#include #include #include #include CPPUNIT_NS_BEGIN TestPath::TestPath() : m_tests() { } TestPath::TestPath( Test *root ) : m_tests() { add( root ); } TestPath::TestPath( const TestPath &other, int indexFirst, int count ) : m_tests() { int countAdjustment = 0; if ( indexFirst < 0 ) { countAdjustment = indexFirst; indexFirst = 0; } if ( count < 0 ) count = other.getTestCount(); else count += countAdjustment; int index = indexFirst; while ( count-- > 0 && index < other.getTestCount() ) add( other.getTestAt( index++ ) ); } TestPath::TestPath( Test *searchRoot, const std::string &pathAsString ) : m_tests() { PathTestNames testNames; Test *parentTest = findActualRoot( searchRoot, pathAsString, testNames ); add( parentTest ); for ( unsigned int index = 1; index < testNames.size(); ++index ) { bool childFound = false; for ( int childIndex =0; childIndex < parentTest->getChildTestCount(); ++childIndex ) { if ( parentTest->getChildTestAt( childIndex )->getName() == testNames[index] ) { childFound = true; parentTest = parentTest->getChildTestAt( childIndex ); break; } } if ( !childFound ) throw std::invalid_argument( "TestPath::TestPath(): failed to resolve test name <"+ testNames[index] + "> of path <" + pathAsString + ">" ); add( parentTest ); } } TestPath::TestPath( const TestPath &other ) : m_tests( other.m_tests ) { } TestPath::~TestPath() { } TestPath & TestPath::operator =( const TestPath &other ) { if ( &other != this ) m_tests = other.m_tests; return *this; } bool TestPath::isValid() const { return getTestCount() > 0; } void TestPath::add( Test *test ) { m_tests.push_back( test ); } void TestPath::add( const TestPath &path ) { for ( int index =0; index < path.getTestCount(); ++index ) add( path.getTestAt( index ) ); } void TestPath::insert( Test *test, int index ) { if ( index < 0 || index > getTestCount() ) throw std::out_of_range( "TestPath::insert(): index out of range" ); m_tests.insert( m_tests.begin() + index, test ); } void TestPath::insert( const TestPath &path, int index ) { int itemIndex = path.getTestCount() -1; while ( itemIndex >= 0 ) insert( path.getTestAt( itemIndex-- ), index ); } void TestPath::removeTests() { while ( isValid() ) removeTest( 0 ); } void TestPath::removeTest( int index ) { checkIndexValid( index ); m_tests.erase( m_tests.begin() + index ); } void TestPath::up() { checkIndexValid( 0 ); removeTest( getTestCount() -1 ); } int TestPath::getTestCount() const { return m_tests.size(); } Test * TestPath::getTestAt( int index ) const { checkIndexValid( index ); return m_tests[index]; } Test * TestPath::getChildTest() const { return getTestAt( getTestCount() -1 ); } void TestPath::checkIndexValid( int index ) const { if ( index < 0 || index >= getTestCount() ) throw std::out_of_range( "TestPath::checkIndexValid(): index out of range" ); } std::string TestPath::toString() const { std::string asString( "/" ); for ( int index =0; index < getTestCount(); ++index ) { if ( index > 0 ) asString += '/'; asString += getTestAt(index)->getName(); } return asString; } Test * TestPath::findActualRoot( Test *searchRoot, const std::string &pathAsString, PathTestNames &testNames ) { bool isRelative = splitPathString( pathAsString, testNames ); if ( isRelative && pathAsString.empty() ) return searchRoot; if ( testNames.empty() ) throw std::invalid_argument( "TestPath::TestPath(): invalid root or root name in absolute path" ); Test *root = isRelative ? searchRoot->findTest( testNames[0] ) // throw if bad test name : searchRoot; if ( root->getName() != testNames[0] ) throw std::invalid_argument( "TestPath::TestPath(): searchRoot does not match path root name" ); return root; } bool TestPath::splitPathString( const std::string &pathAsString, PathTestNames &testNames ) { if ( pathAsString.empty() ) return true; bool isRelative = pathAsString[0] != '/'; int index = (isRelative ? 0 : 1); while ( true ) { int separatorIndex = pathAsString.find( '/', index ); if ( separatorIndex >= 0 ) { testNames.push_back( pathAsString.substr( index, separatorIndex - index ) ); index = separatorIndex + 1; } else { testNames.push_back( pathAsString.substr( index ) ); break; } } return isRelative; } CPPUNIT_NS_END