#ifndef SUBCLASSEDTESTCASE_H #define SUBCLASSEDTESTCASE_H #include "BaseTestCase.h" class SubclassedTestCase : public BaseTestCase { CPPUNIT_TEST_SUB_SUITE( SubclassedTestCase, BaseTestCase ); CPPUNIT_TEST( testSubclassing ); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END(); public: SubclassedTestCase(); virtual ~SubclassedTestCase(); virtual void setUp(); virtual void tearDown(); // Another test to ensure the subclassed test case are in the suite . void testSubclassing(); protected: // We overload this method to ensure that the testUsingCheckIt in the // parent class will fail. virtual void checkIt(); private: SubclassedTestCase( const SubclassedTestCase © ); void operator =( const SubclassedTestCase © ); }; #endif // SUBCLASSEDTESTCASE_H