Blame include/cppunit/CompilerOutputter.h

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#include <cppunit/Portability.h>
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#include <cppunit/Outputter.h>
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#include <cppunit/portability/Stream.h>
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class Exception;
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class SourceLine;
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class Test;
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class TestFailure;
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class TestResultCollector;
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 * \brief Outputs a TestResultCollector in a compiler compatible format.
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 * \ingroup WritingTestResult
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 * Printing the test results in a compiler compatible format (assertion
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 * location has the same format as compiler error), allow you to use your
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 * IDE to jump to the assertion failure. Location format can be customized (see
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 * setLocationFormat() ).
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 * For example, when running the test in a post-build with VC++, if an assertion
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 * fails, you can jump to the assertion by pressing F4 (jump to next error).
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 * Heres is an example of usage (from examples/cppunittest/CppUnitTestMain.cpp):
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 * \code
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 * int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
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 *   // if command line contains "-selftest" then this is the post build check
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 *   // => the output must be in the compiler error format.
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 *   bool selfTest = (argc > 1)  &&  
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 *                   (std::string("-selftest") == argv[1]);
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 *   CppUnit::TextUi::TestRunner runner;
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 *   runner.addTest( CppUnitTest::suite() );   // Add the top suite to the test runner
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 *  if ( selfTest )
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 *   { // Change the default outputter to a compiler error format outputter
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 *     // The test runner owns the new outputter.
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 *     runner.setOutputter( new CppUnit::CompilerOutputter( &runner.result(),
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 *                                                          std::cerr ) );
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 *   }
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 *  // Run the test and don't wait a key if post build check.
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 *   bool wasSuccessful = "", !selfTest );
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 *   // Return error code 1 if the one of test failed.
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 *   return wasSuccessful ? 0 : 1;
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 * }
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 * \endcode
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class CPPUNIT_API CompilerOutputter : public Outputter
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  /*! \brief Constructs a CompilerOutputter object.
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   * \param result Result of the test run.
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   * \param stream Stream used to output test result.
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   * \param locationFormat Error location format used by your compiler. Default
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   *                       to \c CPPUNIT_COMPILER_LOCATION_FORMAT which is defined
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   *                       in the configuration file. See setLocationFormat() for detail.
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   * \see setLocationFormat().
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  CompilerOutputter( TestResultCollector *result,
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                     OStream &stream,
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                     const std::string &locationFormat = CPPUNIT_COMPILER_LOCATION_FORMAT );
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  /// Destructor.
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  virtual ~CompilerOutputter();
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  /*! \brief Sets the error location format.
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   * Indicates the format used to report location of failed assertion. This format should
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   * match the one used by your compiler.
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   * The location format is a string in which the occurence of the following character
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   * sequence are replaced:
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   * - "%l" => replaced by the line number
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   * - "%p" => replaced by the full path name of the file ("G:\prg\vc\cppunit\MyTest.cpp")
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   * - "%f" => replaced by the base name of the file ("MyTest.cpp")
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   * Some examples:
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   * - VC++ error location format: "%p(%l):" => produce "G:\prg\MyTest.cpp(43):"
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   * - GCC error location format: "%f:%l:" => produce "MyTest.cpp:43:"
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   * Thoses are the two compilers currently supported (gcc format is used if
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   * VC++ is not detected). If you want your compiler to be automatically supported by
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   * CppUnit, send a mail to the mailing list (preferred), or submit a feature request
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   * that indicates how to detect your compiler with the preprocessor (\#ifdef...) and
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   * your compiler location format.
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  void setLocationFormat( const std::string &locationFormat );
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  /*! \brief Creates an instance of an outputter that matches your current compiler.
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   * \deprecated This class is specialized through parameterization instead of subclassing...
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   *             Use CompilerOutputter::CompilerOutputter instead.
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  static CompilerOutputter *defaultOutputter( TestResultCollector *result,
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                                              OStream &stream );
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  void write();
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  void setNoWrap();
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  void setWrapColumn( int wrapColumn );
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  int wrapColumn() const;
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  virtual void printSuccess();
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  virtual void printFailureReport();
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  virtual void printFailuresList();
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  virtual void printStatistics();
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  virtual void printFailureDetail( TestFailure *failure );
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  virtual void printFailureLocation( SourceLine sourceLine );
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  virtual void printFailureType( TestFailure *failure );
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  virtual void printFailedTestName( TestFailure *failure );
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  virtual void printFailureMessage( TestFailure *failure );
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  /// Prevents the use of the copy constructor.
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  CompilerOutputter( const CompilerOutputter &copy );
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  /// Prevents the use of the copy operator.
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  void operator =( const CompilerOutputter &copy );
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  virtual bool processLocationFormatCommand( char command, 
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                                             const SourceLine &sourceLine );
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  virtual std::string extractBaseName( const std::string &fileName ) const;
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  TestResultCollector *m_result;
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  OStream &m_stream;
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  std::string m_locationFormat;
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  int m_wrapColumn;
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