//C- -*- C++ -*- //C- ------------------------------------------------------------------- //C- DjVuLibre-3.5 //C- Copyright (c) 2002 Leon Bottou and Yann Le Cun. //C- Copyright (c) 2001 AT&T //C- //C- This software is subject to, and may be distributed under, the //C- GNU General Public License, either Version 2 of the license, //C- or (at your option) any later version. The license should have //C- accompanied the software or you may obtain a copy of the license //C- from the Free Software Foundation at http://www.fsf.org . //C- //C- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //C- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //C- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //C- GNU General Public License for more details. //C- //C- DjVuLibre-3.5 is derived from the DjVu(r) Reference Library from //C- Lizardtech Software. Lizardtech Software has authorized us to //C- replace the original DjVu(r) Reference Library notice by the following //C- text (see doc/lizard2002.djvu and doc/lizardtech2007.djvu): //C- //C- ------------------------------------------------------------------ //C- | DjVu (r) Reference Library (v. 3.5) //C- | Copyright (c) 1999-2001 LizardTech, Inc. All Rights Reserved. //C- | The DjVu Reference Library is protected by U.S. Pat. No. //C- | 6,058,214 and patents pending. //C- | //C- | This software is subject to, and may be distributed under, the //C- | GNU General Public License, either Version 2 of the license, //C- | or (at your option) any later version. The license should have //C- | accompanied the software or you may obtain a copy of the license //C- | from the Free Software Foundation at http://www.fsf.org . //C- | //C- | The computer code originally released by LizardTech under this //C- | license and unmodified by other parties is deemed "the LIZARDTECH //C- | ORIGINAL CODE." Subject to any third party intellectual property //C- | claims, LizardTech grants recipient a worldwide, royalty-free, //C- | non-exclusive license to make, use, sell, or otherwise dispose of //C- | the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE or of programs derived from the //C- | LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE in compliance with the terms of the GNU //C- | General Public License. This grant only confers the right to //C- | infringe patent claims underlying the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE to //C- | the extent such infringement is reasonably necessary to enable //C- | recipient to make, have made, practice, sell, or otherwise dispose //C- | of the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE (or portions thereof) and not to //C- | any greater extent that may be necessary to utilize further //C- | modifications or combinations. //C- | //C- | The LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY //C- | OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED //C- | TO ANY WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF //C- | MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. //C- +------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #if NEED_GNUG_PRAGMAS # pragma implementation #endif /** @name csepdjvu {\bf Synopsis} \begin{verbatim} csepdjvu <....options-or-separated_files...> \end{verbatim} {\bf Description} File #"csepdjvu.cpp"# demonstrates a complete back-end encoder that takes {\em separated files} as input and produces a djvu file as output. Each {\em separated file} contains a concatenation of pages. Each page contains the following components: \begin{itemize} \item A run-length encoded file representing the foreground. Two kind of run-length encoded files are accepted. The Black-And-White RLE format is described in section \Ref{PNM and RLE file formats}. The Color RLE format is described below. \item An optional PPM image representing the background. The size (width and height) of the PPM image must be obtained by rounding up the quotient of the foreground image size by an integer reduction factor ranging from 1 to 12. \item An arbitrary number of comment lines starting with character '#'. \end{itemize} All the provided pages will be converted to Compound DjVu Images. Foreground colors will be encoded using a single solid color per component (see \Ref{DjVu Image files}). Multiple pages will be gathered into a single bundled file. Use \Ref{djvmcvt} or \Ref{djvujoin} to create an indirect file. {\bf Options} \begin{description} \item[-d n] Resolution written into the output file (default: 300). \item[-q ] Quality level for background (default: 72+11+10+10). See option #"-slice"# in program \Ref{c44} for details. \item[-v] Displays a brief message per page. \item[-vv] Displays lots of additional messages. \end{description} {\bf Color RLE Images} The Color RLE file format is a simple run-length encoding scheme for color images with a limited number of colors. Color RLE files always begin with a text header composed of: - the two characters #"R6"#, - the number of columns in decimal,\\ - the number of rows in decimal,\\ - the number of palette entries in decimal.\\ These four items are separated by blank characters (space, tab, cr, or nl) or by comment lines introduced by character ``\#''. The last number is followed by exactly one character (usually a nl character). This header is followed by a palette containing three bytes per color. The bytes represent the red, green, and blue components of the color. The palette is followed by four bytes integers (MSB first) representing runs. The twelve upper bits of this integer indicate the index of the run color in the palette entry. The twenty lower bits of the integer indicate the run length. Color indices greater than 0xff0 are reserved for pixels belonging to the background layer. Color index 0xfff is used for transparent runs. Color index 0xffe is used for don't-care runs (i.e. pixels whose values should be taken by smoothly completing the background using the wavelet masking algorithm). Each row is represented by a sequence of runs whose lengths add up to the image width. Rows are encoded starting with the top row and progressing towards the bottom row. @memo Creates DjVu files from Separated files. @author L\'eon Bottou */ //@{ //@} #include "DjVuGlobal.h" #include "GException.h" #include "GSmartPointer.h" #include "GContainer.h" #include "ByteStream.h" #include "IFFByteStream.h" #include "GRect.h" #include "GBitmap.h" #include "JB2Image.h" #include "DjVuPalette.h" #include "IW44Image.h" #include "DjVuInfo.h" #include "DjVmDoc.h" #include "DjVmNav.h" #include "GOS.h" #include "GURL.h" #include "DjVuMessage.h" #include "DjVuText.h" #include "BSByteStream.h" #include "miniexp.h" #include "jb2tune.h" #include "common.h" #undef MIN #undef MAX inline int MIN(int a, int b) { return ( ab ?a :b); } // -------------------------------------------------- // OPTIONS // -------------------------------------------------- struct csepdjvuopts { int dpi; // resolution int verbose; // verbosity level DjVuTXT::ZoneType text; // level of text detail unsigned char slice[16]; // background quality spec csepdjvuopts(); }; csepdjvuopts::csepdjvuopts() { dpi = 300; verbose = 0; text = DjVuTXT::WORD; slice[0] = 72; slice[1] = 83; slice[2] = 93; slice[3] = 103; slice[4] = 0; } // -------------------------------------------------- // BUFFERED BYTESTREAM // -------------------------------------------------- // -- A bytestream that performs buffering and // offers a stdio-like interface for parsing files. class BufferByteStream : public ByteStream { public: enum {bufsize=512}; private: ByteStream &bs; unsigned char buffer[bufsize]; int bufpos; int bufend; public: BufferByteStream(ByteStream &lbs); size_t read(void *buffer, size_t size); size_t write(const void *buffer, size_t size); virtual long tell(void) const; int eof(void); int unget(int c); inline int get(void); // parsing helpers bool skip(const char *s = " \t\n\r"); bool expect(int &c, const char *s); bool read_integer(int &x); bool read_pair(int &x, int &y); bool read_geometry(GRect &r); bool read_ps_string(GUTF8String &s); }; BufferByteStream::BufferByteStream(ByteStream &bs) : bs(bs), bufpos(1), bufend(1) { } int BufferByteStream::eof(void) // aka. feof { if (bufpos < bufend) return false; bufend = bufpos = 1; bufend += bs.read(buffer+bufend, bufsize-bufend); return (bufend == bufpos); } size_t BufferByteStream::read(void *buf, size_t size) { if (size < 1) return 0; if (bufend == bufpos) { if (size >= bufsize) return bs.read(buf, size); if (eof()) return 0; } if (bufpos + (int)size > bufend) size = bufend - bufpos; memcpy(buf, buffer+bufpos, size); bufpos += size; return size; } size_t BufferByteStream::write(const void *, size_t ) { G_THROW("Cannot write into a BufferByteStream"); return 0; } long BufferByteStream::tell(void) const { return bs.tell() + bufpos - bufend; } inline int BufferByteStream::get(void) // aka. getc() { if (bufpos < bufend || !eof()) return buffer[bufpos++]; return EOF; } int BufferByteStream::unget(int c) // aka. ungetc() { if (bufpos > 0 && c != EOF) return buffer[--bufpos] = (unsigned char)c; return EOF; } bool BufferByteStream::expect(int &c, const char *s) { c = get(); if (strchr(s, c)) return true; unget(c); return false; } bool BufferByteStream::skip(const char *s) { int c; while (expect(c, s)) { } return true; } bool BufferByteStream::read_integer(int &x) { x = 0; int c = get(); if (c<'0' || c>'9') return false; while (c>='0' && c<='9') { x = x*10 + c - '0'; c = get(); } unget(c); return true; } bool BufferByteStream::read_pair(int &x, int &y) { int c; x = y = 0; expect(c, "-"); if (! read_integer(x)) return false; if (c == '-') x = -x; if (! expect(c, ":")) return false; expect(c, "-"); if (! read_integer(y)) return false; if (c == '-') y = -y; return true; } bool BufferByteStream::read_geometry(GRect &r) { int x,y,w,h,c; x = y = w = h = 0; if (read_integer(w) && expect(c, "x") && read_integer(h)) { if (expect(c,"+-")) { if (c == '+') expect(c,"-"); if (! read_integer(x)) return false; if (c == '-') x = -x; } if (expect(c,"+-")) { if (c == '+') expect(c,"-"); if (! read_integer(y)) return false; if (c == '-') y = -y; } r = GRect(x,y,w,h); return true; } return false; } static void add_to_string(GUTF8String &s, char *buffer, int len, int &bom) { if (!s && !bom && len>=2) { if (buffer[0]==(char)0xfe && buffer[1]==(char)0xff) bom = 0xfeff; if (buffer[0]==(char)0xff && buffer[1]==(char)0xfe) bom = 0xfffe; if (bom) { buffer += 2; len -= 2; } } if (bom == 0xfeff) for (int i=0; i='0' && c<='7') { int n = 0; int x = 0; while (c>='0' && c<='7' && n<3) { x = (x * 8) + c - '0'; c = get(); n++; } unget(c); c = x; } break; } } if (c == EOF) return false; if (pos >= (int)sizeof(buffer)) { add_to_string(s, buffer, pos, bom); pos = 0; } buffer[pos++] = c; } add_to_string(s, buffer, pos, bom); return true; } // -------------------------------------------------- // COLOR CONNECTED COMPONENT ANALYSIS // -------------------------------------------------- // -- A run of pixels with the same color struct Run { short y; // vertical coordinate short x1; // first horizontal coordinate short x2; // last horizontal coordinate short color; // color id int ccid; // component id }; // -- Compares runs for y-x sorting static inline bool operator <= (const Run &a, const Run &b) { return (a.y pal; // Color palette GTArray runs; // Array of runs GTArray ccs; // Array of component descriptors int nregularccs; // Number of regular ccs (set by merge_and_split_ccs) char bg_flags; // Comment flags about background. char fg_flags; // Comment flags about foreground. CRLEImage(BufferByteStream &bs); GP get_bitmap_for_cc(int ccid) const; void make_ccids_by_analysis(); void make_ccs_from_ccids(); void merge_and_split_ccs(int smallsize, int largesize); void sort_in_reading_order(); private: unsigned int read_integer(BufferByteStream &bs); void insert_runs(int y, const short *x1x2color, int nruns); }; // -- Helper for CRLEImage::CRLEImage(ByteStream &bs) unsigned int CRLEImage::read_integer(BufferByteStream &bs) { int c, x; while (bs.skip() && bs.expect(c, "#")) { char buffer[256]; char *s = buffer; while (c != EOF && c != '\n' && c != '\r') { if (s - buffer < (int)sizeof(buffer) - 1) *s++ = c; c = bs.get(); } *s = 0; for(s = buffer; *s; s++) { if (!strncmp(s, "bg-", 3)) { if (!strncmp(s+3,"bw",2) || !strncmp(s+3,"gray",4) || !strncmp(s+3,"color",5) ) bg_flags = s[3]; } if (!strncmp(s, "fg-", 3)) { if (!strncmp(s+3,"bw",2) || !strncmp(s+3,"gray",4) || !strncmp(s+3,"color",5) ) fg_flags = s[3]; } } } if (! bs.read_integer(x) ) G_THROW("csepdjvu: corrupted input file (bad file header)"); return x; } // -- Helper for CRLEImage::CRLEImage(ByteStream &bs) void CRLEImage::insert_runs(int y, const short *x1x2color, int count) { if (count > 0) { int index = runs.lbound() - count; runs.resize(index, runs.hbound()); Run *run = &runs[index]; while (--count>=0) { run->y = y; run->x1 = *x1x2color++; run->x2 = *x1x2color++; run->color = *x1x2color++; run->ccid = 0; run++; } runs.shift(-index); } } // -- Constructs CRLEImage from a run lenght encoded file, // making sure that runs are properly sorted. CRLEImage::CRLEImage(BufferByteStream &bs) : height(0), width(0), nregularccs(0), bg_flags(0), fg_flags(0) { unsigned int magic = bs.read16(); width = read_integer(bs); height = read_integer(bs); if (width<1 || height<1) G_THROW("csepdjvu: corrupted input file (bad image size)"); // An array for the runs and the buffered data GTArray ax(3*width+3); // File format switch if (magic == 0x5234) // Black&White RLE data { // Skip one character bs.get(); // Setup palette with one color pal = DjVuPalette::create(); static char zeroes[4]; GP gzbs=ByteStream::create_static(zeroes,4); ByteStream &zbs=*gzbs; pal->decode_rgb_entries(zbs, 1); // RLE format int x, c, n; unsigned char p = 0; short *px = ax; n = height - 1; c = 0; while (n >= 0) { if (bs.eof()) G_THROW( ByteStream::EndOfFile ); x = bs.get(); if (x >= 0xc0) x = (bs.get()) + ((x - 0xc0) << 8); if (c+x > width) G_THROW("csepdjvu: corrupted input file (lost RLE sync.)"); if (p) { px[0] = c; px[1] = c+x-1; px[2] = 0; px += 3; } c += x; p = 1 - p; if (c >= width) { insert_runs(n, ax, (px-ax)/3); c = 0; p = 0; n -= 1; px = ax; } } } else if (magic == 0x5236) { // Color-RLE data // Read ncolors and skip one character. int ncolors = read_integer(bs); bs.get(); // Setup palette if (ncolors<1 || ncolors>4095) G_THROW("csepdjvu: corrupted input file (bad number of colors)"); pal = DjVuPalette::create(); pal->decode_rgb_entries(bs, ncolors); // RLE format int x, c, n, p; n = height - 1; c = 0; short *px = ax; while (n >= 0) { if (bs.eof()) G_THROW( ByteStream::EndOfFile ); x = (bs.get() << 24); x |= (bs.get() << 16); x |= (bs.get() << 8); x |= (bs.get()); p = (x >> 20) & 0xfff; x = (x & 0xfffff); if (c+x > width) G_THROW("csepdjvu: corrupted input file (lost RLE sync.)"); if (p >= 0 && p < ncolors) { px[0] = c; px[1] = c+x-1; px[2] = p; px += 3; } c += x; if (c >= width) { insert_runs(n, ax, (px-ax)/3); c = 0; p = 0; n -= 1; px = ax; } } } else { // Unrecognized file G_THROW("csepdjvu: corrupted input file (bad file header)"); } } // -- Performs color connected component analysis // assuming that runs are already y-x sorted. void CRLEImage::make_ccids_by_analysis() { // runs.sort(); (we know that runs are // Single Pass Connected Component Analysis (with unodes) int n; int p=0; GTArray umap; for (n=0; n<=runs.hbound(); n++) { int y = runs[n].y; int x1 = runs[n].x1 - 1; int x2 = runs[n].x2 + 1; int color = runs[n].color; int id = (umap.hbound() + 1); // iterate over previous line runs if (p>0) p--; for(;runs[p].y < y-1;p++); for(;(runs[p].y < y) && (runs[p].x1 <= x2);p++ ) { if ( runs[p].x2 >= x1 ) { if (runs[p].color == color) { // previous run touches current run and has same color int oid = runs[p].ccid; while (umap[oid] < oid) oid = umap[oid]; if ((int)id > umap.hbound()) { id = oid; } else if (id < oid) { umap[oid] = id; } else { umap[id] = oid; id = oid; } // freshen previous run id runs[p].ccid = id; } // stop if previous run goes past current run if (runs[p].x2 >= x2) break; } } // create new entry in umap runs[n].ccid = id; if (id > umap.hbound()) { umap.touch(id); umap[id] = id; } } // Update umap and ccid for (n=0; n<=runs.hbound(); n++) { Run &run = runs[n]; int ccid = run.ccid; while (umap[ccid] < ccid) ccid = umap[ccid]; umap[run.ccid] = ccid; run.ccid = ccid; } } // -- Constructs the ``ccs'' array from run's ccids. void CRLEImage::make_ccs_from_ccids() { int n; Run *pruns = runs; // Find maximal ccid int maxccid = -1; for (n=0; n<=runs.hbound(); n++) if (pruns[n].ccid > maxccid) maxccid = runs[n].ccid; GTArray armap(0,maxccid); int *rmap = armap; // Renumber ccs for (n=0; n<=maxccid; n++) armap[n] = -1; for (n=0; n<=runs.hbound(); n++) if (pruns[n].ccid >= 0) rmap[ pruns[n].ccid ] = 1; int nid = 0; for (n=0; n<=maxccid; n++) if (rmap[n] > 0) rmap[n] = nid++; // Adjust nregularccs (since ccs are renumbered) while (nregularccs>0 && rmap[nregularccs-1]<0) nregularccs -= 1; if (nregularccs>0) nregularccs = 1 + rmap[nregularccs-1]; // Prepare cc descriptors ccs.resize(0,nid-1); for (n=0; n rtmp; rtmp.steal(runs); Run *ptmp = rtmp; runs.resize(0,frun-1); pruns = runs; for (n=0; n<=rtmp.hbound(); n++) { int id = ptmp[n].ccid; if (id < 0) continue; int pos = rmap[id]++; pruns[pos] = ptmp[n]; } // Finalize ccs for (n=0; nx1; int xmax = run->x2; int ymin = run->y; int ymax = run->y; cc.color = run->color; for (int i=0; ix1 < xmin) xmin = run->x1; if (run->x2 > xmax) xmax = run->x2; if (run->y < ymin) ymin = run->y; if (run->y > ymax) ymax = run->y; npix += run->x2 - run->x1 + 1; } cc.npix = npix; cc.bb.xmin = xmin; cc.bb.ymin = ymin; cc.bb.xmax = xmax + 1; cc.bb.ymax = ymax + 1; } } // -- Helper for merge_and_split_ccs struct Grid_x_Color { short gridi; short gridj; int color; }; // -- Helper for merge_and_split_ccs static inline unsigned int hash(const Grid_x_Color &x) { return (x.gridi<<16) ^ (x.gridj<<8) ^ x.color; } // -- Helper for merge_and_split_ccs static inline bool operator==(const Grid_x_Color &x, const Grid_x_Color &y) { return (x.gridi==y.gridi) && (x.gridj==y.gridj) && (x.color==y.color); } // -- Helper for merge_and_split_ccs static int makeccid(const Grid_x_Color &x, GMap &map, int &ncc) { GPosition p = map.contains(x); if (p) return map[p]; return map[x] = ncc++; } // -- Merges small ccs of similar color and splits large ccs void CRLEImage::merge_and_split_ccs(int smallsize, int largesize) { int ncc = ccs.size(); int nruns = runs.size(); int splitsize = largesize; if (ncc <= 0) return; // Associative map for storing merged ccids GMap map; nregularccs = ncc; // Set the correct ccids for the runs for (int ccid=0; ccidnrun <= 0) continue; Grid_x_Color key; key.color = cc->color; int ccheight = cc->bb.height(); int ccwidth = cc->bb.width(); if (ccheight<=smallsize && ccwidth<=smallsize) { key.gridi = (cc->bb.ymin+cc->bb.ymax)/splitsize/2; key.gridj = (cc->bb.xmin+cc->bb.xmax)/splitsize/2; int newccid = makeccid(key, map, ncc); for(int runid=cc->frun; runidfrun+cc->nrun; runid++) runs[runid].ccid = newccid; } else if (ccheight>=largesize || ccwidth>=largesize) { for(int runid=cc->frun; runidfrun+cc->nrun; runid++) { Run *r = & runs[runid]; key.gridi = r->y/splitsize; key.gridj = r->x1/splitsize; int gridj_end = r->x2/splitsize; int gridj_span = gridj_end - key.gridj; r->ccid = makeccid(key, map, ncc); if (gridj_span>0) { // truncate current run runs.touch(nruns+gridj_span-1); r = &runs[runid]; int x = key.gridj*splitsize + splitsize; int x_end = r->x2; r->x2 = x-1; // append additional runs to the runs array while (++key.gridj < gridj_end) { Run& newrun = runs[nruns++]; newrun.y = r->y; newrun.x1 = x; x += splitsize; newrun.x2 = x-1; newrun.color = key.color; newrun.ccid = makeccid(key, map, ncc); } // append last run to the run array Run& newrun = runs[nruns++]; newrun.y = r->y; newrun.x1 = x; newrun.x2 = x_end; newrun.color = key.color; newrun.ccid = makeccid(key, map, ncc); } } } } // Recompute cc descriptors make_ccs_from_ccids(); } // -- Helps sorting cc static int top_edges_descending (const void *pa, const void *pb) { if (((CC*) pa)->bb.ymax != ((CC*) pb)->bb.ymax) return (((CC*) pb)->bb.ymax - ((CC*) pa)->bb.ymax); if (((CC*) pa)->bb.xmin != ((CC*) pb)->bb.xmin) return (((CC*) pa)->bb.xmin - ((CC*) pb)->bb.xmin); return (((CC*) pa)->frun - ((CC*) pb)->frun); } // -- Helps sorting cc static int left_edges_ascending (const void *pa, const void *pb) { if (((CC*) pa)->bb.xmin != ((CC*) pb)->bb.xmin) return (((CC*) pa)->bb.xmin - ((CC*) pb)->bb.xmin); if (((CC*) pb)->bb.ymax != ((CC*) pa)->bb.ymax) return (((CC*) pb)->bb.ymax - ((CC*) pa)->bb.ymax); return (((CC*) pa)->frun - ((CC*) pb)->frun); } // -- Helps sorting cc static int integer_ascending (const void *pa, const void *pb) { return ( *(int*)pb - *(int*)pa ); } // -- Sort ccs in approximate reading order void CRLEImage::sort_in_reading_order() { if (nregularccs<2) return; CC *ccarray = new CC[nregularccs]; // Copy existing ccarray (but segregate special ccs) int ccid; for(ccid=0; ccid ccno + 1) { // - Compute median bottom qsort(bottoms, nccno-ccno, sizeof(int), integer_ascending); int bottom = bottoms[ (nccno-ccno-1)/2 ]; // - Compose final line for (nccno=ccno; nccno < nregularccs; nccno++) if (ccarray[nccno].bb.ymax-1 < bottom) break; // - Sort final line qsort (ccarray+ccno, nccno-ccno, sizeof(CC), left_edges_ascending); } // - Next line ccno = nccno; } // Copy ccarray back and renumber the runs for(ccid=0; ccid CRLEImage::get_bitmap_for_cc(const int ccid) const { const CC &cc = ccs[ccid]; const GRect &bb = cc.bb; GP bits = GBitmap::create(bb.height(), bb.width()); const Run *prun = & runs[(int)cc.frun]; for (int i=0; iyy>=bb.ymax) G_THROW("Internal error (y bounds)"); if (prun->x1x2>=bb.xmax) G_THROW("Internal error (x bounds)"); unsigned char *row = (*bits)[prun->y - bb.ymin]; for (int x=prun->x1; x<=prun->x2; x++) row[x - bb.xmin] = 1; } return bits; } // -------------------------------------------------- // PROCESS BACKGROUND PIXMAP // -------------------------------------------------- // -- Tries to read a background pixmap GP read_background(BufferByteStream &bs, int w, int h, int &bgred) { // Skip null bytes (why?) int lookahead; while (! (lookahead = bs.get())) { } bs.unget(lookahead); // Check pixmap if (lookahead != 'P') return 0; GP pix = GPixmap::create(bs); // Check background reduction for (bgred=1; bgred<=12; bgred++) { int subw = (w + bgred - 1) / bgred; int subh = (h + bgred - 1) / bgred; if (subh == (int)pix->rows() && subw == (int)pix->columns()) // Found reduction factor return pix; } // Failure G_THROW("Background pixmap size does not match foreground"); return 0; } // -------------------------------------------------- // HANDLE COMMENTS IN SEP FILES // -------------------------------------------------- class Comments { public: Comments(int w, int h, const csepdjvuopts &opts); void process_comments(BufferByteStream &bs, int verbose=0); bool parse_comment_line(BufferByteStream &bs); void make_chunks(IFFByteStream &iff); GP get_djvm_nav(); protected: int w; int h; GRectMapper mapper; DjVuTXT::ZoneType detail; int lastx, lasty; int lastdirx, lastdiry; int lastsize[3]; struct TxtMark : public GPEnabled { int x,y,dx,dy; int inter; GRect r; GUTF8String s; }; GPList lastline; GP txt; struct LnkMark : public GPEnabled { GRect r; GUTF8String s; }; GPList links; GP nav; protected: bool allspace(const TxtMark *mark); void textmark(GP mark); void textflush(void); }; Comments::Comments(int w, int h, const csepdjvuopts &opts) : w(w), h(h), detail(opts.text) { GRect pagerect(0,0,w,h); mapper.set_input(pagerect); mapper.set_output(pagerect); mapper.mirrory(); } void Comments::process_comments(BufferByteStream &bs, int verbose) { int c; // Skip null bytes while (! (c = bs.get())) { } // Process comment lines while (c == '#') { const char *message = 0; bs.skip(" \t"); G_TRY { if (! parse_comment_line(bs) && verbose > 1) message = "csepdjvu: unrecognized comment '# "; else if (bs.skip(" \t") && bs.expect(c, "\n\r")) bs.unget(c); else if (verbose > 1) message = "csepdjvu: garbage in comments: '"; } G_CATCH(ex) { message = 0; GUTF8String str = DjVuMessageLite::LookUpUTF8(ex.get_cause()); if (verbose > 1) DjVuPrintErrorUTF8("%s\n",(const char *)str); } G_ENDCATCH; if (message) DjVuPrintErrorUTF8(message); c = bs.get(); while (c != EOF && c != '\r' && c != '\n') { if (message) DjVuPrintErrorUTF8("%c", c); c = bs.get(); } if (message) DjVuPrintErrorUTF8("'\n"); bs.skip(); c = bs.get(); } bs.unget(c); } bool Comments::parse_comment_line(BufferByteStream &bs) { int c = bs.get(); // Text comments if (c == 'T') { GP mark = new TxtMark; if (! (bs.skip(" \t") && bs.read_pair(mark->x,mark->y) && bs.skip(" \t") && bs.read_pair(mark->dx,mark->dy) && bs.skip(" \t") && bs.read_geometry(mark->r) && bs.skip(" \t") && bs.read_ps_string(mark->s) ) ) G_THROW("csepdjvu: corrupted file (syntax error in text comment)"); if (mark->r.isempty()) G_THROW("csepdjvu: corrupted file (empty rectangle in text comment)"); textmark(mark); return true; } // Link comments if (c == 'L') { GP mark = new LnkMark; if (! (bs.skip(" \t") && bs.read_geometry(mark->r) && bs.skip(" \t") && bs.read_ps_string(mark->s) ) ) G_THROW("csepdjvu: corrupted file (syntax error in link comment)"); if (mark->r.isempty()) G_THROW("csepdjvu: corrupted file (empty rectangle in link comment)"); int ymax = h - mark->r.ymin - 1; // reversed in gsdjvu ? int ymin = h - mark->r.ymax - 1; // reversed in gsdjvu ? mark->r.ymax = ymax; mark->r.ymin = ymin; links.append(mark); return true; } // Bookmark comments if (c == 'B') { int count; GUTF8String url; GUTF8String title; if (! (bs.skip(" \t") && bs.read_integer(count) && bs.skip(" \t") && bs.read_ps_string(title) && bs.skip(" \t") && bs.read_ps_string(url) ) ) G_THROW("csepdjvu: corrupted file (syntax error in outline comment)"); GP b = DjVmNav::DjVuBookMark::create(count, title, url); if (b && ! nav) nav = DjVmNav::create(); if (b) nav->append(b); return true; } // Unrecognized bs.unget(c); return false; } static int median3(int *p) { if (p[0] > p[1]) return MAX(p[1],MIN(p[0],p[2])); else return MIN(p[1],MAX(p[0],p[2])); } static bool allspaces(const GUTF8String &s) { bool ok = true; for (int i=0; ok && i<(int)s.length(); i++) if (s[i] != ' ') ok = false; return ok; } void Comments::textmark(GP mark) { // determine direction int dirx = 0; int diry = 0; int size = 0; if (abs(mark->dx) > 8*abs(mark->dy)) { dirx = (mark->dx > 0) ? +1 : -1; size = mark->r.height(); } else if (abs(mark->dy) > 8*abs(mark->dy)) { diry = (mark->dy > 0) ? +1 : -1; size = mark->r.width(); } // make mark mark->inter = 0; // flush previous line if (lastline.size()) { if (size != lastsize[0]) { lastsize[2] = lastsize[1]; lastsize[1] = lastsize[0]; lastsize[0] = size; } int fontsize = median3(lastsize) + 1; int shx = (mark->x - lastx) * 100 / fontsize; int shy = (mark->y - lasty) * 100 / fontsize; int inter = dirx * shx + diry * shy; if ( (dirx || diry) && (dirx == lastdirx) && (diry == lastdiry) && (inter > -150) && (inter < 300) && abs(diry * shx + dirx * shy) < 80 ) mark->inter = inter; else textflush(); } if (! lastline.size()) lastsize[0] = lastsize[1] = lastsize[2] = size; lastline.append(mark); lastdirx = dirx; lastdiry = diry; lastx = mark->x + mark->dx; lasty = mark->y + mark->dy; } void Comments::textflush(void) { int size = lastline.size(); if (size > 0) { // compute word spacing int i = 0; GTArray inter(0,size-1); for (GPosition p=lastline; p; ++p) inter[i++] = lastline[p]->inter; inter.sort(); int wordsep = MAX(10, 2 * inter[(2*size)/3]); // compute word list GP word; GPList words; { // extra nesting for windows for (GPosition p=lastline; p; ++p) { TxtMark *mark = lastline[p]; if (word && mark->inter > wordsep) { if (! allspaces(word->s)) words.append(word); word = 0; } if (! word) { word = mark; } else { word->dx += mark->dx; word->dy += mark->dy; word->s += mark->s; word->r.recthull(word->r, mark->r); } } } if (word) { if (! allspaces(word->s)) words.append(word); word = 0; } // create text data int size = words.size(); if (size) { DjVuTXT::Zone *lzone = 0; for (GPosition p = words; p; ++p) { word = words[p]; mapper.map(word->r); if (! lzone) { if (! txt) { txt = DjVuTXT::create(); txt->page_zone.ztype = DjVuTXT::PAGE; txt->page_zone.rect = GRect(0,0,w,h); txt->page_zone.text_start = 0; txt->page_zone.text_length = 0; } lzone = txt->page_zone.append_child(); lzone->ztype = DjVuTXT::LINE; lzone->text_start = txt->textUTF8.length(); lzone->text_length = 0; } if (detail >= DjVuTXT::WORD) { DjVuTXT::Zone *wzone = lzone->append_child(); wzone->ztype = DjVuTXT::WORD; wzone->text_start = txt->textUTF8.length(); txt->textUTF8 += word->s; wzone->text_length = txt->textUTF8.length() - wzone->text_start; wzone->rect = word->r; lzone->rect.recthull(lzone->rect, word->r); } else { if (lzone->text_length > 0) txt->textUTF8 += " "; txt->textUTF8 += word->s; lzone->text_length = txt->textUTF8.length() - lzone->text_start; lzone->rect.recthull(lzone->rect, word->r); } } } } lastline.empty(); } static int bytestream_fputs(miniexp_io_t *io, const char *s) { ByteStream *outbs = (ByteStream*)io->data[0]; return (outbs) ? outbs->write((const void*)s, strlen(s)) : -1; } void Comments::make_chunks(IFFByteStream &iff) { // Write text chunk textflush(); if (txt) { txt->normalize_text(); iff.put_chunk("TXTz"); { GP bsb = BSByteStream::create(iff.get_bytestream(), 50); txt->encode(bsb); } iff.close_chunk(); } // Create annotation chunk if (links.size() > 0) { iff.put_chunk("ANTz"); { GP bsb = BSByteStream::create(iff.get_bytestream(), 50); miniexp_io_t io; miniexp_io_init(&io); io.fputs = bytestream_fputs; io.data[0] = (void*)(ByteStream*)bsb; minivar_t exor = miniexp_cons(miniexp_symbol("xor"),miniexp_nil); minivar_t zstr = miniexp_string(""); for (GPosition p = links; p; ++p) { GP mark = links[p]; minivar_t url = miniexp_string((const char*)(mark->s)); minivar_t expr = miniexp_cons(exor, miniexp_nil); minivar_t area; area = miniexp_cons(miniexp_number(mark->r.height()), area); area = miniexp_cons(miniexp_number(mark->r.width()), area); area = miniexp_cons(miniexp_number(mark->r.ymin), area); area = miniexp_cons(miniexp_number(mark->r.xmin), area); area = miniexp_cons(miniexp_symbol("rect"),area); expr = miniexp_cons(area, expr); expr = miniexp_cons(zstr, expr); expr = miniexp_cons(url, expr); expr = miniexp_cons(miniexp_symbol("maparea"), expr); miniexp_pprint_r(&io, expr, 72); } } iff.close_chunk(); } } GP Comments::get_djvm_nav() { if (nav && nav->getBookMarkCount() && nav->isValidBookmark()) return nav; if (nav) DjVuPrintErrorUTF8("%s", "csepdjvu: corrupted outline comments.\n"); return 0; } // -------------------------------------------------- // MAIN COMPRESSION ROUTINE // -------------------------------------------------- // -- Compresses one page: // - bytestream bs contains the input separated file. // - bytestream obs will receive the output djvu file. void csepdjvu_page(BufferByteStream &bs, GP obs, GP &nav, const csepdjvuopts &opts) { // Read rle data from separation file CRLEImage rimg(bs); int w = rimg.width; int h = rimg.height; if (opts.verbose > 1) DjVuFormatErrorUTF8( "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d", ERR_MSG("csepdjvu.summary"), w, h, rimg.pal->size(), rimg.runs.size()); // Perform Color Connected Component Analysis rimg.make_ccids_by_analysis(); // Obtain ccids rimg.make_ccs_from_ccids(); // Compute cc descriptors if (opts.verbose > 1) DjVuFormatErrorUTF8("%s\t%d", ERR_MSG("csepdjvu.analyzed"), rimg.ccs.size()); // Post-process Color Connected Components int largesize = MIN(500, MAX(64, opts.dpi)); int smallsize = MAX(2, opts.dpi/150); rimg.merge_and_split_ccs(smallsize,largesize); // Eliminates gross ccs if (opts.verbose > 1) DjVuFormatErrorUTF8( "%s\t%d", ERR_MSG("csepdjvu.merge_split"), rimg.ccs.size()); rimg.sort_in_reading_order(); // Sort cc descriptors // Create JB2Image and fill colordata GP gjimg=JB2Image::create(); JB2Image &jimg=*gjimg; jimg.set_dimension(w, h); int nccs = rimg.ccs.size(); for (int ccid=0; ccid= rimg.nregularccs) shape.userdata |= JB2SHAPE_SPECIAL; shape.bits = rimg.get_bitmap_for_cc(ccid); shape.bits->compress(); CC& cc = rimg.ccs[ccid]; blit.shapeno = jimg.add_shape(shape); blit.left = cc.bb.xmin; blit.bottom = cc.bb.ymin; int blitno = jimg.add_blit(blit); rimg.pal->colordata.touch(blitno); rimg.pal->colordata[blitno] = cc.color; } // Organize JB2Image tune_jb2image_lossless(&jimg); if (opts.verbose> 1) { int nshape=0, nrefine=0; for (int i=0; i= 0) nrefine++; nshape++; } DjVuFormatErrorUTF8( "%s\t%d\t%d", ERR_MSG("csepdjvu.cross_code"), nshape, nrefine); } // Obtain background image int bgred; GP bgpix = read_background(bs, w, h, bgred); if (opts.verbose > 1 && bgpix) DjVuFormatErrorUTF8( "%s\t%d", ERR_MSG("csepdjvu.reduction"), bgred); // Process comments Comments coms(w, h, opts); coms.process_comments(bs, opts.verbose); // Compute flags for simplifying output format bool white_background = (bgpix ? false : true); bool gray_background = white_background; if (rimg.bg_flags == 'g' || rimg.bg_flags=='b') gray_background = true; bool bitonal = false; if (white_background && rimg.pal->size() == 1) { GPixel fgcolor; rimg.pal->index_to_color(0, fgcolor); if (fgcolor == GPixel::BLACK) bitonal = true; } if (opts.verbose > 1) { if (bitonal) DjVuWriteError( ERR_MSG("csepdjvu.bilevel") ); else if (white_background) DjVuWriteError( ERR_MSG("csepdjvu.white_bg") ); else if (gray_background) DjVuWriteError( ERR_MSG("csepdjvu.gray_bg") ); else DjVuWriteError( ERR_MSG("csepdjvu.color") ); } // Create background image GP iw; if (! white_background) { /* Perform masked compression */ GP mask = jimg.get_bitmap(bgred); mask->binarize_grays(bgred*bgred-1); IW44Image::CRCBMode mode = IW44Image::CRCBnormal; if (gray_background) mode = IW44Image::CRCBnone; iw = IW44Image::create_encode(*bgpix, mask, mode); bgpix = 0; } else if (! bitonal) { /* Compute white background */ GPixel bgcolor = GPixel::WHITE; GP inputsub=GPixmap::create((h+11)/12, (w+11)/12, &bgcolor); iw = IW44Image::create_encode(*inputsub, 0, IW44Image::CRCBnone); } // Assemble DJVU file GP giff=IFFByteStream::create(obs); IFFByteStream &iff=*giff; // -- main composite chunk iff.put_chunk("FORM:DJVU", 1); // -- ``INFO'' chunk iff.put_chunk("INFO"); GP ginfo=DjVuInfo::create(); DjVuInfo &info=*ginfo; info.height = h; info.width = w; info.dpi = opts.dpi; info.encode(*iff.get_bytestream()); iff.close_chunk(); // -- ``Sjbz'' chunk iff.put_chunk("Sjbz"); jimg.encode(iff.get_bytestream()); iff.close_chunk(); // -- Color stuff if (! bitonal) { // -- ``FGbz'' chunk iff.put_chunk("FGbz"); rimg.pal->encode(iff.get_bytestream()); iff.close_chunk(); // -- ``BG44'' chunk IWEncoderParms iwparms; if (white_background) { iff.put_chunk("BG44"); iwparms.slices = 97; iw->encode_chunk(iff.get_bytestream(), iwparms); iff.close_chunk(); } else { const unsigned char *slice = opts.slice; while ((iwparms.slices = *slice++)) { iff.put_chunk("BG44"); iw->encode_chunk(iff.get_bytestream(), iwparms); iff.close_chunk(); } } } // -- terminate main composite chunk coms.make_chunks(iff); iff.close_chunk(); // -- store outline if (! nav) nav = coms.get_djvm_nav(); } // -- Checks whether there is another page in the same file bool check_for_another_page(BufferByteStream &bs, const csepdjvuopts &opts) { // Skip null bytes (why?) int lookahead; while (! (lookahead = bs.get())) { } bs.unget(lookahead); // Check next header if (lookahead == 'R') return true; if (lookahead != EOF) DjVuPrintErrorUTF8("%s","csepdjvu: found corrupted data\n"); return false; } // -- Prints usage message void usage() { const char *msg = #ifdef DJVULIBRE_VERSION "CSEPDJVU --- DjVuLibre-" DJVULIBRE_VERSION "\n" #endif "DjVu encoder working with \"separated\" files\n\n" "Usage: csepdjvu <...options_or_separatedfiles...> \n" "Options are:\n" " -v, -vv Select verbosity level.\n" " -d Set resolution to dpi (default: 300).\n" " -t Restricts text information to lines only.\n" " -q Select quality for background (default: 72+11+10+10);\n" " see option -slice in program c44 for more information.\n" "Each separated files contain one or more pages\n" "Each page is composed of:\n" " (1) a B&W-RLE or Color-RLE image representing the foreground,\n" " (2) an optional PPM image representing the background layer.\n"; DjVuPrintErrorUTF8(msg); exit(10); } // -- Parsing quality spec (borrowed from c44) void parse_slice(const char *q, csepdjvuopts &opts) { int count = 0; int lastx = 0; while (*q) { char *ptr; int x = strtol(q, &ptr, 10); if (ptr == q) G_THROW("csepdjvu: " "illegal quality specification (number expected)"); if (lastx>0 && q[-1]=='+') x += lastx; if (x<1 || x>1000 || x= (int)(sizeof(opts.slice)/sizeof(opts.slice[0]))) G_THROW("csepdjvu: " "illegal quality specification (too many chunks)"); opts.slice[count++] = x; opts.slice[count] = 0; } if (count < 1) G_THROW("csepdjvu: " "illegal quality specification (no chunks)"); } // -- Main routine int main(int argc, const char **argv) { DJVU_LOCALE; GArray dargv(0,argc-1); for(int i=0;i gdoc=DjVmDoc::create(); GP gnav; DjVmDoc &doc=*gdoc; GURL outputurl; GP goutputpage=ByteStream::create(); csepdjvuopts opts; int pageno = 0; // Read outputurl name if (argc < 3) usage(); outputurl = GURL::Filename::UTF8(dargv[--argc]); // Process arguments for (int i=1; i6000) usage(); } else if (arg == "-q" && i+1 < argc) { // Specify background quality parse_slice(dargv[++i], opts); } else if (arg == "-l" || arg == "-t" || arg == "-h") { DjVuPrintErrorUTF8("csepdjvu: option %s not yet supported\n", (const char *)arg ); } else if ((arg == "-j" || arg == "-p") && i+1 < argc) { i += 1; DjVuPrintErrorUTF8("csepdjvu: option %s not yet supported\n", (const char *)arg ); } else { // Process separation file GP fbs = ByteStream::create(GURL::Filename::UTF8(arg),"rb"); BufferByteStream ibs(*fbs); do { char pagename[16]; sprintf(pagename, "p%04d.djvu", ++pageno); if (opts.verbose > 1) DjVuPrintErrorUTF8("%s","--------------------\n"); // Compress page goutputpage=ByteStream::create(); ByteStream &outputpage=*goutputpage; csepdjvu_page(ibs, goutputpage, gnav, opts); if (opts.verbose) { DjVuPrintErrorUTF8("csepdjvu: %d bytes for page %d", outputpage.size(), pageno); if (arg == "-") DjVuPrintErrorUTF8("%s"," (from stdin)\n"); else DjVuPrintErrorUTF8(" (from file '%s')\n", (const char*)arg); } // Insert page into document outputpage.seek(0); doc.insert_file(outputpage, DjVmDir::File::PAGE, pagename, pagename); } while (check_for_another_page(ibs, opts)); } } // Save file if (pageno == 1 && ! gnav) { ByteStream &outputpage=*goutputpage; // Save as a single page outputpage.seek(0); ByteStream::create(outputurl,"wb")->copy(outputpage); } else if (pageno >= 1) { // Save as a bundled file doc.set_djvm_nav(gnav); doc.write(ByteStream::create(outputurl,"wb")); } else usage(); } G_CATCH(ex) { ex.perror(); exit(1); } G_ENDCATCH; return 0; }