Blame include/cppunit/plugin/TestPlugIn.h

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#include <cppunit/Portability.h>
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#include <cppunit/plugin/PlugInParameters.h>
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class Test;
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class TestFactoryRegistry;
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class TestResult;
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class XmlOutputter;
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/*! \file
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/*! \brief Test plug-in interface.
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 * \ingroup WritingTestPlugIn
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 * This class define the interface implemented by test plug-in. A pointer to that
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 * interface is returned by the function exported by the test plug-in.
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 * Plug-in are loaded/unloaded by PlugInManager. When a plug-in is loaded, 
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 * initialize() is called. Before unloading the plug-in, the PlugInManager
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 * call uninitialize().
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 * addListener() and removeListener() are called respectively before and after
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 * the test run.
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 * addXmlOutputterHooks() and removeXmlOutputterHooks() are called respectively
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 * before and after writing the XML output using a XmlOutputter.
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 * \see CppUnit::TestPlugInDefaultImpl, CppUnit::XmlOutputter.
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struct CPPUNIT_API CppUnitTestPlugIn
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  /*! \brief Called just after loading the dynamic library. 
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   * Override this method to add additional suite to the registry, though this
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   * is preferably done using the macros (CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION...).
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   * If you are creating a custom listener to extends the plug-in runner,
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   * you can use this to configure the listener using the \a parameters.
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   * You could also use the parameters to specify some global parameter, such
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   * as test datas location, database name...
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   * N.B.: Parameters interface is not define yet, and the plug-in runner does
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   * not yet support plug-in parameter.
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  virtual void initialize( CPPUNIT_NS::TestFactoryRegistry *registry,
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                           const CPPUNIT_NS::PlugInParameters &parameters ) =0;
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  /*! \brief Gives a chance to the plug-in to register TestListener.
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   * Override this method to add a TestListener for the test run. This is useful
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   * if you are writing a custom TestListener, but also if you need to
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   * setUp some global resource: listen to TestListener::startTestRun(), 
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   * and TestListener::endTestRun().
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  virtual void addListener( CPPUNIT_NS::TestResult *eventManager ) =0;
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  /*! \brief Gives a chance to the plug-in to remove its registered TestListener.
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   * Override this method to remove a TestListener that has been added.
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  virtual void removeListener( CPPUNIT_NS::TestResult *eventManager ) =0;
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  /*! \brief Provides a way for the plug-in to register some XmlOutputterHook.
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  virtual void addXmlOutputterHooks( CPPUNIT_NS::XmlOutputter *outputter ) =0;
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  /*! \brief Called when the XmlOutputter is destroyed.
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   * Can be used to free some resources allocated by addXmlOutputterHooks().
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  virtual void removeXmlOutputterHooks() = 0;
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  /*! \brief Called just before unloading the dynamic library.
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   * Override this method to unregister test factory added in initialize().
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   * This is necessary to keep the TestFactoryRegistry 'clean'. When
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   * the plug-in is unloaded from memory, the TestFactoryRegistry will hold
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   * reference on test that are no longer available if they are not 
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   * unregistered.
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  virtual void uninitialize( CPPUNIT_NS::TestFactoryRegistry *registry ) =0;
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  virtual ~CppUnitTestPlugIn() {}
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/*! \brief Name of the function exported by a test plug-in.
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 * \ingroup WritingTestPlugIn
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 * The signature of the exported function is:
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 * \code
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 * \endcode
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/*! \brief Type of the function exported by a plug-in.
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 * \ingroup WritingTestPlugIn
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typedef CppUnitTestPlugIn *(*TestPlugInSignature)();
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/*! \brief Implements the function exported by the test plug-in
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 * \ingroup WritingTestPlugIn
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#define CPPUNIT_PLUGIN_EXPORTED_FUNCTION_IMPL( TestPlugInInterfaceType )       \
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  {                                                                            \
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    static TestPlugInInterfaceType plugIn;                                     \
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    return &plugIn;                                                            \
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  }                                                                            \
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  typedef char __CppUnitPlugInExportFunctionDummyTypeDef  // dummy typedef so it can end with ';'
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// Note: This include should remain after definition of CppUnitTestPlugIn
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#include <cppunit/plugin/TestPlugInDefaultImpl.h>
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 * \brief Implements the 'main' function for the plug-in.
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 * This macros implements the main() function for dynamic library.
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 * For example, WIN32 requires a DllMain function, while some Unix 
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 * requires a main() function. This macros takes care of the implementation.
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// Win32
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#if !defined(APIENTRY)
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#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 
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#define NOGDI
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#define NOUSER
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#define NOKERNEL
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#define NOSOUND
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#define NOMINMAX
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#define BLENDFUNCTION void    // for mingw & gcc
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#include <windows.h>
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#define CPPUNIT_PLUGIN_IMPLEMENT_MAIN()               \
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  {                                                   \
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      return TRUE;                                    \
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  }                                                   \
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  typedef char __CppUnitPlugInImplementMainDummyTypeDef
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// Unix
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#define CPPUNIT_PLUGIN_IMPLEMENT_MAIN()               \
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  int main()                                          \
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  {                                                   \
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    return 0;                                         \
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  }                                                   \
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  typedef char __CppUnitPlugInImplementMainDummyTypeDef
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// Other
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#else     // other platforms don't require anything specifics
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/*! \brief Implements and exports the test plug-in interface.
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 * \ingroup WritingTestPlugIn
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 * This macro exports the test plug-in function using the subclass, 
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 * and implements the 'main' function for the plug-in using 
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 * When using this macro, CppUnit must be linked as a DLL (shared library).
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 * Otherwise, tests registered to the TestFactoryRegistry in the DLL will 
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 * not be visible to the DllPlugInTester.
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 * \see CppUnitTestPlugIn
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#define CPPUNIT_PLUGIN_IMPLEMENT()                                          \
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#endif // !defined(CPPUNIT_NO_TESTPLUGIN)
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