Blame plugins/devhelp.vim

Packit 116408
" devhelp.vim: A Devhelp assistant and search plugin for VIM.
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" Copyright (c) 2008 Jannis Pohlmann <>
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" To enable devhelp search:
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"   let g:devhelpSearch=1
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" To enable devhelp assistant:
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"   let g:devhelpAssistant=1
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" To change the update delay (e.g. to 150ms):
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"   set updatetime=150
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" To change the search key (e.g. to F5):
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"   let g:devhelpSearchKey = '<F5>'
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" To change the length (e.g. to 5 characters) before a word becomes
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" relevant:
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"   let g:devhelpWordLength = 5
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" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
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" (at your option) any later version.
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" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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" General Public License for more details.
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" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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" along with this program; if not, see <>.
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" Devhelp plugin configuration. These variables may be set in .vimrc
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" to override the defaults
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if !exists ('g:devhelpSearchKey')
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  let g:devhelpSearchKey = '<F7>'
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if !exists ('g:devhelpWordLength')
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  let g:devhelpWordLength = 5
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" Variable for remembering the last assistant word
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let s:lastWord = ''
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function! GetCursorWord ()
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  " Try to get the word below the cursor
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  let s:word = expand ('<cword>')
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  " If that's empty, try to use the word before the cursor
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  if empty (s:word)
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    let s:before = getline  ('.')[0 : getpos ('.')[2]-1]
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    let s:start  = match    (s:before, '\(\w*\)$')
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    let s:end    = matchend (s:before, '\(\w*\)$')
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    let s:word   = s:before[s:start : s:end]
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  return s:word
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function! DevhelpUpdate (flag)
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    " Get word below or before cursor
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    let s:word = GetCursorWord ()
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    if a:flag == 'a'
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      " Update Devhelp assistant window
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      if s:lastWord != s:word && strlen (s:word) > g:devhelpWordLength
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        " Update Devhelp
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        call system ('devhelp -a '.s:word.' &')
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        " Remember the word for next time
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        let s:lastWord = s:word
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      " Update devhelp search window. Since the user intentionally
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      " pressed the search key, the word is not checked for its
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      " length or whether it's new
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      call system ('devhelp -s '.s:word.' &')
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function! DevhelpUpdateI (flag)
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  " Use normal update function
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  call DevhelpUpdate (a:flag)
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  if col ('.') == len (getline ('.'))
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    " Start appening if the cursor at the end of the line
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    " Otherwise move the cursor to the right and start inserting.
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    " This is required because <ESC> moves the cursor to the left
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    let s:pos = getpos ('.')
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    let s:pos[2] += 1
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    call setpos ('.', s:pos)
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if exists ('g:devhelpSearch') && g:devhelpSearch
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  " Update the main Devhelp window when the search key is pressed
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  exec 'nmap '.g:devhelpSearchKey.' :call DevhelpUpdate("s")<CR>'
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  exec 'imap '.g:devhelpSearchKey.' <ESC>:call DevhelpUpdateI("s")<CR>'
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if exists ('g:devhelpAssistant') && g:devhelpAssistant
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  " Update the assistant window if the user hasn't pressed a key for a
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  " while. See :help updatetime for how to change this delay
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  au! CursorHold  * nested call DevhelpUpdate('a')
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  au! CursorHoldI * nested call DevhelpUpdate('a')
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