Blame html/man/TIFFWriteDirectory.3tiff.html

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TIFFWriteDirectory, TIFFRewriteDirectory,

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TIFFCheckpointDirectory − write the current directory
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in an open <small>TIFF</small> file

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#include <tiffio.h>

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int TIFFWriteDirectory(TIFF *tif)

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int TIFFRewriteDirectory(TIFF *tif)
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int TIFFCheckpointDirectory(TIFF *tif)

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TIFFWriteDirectory will write the contents of the

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current directory to the file and setup to create a new
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subfile in the same file. Applications only need to call
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TIFFWriteDirectory when writing multiple subfiles to
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a single <small>TIFF</small> file. TIFFWriteDirectory
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is automatically called by TIFFClose and
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TIFFFlush to write a modified directory if the file
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is open for writing.

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The TIFFRewriteDirectory function operates

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similarly to TIFFWriteDirectory, but can be called
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with directories previously read or written that already
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have an established location in the file. It will rewrite
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the directory, but instead of place it at it’s old
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location (as TIFFWriteDirectory would) it will place
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them at the end of the file, correcting the pointer from the
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preceeding directory or file header to point to it’s
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new location. This is particularly important in cases where
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the size of the directory and pointed to data has grown, so
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it won’t fit in the space available at the old
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The TIFFCheckpointDirectory writes the current

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state of the tiff directory into the file to make what is
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currently in the file readable. Unlike
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TIFFWriteDirectory, TIFFCheckpointDirectory does not
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free up the directory data structures in memory, so they can
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be updated (as strips/tiles are written) and written again.
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Reading such a partial file you will at worst get a tiff
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read error for the first strip/tile encountered that is
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incomplete, but you will at least get all the valid data in
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the file before that. When the file is complete, just use
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TIFFWriteDirectory as usual to finish it off
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1 is returned when the contents are successfully written

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to the file. Otherwise, 0 is returned if an error was
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encountered when writing the directory contents.

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All error messages are directed to the

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TIFFError(3TIFF) routine.

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Error post-encoding before directory write. Before

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writing the contents of the current directory, any pending
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data are flushed. This message indicates that an error
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occurred while doing this.

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Error flushing data before directory write. Before

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writing the contents of the current directory, any pending
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data are flushed. This message indicates that an error
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occurred while doing this.

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Cannot write directory, out of space. There was

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not enough space to allocate a temporary area for the
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directory that was to be written.

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Error writing directory count. A write error

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occurred when writing the count of fields in the
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Error writing directory contents. A write error

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occurred when writing the directory fields.

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Error writing directory link. A write error

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occurred when writing the link to the next directory.

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Error writing data for field "%s". A

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write error occurred when writing indirect data for the
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specified field.

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Error writing TIFF header. A write error occurred

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when re-writing header at the front of the file.

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Error fetching directory count. A read error

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occurred when fetching the directory count field for a
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previous directory. This can occur when setting up a link to
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the directory that is being written.

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Error fetching directory link. A read error

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occurred when fetching the directory link field for a
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previous directory. This can occur when setting up a link to
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the directory that is being written.

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TIFFSetDirectory(3TIFF), libtiff(3TIFF)

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Libtiff library home page:

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