Blob Blame History Raw
.\" Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Leon Bottou, Yann Le Cun, Patrick Haffner,
.\" Copyright (c) 2001 AT&T Corp., and Lizardtech, Inc.
.\" This is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or
.\" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
.\" published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
.\" the License, or (at your option) any later version.
.\" The GNU General Public License's references to "object code"
.\" and "executables" are to be interpreted as the output of any
.\" document formatting or typesetting system, including
.\" intermediate and printed output.
.\" This manual is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
.\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
.\" GNU General Public License for more details.
.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
.\" License along with this manual. Otherwise check the web site
.\" of the Free Software Foundation at
.TH DDJVU 1 "10/19/2002" "DjVuLibre-3.5" "DjVuLibre-3.5"
ddjvu \- Command line DjVu decoder.

.BI "ddjvu -format=" "fmt" " [" "options" "] [" "djvufile" "] [" "outputfile" "]"


Decode the DjVu file
.IR "djvufile" ,
produces the image file
.IR "outputfile" .

The DjVu data is read from the standard input when argument 
.IR "djvufile"
is not specified or when it is equal to a single dash.
Similarly, the output data is written to the standard output
when argument 
.IR "outputfile"
is not specified or equal to a single dash.
However a valid output file name is always required when producing a
TIFF or PDF file.

.BI "-format=" "fmt"
Specify the output file formats.
The recognized file formats are
.BR "pbm" ,
.BR "pgm" ,
.BR "ppm" ,
.BR "pnm" ,
.BR "rle" ,
.BR "tiff" ,
.BR "pdf" .
.IP "*" 3
.BR "pbm" ,
.BR "pgm" ,
.BR "ppm"
respectively produce a Portable Bitmap (PBM),
Portable Graymap (PGM),
or Portable Pixmap (PPM) file.
.B "pnm"
produces a PBM, PGM, or PPM 
output file according to the color content
of the output image.
.IP "*"
.B "rle"
produces a compact run length encoded bitonal file
that is understood by the DjVuLibre commands
.BR "cjb2" 
.BR "csepdjvu" .
.IP "*"
.B "tiff"
produces a Tagged Image Format (TIFF) 
file using lossless compression.
Enabling lossy JPEG compression (see option 
.BI "-quality"
below) often produces much smaller files.
.BR tiffcp (1)
.BR tiffsplit (1)
are useful for manipulating the resulting 
TIFF files.
.IP "*"
.B "pdf"
produces a Portable Document Format (PDF) file.
Each page in the resulting file is represented
by an image at the specified resolution,
using lossless compression.
Enabling lossy JPEG compression (see option 
.BI "-quality"
below) often produces much smaller files.
An alternate way to produce PDF 
file consists in first using
.BR djvups (1)
and convert the resulting PostScript file to PDF.
Which method gives better results depends
on the contents of the DJVU file and on the
capabilities of the PS to PDF converter.
.B ""
When option
.B "-format"
is not specified, 
the extension of argument
.I "outputfile"
has no influence on the default output format.
Instead the program behavior is modified to 
ensure backward compatibility with previous 
versions of 
.BR "ddjvu" .
We recommend to always specify the output
format using this option.
.BI "-page=" "pagespec"
Specify which pages should be decoded.
When this option is not specified,
all pages of the documents are decoded
and concatenated into the output file.
The page specification
.I pagespec 
contains one or more comma-separated page ranges.
A page range is either a page number, 
or two page numbers separated by a dash.
For instance, specification
.BR "1-10" 
outputs pages 1 to 10, and specification
.BR "1,3,99999-4"
outputs pages 1 and 3, followed by all the document
pages in reverse order up to page 4.
.BI "-eachpage"
When this option is specified, program
.B ddjvu
generates one separate file per page
named by replacing the 
.B %d
specification in 
.I outputfilename
by the page number 
in a manner simular to the 
.BR printf (3)
.BI "-mode=" "mod"
Selects which layers of the DjVu image should be rendered.
Valid rendering modes are 
.BR "color" ,
.BR "black" ,
.BR "mask" ,
.BR "foreground" ,
.BR "background" .
.IP "*" 3
Rendering mode
.BR "color" 
is the default mode.
When the DjVu file is bitonal, bitonal or gray-level output
is produced depending on the subsampling factor. 
Otherwise a color image is produced.
.IP "*"
Rendering mode
.B "black"
is useful to extract a meaningful black and white image.
bitonal or gray-level output is produced depending 
on the subsampling factor. 
.IP "*"
Rendering modes
.BR "mask" ,
.BR "foreground" ,
.BR "background"
select specific layers of a DjVu image.
These modes can fail if the DjVu image does 
not contain the selected layer.
.BI "-skip"
Instead of aborting when encountering a corrupted page,
this option causes
.BR ddjvu
to simply skip the corrupted page and continue with the next.
This is useful for processing certain damaged files.

The following options control the resolution of the output image.  
The default resolution is the native resolution of the DjVu file, 
equivalent to selecting
.BR "-1" .
.BI "-" "n"
Specify an integer sub-sampling factor.  
The dimensions of the full output image will be 
.I n
times smaller than the DjVu image size.
The legal values for argument
.I n
range from 1 to 12.  Option
.BR -1 ,
for instance, produces an output image whose resolution
is equal to the resolution of the input DjVu image file.
.BI "-subsample=" "n"
This is equivalent to option
.IR "-n" .
.BI "-scale=" "mag"
Specify a magnification factor relative to the resolution stored 
in the DjVu image.  Specifying magnification of 100 produces an image 
suitable for displaying on a 100 dpi device such as a computer screen.  
The magnification factor
.I "mag"
can also be interpreted as the resolution
of the output image expressed in dot per inch.
.BI "-size=" "w" "x" "h"
Specify the size of the full output image.
Rendering the full DjVu image would create an 
output image whose width and height would not exceed
.IR "w"
.IR "h" .
To change the aspect ratio, you must also use option
.BR "-aspect=no" .
.BI "-aspect=" yesno
This option indicates whether the image aspect ratio
should be preserved.  The defaults is to preserve the
aspect ration. This option permits changes in the aspect ratio
when used in combination with option
.BR "-size" .

.BI "-verbose"
Display informational messages describing the 
structure of the DjVu image and the format
of the output file.
.BI "-segment=" "w" "x" "h" "+" "x" "+" "y"
Specify an image segment to render. 
.B ddjvu
conceptually renders the full page using the specified resolution, 
and then extracts a sub-image of width
.I w 
and height
.IR h ,
starting at position 
.IR "" ( x , y )
relative to the bottom left corner of the page.
Both operations of course happen simultaneously.  Rendering a small
sub-image is much faster than rendering the complete image.  
The output file will always have size
.IR w x h 
when this option is specified.
.BI "-quality=" "factor"
Enables lossy JPEG compression for TIFF and PDF files.
This option only affects images that cannot be encoded
using the preferred TIFF/G4 compression.
.I factor
is a quantization factor ranging from 25 to 150. 
See command 
.BR cjpeg (1)
for more information on JPEG quantization factors.
Value 80 is a good starting point.
.BR "-quality=uncompressed"
Completely disables compression in TIFF and PDF files.
Although the resulting files are often huge,
this is sometimes useful for maximal compatibility
with hastily written software.
.BR "-quality=deflate"
Enables DEFLATE compression for TIFF files.
Images that cannot be encoded using the preferred TIFF/G4 compression
will be encoded with DEFLATE compression if available.
Otherwise the more portable PACKBITS compression is used.
Specifying this option is not necessary for PDF files
because this is the default behavior.


Various options have been maintained to ensure
backward compatibility with previous versions of
.BR ddjvu.  
When option
.BR -format
is not specified, 
the program only decodes the first page of the document
and the default resolution becomes
.BR -scale=100 .
.BR -size ,
.BR -scale ,
.BR -segment ,
.BR -page 
accept an argument separated by a space.
.BR -foreground ,
.BR -background ,
.BR -black
are shorthands for the 
.BI -mode= mod
Please do not rely on these features.

.IP "" 3
.BI "ddjvu -format=tiff " "myfile.djvu" " " "myfile.tif"
decodes all pages and produces a multipage TIFF file.

.IP "" 3
.BI "ddjvu -format=ppm -page=1-10 -eachpage -size=100x100 " "myfile.djvu" " thumb%03d.ppm"
produces 100x100 thumbnails for the first ten page of a document 
and outputs them as PPM files named
.BR thumb001.ppm
.BR thumb010.ppm .

The new version of this program was written 
by L\('eon Bottou <>.

This program includes code derived from program
.BR tiff2pdf ,
written by Ross Finlayson and 
released under a BSD license.

.BR djvu (1),
.BR djview (1),
.BR pnm (5),
.BR pbm (5),
.BR pgm (5),
.BR ppm (5),
.BR cjpeg (1),
.BR tiffsplit (1),
.BR tiffcp (1),
.BR printf (3)