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Frequently Asked Questions: See doc/FAQ
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At the current time, the only supported WIN32 platform is
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Microsoft Visual C++. You must have VC++ 6.0 at least.
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Quick Steps to compile & run a sample using the GUI TestRunner:
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- Open examples/examples.dsw in VC++ (contains all the samples).
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VC7 will ask you if you want to convert, anwser 'yes to all'.
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- Make HostApp the Active project
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- Compile
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- Run the project
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Project build Target:
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Framework & tools:
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* cppunit (cppunit.lib) : unit testing framework library, the one you use
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to write unit tests.
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* cppunit_dll(cppunit_dll.dll/lib) : same as above, but build as a DLL.
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* DllPlugInTester(DllPlugInTester.exe) : test plug-in runner executable.
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Use this to test DLL in your post-build step, or debug them.
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* TestRunner (testrunner.dll) : a MFC extension DLL to run and browser unit
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tests from a GUI.
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* TestPlugInRunner : (Warning: experimental) a VC++
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application to run test plug-in. A test plug-in is a DLL that publish a
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specified interface. This application is still incomplete (the auto-reload
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feature is missing).
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All libraries are placed in the lib/ directory.
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* CppUnitTestMain : the actual test suite use to test CppUnit. Use a
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TextTestRunner, and post-build testing with CompilterOutputter. Configuration
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to link against cppunit static library and cppunit dll library.
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* CppUnitTestApp : contains the same test suite as CppUnitTestMain, but
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run them using the MFC TestRunner.
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* hierarchy : a sample demonstrating how to sublcass test (you might rather
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want to use HelperMacros.h and the CPPUNIT_TEST_SUB_SUITE macro which does
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it in a 'cleaner' way. That sample has not been updated for a long time).
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* HostApp : a sample using the MFC TestRunner demonstrating different test
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failure. Also demonstrates the MFC Unicode TestRunner.
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* Money : an example that come along with the Money article of the
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documentation. Probably what you want to look at if you are a newbie.
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CppUnit and TestRunner comes with 3 configurations.
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* Release (): Multihtreaded DLL, release mode
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* Debug (d): Debug Multithreaded DLL, debug mode
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* Unicode Release (u): Unicode Multihtreaded DLL, release mode
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* Unicode Debug (ud): Unicode Debug Multithreaded DLL, debug mode
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For CppUnit, when building as dll, "dll" is appended to the 'suffix'.
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The letters enclosed in brackets indicates the suffix added to
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the library name. For example, the debug configuration cppunit static library
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name is cppunitd.lib. The debug configuration cppunit dll name is cppunitd_dll.lib.
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* Open the src/CppUnitLibraries.dsw workspace in VC++.
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* In the 'Build' menu, select 'Batch Build...'
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* In the batch build dialog, select all projects and press the build button.
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* The resulting libraries can be found in the lib/ directory.
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* Open the workspace examples/Examples.dsw.
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* Make CppUnitTestApp the active project.
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* Select the configuration you build the library for.
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* Compile and run the project. The TestRunner GUI should appear.
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All the compiled libraries and DLL can be found in the 'lib' directory.
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Most libraries can be build from src/CppUnitLibraries.dsw workspace.
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cppunit.lib : CppUnit static library "Multithreaded DLL"
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cppunitd.lib : CppUnit static library "Debug Multithreaded DLL"
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cppunit_dll.dll : CppUnit dynamic library (DLL) "Multithreaded DLL"
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cppunit_dll.lib : CppUnit dynamic import library "Multithreaded DLL"
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cppunitd_dll.dll : CppUnit dynamic library (DLL) "Debug Multithreaded DLL"
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cppunitd_dll.lib : CppUnit dynamic import library "Debug Multithreaded DLL"
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testrunner.dll : MFC TestRunner dynamic library (DLL) "Multithreaded DLL"
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testrunner.lib : MFC TestRunner import library "Multithreaded DLL"
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testrunnerd.dll : MFC TestRunner dynamic library (DLL) "Debug Multithreaded DLL"
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testrunnerd.lib : MFC TestRunner import library "Debug Multithreaded DLL"
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testrunneru.dll : MFC Unicode TestRunner dynamic library (DLL) "Multithreaded DLL"
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testrunneru.lib : MFC Unicode TestRunner import library "Multithreaded DLL"
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testrunnerud.dll : MFC Unicode TestRunner dynamic library (DLL) "Debug Multithreaded DLL"
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testrunnerud.lib : MFC Unicode TestRunner import library "Debug Multithreaded DLL"
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Notes that when you are using CppUnit DLL (cppunit*_dll.dll), you must link
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against the associated import library and define the pre-processor symbol
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CPPUNIT_DLL in your project.
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CppUnit provides a generic test runner for test plug-in: DllPlugInTester.
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It can be found in the lib/ directory. It requires cppunit*_dll.dll
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DllPlugInTester_dll.exe : test plug-in runner, "Multithreaded DLL", cppunit_dll.dll
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DllPlugInTesterd_dll.exe : test plug-in runner, "Debug Multithreaded DLL", cppunitd_dll.dll
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DllPlugInTester.exe : test plug-in runner, "Multithreaded DLL", static link cppunit.lib
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DllPlugInTesterd.exe : test plug-in runner, "Debug Multithreaded DLL", static link cppunitd.lib
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Notes that the DllPlugInTester(d).exe version of this tools does not allow
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to use the automatic test registration that comes along with test plug-in.
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You probably don't want to use them unless you really know what you are doing.
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Using CppUnit:
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* Writing unit tests:
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To write unit tests, you need to link against cppunitXX.lib, where
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XX is the chosen configuration suffix letters.
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CppUnit include directory must be in the include search path.
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You can do that by adding the include directory in
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Project Settings/C++/Preprocessor/Additional include directories,
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or Tools/Options/Directories/Include.
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Quick steps:
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- link lib/cppunitXX.lib
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- include/ must be in the include search path
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* Using the TestRunner GUI:
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To use the test runner GUI you need to link against testrunnerXX.lib
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and cppunitXX.lib, where XX is the chosen configuration suffix
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letters. testrunner.dll must be in the path when your program is
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run (the Debug/Release directory, your project dsp directory, or
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in a directory specified in the PATH environment variable).
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One of the easiest way to do that is to either add a post-build
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command or add the testrunner.dll which is in the lib/ directory
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to your project and define a custom build step that copy the
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dll to your "Intermediate" directory (Debug or Release usually).
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Since the TestRunner GUI is a MFC extension DLL, it can access
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the CWinApp of the using application. Settings are stored using
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the application registry key. That means that "most recently used
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test" settings are different for each application.
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Quick steps:
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- link lib/cppunitXX.lib and lib/testrunnerXX.lib
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- include/ must be in the include search path
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- lib/testrunnerXX.dll must be available to run your project