Blame doc/djvuchanges.txt

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This document describes actual and proposed changes to the djvu
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format since the release of the DjVu3 specification by Lizardtech in
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november 2005.
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The relation between the size (W,H) of the foreground image and the
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size (w,h) of the background image is described in page 33 of the
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specification.  The requirement ceil(W/w)=ceil(H/h) does not
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completely capture the fact that the same reduction factor should be
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applied to both dimensions.  The requirements should be read as:
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  that w=ceil(W/k) and h=ceil(H/k).  Should there be several
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  such integers, the smallest one shall be considered
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  to rescale the background image to the foreground resolution.>>
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Page 16 omits to specify that URLs in annotations should be percent encoded. 
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However, consistent with the encoding of strings in the annotation chunk, 
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UTF-8 characters in URL strings will be interpreted properly as if
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they were percent encoded.
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Page 24 specifies that {1,6,2,5} are the only four allowed 
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values of the "flags" field in the INFO chunk.
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To maximize compatibility with earlier versions of the standard,
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values different from {1,6,2,5} should be ignored
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and interpreted as 1 : rightside up orientation.
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The treatment of escape sequence in annotation chunk strings has
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historically been slightly different in Lizardtech DjVu and
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DjVuLibre.  We are expecting that the DjVuLibre solution will
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eventually become the standard.
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Lizardtech DjVu uses the "old" rule described in section
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The sequence of characters BACKSLASH DOUBLEQUOTE represents a
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DOUBLEQUOTE character without terminating the string.  There are no
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other escape sequences. All other utf8 characters are written
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directly. The main drawback of this approach is the inability to
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write a string containing the sequence of characters BACKSLASH
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DOUBLEQUOTE since there is no way to escape the first BACKSLASH
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DjVuLibre has introduced a more flexible scheme a few years ago.
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Annotation strings are similar to strings in the C language.
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Character sequences starting with a backslash have special meaning.
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A BACKSLASH followed by "a", "b", "t", "n", "v", "f", "r", or "\"
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stands for the ascii character BEL, BS, HT, LF, VT, FF, CR,
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BACKSLASH or DOUBLEQUOTE.  A BACKSLASH followed by one to three
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digits stands for the byte whose octal code is expressed by the
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digits.  All other backslash sequences are illegal.  Non printable
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ascii characters must be escaped. Multibyte characters should either
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be entered directly, or represented using octal sequences.
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DjVuLibre minimizes the compatibility problems by searching illegal
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escape sequences in the annotation chunk.  If any illegal sequence
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is found, the Lizardtech rule is used instead of the DjVuLibre rule.
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It is expected that Lizardtech will at some point adopt the improved
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DjVuLibre rules. We will then be able to state that all DjVu files
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with version greater than some constant use the new convention.
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Each page in a DjVu document is identified by three strings named
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the ID, the NAME, and the TITLE. The semantic distinction between
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these three strings is no longer very clear. DjVu libraries
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does not work consistently when these strings are different.  See
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the comment in the table, section of the specification.
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Recent versions of DjVuLibre still require that the ID and NAME
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string are equal. The TITLE string however can be different and
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should be used to display friendly page names. The djvused program
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now features a command 'set-page-title' to install a TITLE different
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from the ID string. The djview program then displays and recognizes
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these page titles in lieu of the sequential page numbers.
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Things get complicated when some page titles are purely numerical.
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For instance, the page titled "4" might not be the fourth page of 
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the document, and there might be many pages titled "4".
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The djview4 viewer uses the following rules:
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The djvu cgi argument "page=X" is interpreted as follows:
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- It first searches a page whose ID matches X.
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- Otherwise, if X has the form +N or -N where N is a number,
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  this indicates a displacement relative to the current page.
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- Otherwise, it searches a page with TITLE X starting
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  from the current page and wrapping around.
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- Otherwise, if X is numerical and in range, this is the page number.
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- Otherwise, it searches a page whose NAME matches X.
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Page references in hyperlink annotations always have the form "#X".
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These references are interpretes as follows.
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- It first searches a page whose ID matches X.
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- Otherwise, if X has the form +N or -N where N is a number,
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  this indicates a displacement relative to the page containing the link.
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- Otherwise, it searches a page with TITLE X starting
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  from the current page and wrapping around.
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- Otherwise, if X is numerical and in range, this is the page number.
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- Otherwise, it searches a page whose NAME matches X.
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DjVuLibre has introduced metadata annotations a few years ago.
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Metadata entries for each page are represent by key/value pairs
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located in a metadata directive in the annotation chunk.
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Metadata entries for the document are represented similarly
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using the methods described in the next section.
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The metadata directive has the form
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  (metadata ... (key "value") ... )
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Each entry is identified by a symbol <key> 
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representing the nature of the metadata entry.
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The string <"value"> represents
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the value associated with the corresponding key.
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Several sets of keys are noteworthy.
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* Keys borrowed from the BibTex bibliography system. 
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  These key names are always expressed 
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  in lowercase, such as 'year', 'booktitle', 'editor', 
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  'author', etc.  
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* Keys borrowed from the PDF DocInfo.
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  These key names start with an uppercase letter:
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  'Title', 'Author', 'Subject', 'Keywords', 'Creator', 
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  'Producer', 'Trapped', 'CreationDate', and 'ModDate'.
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  The values associated with the last two keys
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  should be dates expressed according to RFC 3339.
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The XMP specification describes a general purpose RDF/XML format for
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metadata. Just like DjVuLibre metadata, XMP metadata is embedded in
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an annotation chunk at the page or document level using the following
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annotation directive
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   (xmp "<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=... [escaped XMP here] ...</rdf:RDF>")
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The sole argument of the xmp directive is the serialized XMP data
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without the "xpacket" wrapper. The "x:xmpmeta" element may also be
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dropped. Only elements from "rdf:RDF" inwards are needed.
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Since the XMP data is represented as a string, doublequotes and
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backslashes must be escaped.  Other characters may be escaped as well
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(see section 2 above).
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The full XMP specification is available from Adobe:
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To maximize interoperability with current viewers, it is recommended
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that XMP manipulation programs keep the DjVuLibre metadata in sync.
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This is facilitated by synchronizing the PDF DocInfo keys with XMP
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properties as follows:
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   DocInfo key    XMP property
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   ------------   ---------------
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   Title          dc:title
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   Author         dc:creator
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   Subject        dc:description
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   Keywords       pdf:Keywords
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   Producer       pdf:Producer
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   Trapped        pdf:Trapped
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   Creator        xmp:CreatorTool
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   CreationDate   xmp:CreateDate
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   ModDate        xmp:ModifyDate
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The above schemes provide ways to specify metadata for each page.
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But it is often useful to provide metadata that applies to the whole
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document. Document wide metadata are represented using one or
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several metadata directives in the shared annotations chunk.
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This scheme has a potential drawback. Since the shared annotations
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is included by all pages, the document wide metadata also appears as
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page metadata for all pages. This might not be adequate for some
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uses. As a workaround, the djview4 viewer only displays 
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page metadata that differ from the document metadata.
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A more definitive answer would be the definition of a document
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annotation chunk located after the DIRM chunk and before any
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component file. This space is already used by the NAVM chunk.  
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This is being considered.
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Outline and maparea annotation are
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UTF-8 encoded strings that can be 
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interpreted as page specification (see section 3.1)
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or as percent-encoded URLs (see section 1.3.)
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In addition, strings starting with a question mark '?' are 
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interpreted as CGI style options separated by the 
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ampersand character '&'.  These options are ignored
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when the maparea link target is another window.
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Otherwise these options are passed verbatim to the viewer.
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This can cause portability problems because different djvu 
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viewers support different sets of CGI style options.
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Recently Lizardtech introduced an incompatible "Secure DJVU" format.
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This format encrypt djvu data in the hope of controlling
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whether users can use, copy or print djvu documents.
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A recent specification describes the container format
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but does not provide enough information to decode the content.
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Providing such an information would obviously provide
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a means to avoid the usage restrictions. In fact there is no durable 
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way to enforce such constraints besides "security through obscurity".
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The current djvulibre library simply emits an 
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error message when encountering such files.
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Some observations regarding these files:
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- They use the same IFF85 structure as djvu files.
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  Chunk "SINF" contains a scrambled version of the decryption 
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  key and describes which actions are authorized or denied.
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  Chunks "CELX" encapsulate the regular DjVu chunks.  
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- Each CELX chunk starts with four bytes for the original chunk 
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  name, and four bytes for the original chunk length.
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  This is followed encrypted data, composed of enough
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  blocks of 8 bytes to covert the initial chunk length.
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- Lizardtech claims encryption is 32 bit blowfish.
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  It appears to be in fact composed of 64 bits block
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  as you would expect with blowfish.
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