Blame scheduler/subscriptions.h

Packit 2fc92b
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 * Subscription definitions for the CUPS scheduler.
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 * Copyright 2007-2010 by Apple Inc.
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 * Copyright 1997-2007 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved.
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 * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
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 * property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
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 * law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
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 * which should have been included with this file.  If this file is
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 * missing or damaged, see the license at "".
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 * Event mask enumeration...
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typedef enum
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  /* Individual printer events... */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_PRINTER_STATE = 0x0001,	/* Sent after generic printer state change */
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					/* Sent after printer restarted */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_PRINTER_SHUTDOWN = 0x0004,/* Sent after printer shutdown */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_PRINTER_STOPPED = 0x0008,	/* Sent after printer stopped */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_PRINTER_CONFIG = 0x0010,	/* Send after add/modify changes attrs */
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					/* Sent after finishings-supported changed */
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					/* Sent after media-supported changed */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_PRINTER_ADDED = 0x0080,	/* Sent after printer added */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_PRINTER_DELETED = 0x0100,	/* Sent after printer deleted */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_PRINTER_MODIFIED = 0x0200,/* Sent after printer modified */
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					/* Sent when the order of jobs is changed */
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  /* Convenience printer event groupings... */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_PRINTER_CHANGED = 0x07ff,	/* All of the above */
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  /* Individual job events... */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_JOB_STATE = 0x0800,	/* Any state change */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_JOB_CREATED = 0x1000,	/* Send after job is created */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_JOB_COMPLETED = 0x2000,	/* Sent after job is completed */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_JOB_STOPPED = 0x4000,	/* Sent after job is stopped */
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					/* Sent after set-job-attributes */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_JOB_PROGRESS = 0x10000,	/* Sent for each page */
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  /* Convenience job event grouping... */
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  /* Server events... */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_SERVER_RESTARTED = 0x20000,/* Sent after server restarts */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_SERVER_STARTED = 0x40000,	/* Sent when server first starts */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_SERVER_STOPPED = 0x80000,	/* Sent when server is stopped */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_SERVER_AUDIT = 0x100000,	/* Security-related stuff */
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  /* Everything and nothing... */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_NONE = 0,			/* Nothing */
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  CUPSD_EVENT_ALL = 0x1fffff		/* Everything */
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} cupsd_eventmask_t;
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 * Notiification support structures...
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typedef struct cupsd_event_s		/**** Event structure ****/
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  cupsd_eventmask_t	event;		/* Event */
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  time_t		time;		/* Time of event */
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  ipp_t			*attrs;		/* Notification message */
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  cupsd_printer_t	*dest;		/* Associated printer, if any */
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  cupsd_job_t		*job;		/* Associated job, if any */
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} cupsd_event_t;
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typedef struct cupsd_subscription_s	/**** Subscription structure ****/
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  int			id;		/* subscription-id */
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  unsigned		mask;		/* Event mask */
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  char			*owner;		/* notify-subscriber-user-name */
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  char			*recipient;	/* notify-recipient-uri, if applicable */
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  unsigned char		user_data[64];	/* notify-user-data */
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  int			user_data_len;	/* Length of notify-user-data */
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  int			lease;		/* notify-lease-duration */
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  int			interval;	/* notify-time-interval */
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  cupsd_printer_t	*dest;		/* notify-printer-uri, if any */
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  cupsd_job_t		*job;		/* notify-job-id, if any */
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  int			pid;		/* Process ID of notifier */
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  int			pipe;		/* Pipe to notifier */
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  int			status;		/* Exit status of notifier */
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  time_t		last;		/* Time of last notification */
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  time_t		expire;		/* Lease expiration time */
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  int			first_event_id,	/* First event-id in cache */
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			next_event_id;	/* Next event-id to use */
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  cups_array_t		*events;	/* Cached events */
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} cupsd_subscription_t;
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 * Globals...
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VAR int		MaxSubscriptions VALUE(100),
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					/* Overall subscription limit */
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		MaxSubscriptionsPerJob VALUE(0),
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					/* Per-job subscription limit */
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		MaxSubscriptionsPerPrinter VALUE(0),
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					/* Per-printer subscription limit */
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		MaxSubscriptionsPerUser VALUE(0),
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					/* Per-user subscription limit */
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		NextSubscriptionId VALUE(1),
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					/* Next subscription ID */
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		DefaultLeaseDuration VALUE(86400),
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					/* Default notify-lease-duration */
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		MaxLeaseDuration VALUE(0);
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					/* Maximum notify-lease-duration */
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VAR cups_array_t *Subscriptions VALUE(NULL);
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					/* Active subscriptions */
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VAR int		MaxEvents VALUE(100);	/* Maximum number of events */
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VAR unsigned	LastEvent VALUE(0);	/* Last event(s) processed */
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VAR int		NotifierPipes[2] VALUE2(-1, -1);
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					/* Pipes for notifier error/debug output */
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VAR cupsd_statbuf_t *NotifierStatusBuffer VALUE(NULL);
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					/* Status buffer for pipes */
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 * Prototypes...
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extern void	cupsdAddEvent(cupsd_eventmask_t event, cupsd_printer_t *dest,
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		              cupsd_job_t *job, const char *text, ...);
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extern cupsd_subscription_t *
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		cupsdAddSubscription(unsigned mask, cupsd_printer_t *dest,
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		                     cupsd_job_t *job, const char *uri,
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				     int sub_id);
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extern void	cupsdDeleteAllSubscriptions(void);
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extern void	cupsdDeleteSubscription(cupsd_subscription_t *sub, int update);
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extern const char *
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		cupsdEventName(cupsd_eventmask_t event);
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extern cupsd_eventmask_t
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		cupsdEventValue(const char *name);
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extern cupsd_subscription_t *
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		cupsdFindSubscription(int id);
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extern void	cupsdExpireSubscriptions(cupsd_printer_t *dest,
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		                         cupsd_job_t *job);
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extern void	cupsdLoadAllSubscriptions(void);
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extern void	cupsdSaveAllSubscriptions(void);
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extern void	cupsdStopAllNotifiers(void);