Blame doc/tutorial.txt

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dbus-python tutorial
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:Author: Simon McVittie, `Collabora Ltd.`_
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:Date: 2006-06-14
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.. _`Collabora Ltd.`:
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This tutorial requires Python 2.4 or up, and ``dbus-python`` 0.80rc4 or up.
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.. contents::
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.. --------------------------------------------------------------------
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.. _Bus object:
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.. _Bus objects:
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Connecting to the Bus
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Applications that use D-Bus typically connect to a *bus daemon*, which
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forwards messages between the applications. To use D-Bus, you need to create a
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``Bus`` object representing the connection to the bus daemon.
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There are generally two bus daemons you may be interested in. Each user
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login session should have a *session bus*, which is local to that
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session. It's used to communicate between desktop applications. Connect
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to the session bus by creating a ``SessionBus`` object::
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    import dbus
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    session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
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The *system bus* is global and usually started during boot; it's used to
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communicate with system services like udev_, NetworkManager_, and the
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`Hardware Abstraction Layer daemon (hald)`_. To connect to the system
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bus, create a ``SystemBus`` object::
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    import dbus
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    system_bus = dbus.SystemBus()
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Of course, you can connect to both in the same application.
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For special purposes, you might use a non-default Bus, or a connection
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which isn't a Bus at all, using some new API added in dbus-python 0.81.0.
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This is not described here, and will at some stage be the subject of a separate
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.. _udev:
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.. _NetworkManager:
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.. _Hardware Abstraction Layer daemon (hald):
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.. --------------------------------------------------------------------
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Making method calls
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D-Bus applications can export objects for other applications' use. To
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start working with an object in another application, you need to know:
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* The *bus name*. This identifies which application you want to
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  communicate with. You'll usually identify applications by a
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  *well-known name*, which is a dot-separated string starting with a
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  reversed domain name, such as ``org.freedesktop.NetworkManager``
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  or ``com.example.WordProcessor``.
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* The *object path*. Applications can export many objects - for
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  instance,'s word processor might provide an object
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  representing the word processor application itself and an object for
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  each document window opened, or it might also provide an object for
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  each paragraph within a document.
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  To identify which one you want to interact with, you use an object path,
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  a slash-separated string resembling a filename. For instance,'s
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  word processor might provide an object at ``/`` representing the word
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  processor itself, and objects at ``/documents/123`` and
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  ``/documents/345`` representing opened document windows.
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As you'd expect, one of the main things you can do with remote objects
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is to call their methods. As in Python, methods may have parameters,
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and they may return one or more values.
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.. _proxy object:
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Proxy objects
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To interact with a remote object, you use a *proxy object*. This is a
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Python object which acts as a proxy or "stand-in" for the remote object -
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when you call a method on a proxy object, this causes dbus-python to make
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a method call on the remote object, passing back any return values from
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the remote object's method as the return values of the proxy method call.
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To obtain a proxy object, call the ``get_object`` method on the ``Bus``.
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For example, NetworkManager_ has the well-known name
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``org.freedesktop.NetworkManager`` and exports an object whose object
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path is ``/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager``, plus an object per network
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interface at object paths like
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``/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/eth0``. You can get a proxy
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for the object representing eth0 like this::
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    import dbus
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    bus = dbus.SystemBus()
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    proxy = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.NetworkManager',
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    # proxy is a dbus.proxies.ProxyObject
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Interfaces and methods
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D-Bus uses *interfaces* to provide a namespacing mechanism for methods.
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An interface is a group of related methods and signals (more on signals
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later), identified by a name which is a series of dot-separated components
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starting with a reversed domain name. For instance, each NetworkManager_
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object representing a network interface implements the interface
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``org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Devices``, which has methods like
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To call a method, call the method of the same name on the proxy object,
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passing in the interface name via the ``dbus_interface`` keyword argument::
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    import dbus
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    bus = dbus.SystemBus()
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    eth0 = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.NetworkManager',
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    props = eth0.getProperties(dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Devices')
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    # props is a tuple of properties, the first of which is the object path
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.. _dbus.Interface:
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As a short cut, if you're going to be calling many methods with the same
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interface, you can construct a ``dbus.Interface`` object and call
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methods on that, without needing to specify the interface again::
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    import dbus
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    bus = dbus.SystemBus()
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    eth0 = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.NetworkManager',
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    eth0_dev_iface = dbus.Interface(eth0,
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    props = eth0_dev_iface.getProperties()
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    # props is the same as before
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See also
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See the example in ``examples/``. Before running it,
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you'll need to run ``examples/`` in the background or
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in another shell.
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Data types
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Unlike Python, D-Bus is statically typed - each method has a certain
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*signature* representing the types of its arguments, and will not accept
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arguments of other types.
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D-Bus has an introspection mechanism, which ``dbus-python`` tries to use
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to discover the correct argument types. If this succeeds, Python types
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are converted into the right D-Bus data types automatically, if possible;
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``TypeError`` is raised if the type is inappropriate.
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If the introspection mechanism fails (or the argument's type is
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variant - see below), you have to provide arguments of
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the correct type. ``dbus-python`` provides Python types corresponding to
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the D-Bus data types, and a few native Python types are also converted to
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D-Bus data types automatically. If you use a type which isn't among these,
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a ``TypeError`` will be raised telling you that ``dbus-python`` was
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unable to guess the D-Bus signature.
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Basic types
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The following basic data types are supported.
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==========================  =============================  =====
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Python type                 converted to D-Bus type        notes
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==========================  =============================  =====
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D-Bus `proxy object`_       ObjectPath (signature 'o')     `(+)`_
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`dbus.Interface`_           ObjectPath (signature 'o')     `(+)`_
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`dbus.service.Object`_      ObjectPath (signature 'o')     `(+)`_
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``dbus.Boolean``            Boolean (signature 'b')        a subclass of ``int``
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``dbus.Byte``               byte (signature 'y')           a subclass of ``int``
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``dbus.Int16``              16-bit signed integer ('n')    a subclass of ``int``
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``dbus.Int32``              32-bit signed integer ('i')    a subclass of ``int``
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``dbus.Int64``              64-bit signed integer ('x')    `(*)`_
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``dbus.UInt16``             16-bit unsigned integer ('q')  a subclass of ``int``
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``dbus.UInt32``             32-bit unsigned integer ('u')  `(*)_`
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``dbus.UInt64``             64-bit unsigned integer ('t')  `(*)_`
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``dbus.Double``             double-precision float ('d')   a subclass of ``float``
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``dbus.ObjectPath``         object path ('o')              a subclass of ``str``
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``dbus.Signature``          signature ('g')                a subclass of ``str``
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``dbus.String``             string ('s')                   a subclass of 
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``dbus.UTF8String``         string ('s')                   a subclass of ``str``
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``bool``                    Boolean ('b')
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``int`` or subclass         32-bit signed integer ('i')
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``long`` or subclass        64-bit signed integer ('x')
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``float`` or subclass       double-precision float ('d')
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``str`` or subclass         string ('s')                   must be valid UTF-8
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``unicode`` or subclass     string ('s')
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==========================  =============================  =====
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.. _(*):
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Types marked (*) may be a subclass of either ``int`` or ``long``, depending
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on platform.
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.. _(+):
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(+): D-Bus proxy objects, exported D-Bus service objects and anything
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else with the special attribute ``__dbus_object_path__``, which
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must be a string, are converted to their object-path. This might be
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useful if you're writing an object-oriented API using dbus-python.
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Basic type conversions
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If introspection succeeded, ``dbus-python`` will also accept:
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* for Boolean parameters, any object (converted as if via ``int(bool(...))``)
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* for byte parameters, a single-character string (converted as if via ``ord()``)
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* for byte and integer parameters, any integer (must be in the correct range)
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* for object-path and signature parameters, any ``str`` or ``unicode``
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  subclass (the value must follow the appropriate syntax)
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Container types
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D-Bus supports four container types: array (a variable-length sequence of the
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same type), struct (a fixed-length sequence whose members may have
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different types), dictionary (a mapping from values of the same basic type to
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values of the same type), and variant (a container which may hold any
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D-Bus type, including another variant).
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Arrays are represented by Python lists, or by ``dbus.Array``, a subclass
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of ``list``. When sending an array, if an introspected signature is
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available, that will be used; otherwise, if the ``signature`` keyword
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parameter was passed to the ``Array`` constructor, that will be used to
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determine the contents' signature; otherwise, ``dbus-python`` will guess
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from the array's first item.
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The signature of an array is 'ax' where 'x' represents the signature of
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one item. For instance, you could also have 'as' (array of strings) or
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'a(ii)' (array of structs each containing two 32-bit integers).
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There's also a type ``dbus.ByteArray`` which is a subclass of ``str``,
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used as a more efficient representation of a D-Bus array of bytes
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(signature 'ay').
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Structs are represented by Python tuples, or by ``dbus.Struct``, a
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subclass of ``tuple``. When sending a struct, if an introspected signature is
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available, that will be used; otherwise, if the ``signature`` keyword
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parameter was passed to the ``Array`` constructor, that will be used to
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determine the contents' signature; otherwise, ``dbus-python`` will guess
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from the array's first item.
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The signature of a struct consists of the signatures of the contents,
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in parentheses - for instance '(is)' is the signature of a struct
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containing a 32-bit integer and a string.
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Dictionaries are represented by Python dictionaries, or by
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``dbus.Dictionary``, a subclass of ``dict``. When sending a dictionary,
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if an introspected signature is available, that will be used; otherwise,
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if the ``signature`` keyword parameter was passed to the ``Dictionary``
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constructor, that will be used to determine the contents' key and value
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signatures; otherwise, ``dbus-python`` will guess from an arbitrary item
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of the ``dict``.
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The signature of a dictionary is 'a{xy}' where 'x' represents the
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signature of the keys (which may not be a container type) and 'y'
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represents the signature of the values. For instance,
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'a{s(ii)}' is a dictionary where the keys are strings and the values are
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structs containing two 32-bit integers.
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Variants are represented by setting the ``variant_level`` keyword
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argument in the constructor of any D-Bus data type to a value greater
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than 0 (``variant_level`` 1 means a variant containing some other data type,
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``variant_level`` 2 means a variant containing a variant containing some
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other data type, and so on). If a non-variant is passed as an argument
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but introspection indicates that a variant is expected, it'll
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automatically be wrapped in a variant.
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The signature of a variant is 'v'.
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.. _byte_arrays and utf8_strings:
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Return values, and the ``byte_arrays`` and ``utf8_strings`` options
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If a D-Bus method returns no value, the Python proxy method will return
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If a D-Bus method returns one value, the Python proxy method will return
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that value as one of the ``dbus.`` types - by default, strings are
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returned as ``dbus.String`` (a subclass of Unicode) and byte arrays are
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returned as a ``dbus.Array`` of ``dbus.Byte``.
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If a D-Bus method returns multiple values, the Python proxy method
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will return a tuple containing those values.
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If you want strings returned as ``dbus.UTF8String`` (a subclass of
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``str``) pass the keyword parameter ``utf8_strings=True`` to the proxy
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If you want byte arrays returned as ``dbus.ByteArray`` (also a
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subclass of ``str`` - in practice, this is often what you want) pass
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the keyword parameter ``byte_arrays=True`` to the proxy method.
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.. --------------------------------------------------------------------
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Making asynchronous method calls
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Asynchronous (non-blocking) method calls allow multiple method calls to
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be in progress simultaneously, and allow your application to do other
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work while it's waiting for the results. To make asynchronous calls,
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you first need an event loop or "main loop".
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Setting up an event loop
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Currently, the only main loop supported by ``dbus-python`` is GLib.
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``dbus-python`` has a global default main loop, which is the easiest way
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to use this functionality. To arrange for the GLib main loop to be the
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default, use::
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    from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
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You must do this before `connecting to the bus`_.
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Actually starting the main loop is as usual for ``pygi``::
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    from gi.repository import GLib
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    loop = GLib.MainLoop()
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While ```` is executing, GLib will run your callbacks when
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appropriate. To stop, call ``loop.quit()``.
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You can also set a main loop on a per-connection basis, by passing a
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main loop to the Bus constructor::
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    import dbus
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    from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
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    dbus_loop = DBusGMainLoop()
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    bus = dbus.SessionBus(mainloop=dbus_loop)
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This isn't very useful until we support more than one main loop, though.
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Backwards compatibility: ``dbus.glib``
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In versions of ``dbus-python`` prior to 0.80, the way to set GLib as the
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default main loop was::
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    import dbus.glib
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Executing that import statement would automatically load the GLib main
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loop and make this the default. This is now deprecated, since it's
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highly non-obvious, but may be useful if you want to write or understand
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backwards-compatible code.
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The Qt main loop
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PyQt v4.2 and later includes support for integrating dbus-python with
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the Qt event loop. To connect D-Bus to this main loop, call
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``dbus.mainloop.qt.DBusQtMainLoop`` instead of
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``dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop``. Otherwise the Qt loop is used in
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exactly the same way as the GLib loop.
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Making asynchronous calls
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To make a call asynchronous, pass two callables as keyword arguments
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``reply_handler`` and ``error_handler`` to the proxy method. The proxy
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method will immediately return `None`. At some later time, when the event
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loop is running, one of these will happen: either
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* the ``reply_handler`` will be called with the method's return values
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  as arguments; or
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* the ``error_handler`` will be called with one argument, an instance of
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  ``DBusException`` representing a remote exception.
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See also
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Packit 130fc8
``examples/`` makes asynchronous method calls to
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the service provided by ``examples/`` which return
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either a value or an exception. As for ``examples/``,
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you need to run ``examples/`` in the background or
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in another shell first.
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.. --------------------------------------------------------------------
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Receiving signals
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To receive signals, the Bus needs to be connected to an event loop - see
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section `Setting up an event loop`_. Signals will only be received while
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the event loop is running.
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Signal matching
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To respond to signals, you can use the ``add_signal_receiver`` method on
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`Bus objects`_. This arranges for a callback to be called when a
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matching signal is received, and has the following arguments:
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* a callable (the ``handler_function``) which will be called by the event loop
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  when the signal is received - its parameters will be the arguments of
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  the signal
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* the signal name, ``signal_name``: here None (the default) matches all names
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* the D-Bus interface, ``dbus_interface``: again None is the default,
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  and matches all interfaces
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* a sender bus name (well-known or unique), ``bus_name``: None is again
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  the default, and matches all senders. Well-known names match signals
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  from whatever application is currently the primary owner of that
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  well-known name.
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* a sender object path, ``path``: once again None is the default and
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  matches all object paths
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``add_signal_receiver`` also has keyword arguments ``utf8_strings`` and
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``byte_arrays`` which influence the types used when calling the
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handler function, in the same way as the `byte_arrays and utf8_strings`_
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options on proxy methods.
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``add_signal_receiver`` returns a ``SignalMatch`` object. Its only
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useful public API at the moment is a ``remove`` method with no
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arguments, which removes the signal match from the connection.
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Getting more information from a signal
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You can also arrange for more information to be passed to the handler
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function. If you pass the keyword arguments ``sender_keyword``,
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``destination_keyword``, ``interface_keyword``, ``member_keyword`` or
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``path_keyword`` to the ``connect_to_signal`` method, the appropriate
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part of the signal message will be passed to the handler function as a
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keyword argument: for instance if you use ::
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    def handler(sender=None):
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        print "got signal from %r" % sender
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    iface.connect_to_signal("Hello", handler, sender_keyword='sender')
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and a signal ``Hello`` with no arguments is received from
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``com.example.Foo``, the ``handler`` function will be called with
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String argument matching
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If there are keyword parameters for the form ``arg``\ *n* where n is a
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small non-negative number, their values must be ``unicode`` objects
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or UTF-8 strings. The handler will only be called if that argument
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of the signal (numbered from zero) is a D-Bus string (in particular,
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not an object-path or a signature) with that value.
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
.. *this comment is to stop the above breaking vim syntax highlighting*
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Receiving signals from a proxy object
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
`Proxy objects`_ have a special method ``connect_to_signal`` which
Packit 130fc8
arranges for a callback to be called when a signal is received
Packit 130fc8
from the corresponding remote object. The parameters are:
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
* the name of the signal
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
* a callable (the handler function) which will be called by the event loop
Packit 130fc8
  when the signal is received - its parameters will be the arguments of
Packit 130fc8
  the signal
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
* the handler function, a callable: the same as for ``add_signal_receiver``
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
* the keyword argument ``dbus_interface`` qualifies the name with its
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
`dbus.Interface` objects have a similar ``connect_to_signal`` method,
Packit 130fc8
but in this case you don't need the ``dbus_interface`` keyword argument
Packit 130fc8
since the interface to use is already known.
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
The same extra keyword arguments as for ``add_signal_receiver`` are also
Packit 130fc8
available, and just like ``add_signal_receiver``, it returns a
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
You shouldn't use proxy objects just to listen to signals, since they
Packit 130fc8
might activate the relevant service when created, but if you already have a
Packit 130fc8
proxy object in order to call methods, it's often convenient to use it to add
Packit 130fc8
signal matches too.
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
See also
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
``examples/`` receives signals - it demonstrates
Packit 130fc8
general signal matching as well as ``connect_to_signal``. Before running it,
Packit 130fc8
you'll need to run ``examples/`` in the background or
Packit 130fc8
in another shell.
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
.. _BusName:
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
.. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Claiming a bus name
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
FIXME describe `BusName`_ - perhaps fix its API first?
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
The unique-instance idiom
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
FIXME provide exemplary code, put it in examples
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
.. _exported object:
Packit 130fc8
.. _exported objects:
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
.. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Exporting objects
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Objects made available to other applications over D-Bus are said to be
Packit 130fc8
*exported*. All subclasses of ``dbus.service.Object`` are automatically
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
To export objects, the Bus needs to be connected to an event loop - see
Packit 130fc8
section `Setting up an event loop`_. Exported methods will only be called,
Packit 130fc8
and queued signals will only be sent, while the event loop is running.
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
.. _dbus.service.Object:
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Inheriting from ``dbus.service.Object``
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
To export an object onto the Bus, just subclass
Packit 130fc8
``dbus.service.Object``. Object expects either a `BusName`_ or a `Bus
Packit 130fc8
object`_, and an object-path, to be passed to its constructor: arrange
Packit 130fc8
for this information to be available. For example::
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
    class Example(dbus.service.Object):
Packit 130fc8
        def __init__(self, object_path):
Packit 130fc8
            dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, dbus.SessionBus(), path)
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
This object will automatically support introspection, but won't do
Packit 130fc8
anything particularly interesting. To fix that, you'll need to export some
Packit 130fc8
methods and signals too.
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
FIXME also mention dbus.gobject.ExportedGObject once I've written it
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Exporting methods with ``dbus.service.method``
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
To export a method, use the decorator ``dbus.service.method``. For
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
    class Example(dbus.service.Object):
Packit 130fc8
        def __init__(self, object_path):
Packit 130fc8
            dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, dbus.SessionBus(), path)
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
                             in_signature='v', out_signature='s')
Packit 130fc8
        def StringifyVariant(self, variant):
Packit 130fc8
            return str(variant)
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
The ``in_signature`` and ``out_signature`` are D-Bus signature strings
Packit 130fc8
as described in `Data Types`_.
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
As well as the keywords shown, you can pass ``utf8_strings`` and
Packit 130fc8
``byte_arrays`` keyword arguments, which influence the types which will
Packit 130fc8
be passed to the decorated method when it's called via D-Bus, in the
Packit 130fc8
same way that the `byte_arrays and utf8_strings`_ options affect the
Packit 130fc8
return value of a proxy method.
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
You can find a simple example in ``examples/``, which
Packit 130fc8
we used earlier to demonstrate ``examples/``.
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Finding out the caller's bus name
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
The ``method`` decorator accepts a ``sender_keyword`` keyword argument.
Packit 130fc8
If you set that to a string, the unique bus name of the sender will be
Packit 130fc8
passed to the decorated method as a keyword argument of that name::
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
    class Example(dbus.service.Object):
Packit 130fc8
        def __init__(self, object_path):
Packit 130fc8
            dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, dbus.SessionBus(), path)
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
                             in_signature='', out_signature='s',
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
        def SayHello(self, sender=None):
Packit 130fc8
            return 'Hello, %s!' % sender
Packit 130fc8
            # -> something like 'Hello, :1.1!'
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Asynchronous method implementations
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
FIXME and also add an example, perhaps examples/
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Emitting signals with ``dbus.service.signal``
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
To export a signal, use the decorator ``dbus.service.signal``; to emit
Packit 130fc8
that signal, call the decorated method. The decorated method can also
Packit 130fc8
contain code which will be run when called, as usual. For example::
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
    class Example(dbus.service.Object):
Packit 130fc8
        def __init__(self, object_path):
Packit 130fc8
            dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, dbus.SessionBus(), path)
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
        def NumberOfBottlesChanged(self, number, contents):
Packit 130fc8
            print "%d bottles of %s on the wall" % (number, contents)
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
    e = Example('/bottle-counter')
Packit 130fc8
    e.NumberOfBottlesChanged(100, 'beer')
Packit 130fc8
    # -> emits com.example.Sample.NumberOfBottlesChanged(100, 'beer')
Packit 130fc8
    #    and prints "100 bottles of beer on the wall"
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
The signal will be queued for sending when the decorated method returns -
Packit 130fc8
you can prevent the signal from being sent by raising an exception
Packit 130fc8
from the decorated method (for instance, if the parameters are
Packit 130fc8
inappropriate). The signal will only actually be sent when the event loop
Packit 130fc8
next runs.
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
``examples/`` emits some signals on demand when
Packit 130fc8
one of its methods is called. (In reality, you'd emit a signal when some
Packit 130fc8
sort of internal state changed, which may or may not be triggered by a
Packit 130fc8
D-Bus method call.)
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
.. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
License for this document
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Copyright 2006-2007 `Collabora Ltd.`_
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
Packit 130fc8
obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
Packit 130fc8
files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
Packit 130fc8
restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
Packit 130fc8
modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
Packit 130fc8
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
Packit 130fc8
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
Packit 130fc8
Packit 130fc8
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
Packit 130fc8
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Packit 130fc8
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Packit 130fc8
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