, 11, 0x00 }; + +static void print_opt_string_list(void) +{ + unsigned int i; + + fprintf(stderr, "Valid string keywords are:\n"); + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(opt_string_keyword); i++) + { + fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", opt_string_keyword[i].keyword); + } +} + +static int parse_opt_string(const char *arg) +{ + unsigned int i; + + if (opt.string) + { + fprintf(stderr, "Only one string can be specified\n"); + return -1; + } + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(opt_string_keyword); i++) + { + if (!strcasecmp(arg, opt_string_keyword[i].keyword)) + { + opt.string = &opt_string_keyword[i]; + return 0; + } + } + + fprintf(stderr, "Invalid string keyword: %s\n", arg); + print_opt_string_list(); + return -1; +} + +static int parse_opt_oem_string(const char *arg) +{ + unsigned long val; + char *next; + + if (opt.string) + { + fprintf(stderr, "Only one string can be specified\n"); + return -1; + } + + /* Return the number of OEM strings */ + if (strcmp(arg, "count") == 0) + goto done; + + val = strtoul(arg, &next, 10); + if (next == arg || *next != '\0' || val == 0x00 || val > 0xff) + { + fprintf(stderr, "Invalid OEM string number: %s\n", arg); + return -1; + } + + opt_oem_string_keyword.offset = val; +done: + opt.string = &opt_oem_string_keyword; + return 0; +} + +static u32 parse_opt_handle(const char *arg) +{ + u32 val; + char *next; + + val = strtoul(arg, &next, 0); + if (next == arg || *next != '\0' || val > 0xffff) + { + fprintf(stderr, "Invalid handle number: %s\n", arg); + return ~0; + } + return val; +} + +/* + * Command line options handling + */ + +/* Return -1 on error, 0 on success */ +int parse_command_line(int argc, char * const argv[]) +{ + int option; + const char *optstring = "d:hqs:t:uH:V"; + struct option longopts[] = { + { "dev-mem", required_argument, NULL, 'd' }, + { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, + { "quiet", no_argument, NULL, 'q' }, + { "string", required_argument, NULL, 's' }, + { "type", required_argument, NULL, 't' }, + { "dump", no_argument, NULL, 'u' }, + { "dump-bin", required_argument, NULL, 'B' }, + { "from-dump", required_argument, NULL, 'F' }, + { "handle", required_argument, NULL, 'H' }, + { "oem-string", required_argument, NULL, 'O' }, + { "no-sysfs", no_argument, NULL, 'S' }, + { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'V' }, + { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } + }; + + while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, optstring, longopts, NULL)) != -1) + switch (option) + { + case 'B': + opt.flags |= FLAG_DUMP_BIN; + opt.dumpfile = optarg; + break; + case 'F': + opt.flags |= FLAG_FROM_DUMP; + opt.dumpfile = optarg; + break; + case 'd': + opt.devmem = optarg; + break; + case 'h': + opt.flags |= FLAG_HELP; + break; + case 'q': + opt.flags |= FLAG_QUIET; + break; + case 's': + if (parse_opt_string(optarg) < 0) + return -1; + opt.flags |= FLAG_QUIET; + break; + case 'O': + if (parse_opt_oem_string(optarg) < 0) + return -1; + opt.flags |= FLAG_QUIET; + break; + case 't': + opt.type = parse_opt_type(opt.type, optarg); + if (opt.type == NULL) + return -1; + break; + case 'H': + opt.handle = parse_opt_handle(optarg); + if (opt.handle == ~0U) + return -1; + break; + case 'u': + opt.flags |= FLAG_DUMP; + break; + case 'S': + opt.flags |= FLAG_NO_SYSFS; + break; + case 'V': + opt.flags |= FLAG_VERSION; + break; + case '?': + switch (optopt) + { + case 's': + fprintf(stderr, "String keyword expected\n"); + print_opt_string_list(); + break; + case 't': + fprintf(stderr, "Type number or keyword expected\n"); + print_opt_type_list(); + break; + } + return -1; + } + + /* Check for mutually exclusive output format options */ + if ((opt.string != NULL) + (opt.type != NULL) + + !!(opt.flags & FLAG_DUMP_BIN) + (opt.handle != ~0U) > 1) + { + fprintf(stderr, "Options --string, --type, --handle and --dump-bin are mutually exclusive\n"); + return -1; + } + + if ((opt.flags & FLAG_FROM_DUMP) && (opt.flags & FLAG_DUMP_BIN)) + { + fprintf(stderr, "Options --from-dump and --dump-bin are mutually exclusive\n"); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +void print_help(void) +{ + static const char *help = + "Usage: dmidecode [OPTIONS]\n" + "Options are:\n" + " -d, --dev-mem FILE Read memory from device FILE (default: " DEFAULT_MEM_DEV ")\n" + " -h, --help Display this help text and exit\n" + " -q, --quiet Less verbose output\n" + " -s, --string KEYWORD Only display the value of the given DMI string\n" + " -t, --type TYPE Only display the entries of given type\n" + " -H, --handle HANDLE Only display the entry of given handle\n" + " -u, --dump Do not decode the entries\n" + " --dump-bin FILE Dump the DMI data to a binary file\n" + " --from-dump FILE Read the DMI data from a binary file\n" + " --no-sysfs Do not attempt to read DMI data from sysfs files\n" + " --oem-string N Only display the value of the given OEM string\n" + " -V, --version Display the version and exit\n"; + + printf("%s", help); +} diff --git a/dmiopt.h b/dmiopt.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2374637 --- /dev/null +++ b/dmiopt.h @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +/* + * Command line handling of dmidecode + * This file is part of the dmidecode project. + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Jean Delvare + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + */ + +#include "types.h" + +struct string_keyword +{ + const char *keyword; + u8 type; + u8 offset; +}; + +struct opt +{ + const char *devmem; + unsigned int flags; + u8 *type; + const struct string_keyword *string; + char *dumpfile; + u32 handle; +}; +extern struct opt opt; + +#define FLAG_VERSION (1 << 0) +#define FLAG_HELP (1 << 1) +#define FLAG_DUMP (1 << 2) +#define FLAG_QUIET (1 << 3) +#define FLAG_DUMP_BIN (1 << 4) +#define FLAG_FROM_DUMP (1 << 5) +#define FLAG_NO_SYSFS (1 << 6) + +int parse_command_line(int argc, char * const argv[]); +void print_help(void); diff --git a/man/biosdecode.8 b/man/biosdecode.8 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a96eb68 --- /dev/null +++ b/man/biosdecode.8 @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +.TH BIOSDECODE 8 "February 2007" "dmidecode" +.SH NAME +biosdecode \- \s-1BIOS\s0 information decoder +.SH SYNOPSIS +.B biosdecode +.RB [ OPTIONS ] + +.SH DESCRIPTION +.B biosdecode +parses the \s-1BIOS\s0 memory and prints information about all structures (or +entry points) it knows of. Currently known entry point types are: +.IP \(bu "\w'\(bu'u+1n" +\s-1SMBIOS\s0 (System Management \s-1BIOS\s0) +Use +.B dmidecode +for a more detailed output. +.IP \(bu +\s-1DMI\s0 (Desktop Management Interface, a legacy version of \s-1SMBIOS\s0) +Use +.B dmidecode +for a more detailed output. +.IP \(bu +\s-1SYSID\s0 +.IP \(bu +\s-1PNP\s0 (Plug and Play) +.IP \(bu +\s-1ACPI\s0 (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) +.IP \(bu +\s-1BIOS32\s0 (\s-1BIOS32\s0 Service Directory) +.IP \(bu +\s-1PIR\s0 (\s-1PCI\s0 \s-1IRQ\s0 Routing) +.IP \(bu +\s-132OS\s0 (\s-1BIOS32\s0 Extension, Compaq-specific) +See +.B ownership +for a Compaq ownership tag retrieval tool. +.IP \(bu +\s-1SNY\s0 (Sony-specific, not decoded) +.IP \(bu +\s-1VPD\s0 (Vital Product Data, IBM-specific) +Use +.B vpddecode +for a more detailed output. +.IP \(bu +\s-1FJKEYINF\s0 (Application Panel, Fujitsu-specific) + +.PP +.B biosdecode +started its life as a part of +.B dmidecode +but as more entry point types were added, it was moved to a different +program. + +.SH OPTIONS +.TP +.BR "-d" ", " "--dev-mem FILE" +Read memory from device \fBFILE\fR (default: \fB/dev/mem\fR) +.TP +.BR " " " " "--pir full" +Decode the details of the PCI IRQ routing table +.TP +.BR "-h" ", " "--help" +Display usage information and exit +.TP +.BR "-V" ", " "--version" +Display the version and exit + +.SH FILES +.I /dev/mem +.SH BUGS +Most of the time, +.B biosdecode +prints too much information (you don't really care about addresses) +or not enough (because it doesn't follow pointers and has no lookup +tables). +.SH AUTHORS +Alan Cox, Jean Delvare +.SH "SEE ALSO" +.BR dmidecode (8), +.BR mem (4), +.BR ownership (8), +.BR vpddecode (8) diff --git a/man/dmidecode.8 b/man/dmidecode.8 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df861e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/man/dmidecode.8 @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +.TH DMIDECODE 8 "March 2012" "dmidecode" +.SH NAME +dmidecode \- \s-1DMI\s0 table decoder +.SH SYNOPSIS +.B dmidecode +.RB [ OPTIONS ] + +.SH DESCRIPTION +.B dmidecode +is a tool for dumping a computer's \s-1DMI\s0 (some say \s-1SMBIOS\s0) table +contents in a human-readable format. This table contains a description of the +system's hardware components, as well as other useful pieces of information +such as serial numbers and \s-1BIOS\s0 revision. Thanks to this table, you can +retrieve this information without having to probe for the actual hardware. +While this is a good point in terms of report speed and safeness, this also +makes the presented information possibly unreliable. + +The \s-1DMI\s0 table doesn't only describe what the system is currently made +of, it also can report the possible evolutions (such as the fastest supported +\s-1CPU\s0 or the maximal amount of memory supported). + +\s-1SMBIOS\s0 stands for System Management \s-1BIOS\s0, while \s-1DMI\s0 +stands for Desktop Management Interface. Both standards are tightly related +and developed by the \s-1DMTF\s0 (Desktop Management Task Force). + +As you run it, +.B dmidecode +will try to locate the \s-1DMI\s0 table. It will first try to read the DMI table +from sysfs, and next try reading directly from memory if sysfs access failed. +If +.B dmidecode +succeeds in locating a valid DMI table, it will then parse this table +and display a list of records like this one: + +Handle 0x0002, DMI type 2, 8 bytes. +Base Board Information + Manufacturer: Intel + Product Name: C440GX+ + Version: 727281-001 + Serial Number: INCY92700942 + +Each record has: +.IP \(bu "\w'\(bu'u+1n" +A handle. This is a unique identifier, which allows records to +reference each other. For example, processor records usually reference +cache memory records using their handles. +.IP \(bu +A type. The \s-1SMBIOS\s0 specification defines different types of elements +a computer can be made of. In this example, the type is 2, which +means that the record contains "Base Board Information". +.IP \(bu +A size. Each record has a 4-byte header (2 for the handle, 1 for the type, +1 for the size), the rest is used by the record data. This value doesn't +take text strings into account (these are placed at the end of the record), +so the actual length of the record may be (and is often) greater than the +displayed value. +.IP \(bu +Decoded values. The information presented of course depends on the type +of record. Here, we learn about the board's manufacturer, model, version +and serial number. + +.SH OPTIONS +.TP +.BR "-d" ", " "--dev-mem FILE" +Read memory from device \fBFILE\fR (default: \fB/dev/mem\fR) +.TP +.BR "-q" ", " "--quiet" +Be less verbose. Unknown, inactive and \s-1OEM\s0-specific entries are not +displayed. Meta-data and handle references are hidden. +.TP +.BR "-s" ", " "--string KEYWORD" +Only display the value of the \s-1DMI\s0 string identified by \fBKEYWORD\fR. +\fBKEYWORD\fR must be a keyword from the following list: \fBbios-vendor\fR, +\fBbios-version\fR, \fBbios-release-date\fR, +\fBsystem-manufacturer\fR, \fBsystem-product-name\fR, +\fBsystem-version\fR, \fBsystem-serial-number\fR, +\fBsystem-uuid\fR, \fBsystem-family\fR, +\fBbaseboard-manufacturer\fR, \fBbaseboard-product-name\fR, +\fBbaseboard-version\fR, \fBbaseboard-serial-number\fR, +\fBbaseboard-asset-tag\fR, \fBchassis-manufacturer\fR, +\fBchassis-type\fR, +\fBchassis-version\fR, \fBchassis-serial-number\fR, +\fBchassis-asset-tag\fR, \fBprocessor-family\fR, +\fBprocessor-manufacturer\fR, +\fBprocessor-version\fR, \fBprocessor-frequency\fR. +Each keyword corresponds to a given \s-1DMI\s0 type and a given offset +within this entry type. +Not all strings may be meaningful or even defined on all systems. Some +keywords may return more than one result on some systems (e.g. +\fBprocessor-version\fR on a multi-processor system). +If \fBKEYWORD\fR is not provided or not valid, a list of all valid +keywords is printed and +.B dmidecode +exits with an error. +This option cannot be used more than once. + +Note: on Linux, most of these strings can alternatively be read directly +from +.BR sysfs , +typically from files under +.IR /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id . +Most of these files are even readable by regular users. +.TP +.BR "-t" ", " "--type TYPE" +Only display the entries of type \fBTYPE\fR. \fBTYPE\fR can be either a +\s-1DMI\s0 type number, or a comma-separated list of type numbers, or a +keyword from the following list: \fBbios\fR, \fBsystem\fR, +\fBbaseboard\fR, \fBchassis\fR, \fBprocessor\fR, \fBmemory\fR, +\fBcache\fR, \fBconnector\fR, \fBslot\fR. Refer to the DMI TYPES section +below for details. +If this option is used more than once, the set of displayed entries will be +the union of all the given types. +If \fBTYPE\fR is not provided or not valid, a list of all valid keywords +is printed and +.B dmidecode +exits with an error. +.TP +.BR "-H" ", " "--handle HANDLE" +Only display the entry whose handle matches \fBHANDLE\fR. \fBHANDLE\fR +is a 16-bit integer. +.TP +.BR "-u" ", " "--dump" +Do not decode the entries, dump their contents as hexadecimal instead. +Note that this is still a text output, no binary data will be thrown upon +you. The strings attached to each entry are displayed as both +hexadecimal and \s-1ASCII\s0. This option is mainly useful for debugging. +.TP +.BR " " " " "--dump-bin FILE" +Do not decode the entries, instead dump the DMI data to a file in binary +form. The generated file is suitable to pass to \fB--from-dump\fR +later. +.TP +.BR " " " " "--from-dump FILE" +Read the DMI data from a binary file previously generated using +\fB--dump-bin\fR. +.TP +.BR " " " " "--no-sysfs" +Do not attempt to read DMI data from sysfs files. This is mainly useful for +debugging. +.TP +.BR " " " " "--oem-string N" +Only display the value of the \s-1OEM\s0 string number \fBN\fR. The first +\s-1OEM\s0 string has number 1. With special value "count", return the +number of OEM strings instead. +.TP +.BR "-h" ", " "--help" +Display usage information and exit +.TP +.BR "-V" ", " "--version" +Display the version and exit +.P +Options --string, --type, --dump-bin and --oem-string +determine the output format and are mutually exclusive. +.P +Please note in case of +.B dmidecode +is run on a system with BIOS that boasts new SMBIOS specification, which +is not supported by the tool yet, it will print out relevant message in +addition to requested data on the very top of the output. Thus informs the +output data is not reliable. + +.SH "DMI TYPES" +The \s-1SMBIOS\s0 specification defines the following \s-1DMI\s0 types: + +.TS +r l +__ +r l. +Type Information +0 BIOS +1 System +2 Baseboard +3 Chassis +4 Processor +5 Memory Controller +6 Memory Module +7 Cache +8 Port Connector +9 System Slots +10 On Board Devices +11 OEM Strings +12 System Configuration Options +13 BIOS Language +14 Group Associations +15 System Event Log +16 Physical Memory Array +17 Memory Device +18 32-bit Memory Error +19 Memory Array Mapped Address +20 Memory Device Mapped Address +21 Built-in Pointing Device +22 Portable Battery +23 System Reset +24 Hardware Security +25 System Power Controls +26 Voltage Probe +27 Cooling Device +28 Temperature Probe +29 Electrical Current Probe +30 Out-of-band Remote Access +31 Boot Integrity Services +32 System Boot +33 64-bit Memory Error +34 Management Device +35 Management Device Component +36 Management Device Threshold Data +37 Memory Channel +38 IPMI Device +39 Power Supply +40 Additional Information +41 Onboard Devices Extended Information +42 Management Controller Host Interface +.TE + +Additionally, type 126 is used for disabled entries and type 127 is an +end-of-table marker. Types 128 to 255 are for \s-1OEM\s0-specific data. +.B dmidecode +will display these entries by default, but it can only decode them +when the vendors have contributed documentation or code for them. + +Keywords can be used instead of type numbers with \fB--type\fR. +Each keyword is equivalent to a list of type numbers: + +.TS +l l +__ +l l. +Keyword Types +bios 0, 13 +system 1, 12, 15, 23, 32 +baseboard 2, 10, 41 +chassis 3 +processor 4 +memory 5, 6, 16, 17 +cache 7 +connector 8 +slot 9 +.TE + +Keywords are matched case-insensitively. The following command lines are equivalent: +.IP \(bu "\w'\(bu'u+1n" +dmidecode --type 0 --type 13 +.IP \(bu +dmidecode --type 0,13 +.IP \(bu +dmidecode --type bios +.IP \(bu +dmidecode --type BIOS + +.SH BINARY DUMP FILE FORMAT +The binary dump files generated by --dump-bin and read using --from-dump +are formatted as follows: +.IP \(bu "\w'\(bu'u+1n" +The SMBIOS or DMI entry point is located at offset 0x00. +It is crafted to hard-code the table address at offset 0x20. +.IP \(bu "\w'\(bu'u+1n" +The DMI table is located at offset 0x20. + +.SH FILES +.I /dev/mem +.I /sys/firmware/dmi/tables/smbios_entry_point (Linux only) +.I /sys/firmware/dmi/tables/DMI (Linux only) +.SH BUGS +More often than not, information contained in the \s-1DMI\s0 tables is inaccurate, +incomplete or simply wrong. +.SH AUTHORS +Alan Cox, Jean Delvare +.SH "SEE ALSO" +.BR biosdecode (8), +.BR mem (4), +.BR ownership (8), +.BR vpddecode (8) diff --git a/man/ownership.8 b/man/ownership.8 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f24ef94 --- /dev/null +++ b/man/ownership.8 @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +.TH OWNERSHIP 8 "February 2005" "dmidecode" +.SH NAME +ownership \- Compaq ownership tag retriever +.SH SYNOPSIS +.B ownership +.RB [ OPTIONS ] + +.SH DESCRIPTION +.B ownership +retrieves and prints the "ownership tag" that can be set on Compaq +computers. Contrary to all other programs of the +.B dmidecode +package, +.B ownership +doesn't print any version information, nor labels, but only the raw +ownership tag. This should help its integration in scripts. + +.SH OPTIONS +.TP +.BR "-d" ", " "--dev-mem FILE" +Read memory from device \fBFILE\fR (default: \fB/dev/mem\fR) +.TP +.BR "-h" ", " "--help" +Display usage information and exit +.TP +.BR "-V" ", " "--version" +Display the version and exit + +.SH FILES +.I /dev/mem +.SH AUTHOR +Jean Delvare +.SH "SEE ALSO" +.BR biosdecode (8), +.BR dmidecode (8), +.BR mem (4), +.BR vpddecode (8) diff --git a/man/vpddecode.8 b/man/vpddecode.8 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9e4acf --- /dev/null +++ b/man/vpddecode.8 @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +.TH VPDDECODE 8 "February 2007" "dmidecode" +.SH NAME +vpddecode \- \s-1VPD\s0 structure decoder +.SH SYNOPSIS +.B vpddecode +.RB [ OPTIONS ] + +.SH DESCRIPTION +.B vpddecode +prints the "vital product data" information that can be found in almost +all IBM and Lenovo computers. Available items are: +.IP \(bu "\w'\(bu'u+1n" +\s-1BIOS\s0 Build \s-1ID\s0 +.IP \(bu +Box Serial Number +.IP \(bu +Motherboard Serial Number +.IP \(bu +Machine Type/Model + +.PP +Some systems have these additional items: +.IP \(bu "\w'\(bu'u+1n" +BIOS Release Date +.IP \(bu +Default Flash Image File Name + +.PP +Note that these additional items are not documented by IBM, so this is +guess work, and as such should not be blindly trusted. Feedback about +the accuracy of these labels is welcome. + +.SH OPTIONS +.TP +.BR "-d" ", " "--dev-mem FILE" +Read memory from device \fBFILE\fR (default: \fB/dev/mem\fR) +.TP +.BR "-s" ", " "--string KEYWORD" +Only display the value of the \s-1VPD\s0 string identified by \fBKEYWORD\fR. +\fBKEYWORD\fR must be a keyword from the following list: \fBbios-build-id\fR, +\fBbox-serial-number\fR, \fBmotherboard-serial-number\fR, +\fBmachine-type-model\fR, \fBbios-release-date\fR. +Each keyword corresponds to an offset and a length within the \s-1VPD\s0 +record. +Not all strings may be defined on all \s-1VPD\s0-enabled systems. +If \fBKEYWORD\fR is not provided or not valid, a list of all valid +keywords is printed and +.B vpddecode +exits with an error. +This option cannot be used more than once. +Mutually exclusive with \fB--dump\fR. +.TP +.BR "-u" ", " "--dump" +Do not decode the VPD records, dump their contents as hexadecimal instead. +Note that this is still a text output, no binary data will be thrown upon +you. ASCII equivalent is displayed when possible. This option is mainly +useful for debugging. +Mutually exclusive with \fB--string\fR. +.TP +.BR "-h" ", " "--help" +Display usage information and exit +.TP +.BR "-V" ", " "--version" +Display the version and exit + +.SH FILES +.I /dev/mem +.SH AUTHOR +Jean Delvare +.SH "SEE ALSO" +.BR biosdecode (8), +.BR dmidecode (8), +.BR mem (4), +.BR ownership (8) diff --git a/ownership.c b/ownership.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de44bf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/ownership.c @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +/* + * Compaq Ownership Tag + * + * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Jean Delvare + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + * + * For the avoidance of doubt the "preferred form" of this code is one which + * is in an open unpatent encumbered format. Where cryptographic key signing + * forms part of the process of creating an executable the information + * including keys needed to generate an equivalently functional executable + * are deemed to be part of the source code. + * + * References: + * - Compaq "Technical Reference Guide for Compaq Deskpro 4000 and 6000" + * First Edition + * + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "version.h" +#include "config.h" +#include "types.h" +#include "util.h" + +/* Options are global */ +struct opt +{ + const char *devmem; + unsigned int flags; +}; +static struct opt opt; + +#define FLAG_VERSION (1 << 0) +#define FLAG_HELP (1 << 1) + +static void ownership(u32 base, const char *pname, const char *devmem) +{ + u8 *buf; + int i; + + /* read the ownership tag */ + if ((buf = mem_chunk(base, 0x51, devmem)) == NULL) + { + perror(pname); + return; + } + + /* chop the trailing garbage */ + i = 0x4f; + while (i >= 0 && (buf[i] == 0x20 || buf[i] == 0x00)) + i--; + buf[i + 1] = '\0'; + + /* filter and print */ + if (i >= 0) + { + for (; i >= 0; i--) + { + if (buf[i] < 32 || (buf[i] >= 127 && buf[i] < 160)) + buf[i] = '?'; + } + printf("%s\n", (char *)buf); + } + + free(buf); +} + +static u32 decode(const u8 *p) +{ + int i; + + /* integrity checking (lack of checksum) */ + for (i = 0; i < p[4]; i++) + { + if (p[5 + i * 10] != '$' + || !(p[6 + i * 10] >= 'A' && p[6 + i * 10] <= 'Z') + || !(p[7 + i * 10] >= 'A' && p[7 + i * 10] <= 'Z') + || !(p[8 + i * 10] >= 'A' && p[8 + i * 10] <= 'Z')) + { + printf("\t Abnormal Entry! Please report. [%02x %02x %02x %02x]\n", + p[5 + i * 10], p[6 + i * 10], + p[7 + i * 10], p[8 + i * 10]); + return 0; + } + } + + /* search for the right entry */ + for (i = 0; i < p[4]; i++) + if (memcmp(p + 5 + i * 10, "$ERB", 4) == 0) + return DWORD(p + 9 + i * 10); + + return 0; +} + +/* Return -1 on error, 0 on success */ +static int parse_command_line(int argc, char * const argv[]) +{ + int option; + const char *optstring = "d:hV"; + struct option longopts[] = { + { "dev-mem", required_argument, NULL, 'd' }, + { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, + { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'V' }, + { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } + }; + + while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, optstring, longopts, NULL)) != -1) + switch (option) + { + case 'd': + opt.devmem = optarg; + break; + case 'h': + opt.flags |= FLAG_HELP; + break; + case 'V': + opt.flags |= FLAG_VERSION; + break; + case '?': + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +static void print_help(void) +{ + static const char *help = + "Usage: ownership [OPTIONS]\n" + "Options are:\n" + " -d, --dev-mem FILE Read memory from device FILE (default: " DEFAULT_MEM_DEV ")\n" + " -h, --help Display this help text and exit\n" + " -V, --version Display the version and exit\n"; + + printf("%s", help); +} + +int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) +{ + u8 *buf; + off_t fp; + int ok = 0; + + if (sizeof(u8) != 1 || sizeof(u32) != 4) + { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: compiler incompatibility\n", argv[0]); + exit(255); + } + + /* Set default option values */ + opt.devmem = DEFAULT_MEM_DEV; + opt.flags = 0; + + if (parse_command_line(argc, argv)<0) + exit(2); + + if (opt.flags & FLAG_HELP) + { + print_help(); + return 0; + } + + if (opt.flags & FLAG_VERSION) + { + printf("%s\n", VERSION); + return 0; + } + + if ((buf = mem_chunk(0xE0000, 0x20000, opt.devmem)) == NULL) + exit(1); + + for (fp = 0; !ok && fp <= 0x1FFF0; fp += 16) + { + u8 *p = buf + fp; + + if (memcmp((char *)p, "32OS", 4) == 0) + { + off_t len = p[4] * 10 + 5; + + if (fp + len - 1 <= 0x1FFFF) + { + u32 base; + + if ((base = decode(p))) + { + ok = 1; + ownership(base, argv[0], opt.devmem); + } + } + } + } + + free(buf); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/types.h b/types.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51c32d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/types.h @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +#ifndef TYPES_H +#define TYPES_H + +#include "config.h" + +typedef unsigned char u8; +typedef unsigned short u16; +typedef signed short i16; +typedef unsigned int u32; + +/* + * You may use the following defines to adjust the type definitions + * depending on the architecture: + * - Define BIGENDIAN on big-endian systems. + * - Define ALIGNMENT_WORKAROUND if your system doesn't support + * non-aligned memory access. In this case, we use a slower, but safer, + * memory access method. This should be done automatically in config.h + * for architectures which need it. + */ + +#ifdef BIGENDIAN +typedef struct { + u32 h; + u32 l; +} u64; +#else +typedef struct { + u32 l; + u32 h; +} u64; +#endif + +#if defined(ALIGNMENT_WORKAROUND) || defined(BIGENDIAN) +static inline u64 U64(u32 low, u32 high) +{ + u64 self; + + self.l = low; + self.h = high; + + return self; +} +#endif + +/* + * Per SMBIOS v2.8.0 and later, all structures assume a little-endian + * ordering convention. + */ +#if defined(ALIGNMENT_WORKAROUND) || defined(BIGENDIAN) +#define WORD(x) (u16)((x)[0] + ((x)[1] << 8)) +#define DWORD(x) (u32)((x)[0] + ((x)[1] << 8) + ((x)[2] << 16) + ((x)[3] << 24)) +#define QWORD(x) (U64(DWORD(x), DWORD(x + 4))) +#else /* ALIGNMENT_WORKAROUND || BIGENDIAN */ +#define WORD(x) (u16)(*(const u16 *)(x)) +#define DWORD(x) (u32)(*(const u32 *)(x)) +#define QWORD(x) (*(const u64 *)(x)) +#endif /* ALIGNMENT_WORKAROUND || BIGENDIAN */ + +#endif diff --git a/util.c b/util.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eeffdae --- /dev/null +++ b/util.c @@ -0,0 +1,304 @@ +/* + * Common "util" functions + * This file is part of the dmidecode project. + * + * Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jean Delvare + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + * + * For the avoidance of doubt the "preferred form" of this code is one which + * is in an open unpatent encumbered format. Where cryptographic key signing + * forms part of the process of creating an executable the information + * including keys needed to generate an equivalently functional executable + * are deemed to be part of the source code. + */ + +#include +#include + +#include "config.h" + +#ifdef USE_MMAP +#include +#ifndef MAP_FAILED +#define MAP_FAILED ((void *) -1) +#endif /* !MAP_FAILED */ +#endif /* USE MMAP */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "types.h" +#include "util.h" + +static int myread(int fd, u8 *buf, size_t count, const char *prefix) +{ + ssize_t r = 1; + size_t r2 = 0; + + while (r2 != count && r != 0) + { + r = read(fd, buf + r2, count - r2); + if (r == -1) + { + if (errno != EINTR) + { + perror(prefix); + return -1; + } + } + else + r2 += r; + } + + if (r2 != count) + { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unexpected end of file\n", prefix); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int checksum(const u8 *buf, size_t len) +{ + u8 sum = 0; + size_t a; + + for (a = 0; a < len; a++) + sum += buf[a]; + return (sum == 0); +} + +/* + * Reads all of file from given offset, up to max_len bytes. + * A buffer of at most max_len bytes is allocated by this function, and + * needs to be freed by the caller. + * This provides a similar usage model to mem_chunk() + * + * Returns a pointer to the allocated buffer, or NULL on error, and + * sets max_len to the length actually read. + */ +void *read_file(off_t base, size_t *max_len, const char *filename) +{ + struct stat statbuf; + int fd; + u8 *p; + + /* + * Don't print error message on missing file, as we will try to read + * files that may or may not be present. + */ + if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) == -1) + { + if (errno != ENOENT) + perror(filename); + return NULL; + } + + /* + * Check file size, don't allocate more than can be read. + */ + if (fstat(fd, &statbuf) == 0) + { + if (base >= statbuf.st_size) + { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't read data beyond EOF\n", + filename); + p = NULL; + goto out; + } + if (*max_len > (size_t)statbuf.st_size - base) + *max_len = statbuf.st_size - base; + } + + if ((p = malloc(*max_len)) == NULL) + { + perror("malloc"); + goto out; + } + + if (lseek(fd, base, SEEK_SET) == -1) + { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", filename); + perror("lseek"); + goto err_free; + } + + if (myread(fd, p, *max_len, filename) == 0) + goto out; + +err_free: + free(p); + p = NULL; + +out: + if (close(fd) == -1) + perror(filename); + + return p; +} + +/* + * Copy a physical memory chunk into a memory buffer. + * This function allocates memory. + */ +void *mem_chunk(off_t base, size_t len, const char *devmem) +{ + void *p; + int fd; +#ifdef USE_MMAP + struct stat statbuf; + off_t mmoffset; + void *mmp; +#endif + + if ((fd = open(devmem, O_RDONLY)) == -1) + { + perror(devmem); + return NULL; + } + + if ((p = malloc(len)) == NULL) + { + perror("malloc"); + goto out; + } + +#ifdef USE_MMAP + if (fstat(fd, &statbuf) == -1) + { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", devmem); + perror("stat"); + goto err_free; + } + + /* + * mmap() will fail with SIGBUS if trying to map beyond the end of + * the file. + */ + if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) && base + (off_t)len > statbuf.st_size) + { + fprintf(stderr, "mmap: Can't map beyond end of file %s\n", + devmem); + goto err_free; + } + +#ifdef _SC_PAGESIZE + mmoffset = base % sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); +#else + mmoffset = base % getpagesize(); +#endif /* _SC_PAGESIZE */ + /* + * Please note that we don't use mmap() for performance reasons here, + * but to workaround problems many people encountered when trying + * to read from /dev/mem using regular read() calls. + */ + mmp = mmap(NULL, mmoffset + len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, base - mmoffset); + if (mmp == MAP_FAILED) + goto try_read; + + memcpy(p, (u8 *)mmp + mmoffset, len); + + if (munmap(mmp, mmoffset + len) == -1) + { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", devmem); + perror("munmap"); + } + + goto out; + +try_read: +#endif /* USE_MMAP */ + if (lseek(fd, base, SEEK_SET) == -1) + { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", devmem); + perror("lseek"); + goto err_free; + } + + if (myread(fd, p, len, devmem) == 0) + goto out; + +err_free: + free(p); + p = NULL; + +out: + if (close(fd) == -1) + perror(devmem); + + return p; +} + +int write_dump(size_t base, size_t len, const void *data, const char *dumpfile, int add) +{ + FILE *f; + + f = fopen(dumpfile, add ? "r+b" : "wb"); + if (!f) + { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", dumpfile); + perror("fopen"); + return -1; + } + + if (fseek(f, base, SEEK_SET) != 0) + { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", dumpfile); + perror("fseek"); + goto err_close; + } + + if (fwrite(data, len, 1, f) != 1) + { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", dumpfile); + perror("fwrite"); + goto err_close; + } + + if (fclose(f)) + { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", dumpfile); + perror("fclose"); + return -1; + } + + return 0; + +err_close: + fclose(f); + return -1; +} + +/* Returns end - start + 1, assuming start < end */ +u64 u64_range(u64 start, u64 end) +{ + u64 res; + + res.h = end.h - start.h; + res.l = end.l - start.l; + + if (end.l < start.l) + res.h--; + if (++res.l == 0) + res.h++; + + return res; +} diff --git a/util.h b/util.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3094cf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/util.h @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +/* + * This file is part of the dmidecode project. + * + * Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Jean Delvare + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + */ + +#include + +#include "types.h" + +#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0])) + +int checksum(const u8 *buf, size_t len); +void *read_file(off_t base, size_t *len, const char *filename); +void *mem_chunk(off_t base, size_t len, const char *devmem); +int write_dump(size_t base, size_t len, const void *data, const char *dumpfile, int add); +u64 u64_range(u64 start, u64 end); diff --git a/version.h b/version.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7aa93d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/version.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +#define VERSION "3.2" diff --git a/vpddecode.c b/vpddecode.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..360524c --- /dev/null +++ b/vpddecode.c @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +/* + * IBM Vital Product Data decoder + * + * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Jean Delvare + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + * + * For the avoidance of doubt the "preferred form" of this code is one which + * is in an open unpatent encumbered format. Where cryptographic key signing + * forms part of the process of creating an executable the information + * including keys needed to generate an equivalently functional executable + * are deemed to be part of the source code. + * + * References: + * - IBM "Using the BIOS Build ID to identify Thinkpad systems" + * Revision 2006-01-31 + * + * + * Notes: + * - Main part of the code is taken directly from biosdecode, with an + * additional command line interface and a few experimental features. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "version.h" +#include "config.h" +#include "types.h" +#include "util.h" +#include "vpdopt.h" + +static void print_entry(const char *name, const u8 *p, size_t len) +{ + size_t i; + + if (name != NULL) + printf("%s: ", name); + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) + { + /* ASCII filtering */ + if (p[i] >= 32 && p[i] < 127) + printf("%c", p[i]); + else if (p[i] != 0) + printf("."); + } + printf("\n"); +} + +static void dump(const u8 *p, u8 len) +{ + int done, i, min; + + for (done = 0; done < len; done += 16) + { + printf("%02X:", done); + min = (len - done < 16) ? len - done : 16; + + /* As hexadecimal first */ + for (i = 0; i < min; i++) + printf(" %02X", p[done + i]); + for (; i < 16; i++) /* Complete line if needed */ + printf(" "); + printf(" "); + + /* And now as text, with ASCII filtering */ + for (i = 0; i < min; i++) + printf("%c", (p[done + i] >= 32 && p[done + i] < 127) ? + p[done + i] : '.'); + printf("\n"); + } +} + +static int decode(const u8 *p) +{ + if (p[5] < 0x30) + return 0; + + /* XSeries have longer records, exact length seems to vary. */ + if (!(p[5] >= 0x45 && checksum(p, p[5])) + /* Some Netvista seem to work with this. */ + && !(checksum(p, 0x30)) + /* The Thinkpad/Thinkcentre checksum does *not* include the first + 13 bytes. */ + && !(checksum(p + 0x0D, 0x30 - 0x0D))) + { + /* A few systems have a bad checksum (xSeries 325, 330, 335 + and 345 with early BIOS) but the record is otherwise + valid. */ + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("# Bad checksum!\n"); + } + + if (opt.string != NULL) + { + if (opt.string->offset + opt.string->len < p[5]) + print_entry(NULL, p + opt.string->offset, + opt.string->len); + return 1; + } + + print_entry("BIOS Build ID", p + 0x0D, 9); + print_entry("Box Serial Number", p + 0x16, 7); + print_entry("Motherboard Serial Number", p + 0x1D, 11); + print_entry("Machine Type/Model", p + 0x28, 7); + + if (p[5] < 0x44) + return 1; + + print_entry("BIOS Release Date", p + 0x30, 8); + print_entry("Default Flash Image File Name", p + 0x38, 12); + + if (p[5] >= 0x46 && p[0x44] != 0x00) + { + printf("%s: %u\n", "BIOS Revision", p[0x44]); + } + + return 1; +} + +int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) +{ + u8 *buf; + int found = 0; + unsigned int fp; + + if (sizeof(u8) != 1) + { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: compiler incompatibility\n", argv[0]); + exit(255); + } + + /* Set default option values */ + opt.devmem = DEFAULT_MEM_DEV; + opt.flags = 0; + + if (parse_command_line(argc, argv)<0) + exit(2); + + if (opt.flags & FLAG_HELP) + { + print_help(); + return 0; + } + + if (opt.flags & FLAG_VERSION) + { + printf("%s\n", VERSION); + return 0; + } + + if (!(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("# vpddecode %s\n", VERSION); + + if ((buf = mem_chunk(0xF0000, 0x10000, opt.devmem)) == NULL) + exit(1); + + for (fp = 0; fp <= 0xFFF0; fp += 4) + { + u8 *p = buf + fp; + + if (memcmp((char *)p, "\252\125VPD", 5) == 0 + && fp + p[5] - 1 <= 0xFFFF) + { + if (fp % 16 && !(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("# Unaligned address (%#x)\n", + 0xf0000 + fp); + if (opt.flags & FLAG_DUMP) + { + dump(p, p[5]); + found++; + } + else + { + if (decode(p)) + found++; + } + } + } + + free(buf); + + if (!found && !(opt.flags & FLAG_QUIET)) + printf("# No VPD structure found, sorry.\n"); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/vpdopt.c b/vpdopt.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f411cc --- /dev/null +++ b/vpdopt.c @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +/* + * Command line handling of vpddecode + * This file is part of the dmidecode project. + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Jean Delvare + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "config.h" +#include "util.h" +#include "vpdopt.h" + + +/* Options are global */ +struct opt opt; + + +/* + * Handling of option --string + */ + +/* This lookup table could admittedly be reworked for improved performance. + Due to the low count of items in there at the moment, it did not seem + worth the additional code complexity though. */ +static const struct string_keyword opt_string_keyword[] = { + { "bios-build-id", 0x0D, 9 }, + { "box-serial-number", 0x16, 7 }, + { "motherboard-serial-number", 0x1D, 11 }, + { "machine-type-model", 0x28, 7 }, + { "bios-release-date", 0x30, 8 }, +}; + +static void print_opt_string_list(void) +{ + unsigned int i; + + fprintf(stderr, "Valid string keywords are:\n"); + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(opt_string_keyword); i++) + { + fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", opt_string_keyword[i].keyword); + } +} + +static int parse_opt_string(const char *arg) +{ + unsigned int i; + + if (opt.string) + { + fprintf(stderr, "Only one string can be specified\n"); + return -1; + } + + for (i = 0; i + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + */ + +#include + +struct string_keyword +{ + const char *keyword; + off_t offset; + size_t len; +}; + +struct opt +{ + const char *devmem; + unsigned int flags; + const struct string_keyword *string; +}; +extern struct opt opt; + +#define FLAG_VERSION (1 << 0) +#define FLAG_HELP (1 << 1) +#define FLAG_DUMP (1 << 2) +#define FLAG_QUIET (1 << 3) + +int parse_command_line(int argc, char * const argv[]); +void print_help(void);