Blame docs/v1.6.0-ReleaseNotes

Packit 94f725
Cryptsetup 1.6.0 Release Notes
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Changes since version 1.6.0-rc1
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 * Change LUKS default cipher to to use XTS encryption mode,
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   aes-xts-plain64 (i.e. using AES128-XTS).
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   XTS mode becomes standard in hard disk encryption.
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   You can still use any old mode:
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    - compile cryptsetup with old default:
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      configure --with-luks1-cipher=aes --with-luks1-mode=cbc-essiv:sha256 --with-luks1-keybits=256
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    - format LUKS device with old default:
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      cryptsetup luksFormat -c aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 -s 256 <device>
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 * Skip tests and fix error messages if running on old systems (or with old kernel).
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 * Rename to and fix issues with new automake and pkgconfig
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   and --disable-kernel_crypto option to allow compilation with old kernel headers.
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 * Allow repair of 512 bits key header.
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 * Fix status of device if path argument is used and fix double path prefix
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   for non-existent device path.
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Changes since version 1.5.1
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Important changes
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 * Cryptsetup and libcryptsetup is now released under GPLv2+
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   (GPL version 2 or any later).
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   Some internal code handling files (loopaes, verity, tcrypt
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   and crypto backend wrapper) are LGPLv2+.
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   Previously code was GPL version 2 only.
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 * Introducing new unified command open and close.
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      cryptsetup open --type plain|luks|loopaes|tcrypt <device> <name>
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      (type defaults to luks)
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   with backward-compatible aliases plainOpen, luksOpen, loopaesOpen,
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   tcryptOpen. Basically "open --type xyz" has alias "xyzOpen".
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   The "create" command (plain device create) is DEPRECATED but will
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   be still supported.
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   (This command is confusing because of switched arguments order.)
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   The close command is generic command to remove mapping and have
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   backward compatible aliases (remove, luksClose, ...) which behaves
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   exactly the same.
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   While all old syntax is still supported, I strongly suggest to use
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   new command syntax which is common for all device types (and possible
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   new formats added in future).
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 * cryptsetup now support directly TCRYPT (TrueCrypt and compatible tc-play)
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   on-disk format
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   (Code is independent implementation not related to original project).
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   Only dump (tcryptDump command) and activation (open --type tcrypt or tcryptOpen)
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   of TCRYPT device are supported. No header changes are supported.
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   It is intended to easily access containers shared with other operating systems
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   without need to install 3rd party software. For native Linux installations LUKS
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   is the preferred format.
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   WARNING: TCRYPT extension requires kernel userspace crypto API to be
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   available (introduced in Linux kernel 2.6.38).
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   If you are configuring kernel yourself, enable "User-space interface
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   for symmetric key cipher algorithms" in "Cryptographic API" section
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   (CRYPTO_USER_API_SKCIPHER .config option).
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   Because  TCRYPT  header  is encrypted, you have to always provide valid
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   passphrase and keyfiles. Keyfiles are handled exactly the same as in original
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   format (basically, first 1MB of every keyfile is mixed using CRC32 into pool).
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   Cryptsetup should recognize all TCRYPT header variants ever released, except
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   legacy  cipher chains  using LRW encryption mode with 64 bits encryption block
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   (namely Blowfish in LRW mode is not recognized, this is limitation of kernel
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   crypto API).
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   Device activation is supported only for LRW/XTS modes (again, limitation
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   of kernel dmcrypt which do not implements TCRYPT extensions to CBC mode).
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   (So old containers cannot be activated, but you can use libcryptsetup
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   for lost password search, example of such code is included in misc directory.)
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   Hidden header are supported using --tcrypt-hidden option, system encryption
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   using --tcrypt-system option.
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   For detailed description see man page.
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     * Dump device parameters of container in file:
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     # cryptsetup tcryptDump tst
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       Enter passphrase: 
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     TCRYPT header information for tst
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     Version:        5
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     Driver req.:    7
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     Sector size:    512
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     MK offset:      131072
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     PBKDF2 hash:    sha512
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     Cipher chain:   serpent-twofish-aes
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     Cipher mode:    xts-plain64
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     MK bits:        1536
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     You can also dump master key using --dump-master-key.
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     Dump does not require superuser privilege.
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     * Activation of this container
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     # cryptsetup tcryptOpen tst tcrypt_dev
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       Enter passphrase: 
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      (Chain of dmcrypt devices is activated as /dev/mapper/tcrypt_dev.)
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     * See status of active TCRYPT device
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     # cryptsetup status tcrypt_dev
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     /dev/mapper/tcrypt_dev is active.
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     type:    TCRYPT
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     cipher:  serpent-twofish-aes-xts-plain64
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     keysize: 1536 bits
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     device:  /dev/loop0
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     loop:    /tmp/tst
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     offset:  256 sectors
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     size:    65024 sectors
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     skipped: 256 sectors
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     mode:    read/write
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    * And plaintext filesystem now ready to mount
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    # blkid /dev/mapper/tcrypt_dev
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    /dev/mapper/tcrypt_dev: SEC_TYPE="msdos" UUID="9F33-2954" TYPE="vfat"
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 * Add (optional) support for lipwquality for new LUKS passwords.
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   If password is entered through terminal (no keyfile specified)
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   and cryptsetup is compiled with --enable-pwquality, default
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   system pwquality settings are used to check password quality.
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   You can always override this check by using new --force-password option.
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   For more info about pwquality project see
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 * Proper handle interrupt signals (ctrl+c and TERM signal) in tools
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   Code should now handle interrupt properly, release and explicitly wipe
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   in-memory key materials on interrupt.
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   (Direct users of libcryptsetup should always call crypt_free() when
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   code is interrupted to wipe all resources. There is no signal handling
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   in library, it is up to the tool using it.)
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 * Add new benchmark command
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   The "benchmark" command now tries to benchmark PBKDF2 and some block
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   cipher variants. You can specify you own parameters (--cipher/--key-size
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   for block ciphers, --hash for PBKDF2).
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   See man page for detailed description.
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   WARNING: benchmark command requires kernel userspace crypto API to be
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   available (introduced in Linux kernel 2.6.38).
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   If you are configuring kernel yourself, enable "User-space interface
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   for symmetric key cipher algorithms" in "Cryptographic API" section
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   (CRYPTO_USER_API_SKCIPHER .config option).
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     # cryptsetup benchmark
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     # Tests are approximate using memory only (no storage IO).
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     PBKDF2-sha1       111077 iterations per second
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     PBKDF2-sha256      53718 iterations per second
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     PBKDF2-sha512      18832 iterations per second
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     PBKDF2-ripemd160   89775 iterations per second
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     PBKDF2-whirlpool   23918 iterations per second
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            #  Algorithm | Key | Encryption | Decryption
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          aes-cbc   128b  212.0 MiB/s  428.0 MiB/s
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      serpent-cbc   128b   23.1 MiB/s   66.0 MiB/s
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      twofish-cbc   128b   46.1 MiB/s   50.5 MiB/s
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          aes-cbc   256b  163.0 MiB/s  350.0 MiB/s
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      serpent-cbc   256b   23.1 MiB/s   66.0 MiB/s
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      twofish-cbc   256b   47.0 MiB/s   50.0 MiB/s
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          aes-xts   256b  190.0 MiB/s  190.0 MiB/s
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      serpent-xts   256b   58.4 MiB/s   58.0 MiB/s
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      twofish-xts   256b   49.0 MiB/s   49.5 MiB/s
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          aes-xts   512b  175.0 MiB/s  175.0 MiB/s
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      serpent-xts   512b   59.0 MiB/s   58.0 MiB/s
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      twofish-xts   512b   48.5 MiB/s   49.5 MiB/s
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     Or you can specify cipher yourself:
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     # cryptsetup benchmark --cipher cast5-cbc-essiv:sha256 -s 128
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     # Tests are approximate using memory only (no storage IO).
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     #  Algorithm | Key | Encryption | Decryption
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        cast5-cbc   128b   32.4 MiB/s   35.0 MiB/s
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     WARNING: these tests do not use dmcrypt, only crypto API.
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     You have to benchmark the whole device stack and you can get completely
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     different results. But is is usable for basic comparison.
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     (Note for example AES-NI decryption optimization effect in example above.)
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 * Do not maintain ChangeLog file anymore, see git log for detailed changes,
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   e.g. here
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 * Move change key into library, add crypt_keyslot_change_by_passphrase().
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   This change is useful mainly in FIPS mode, where we cannot
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   extract volume key directly from libcryptsetup.
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 * Add verbose messages during reencryption.
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 * Default LUKS PBKDF2 iteration time is now configurable.
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 * Add simple cipher benchmarking API.
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 * Add kernel skcipher backend.
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 * Add CRC32 implementation (for TCRYPT).
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 * Move PBKDF2 into crypto backend wrapper.
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   This allows use it in other formats, use library implementations and
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   also possible use of different KDF function in future.
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 * New PBKDF2 benchmark using getrusage().
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 * Avoid O_DIRECT open if underlying storage doesn't support it.
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 * Fix some non-translated messages.
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 * Fix regression in header backup (1.5.1) with container in file.
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 * Fix blockwise read/write for end writes near end of device.
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   (was not used in previous versions)
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 * Ignore setpriority failure.
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 * Code changes to fix/ignore problems found by Coverity static analysis, including
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   - Get page size should never fail.
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   - Fix time of check/use (TOCTOU test) in tools
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   - Fix time of check/use in loop/wipe utils.
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   - Fix time of check/use in device utils.
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 * Disallow header restore if context is non-LUKS device.