// // GNU gettext message generator for the CUPS PPD Compiler. // // This program is used to generate a dummy source file containing all of // the standard media and sample driver strings. The results are picked up // by GNU gettext and placed in the CUPS message catalog. // // Copyright 2008-2014 by Apple Inc. // // These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the // property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright // law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt" // which should have been included with this file. If this file is // missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/". // // Usage: // // ./genstrings >sample.c // // // Include necessary headers... // #include "ppdc-private.h" #include // // Local functions... // static void add_ui_strings(ppdcDriver *d, ppdcCatalog *catalog); static void write_cstring(const char *s); // // 'main()' - Main entry for the PPD compiler. // int // O - Exit status main(void) { ppdcSource *src; // PPD source file data ppdcCatalog *catalog; // Catalog to hold all of the UI strings // Make sure we are in the right place... if (access("../data", 0) || access("sample.drv", 0)) { puts("You must run genstrings from the ppdc directory."); return (1); } // Load the sample drivers... ppdcSource::add_include("../data"); src = new ppdcSource("sample.drv"); catalog = new ppdcCatalog(NULL); catalog->add_message("ISOLatin1"); catalog->add_message("English"); // Add the media size strings... ppdcMediaSize *size; // Current media size for (size = (ppdcMediaSize *)src->sizes->first(); size; size = (ppdcMediaSize *)src->sizes->next()) catalog->add_message(size->text->value); // Then collect all of the UI strings from the sample drivers... ppdcDriver *d; // Current driver for (d = (ppdcDriver *)src->drivers->first(); d; d = (ppdcDriver *)src->drivers->next()) add_ui_strings(d, catalog); // Finally, write all of the strings... ppdcMessage *message; for (message = (ppdcMessage *)catalog->messages->first(); message; message = (ppdcMessage *)catalog->messages->next()) write_cstring(message->id->value); src->release(); catalog->release(); // Return with no errors. return (0); } // // 'add_ui_strings()' - Add all UI strings from the driver. // static void add_ui_strings(ppdcDriver *d, // I - Driver data ppdcCatalog *catalog) // I - Message catalog { // Add the make/model/language strings... catalog->add_message(d->manufacturer->value); catalog->add_message(d->model_name->value); // Add the group/option/choice strings... ppdcGroup *g; // Current group ppdcOption *o; // Current option ppdcChoice *c; // Current choice for (g = (ppdcGroup *)d->groups->first(); g; g = (ppdcGroup *)d->groups->next()) { if (!g->options->count) continue; if (_cups_strcasecmp(g->name->value, "General")) catalog->add_message(g->text->value); for (o = (ppdcOption *)g->options->first(); o; o = (ppdcOption *)g->options->next()) { if (!o->choices->count) continue; if (o->text->value && strcmp(o->name->value, o->text->value)) catalog->add_message(o->text->value); else catalog->add_message(o->name->value); for (c = (ppdcChoice *)o->choices->first(); c; c = (ppdcChoice *)o->choices->next()) if (c->text->value && strcmp(c->name->value, c->text->value)) catalog->add_message(c->text->value); else catalog->add_message(c->name->value); } } // Add profile and preset strings... ppdcAttr *a; // Current attribute for (a = (ppdcAttr *)d->attrs->first(); a; a = (ppdcAttr *)d->attrs->next()) { if (a->text->value && a->text->value[0] && (a->localizable || !strncmp(a->name->value, "Custom", 6) || !strncmp(a->name->value, "ParamCustom", 11) || !strcmp(a->name->value, "APCustomColorMatchingName") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "APPrinterPreset") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "cupsICCProfile") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "cupsIPPReason") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "cupsMarkerName"))) { catalog->add_message(a->text->value); if ((a->localizable && a->value->value[0]) || !strcmp(a->name->value, "cupsIPPReason")) catalog->add_message(a->value->value); } else if (!strncmp(a->name->value, "Custom", 6) || !strncmp(a->name->value, "ParamCustom", 11)) catalog->add_message(a->name->value); } } // // 'write_cstring()' - Write a translation string as a valid C string to stdout. // static void write_cstring(const char *s) /* I - String to write */ { fputs("_(\"", stdout); if (s) { while (*s) { if (*s == '\\') fputs("\\\\", stdout); else if (*s == '\"') fputs("\\\"", stdout); else if (*s == '\t') fputs("\\t", stdout); else if (*s == '\n') fputs("\\n", stdout); else putchar(*s); s ++; } } puts("\");"); }